60 topics in this forum
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game/_FAQ/Laws.txt ####################################### ## Read: mods_steam_workshop.txt ! ## ## To create a new mod for submission to the Steam Workshop, first create a new folder for your mod within the 'mods' directory. ## Then, copy or recreate all the modified files into that folder! ## ## For example, if a file was originally located in game/ExampleFile.json, ## it should be placed in mods/YourModName/game/ExampleFile.json in your mod's folder. ## ##### Go to: game/laws/ And open as text file in notepad: Laws.json ### EXAMPLE LAW { ImageID: [22, 18, 23, 24, 25], Title: ConscriptionLaws, Law: ["FeudalLevies", "DraftSystem", "SelectiveServ…
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
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game/_FAQ/Law_Bonuses.txt List of available bonuses for Law: MonthlyIncome: [X], MonthlyLegacy: [X], MonthlyLegacy_Percentage: [X], Gold: [X], ConstructionCost: [X], AdministrationBuildingsCost: [X], MilitaryBuildingsCost: [X], EconomyBuildingsCost: [X], ConstructionTime: [X], WonderConstructionCost: [X], TaxEfficiency: [X], ProvinceMaintenance: [X], BuildingsMaintenanceCost: [X], ArmyMaintenance: [X], MaxManpower: [X], MaxManpower_Percentage: [X], ManpowerRecoverySpeed: [X], ReinforcementSpeed: [X], ArmyMovementSpeed: [X], Research: [X], ResearchPoints: [X], MaxMorale: [X], ArmyMoraleRecovery: [X], WarScoreCost: [X], BuildingSlot: [X], MaxInfrastru…
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 0 replies
game/_FAQ/Governments_Bonuses.txt ## File: game/Governments.json List of available bonuses for Governments: MonthlyIncome: X, TaxEfficiency: X, ProvinceMaintenance: X, ProductionEfficiency: X, MonthlyLegacy: X, MaxManpower: X, ArmyMaintenance: X, RecruitmentTime: X, ConstructionCost: X, AdministrationBuildingsCost: X, MilitaryBuildingsCost: X, EconomyBuildingsCost: X, ConstructionTime: X, BuildingSlot: X, InvestInEconomyCost: X, IncreaseManpowerCost: X, IncreaseTaxEfficiencyCost: X, DevelopInfrastructureCost: X, RecruitArmyCost: X, GeneralAttack: X, GeneralDefense: X, UnitsAttack: X, UnitsDefense: X, AdvisorCost: X, GeneralCost: X, CoreCost: X, Religio…
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
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game/_FAQ/Civilizations.txt ####################################### ## Read: mods_steam_workshop.txt ! ## ## To create a new mod for submission to the Steam Workshop, first create a new folder for your mod within the 'mods' directory. ## Then, copy or recreate all the modified files into that folder! ## ## For example, if a file was originally located in game/ExampleFile.json, ## it should be placed in mods/YourModName/game/ExampleFile.json in your mod's folder. ## ##### ########## HOW TO ADD CIVILIZATION ########## ########## -- STEP 1 ## Open game and go to: Editor -> Game Civilizations -> Add Civilization In this menu you set up: Civilization TAG:…
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
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game/_FAQ/Buildings_Bonuses.txt List of available bonuses for Buildings: TaxEfficiency: [X], MonthlyLegacy: [X], DefenseBonus: [X], FortLevel: [X], FortDefense: [X], MaximumManpower: [X], LocalManpower: [X], ConstructionCost: [X], ConstructionTimeBonus: [X], RecruitArmyCostInProvince: [X], LocalGrowthRate: [X], InvestInEconomyCost: [X], IncreaseManpowerCost: [X], IncreaseTaxEfficiencyCost: [X], DevelopInfrastructureCost: [X], IncreaseGrowthRateCost: [X], ProvinceMaintenance: [X], MonthlyIncome: [X], LocalTaxEfficiency: [X], DiseaseDeathRate: [X], CasualtiesNuclearAttacks: [X], Economy: [X], ResearchPoints: [X], ProductionEfficiency: [X], IncomeProduc…
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 0 replies
List of available bonuses for Advantage: MonthlyIncome: [X], MonthlyLegacy: [X], Gold: [X], ConstructionCost: [X], AdministrationBuildingsCost: [X], MilitaryBuildingsCost: [X], EconomyBuildingsCost: [X], ConstructionTime: [X], WonderConstructionCost: [X], TaxEfficiency: [X], ProvinceMaintenance: [X], BuildingsMaintenanceCost: [X], ArmyMaintenance: [X], MaxManpower: [X], ManpowerRecoverySpeed: [X], ReinforcementSpeed: [X], ArmyMovementSpeed: [X], Research: [X], ResearchPoints: [X], MaxMorale: [X], ArmyMoraleRecovery: [X], WarScoreCost: [X], BuildingSlot: [X], MaxInfrastructure: [X], Devastation: [X], GrowthRate: [X], IncomeProduction: [X], ProductionEfficien…
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
AI Peace Treaty Order of Actions Each type of government has two special orders of actions for handling a peace treaty. ## PEACE TREATY -> AI -> ORDER 0 == TAKE LAND 1 == DEMAND VASSALIZATION 2 == DEMAND SUBJECT TRANSFER 3 == DEMAND RELIGION CONVERSION 4 == DEMAND GOVERNMENT CHANGE 5 == DEMAND GOLD 6 == LIBERATE CIVS 7 == DEMAND WAR REPARATIONS 8 == DEMAND HUMULIATE ## EXAMPLE USE: AI_PEACE_ORDER: [0, 4, 3, 5, 1, 2], AI_PEACE_ORDER2: [2, 5, 7, 6, 8, 0, 1, 3], ## 75% chance for 'AI_PEACE_ORDER,' 25% chance for 'AI_PEACE_ORDER2. AI_PEACE_ORDER_CHANCE: 75, AI_PEACE_ORDER_CHANCE2: 25, AI_PEACE_ORDER: [0, 4, 3, 5, 1, 2], The AI's orde…
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Just change the scenario tag to copy the scenario 😛
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 5 replies
Age of History 3 - Scenario editor, Religion and Province Cores In the scenario editor it will be possible to set the religion and cores for each province.
Last reply by Iceman, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
A special map for cutting pixels from the main map