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200 questions in this forum
Map/Scenario Editors: Game always saves data to the default game folders!
If you are making a map/scenario, remember that the game never saves files to your mods/ folder! The game always saves data to the default game folders! Always copy all generated data from the game files to your mod files.
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Age of History 3 - Enable saving logs
game/_FAQ/Logs_EnableSaving.txt Open the file: game/gameValues/GV_Logs.json ################### And change to true to enable saving logs to the file: SAVE_LOGS_TO_FILE: true, ################### Set to false to disable saving logs to the file: SAVE_LOGS_TO_FILE: false, ################### ## The logs will be saved in the logs.txt file ## It can be useful if something doesn't load or work properly.
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Steam workshop - Limit exceeded
Steam workshop - Limit exceeded game/_FAQ/Workshop_Limit_Exceeded.txt ## Limit exceeded Error While Publishing a Mod to the Steam Workshop The logo.png file is too large. Reduce the image quality to decrease its size. It needs to be below 1MB.
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I want to change the code
I want to replace some codes in tno engine executable with uwut engine code. Is there any way?
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Questions about the validity of triggers for an event
@Łukasz Jakowski Did I make any mistakes when creating the triggers? I expected each trigger to be separate, something like: (OR) Player owns a province (and) have a larger army than Kassites (OR) Kassites are the player's vassals (OR) Kassites do not exist But in the game, these triggers look somehow confusing for the player: Here is the code for the triggers: Thanks!
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MapEditor_2 cant open.
Hello, I tried to make my own custom map but as I opened the MapEditor_2 Executable Jar File, it just wouldn't open or would make an error message (I linked the 2 also 1 is in German). I will list the following things I tried: Deleting the file and copying one from the example folder downloading jarfix (it just gets rid of the error message) downloading JDK Development Kit 23.0.1 (it just gets rid of the error message) trying to open it with javaw updating java deinstalling and reinstalling java done lots of stuff with cdm command restarting my pc I did eventually ask ChatGPT to help and it found out what was w…
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add_truce command
What does the add_truce comment do? Why is it even in the game? I have created a scripted war and I want to end it with an event, but add_truce does not work at all and does nothing. I don't know what to do rigth now. Is there any command to sign peace so that countries stop war with each other?
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Change problem
I am creating an event for a country with 2 decisions. I set both event and AI to 50, but the AI always chooses only outcome event 1 and always forgets about event 2. If I want the USA to attack Mexico or England and give a chance of 50, it always attacks Mexico because it is first, if I replace Mexico with England, the USA only attacks England because England is then first. The bot skips the second decision. If I increase the chances, e.g. 30 Mexico 70 England, but Mexico is the first decision, the AI chooses Mexico instead of England. It is impossible to create a world in this way at all. Am I the only one who has this problem?
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Change the priority for troop movement
How do we make sure that the troops mostly move on land and do not climb into the sea?
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how do I turn off colonization?
How do I turn off colonization?
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How do i add provinces?! heeeelp!
@Łukasz Jakowski please help! i am trying to add a province and for some reason, something weird is happening. When i press "enter", the province just doesnt save in the map file, meaning i cant ever add provinces, please help!
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Oh, my God! Who can help me see why my case is not implemented? I'm about to collapse!
id=讨龙之役结束 tltle=讨龙之役结束 desc= image=通用事件.png show_in_missions=false mission_image=0.png popUp=true only_once=true trigger_and next_and is_civ=KWN next_and province_is_occupied=6677 next_and province_is_occupied=4169 next_and province_is_occupied=9105 trigger_and_end option_btn name=败退海南岛 annex_by_civ_from_civ=GXC=KWN=6738;3099;4751;4502;3032;5002;2897;6693;3938;1449;9105;4002;5515;5909;3443;5609;5684;7659;246;4539;4169;1557;1129;6812;3942;6010;63;9887;4252;1012;6677;1675;6231;8559;7593;5213;9681;2622;4432;5551;4980;2596;9718; move_capital=4746 add_truce=GXC=KWN add_truce=LYH=KWN add_truce=CJM=KWN add_truce=MQY=K…
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points New points like diplomacy or legacy points?
Is it impossible to add new points type in a game like diplomacy or legacy points?
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Understanding what rulerroman and kingimages are
RulerTitle: President, RulerRoman: false, KingsImages: false, what do the last two mean?
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Problem with technology localization!
I added a new tech tree in a 1.02 version, added MaintainTechnologyName parameter, added localization, but nothing work. Everything is translated, except for the names of the technologies. How to fix it?
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Civilizations not appearing in each scenario
This happened after I installed a new update for Java, and the map editor refuses to open aswell.
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What is the AttackRange setting responsible for in units?
What is the AttackRange setting responsible for in units?
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guys I have the question about modding the law
Is it possible to set a specific law for a specific country so that the law is transferred to this specific coutry? thx for answer
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Why is my scenario returning to the main menu
My game just doesn't want to open the scenario I have worked on for so long, all that time gone to waste, it's so frustrating, this happened on AOH2 as well, I didn't give it the opportunity to corrupt, I am so damn angry, I just want an answer why hundreds of hours have gone to waste for nothing
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How can I make an event which pauses the game?
I am making an event chain and to force players to answer in time I would need to make it so it is mandatory to make a decision before continuing.
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Problem with languages folder Nothing work
I have a big problem with the languages folder. I wanted to change the name of the country first, so in my mod I created the path game/languages.civilizations and there in Bundle.proporties I changed the name of the country, but it is still old in the game. Later, I wanted to change the sentences that appear when the game loads: "Building your empire, civilizations awaits your rule etc. I created the game/languages and loading paths, copied the file from vanilla and changed the sentences to my own, but they also do not load .Later, I wanted to write a scenario description, the same as those that appear under each scenario. So, through game/languages and …
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Can I update a mod?
Hi, I was formerly a AoH2 modder, mainly on the leaders side, I intend to do the same for AoH3 but need to know if everytime I upload a mod it counts as a new one or I can just update the same one over and over to fix mistakes. Aditionally I want to know how to upload mods to the Steam Workshop other than Scenarios.
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Jak zrobić państwo eventem?
@Łukasz Jakowski Jak zrobić państwo eventem? I ustalić mu prowincje
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How do i add custom music?
I tried adding an mp3 file into the music folder, as well as adding the file's name into the list and listWar documents, but in game they just don't play at all. Even when i click on the music name in settings, it still doesn't play.
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Help with ZoomIn for map.
I'm kind of lost as to why the opaque (I guess) goes to zero whenever I zoom in on the map background. Is it in config or overlays? Complete view of the map... Province view and its counties... Zoom-In view...
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