Translation Errors
39 topics in this forum
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In this forum, you can report any translation errors or awkward phrasing you encounter in the game. Your contributions will be invaluable in ensuring players of all languages have a smooth and clear experience. Finding the Translation Files: All translation files are located in the game directory at: game/languages/ The specific file for your language will be named something like, where "XYZ" represents your language code. Name the topic with the name of the language and maybe some extra details. Then, simply provide the correct translations that need to be fixed, and that's it. Example: …
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 1 follower
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Tak jak w temacie, kilka cywilizacji wymaga przetłumaczenia ich nazwy: net_m = Niderlandy moro2 = Maroko ger_m2 = Cesarstwo Niemieckie usa_m = Imperium Amerykańskie ger_z = III Rzesza fra_c = Komuna Francuska gatr3 = Rzesza Austriacka smex2 = Nowy Meksyk sgal2 = Nowa Galicja east2 = Cesarstwo Wschodniorzymskie bcol3 = Kolumbia Brytyjska stex3 = Teksas ivo3 = Wybrzeże Kości Słoniowej afra = Francuska Afryka Zachodnia moza2 = Mozambik ilib = Libia cam2 = Kamerun bsou3 = Australia Południowa awes3 = Australia Zachodnia
Last reply by Impossible_, -
- 5 replies
I will put a .properties as an attachment with my fixes. @Nooby73 fixes:( UnlockedTechnology = Tecnologia desbloqueada UnlockedTechnologies = Tecnologias desbloqueadas ShareTechnology = Compartir tecnología MilitaryAcademy = Academia militar SupremeCourt = Corte Suprema IncreaseManpowerCost = Aumenta el costo de mano de obra IncreaseManpower = Incrementar mano de obra WarTactics = Tacticas de guerra FutureTechnology = Tecnología del Futuro # Me ) Sugar = Azúcar Salt = Sal Tobacco = Tabaco Wool = Lana Cotton = Algodón Dye = Colorante Silk = Seda Wood = Madera Bronze = Bronce Iron = Hierro Silver = Plata Gold =…
Last reply by The Baller, -
- 10 replies
Hey guys, I'm the French translator for the game. I'm aware there are some mistakes due to lack of context while translating. Be sure that I'm working on a fix as fast as possible. Salut, je suis le traducteur en français du jeu. Je suis conscient des erreurs dûes au manque de contexte pendant la traduction. Soyez assurés que je travaille sur un corrective aussi vite que je peux. Romain
Last reply by Mortek, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
I created this topic because of the, as I said, inadequate translation of the game to Italian. I was myself (without knowing) one of the people who translated part of the game. When I played AoH3 I realized that I had translated only a portion the the whole game and, frankly speaking, the whole work kinda sucks there are plenty of spelling and grammar errors. Due to a lack of coordination, each translator appears to have independently decided on their own translations for various terms, resulting in an inconsistent and, at times, confusing final product. I therefore translated myself the whole game from scratch including the names of civilizations and the load…
Last reply by Tolo02, -
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Кто бы ни был переводчиком - он заслуживает леща В игре, чья цена 600 (!) рублей, половина стран не переведена. ПОЛОВИНА. А те страны, что имеют перевод, умеют убогие длинные названия, чья длина абсолютно бесполезна и непонятно зачем была вообще добавлена. Вот например: Курляндия. В английской версии игры она ПРОСТО и ЧЁТКО называется "Courland". А что в русском? "А Р Х И Е П И С К О П С Т В О К У Р Л Я Н Д И Я". Кому из всех 8 миллиардов проживающих на земле человек не плевать на то, что это архиепископство? Или в игре есть система архиепископств (нет) и это уточнение обязательно? Про колонии вообще молчу, НИ ОДНА из них не переведена. Половина княжеств Свяще…
Last reply by mycat, -
- 2 replies
I think some Japanese rulers' name used in AoH3 is not Japanese style, but Chinese or Korean style. So I will give you examples of names of Japanese rulers (Daimyo)' name. First, Japanes name is made of two part, Family-name and First-name, and the family name is the same with the name of country's name used in AoH3. For example, in 1440 senario, the Japanese state ''Hosokawa'', who rules Osaka, major part of Shikoku area, Hiroshima, and Fukuyama when we starst the senario, has a ruler whose name is ''Inagaki Nichiren'' in AoH3. But, this is strange. You should rename his Family name. For example, ''Hosokawa Yoshitoshi'', ''Hosokawa Ryuzen'' and ''Hosokawa Tada…
Last reply by Aun_jpn, -
- 0 replies
I just want to ask why Japanese translation file is using font that prioritize Korean. I think using that font may be the reason some fonts of chinese characters are not what Japan uses.
Last reply by Aun_jpn, -
- 0 replies
I fixed some part of translation on properties file that some player noticed.
