Age of History II
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5 topics in this forum
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I made auto province creator, it have some problems with big province, but it much faster than making it with hands(some provinces may be with strange borders and last provinces is full covered map - last province need to be deleted, broken need to be fixed with map editor (gladly map_AoC2.txt written after program finished))(sorry for mistakes, i'm not english speaker) For using it you need open console in folder where code and your bg.png, then write this command where start_x and start_y is coordinate of pixels from image (use it if you need, for example, expand your map. i used it f…
Last reply by Marcsist, -
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- 3 replies
Discord: (This mod is in collaboration with Modern Day Melting Pot) Release is Unknown 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 It is 2020. The world holds it’s breath as a newly discovered coronavirus disease spirals out of control, and spreads like wildfire worldwide. Economies plunge into another recession, societies further radicalize, and worst of all, political instability is on the rise. Surely nothing worse could happen, right? With the collapse of Saudi Arabia into civil war, the Coronavirus Pandemic, and the nationwide riots against police brutality, at a scale worse than the 1992 LA riots, the United States of America is facing it’s darkest hour.…
Last reply by BurgerMan, -
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Last reply by BigCrow, -
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i starting making on qbam projects v3 on you mostole inject apartment pc : wip android : wip images
Last reply by TheAngryProgressive, -
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Does anyone have scenarios to download? Like cold war, ww1 and more other if yes send me links here or on discord @driflu
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan,