Bug Reports
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When city gets renamed after the country conquers it, all characters that are special or diacritic are wrong. On the image "Paryż" became "ParyĹ", but it happens always.
Last reply by Redguy325, -
- 0 replies
I created a civilization and for some reason there is a duplicate of it.
Last reply by Neon, -
- 0 replies
Hi, I found a mistake in all scenarios where there is Armenia, there is Orthodoxy. The Armenians have an apostolic church
Last reply by vagan, -
- 0 replies
Victory over the alliance requires the capture of provinces belonging to the war leader, but gives a huge number of victory points, more than i need. Here i conquered Saxony. It was allied with Switzerland. I didn't occupied any of the Switzerland's provinces. Got 156 victory points.
Last reply by Marerjh, -
- 1 reply
Wziąłem to z mojej recenzji na steam 😉
Last reply by minion1324311@gmail.com, -
- 0 replies
Not sure when but at some point the price for the MAfG went from 350 to 400 gold. The popup menu shows this but the side list does not.
Last reply by jws29095, -
- 0 replies
There is a problem with the translation of the Arabic language, as most of the fonts appear in reverse. I hope the error will be fixed.
Last reply by Sassid, -
- 0 replies
When I took over and made a puppet of a country, I wanted to remove the rivalry. I clicked to do this, they took away my legacy points, but the rivalry was not removed. Fix it.
Last reply by Krakazabra, -
- 0 replies
African tribes unlocked 54 technologies, while european powers unlocked only 44.
Last reply by Marerjh, -
- 0 replies
Sorry if I wrote it wrong, I thought for a long time about how to formulate it, the video showed the bug itself as it seemed to me
Last reply by XyroniXY, -
- 0 replies
This is Austria after Anschluss
Last reply by Marerjh, -
- 1 reply
In the scenario of the Second World War, Tanu-tuva has the wrong borders, they are different.
Last reply by Casual, -
- 0 replies
Its not a bug but just a small mistake
Last reply by Warnnexx, -
- 2 replies
1)mistake 2) how it should be
Last reply by AmericanLiberia, -
- 1 reply
I have found some mistakes: 1. Crimean khanate borders in 1440. 2. Ottoman Borders in the Middle East in 1618 3. Wrong Ottoman Borders in 1440 4. Wrong Sweden borders in 1618.
Last reply by AmericanLiberia, -
- 1 reply
Hi Lukasz, just noticed in the latest mission tree video that when game speed is increased, the movement of ships stays the same. Can this be rectified?
Last reply by Popooy, -
- 18 replies
# AoH2 Part: [Yea too many bcs of machinery translation and missing letters at most] LoadGame = Загрузить сессию ContinueGame = Продолжить сессию NewGame = Новая сессия RandomGame = Случайная игра TheWholeMapAndSoldiersAreVisibleAtAllTimes = Постоянно видно все войска и всю карту ProvinceOwnershipIsKnownButSoldiersCanOnlyBeSeenInAdjacentProvinces = Видно владельцев провинций, но войска видны только в ближайших провинциях RandomnlyFillsTheWorldWithDifferentCivilizations = Заполняет мир случайно расположенными цивилизациями WinXGamesToUnlockSandboxMode = Выиграйте {0} раз(а), чтобы разблокировать режим песочницы ReleasableCivilizations = Освобождаемые…
Last reply by neverger84, -
- 2 replies
Przeglądam plik z polskim tłumaczeniem do gry i na ten moment zauważyłem następujące linijki wymagające korekty (np. ze względu na brak znaków diakrytycznych/błędy ortograficzne, interpunkcyjne). Ogólny kłopot, jaki zauważyłem ws. pliku z tłumaczeniem, jest taki, że niektóre linijki tekstu pozbawione są kontekstu, w jakim będą użyte, przez co przetłumaczona wersja może być niedopasowana/nieprawidłowa - ale takie rzeczy będzie się zgłaszać już po premierze gry😜 SelectMapScale = Wybierz Skalę Mapy ObserveCivilizationsAndTheirStruggleForSupremacy = Obserwuj Cywilizacje oraz ich walkę o supremację SelectProvinces = Wybierz Prowincje Participation = Przystąp Dema…
Last reply by kurdebalans, -
- 4 replies
For a more organized and faster way, I'm sending it in GitHub format, so you can see the history of updates and changes. The main changes to the translation are to correct minor grammatical errors and to adapt the explanations and in-game functions for better understanding. I haven't completely revised the translation yet, so I'll be constantly updating the commits via the comments. https://github.com/LucyLeak/Gustav-s-AoH-Modding/commit/aa62c8c872ef58db12f7f04e98f81e26eba6ee9a
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 1 reply
in the 1837 scenario there is no senior zhuz of the Kazakh khanates, but there is a Junior (Kyshy) and a Middle (Orta), the Senior zhuz (Uly) was located in the southeast under the middle zhuz, I hope you will correct this.
Last reply by Matvey, -
safavid from Azerbaijani Turkic
Last reply by Polat Shahsevan, -
- 3 replies
Probably the map is not visible in spectator mode due to a problem
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 0 replies
In this forum, you can report any translation errors or awkward phrasing you encounter in the game. Your contributions will be invaluable in ensuring players of all languages have a smooth and clear experience. Finding the Translation Files: All translation files are located in the game directory at: game/languages/ The specific file for your language will be named something like Bundle_XYZ.properties, where "XYZ" represents your language code. Name the topic with the name of the language and maybe some extra details. Then, simply provide the correct translations that need to be fixed, and that's it. Example: …
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 2 replies
I think these overlapping texts should be fixed, the text is simply not well understood.
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 0 replies
Describe the Bug in Detail What happened? Describe the issue you encountered as clearly as possible. When did it happen? Mention when the bug occurred, such as during a specific action (e.g., during battle, loading a save, in the Court menu). How often does it happen? Let us know if it’s a one-time issue or if it happens repeatedly. Steps to Reproduce Provide a step-by-step guide on how to reproduce the bug. This helps the development team track down the issue. Example: Start a new game. Select the "Custom Scenario" option. Click on a province and notice that the names do not display correctly. Provide System Information (optional) …
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski,