60 topics in this forum
- 30 replies
game/_FAQ/Events_Outcomes.txt play_music=KOL_DC_01 # Play music file from audio/music/ # or mods/YourMod/audio/music/ # Don't put the extension of the file. The file format must be .ogg gold=125 gold_monthly_income=2.0 legacy=75 # Civ will receive 75 legacy points legacy_monthly=4.5 # Civ will get 4.5 monthly legacy player_set_civ=fra # Player will now play as France research=35 # Civ will get 35 research points advantage_points=3 # Civ will get 3 advantage points manpower=7500 # +7500 manpower inflation=8.2 # +8.2 inflation ai_aggression=100 # AI Aggression: +100 out of 1000 ai_aggression=-1000 # AI Aggression: -1000 out of 1000 ae_set=24.0 # Set civ's Aggres…
Last reply by 11:59 Development Team, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
game/_FAQ/Events_Triggers.txt # Events Triggers - Age of History 3 has_variable=some_variable has_variable_not=some_variable # Every time a Civilization runs an event (makes a decision), the 'id' of the event is stored in the Civilization's database of variables. # Example of an 'id' from the event file: # id=unique_id_of_event # # This allows you to use: has_variable=unique_id_of_event # where 'unique_id_of_event' refers to the 'id' from that event file. #### Civ invested_in_economy_over=125 invested_in_economy_below=50 increased_growth_rate_over=25 increased_growth_rate_below=75 increased_tax_efficiency_over=50 increased_tax_efficiency_below=100 increase…
Last reply by Wooodex, -
How to add a mission tree for a civilization in the scenario. game/_FAQ/MissionTree_Tutorial.txt ####################################### ## Read: mods_steam_workshop.txt ! ## ## To create a new mod for submission to the Steam Workshop, first create a new folder for your mod within the 'mods' directory. ## Then, copy or recreate all the modified files into that folder! ## ## For example, if a file was originally located in game/ExampleFile.json, ## it should be placed in mods/YourModName/game/ExampleFile.json in your mod's folder. ## ##### Missions for the scenario for the specified Civilization: mods/YOUR_MOD_NAME/map/THE_MAP/scenarios/THE_SCENARIO/missi…
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Age of History 3 - How to add an Event game/_FAQ/Event_HowToAdd.txt ####################################### ## Read: mods_steam_workshop.txt ! ## ## To create a new mod for submission to the Steam Workshop, first create a new folder for your mod within the 'mods' directory. ## Then, copy or recreate all the modified files into that folder! ## ## For example, if a file was originally located in game/ExampleFile.json, ## it should be placed in mods/YourModName/game/ExampleFile.json in your mod's folder. ## ##### For your mod the path will be: mods/YOUR_MOD_NAME/game/events/common/ mods/YOUR_MOD_NAME/game/events/global/ mods/YOUR_MOD_NAME/game/events/siege/ #####…
Last reply by xSmithz, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
How to add own Building in Age of History 3
Last reply by Mega4oSS, -
- 4 replies
How to add own Civilization in Age of History 3 Flag size: 154 x 100 154px width 100px height
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 97 replies
Map Editor for Age of History 3 It works almost the same as the old one, but is more convenient. If you want, you can now create a province map in this map editor and once the game is released, your map will be playable in the game. You can save the province by clicking Enter and continue adding another new province. You can remove a province and add another one in its place by clicking "J". Do not close the editor until all deleted provinces have been added. CUT_FROM_PROVINCE_MODE=true New special version of the map, provinces created in this mode will crop the images of the main provinces. All provinc…
Last reply by DimitriComrade, -
- 0 replies
####################################### ## Read: mods_steam_workshop.txt ! ## ## To create a new mod for submission to the Steam Workshop, first create a new folder for your mod within the 'mods' directory. ## Then, copy or recreate all the modified files into that folder! ## ## For example, if a file was originally located in game/ExampleFile.json, ## it should be placed in mods/YourModName/game/ExampleFile.json in your mod's folder. ## ##### For your mod the path will be: mods/YOUR_MOD_NAME/map/YOUR_MAP/ ##### You can find an example mod for creating a new map at the following path: modsExamples/Map_NewMap/ If you want to try it, move the Map_NewMap/ folder from …
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 1 follower
- 14 replies
How to add own Goverment in Age of History 3
Last reply by thex09, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
game/_FAQ/Logs_EnableSaving.txt Open the file: game/gameValues/GV_Logs.json ################### And change to true to enable saving logs to the file: SAVE_LOGS_TO_FILE: true, ################### Set to false to disable saving logs to the file: SAVE_LOGS_TO_FILE: false, ################### ## The logs will be saved in the logs.txt file ## It can be useful if something doesn't load or work properly.
Last reply by Медетжан Шуга, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
game/_FAQ/MissionTree_DisablePath.txt If you would like to create two different mission paths and exclude one of them if the other is chosen, then: Example: ############################## First Mission Tree Path: In this path, Germany declares war on Poland, followed by additional missions specified for that decision. The ID of the event in this mission will be: id=GerDeclaresWarOnPol Second Mission Tree Path: In this path, Germany forms an alliance with Poland, followed by additional missions specified for that decision. The ID of the event in this mission will be: id=GerMakesAllianceWithPol ############################## In the event's trigger, you shoul…
Last reply by IKayzerI, -
- 5 replies
How to Create Scenario with new Civs for the Steam Workshop Created mod: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3348941479 Tutorial:
Last reply by HaSa, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
How to add own untis, Tutorial
Last reply by Eredinhunt, -
- 7 replies
Age of History 3 - How to create mod for Steam Workshop
Last reply by ConRadical, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
How to add own units - Age of History 3
Last reply by Eredinhunt, -
- 0 replies
How to Share Your Scenario as a Mod on the Steam Workshop. game/_FAQ/A_Scenario_Workshop_Mod.txt ####################################### ## Read: mods_steam_workshop.txt ! ## ## To create a new mod for submission to the Steam Workshop, first create a new folder for your mod within the 'mods' directory. ## Then, copy or recreate all the modified files into that folder! ## ## For example, if a file was originally located in game/ExampleFile.json, ## it should be placed in mods/YourModName/game/ExampleFile.json in your mod's folder. ## ##### For your mod the path will be: mods/YOUR_MOD_NAME/map/MAP_NAME/scenarios/ ##### ## How to Share Your Scenario as a M…
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 0 replies
game/_FAQ/A_Mods_steam_workshop_READ_ME.txt ############################# ## Steam Workshop ## ## When reading any file, the game will prioritize files in the 'mods/' folder first, followed by ## subscribed items from the Steam Workshop, and finally the default game files. ## ## You can find all files for this example in the 'modsExample/' folder within the game files. ## ##### To create a new mod that can be submitted to the Steam Workshop, create a new folder for your mod in the 'mods/' directory. Inside this folder, organize your files in the same structure as they are found in the game's directories. Example: # Step 1 Create a new folder within the 'mo…
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Age of History 3 - How to create a new Map/Mod
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
How to add own Resource in Age of History 3
Last reply by eNeXPii, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Age of History 3 - How to add Generals and Advisors
Last reply by Mirolit, -
- 2 replies
game/_FAQ/Events.txt ####################################### ## Read: mods_steam_workshop.txt ! ## ## To create a new mod for submission to the Steam Workshop, first create a new folder for your mod within the 'mods' directory. ## Then, copy or recreate all the modified files into that folder! ## ## For example, if a file was originally located in game/ExampleFile.json, ## it should be placed in mods/YourModName/game/ExampleFile.json in your mod's folder. ## ##### How to create new Event/Mission ##### STEP 1 ##### Create new txt file in path: game/events/common/ Or if is it event for scenario the path will be: map/Earth3/scenarios/WW2/events/common/ Where Earth…
Last reply by Mihael1, -
- 14 replies
Age of History 3 - How to add Real Leaders/Rulers/Kings ####################################### ## Read: mods_steam_workshop.txt ! ## ## To create a new mod for submission to the Steam Workshop, first create a new folder for your mod within the 'mods' directory. ## Then, copy or recreate all the modified files into that folder! ## ## For example, if a file was originally located in game/ExampleFile.json, ## it should be placed in mods/YourModName/game/ExampleFile.json in your mod's folder. ## ##### ## This guide explains how to add a ruler to the game Go to: game/rulers/ Inside this folder, you will find multiple .json files, each representing rulers for a …
Last reply by Synyos2032, -
- 9 replies
Age of History 3 - How to add Government game/_FAQ/Governments.txt ####################################### ## Read: mods_steam_workshop.txt ! ## ## To create a new mod for submission to the Steam Workshop, first create a new folder for your mod within the 'mods' directory. ## Then, copy or recreate all the modified files into that folder! ## ## For example, if a file was originally located in game/ExampleFile.json, ## it should be placed in mods/YourModName/game/ExampleFile.json in your mod's folder. ## ##### File containing all Governments in the game: game/Governments.json For your mod the path will be: mods/YOUR_MOD_NAME/game/Governments.json Exampl…
Last reply by Cyclops, -
- 11 replies
game/_FAQ/Translations_For_Your_Mod.txt You don't need to copy anything from the main translation files; start with an empty file! You can overwrite keys from the game's translation as needed. ####################################### ## Read: mods_steam_workshop.txt ! ## ## To create a new mod for submission to the Steam Workshop, first create a new folder for your mod within the 'mods' directory. ## Then, copy or recreate all the modified files into that folder! ## ## For example, if a file was originally located in game/ExampleFile.json, ## it should be placed in mods/YourModName/game/ExampleFile.json in your mod's folder. ## ##### You can a…
Last reply by Iceman, -
- 4 replies
game/_FAQ/CivilizationsFlag_Goverment.txt ## EXAMPLE: How to add Theocracy and Horde flag for Ukraine. From the game/languages/Bundle.properties file, find the tag: ukr = Ukraine This means: ukr From the game/Governments.json file, find the ideology. Theocracy Extra_Tag: "o", So, the flag file for Ukraine with Theocracy will be called: ukr_o.png For another example, with Horde: From the game/Governments.json file, find the ideology. Horde Extra_Tag: "h", The file will be: ukr_h.png Image dimensions must be 154 pixels wide and 100 pixels high (154 x 100). The image extension must be .png Add flags to the folder: mods/YourModName/gfx/flagsXH/ Replace You…
Last reply by wesert,