Bug Reports
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@Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by Xjento, -
- 1 reply
i activated it in GV_Peace json but it still dont.
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 0 replies
In the android version when I delete a civilization from the scenario the game stays still and closes this does not allow creating scenarios
Last reply by el emperador 12, -
- 0 replies
my youtuber from aoh2 and 3 highlighted several bugs on the cell phone 1 the game is not authenticated, the mobile system only supports a beta version that has about 4000 provinces map creator not working The game system doesn't seem to be made for mobile phones , things don't fit on the screen (my YouTuber's phone is a fairly large phone) the provinces are poorly designed, made in any way with meaningless borders the provinces are poorly designed, made in any way with meaningless borders have several errors ( this is the least of it but it is a bummer) several leaders are wrong It's not my YouTuber's device's fault, since Megamod and other much heavier games run cleanly …
Last reply by Sacro Império Brasileiro, -
- 6 replies
this pair of provinces belong to niger. scenario: modern world
Last reply by TheAngryProgressive, -
- 1 reply
I went to make a reduced version of the 1440 map, to make the game faster, so I disabled some continents by editing the scenario, but instead of getting lighter it continued the same thing because the civilizations in the abandoned lands were not erased Please @Łukasz Jakowski fix it
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 2 replies
this come when i try to open the game
Last reply by Abdulraheem1999, -
- 2 replies
Hi Lukasz, I have been working on mods to configure default GV for colonization in 1440 and I noticed that sometimes AI starts to colonize in 1450 everytime (this triggers when they have the Colonial Expansion Decree) .In 1450 starts the "Age of Discovery" era, and I thought that changing Age of Discovery "beginning year" would fix the colonization in 1450, however, even after changing to 1480, the countries continues to colonize in 1450. My thoughts is that this kind of colonization logic is hardcoded in 1450...
Last reply by AverageTurkishPlayer, -
- 3 replies
I can't launch the game. I reinstalled game but nothing changed.
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 1 reply
the image is in Polish but alot of age of history players are from Poland so anyone can tell me why this happens?
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 1 reply
Idk how can I explain it... I was working at my own scenario 2 days ago and made one event, today I returned to this and a whole game just removed every scenario and campaign, when I wanted to delete my scenario from Mods (because from game files I did it) system says that catalog isn't blank, I uninstalled the game, make everything, but when I saw inside the scenario I saw infinity of "Events" folders. I tried everything, nobody and nothing could help me. I think only format will did it, but I did it a few weeks ago so I won't do this again. YES I TRIED THE CMD, POWERSHELL, ANY PROGRAMS AND EVEN SAFE START, NOTHING HAPPEND, NOBODY SHARE THIS BUG IN THE ENTIRE…
Last reply by 3xV, -
Every time I reload a save, my income increases. Taxation, economy, and production all go up. If you keep saving and reloading, it seems to be effectively an infinite money glitch.
Last reply by Maccy, -
- 1 reply
Praktycznie cały świat jest przydzielony do jednego regionu (Iberia), natomiast Galia znajduje się na 2 prowincjach w Afryce
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 0 replies
I have identified a potential bug where several nations—regardless of their size—experience a drastic increase in regiment limits and maximum manpower shortly after the game starts. This occurs through “Bonuses” that do not appear proportional to the nations’ size, resources, missions, or events. This creates a significant imbalance, as even small nations rapidly gain excessive military power, even surpassing empires while holding only a single province. (For instance, Brixen—with just one province—is more powerful than France, England, and Castile combined in my save. Like what?! 🤣) Example Observation: It would be interesting to investigate the source of t…
Last reply by DrakeDarkson, -
- 2 replies
It shows civilization that was chosen in scenario before loading save game. If civilization wasn't chosen it will show bonuses of neutrals. Pls Lukasz do more optimization for google play version, after i click diplomacy button game freezes and crashes so i can't continue my playthrough as large 200+ provinces civilization 🙏🙏😘😘
Last reply by YuraTheGreat, -
- 2 replies
Even though I have over -30 relations, when I press "declare war" it says "rejected"
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 1 reply
Artificial intelligence in the game uses strange tactics at an average level of difficulty - it makes millions of modern drones and completely forgets about other types of army. I didn't pay attention to whether there is such nonsense without the technology of the "future". As a result, thirty thousand drone armies lose even to a small balanced army. I perceive this behavior as a bug.
Last reply by DeFFyo, -
- 1 reply
A black screen appears when I click on new game
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 9 replies
After this is allowed I am not required to destroy allies wich means I can eat up allies of my enemy even if I didnt touch their land. It leads to exploits like -> I want to destroy Bohemia lets say. They are allied to mainz for example. I stack up armies in mainz and immediately kill them off and war is won, I can eat up bohemia.
Last reply by Question, -
- 0 replies
Last reply by Beter Griffin, -
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Every time, i save and exit the game when I start the game and load a save, all advisors and generals are gone so I have to recruit them again. And the ai control arny feature are turn off every time I load a save. Android
Last reply by angamo123, -
- 0 replies
On the left of the screen, i can't tap anything on map. I think that area is for showing the name of those icons at the left of the screen. Android
Last reply by angamo123, -
- 0 replies
in the events file for the 1440 scenario, the event has two options and other things, but i tried MULTIPLE TIMES and it still doesn't pop up, this issue is with all the other events aswell
Last reply by OwnM3Z0, -
- 2 replies
1.Religion percentages not shown 2. Why there is no formable civilizations in Android? 3. Why map editor, manage mods and steam workshop is disabled atleast enable the map editor.
Last reply by muhoaga, -
- 1 reply
Today, suddenly and for no reason, when I want to play and select a scenario, I am returned to the main game screen. Checked the integrity of Steam files, no results. I can continue the previous game and also load a save, but I can't start again. ------------ Сегодня, неожиданно и без причины, когда я хочу поиграть, я выбираю сценарий, который возвращается на главный экран игры. Проверил целостность файлов Стим, результатов нет. Для завершения этой игры я могу, как и загрузить сохранение, но начать заново нельзя. Демонстрация: https://drive.google.com/file/d/117TPMmnrQlDvvj_4KRa84oLrE3-k1nFE/view
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski,