Bug Reports
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AoH3 is crashing on the first startup. Just a black screen for a second and crash. Game is not creating error files, even though she usually does it. Because it's first startup on this PC, and game can't create settings folder. I have Java 1.8, 21 and 23 installed on this computer. Is there anything I can do? Hardware: Windows 10 Pro 21H1, i5 10400F, 2x16GB DDR4, NVIDIA GT 1030
Last reply by justiamtgm, -
- 0 replies
Hey Lukasz, so since you just took the iOS version off the App Store to fix some issues. I think now is the time I tell you this. But there are SO MANY border errors on the Mobile map, like so many it's not even funny. I believe this is an Android problem as well but i'm not sure. Anyway lemme point out each error here. On the 2022, 1936, and 1914 scenarios, Bolivia controls a small piece of land that is supposed to be Argentinian On the 2022, 1936, 1914, and 1836 scenarios, Morocco controls a small piece of land that is supposed to be Algerian The Burkina Faso-Niger border on the 2022 scenario is to straight The Saudi Arabia-Jordan border on the…
Last reply by Mblock150, -
- 0 replies
in 1940 he is king of britain fix it
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 0 replies
Я загрузил игру и потом все страны пропали пытался выйти из игры и попробовать снова но всегда повторяется
Last reply by Степа, -
- 1 reply
The first bug was an image like this without any text. Maybe easter egg Although the Byzantines always held it, Istanbul is not Constantinople. Xd
Last reply by muhoaga, -
- 0 replies
Jeżeli podbiję polską np. kijów lub mińsk, to nazwy tych miast się psują. @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by Wronislaw, -
- 3 replies
Jak widać na screenie jest Communizm a powinno być komunizm, Narodowy socjalizm a Narodowy Socjalizm, War Tactics a Taktyka Wojenna, Future Technology a Technologia Przyszłości, Utrzymanie armi a Utrzymanie armii, Światynia a Świątynia, PuppetStates a Państwa Marionetkowe Communism = Komunizm NationalSocialism = Narodowy Socjalizm Temple = Świątynia WarTactics = Taktyka Wojenna FutureTechnology = Technologia Przyszłości ArmyMaintenance = Utrzymanie armii PuppetStates = Państwa marionetkowe Przy okazji mógłbyś też nazwać Niemcy przy rządzie narodowego socjalizmu III Rzeszą.
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 5 replies
Age of History 2 (not finished, not sure they will be used for Aoh3, in case i am wrong just tell me) IfDisabledAllCivilizationsStartWithOnlyTheirCapitalProvince = Se disabilitata, tutte le Civiltà inizieranno con la loro Capitale DefaultScaleOfMap = Scala Default della Mappa GameSpeed = Velocità di Gioco ProvinceOwnershipIsKnownButSoldiersCanOnlyBeSeenInAdjacentProvinces = L'appartenenza della Provincia è nota, ma le truppe possono essere viste solo in Province adiacenti TheWorldIsCoveredByFogCivilizationsMustBeDiscoveredBeforeTheyCanBeInteractedWith = Il mondo è coperto dalla nebbia, le Civiltà dovranno essere scoperte prima di interagirci …
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 0 replies
Last reply by Anon6969, -
- 1 reply
I believe it updates when you upgrade the capital and the military academy, but when you upgrade the supreme court for example, it still says 0/2 even after upgrading, and the UI needs to be reopened for it to show properly.
Last reply by Trashcycling, -
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The latest patch perhaps does disallow vassals from making alliances, but standing alliances stay. Make it clear all alliances upon vassalisation.
Last reply by Trashcycling, -
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@Łukasz Jakowski Is there any way to Enable this Option, And I Saw the 5K provinces Map That has wrong like Jordan, Turkmenistan, China and The other more
Last reply by Age of history 3 Fan, -
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I’m having problems with my custom made scenario. I would be playing my scenario and the time would randomly just stop even though it says the time is unpaused and I have to save my game every time and restart the game. It would be great if anyone could help! Thanks.
Last reply by Jonah Rusnac, -
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When I play aoh3 and turn off my phone and turn it on after a minute, every time no matter if I am in menu or in game instead of normal UI, this displays: [image]. When I click "Age of history" text, this window pops up. It happens only after selecting a bigger map. Specifications: POCO X3, miui: 14.0.5., android 12
Last reply by Przemol, -
- 2 replies
There are many problems in the Android version of the game. It takes approximately 5-6 minutes to open the game, and 1-2 minutes to open a scenario. Also, while playing the game, there are occasional lag problems and freezing occurs when the map becomes larger. Unfortunately, when we press the country removal option while creating a scenario in the game, the game It gives an error and closes
Last reply by Kvrim, -
- 2 replies
En la versión android cuando borra una civilización del escenario el juego se queda quieto y se cierra esto no permite crear escenarios g
Last reply by muhoaga, -
- 1 reply
@Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by Xjento, -
- 1 reply
i activated it in GV_Peace json but it still dont.
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 0 replies
In the android version when I delete a civilization from the scenario the game stays still and closes this does not allow creating scenarios
Last reply by el emperador 12, -
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my youtuber from aoh2 and 3 highlighted several bugs on the cell phone 1 the game is not authenticated, the mobile system only supports a beta version that has about 4000 provinces map creator not working The game system doesn't seem to be made for mobile phones , things don't fit on the screen (my YouTuber's phone is a fairly large phone) the provinces are poorly designed, made in any way with meaningless borders the provinces are poorly designed, made in any way with meaningless borders have several errors ( this is the least of it but it is a bummer) several leaders are wrong It's not my YouTuber's device's fault, since Megamod and other much heavier games run cleanly …
Last reply by Sacro Império Brasileiro, -
- 6 replies
this pair of provinces belong to niger. scenario: modern world
Last reply by TheAngryProgressive, -
- 1 reply
I went to make a reduced version of the 1440 map, to make the game faster, so I disabled some continents by editing the scenario, but instead of getting lighter it continued the same thing because the civilizations in the abandoned lands were not erased Please @Łukasz Jakowski fix it
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 2 replies
this come when i try to open the game
Last reply by Abdulraheem1999, -
- 2 replies
Hi Lukasz, I have been working on mods to configure default GV for colonization in 1440 and I noticed that sometimes AI starts to colonize in 1450 everytime (this triggers when they have the Colonial Expansion Decree) .In 1450 starts the "Age of Discovery" era, and I thought that changing Age of Discovery "beginning year" would fix the colonization in 1450, however, even after changing to 1480, the countries continues to colonize in 1450. My thoughts is that this kind of colonization logic is hardcoded in 1450...
Last reply by AverageTurkishPlayer, -
- 3 replies
I can't launch the game. I reinstalled game but nothing changed.
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski,