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200 questions in this forum
Jak zresetować surowce na mapie
@Łukasz Jakowskichciałbym zresetować surowce na całej mapie i przydzielić je samemu od nowa, jak to zrobić
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Age of rulers stuck at 99 and Changing rulers by events.
Hi @Łukasz Jakowski, tell me how to solve it with Rulers when they reach 99 years old, only the number increases and we stay the same, and tell him which file to modify in the game so that they no longer stagnate at 99 years old. Tell him how to change a ruler, for example, so that in 2040 a leader appears in the list of rulers without changing random names for certain civilizations, for example.
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changing advisors by events in-game e
I wanted to ask if it is possible to change, remove or replace advisors with other ones using an event
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How to create a vanilla-like background
I would like to create my own custom map but I need a background. My idea is to create a background similar to the one in the vanilla game but I don't know how to do it.
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Mods for mobile?
Hi Lukasz! Because folders are locked in the new android update, can we have some way to build mods for android too? Maybe something working like addons in Minecraft? Or maybe some in game editor features to add custom religions, civs and import images from the gallery? Are you thinking something about this or we have to lose our hope on that? 😄 Let us know
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Border Problems?
Working a new map for myself to play, but I am having a hard time figuring out how to fix this inner border issue. Did I do something wrong?
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Overlay on Flags
Civilization creation have flags but there is no overlay over the flags like AOH2 and see they are in the folders but not in the game, can you fix that if need fix or add it if it need to be added...
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Is it possible to create new cultures?
I am making a mod and I was wondering if I could add new cultures to the game as I find 12 to be very limiting?(I want to add more portraits for republics, different cultures of europe and asia as well)
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how can i edit the game values/code of Aggressive Expansion
i personally see that its illogical for a country to join a coalition war against me no matter the relations so how can i set a certaine level of relations for a country to have the ability to join or declare a coalition war against me
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UI size
How to make government icon bigger? I want the crown icon fill the square size @Łukasz Jakowski
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Is it possible to improve relations between nations via event?
I have asked this question a few weeks ago but still haven't gotten a reply, I wonder if it is even possible to improve relations via events? If not, I recommend adding the outcome.
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province bug Broken borders
@Łukasz Jakowski Jak naprawić granice?
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Can't make a formable country
When I create a nation to be formed, “saved” is written in the middle at the bottom, but the list of states to be formed does not increase and it is not in the list.
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Map Editor
Hi do you know why provinces don't have borders ?
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White line at provincial connections
@Łukasz Jakowski Why are there such lines on some provincial connections?
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events Is there a way to change relations between countries through events?
Like the "change deplomatic relations" event outcome in aoh2
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HRE Reforms, AI
Is it possible to change HRE reforms? why can’t AI accept reforms? It did not accept a single reform even after 100 years
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Please, how are possible edit timeline leaders, advisors and generals?
Currently have 2 for leaders and advisors, 3 for generals 1- Medieval 2- Industrial 3- Modern i wanted to add more timeline, exemple future will have cyborg
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Edit vassal Scenario file
How to edit diplomacy vassal directly from the files? Because mobile can't use the editor. The scenario is always disappear when I use editor. For example Civilization "A" is not a vassal of civilization "B". I want to edit them become "A" is a vassal of "B"
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How to add flag overlays?
it is in the gamefiles (Age of History 3\gfx\editorFlags\overlays) but it doesnt show up in the game while creating a civ. if this is a bug please fix it Check it out on steam!
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Bo generalnie dodałem budynek którego utrzymanie kosztuje jednego dukata ale gra nie potrafi obliczyć że prowincja może dać minusowy dochodu. Czy można zmienić to jakoś w plikach czy coś
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Can I create an event which occurs every four years
Is it possible to create a recurring event to simulate elections? (ie if a civilization is a democracy, every four years kill leader will = true)
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The map in the editor does not match the map in the game
The game map is shifted a few pixels to the side @Łukasz Jakowski
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How do I fix this land bug?
I made new sea borders and changed them to -2 which is sea borders level. And this land is shown for some reason even though I made it entirely into a sea. The land im talking about is the one in the middle of the sea .
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How can I add more images for advisors, generals and presidents/kings?
I want to add more images for the generals and advisors, so that they are not always the same and are also more modern portraits.
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