Last reply by Aun_jpn, -
- 0 replies
After playing game for some time I have noticed some mistakes in translation, so I'm posting them here: SpectatorMode = Mod gledatelja Minimap = Minimapa January = Siječnja February = Veljače March = Ožujka April = Travnja May = Svibnja June = Lipnja July = Srpnja September = Rujna August = Kolovoza October = Listopada November = Studenoga December = Prosinca DrawArmyScale = Razmer vojske DrawBordersScale = Razmjer granica DrawCitiesScale = Razmjer gradova DrawCCivilizationsNamesScale = Razmjer imena civilizacija Pagan = Poganska Catholic = Katoličanstvo Orthodox = Pravoslavlje Protestant = Protestantizam Jewish = …
Last reply by Duke_of_Croatia, -
- 2 replies
Hello, I'm the Catalan translator, I will leave here all the spelling mistakes I've made (either due to a lack of context at the time of translating or due to my carelessness) Off = Desactivat Paused = En pausa ArmySize = Mida de l'Exèrcit Support = Suport ChooseAProvince = Escull una província CoreIsALegitimatePartOfCivilization = El nucli és una part legítima de la civilització. GroupsOfAdvantages = Tipus d’avantatges Administrative = Administratius Economic = Econòmics Military = Militars Diplomatic = Diplomàtics All = Tots ControllingCivilization = Vassall de: OhYes = Perfecte! Victory = Victòr…
Last reply by martiprro, -
- 3 replies
Jak widać na screenie jest Communizm a powinno być komunizm, Narodowy socjalizm a Narodowy Socjalizm, War Tactics a Taktyka Wojenna, Future Technology a Technologia Przyszłości, Utrzymanie armi a Utrzymanie armii, Światynia a Świątynia, PuppetStates a Państwa Marionetkowe Communism = Komunizm NationalSocialism = Narodowy Socjalizm Temple = Świątynia WarTactics = Taktyka Wojenna FutureTechnology = Technologia Przyszłości ArmyMaintenance = Utrzymanie armii PuppetStates = Państwa marionetkowe Przy okazji mógłbyś też nazwać Niemcy przy rządzie narodowego socjalizmu III Rzeszą.
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 5 replies
Age of History 2 (not finished, not sure they will be used for Aoh3, in case i am wrong just tell me) IfDisabledAllCivilizationsStartWithOnlyTheirCapitalProvince = Se disabilitata, tutte le Civiltà inizieranno con la loro Capitale DefaultScaleOfMap = Scala Default della Mappa GameSpeed = Velocità di Gioco ProvinceOwnershipIsKnownButSoldiersCanOnlyBeSeenInAdjacentProvinces = L'appartenenza della Provincia è nota, ma le truppe possono essere viste solo in Province adiacenti TheWorldIsCoveredByFogCivilizationsMustBeDiscoveredBeforeTheyCanBeInteractedWith = Il mondo è coperto dalla nebbia, le Civiltà dovranno essere scoperte prima di interagirci …
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 1 reply
When uploading a mod, the font file is not posted properly.
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 1 reply
Jak widać na screenach kilka rzeczy nie jest przetłumaczonych: Back = Wróć Next = Dalej Remove = Usuń UnlockedTechnologies = Odblokowane Technologie oraz literówka, jest Generuj sugerowan Cywilizacje a powinno być: GenerateSuggestedCivilizations = Generuj Sugerowane Cywilizacje
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 5 replies
In Age Of History 3, Constantin is added in the Modern World (2022) scenario, but this is Istanbul since 1453. 😄
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 1 reply
it should be "Ubóstwo", not "Ubustwo"
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
玄星汉化组制作 目前已完成: 字库字符补充, 字体优化, UI翻译改进, 文明翻译和改进, 随机领导与随机顾问汉化, 更新至 v2.33 创意工坊搜索:中文汉化补全即可下载 谷歌网盘下载:
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 2 replies
Tak jak na załączonym screenie, zamiast Infrastrktura powinno być Infrastruktura. Infrastructure = Infrastruktura
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 1 reply
I sended this message via gmail but I will post here too in case you are not watching it. After the release of the game, I found some translation that did not fit well and a part that was not translating to Japanese. I fixed these but I could not find one sentence that needed to be translated and it is "To construct an atomic bomb, the nuclear reacter must not reach at least level1". 日本人プレイヤーへ: 不自然な日本語をできるだけ理解できる形に修正しましたが、まだまだ完璧な状態とは言い切れません。変更した方が良い部分を見つけた場合は返信でお知らせください。
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 3 replies
UnlockedTechnology = Tecnologia desbloqueada UnlockedTechnologies = Tecnologias desbloqueadas ShareTechnology = Compartir tecnología MilitaryAcademy = Academia militar SupremeCourt = Corte Suprema IncreaseManpowerCost = Aumenta el costo de mano de obra IncreaseManpower = Incrementar mano de obra PuppetStates = Estados titere ImproveRelationsModifier = Mejorar relaciones WarTactics = Tacticas de guerra Civilizations canr3 = Islas Canarias ical3 = Califato Iberico iber = Unión Ibérica
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 2 replies
After creating a new faith and adding it to pl Bundle (beacuse i;m making a polish translation) it dosent work and i dont know why. i dont know if its a game bug or if doing something wrong
Last reply by Aryati, -
- 0 replies
Witam, na polskim języku gry jest błąd, i do uformowania jako Turcja można uformować Imperium Osmanica, a nie tak jak powinno być Imperium Osmańskie
Last reply by Nowarhia, -
Its not bug, but still thing that Im sure is just incorrect in game creator of Modern World Scenario and 1254, is not Łukasz Jakowski, it says Ukasz Jakowski, and because of that we can port those scenarios to workshop
Last reply by Nowarhia, -
LoadGame = Загрузить игру ContinueGame = Продолжить игру NewGame = Новая игра StartTheGame = Начать игру AddaPlayerToTheGame = Добавить игрока в игру ExitGame = Выйти из игры CreatePuppetState = Создать марионетку ReleasePuppetState = Освободить марионетку DemandPuppetState = Требовать марионетку ChamberOfTributaries = Палата Данников UnionOfSatelliteStates = Союз Марионеточных Государств SatelliteStates = Марионетки Tip = Подсказка RecruitedArmy = Число мобилизованных Wars = Войн BuildingSlot = Ячейка сооружения BuildingSlots = Ячейки сооружений Province = Провинция Provinces = Провинции TotalLoot = Общее количество богатств Loot =…
Last reply by neverger84,