26 topics in this forum
- 10 replies
Location of Translations Texts Game files -> game -> languages Civlizations names: Game files -> game -> languages -> civilizations
Last reply by Lta, -
- 7 replies
السلام عليكم في الكثير من الكلام الي ودي اقوله اولا انا رارا او Rara هذا اسمي في مواقع التواصل وانا من الجزائر اتكلم اللهجة السعودية لان معضم الناس يفهمها وهي لهجة ممتعة هذا المشروع لتعريب اللعبة اخذ مني شهرية وثلاث اسابيع عشان اعرب اللعبة حرفيا شهرين كنت قاعد اصلح مشاكل اللغة والحمدلله صلحت المشاكل بس في ثغرة موجودة في اللعبة وتكلمت عنها في منشور سابق روحو شوفوه عشان تفهمو المشكلة و الثغرة وملاحظة كتبت المنشور بللغة الانجليزية ولي يسأل ليش كتبت بالانجليزي هذا عشان مطور اللعبة يفهم كلامي واذا كنت تريد تفهم المنشور فااا مترجم جوجل مو مقصر مع احد واريد اشكر جميع الداعمين لي واشكر ايضا المصوتين الي خلوني اتخذ القرار في جعل اسامي الحضارات زي ماهي وهذا الكلام موجه ل…
Last reply by hasinakhan72, -
- 6 replies
I am working on a Macedonian Translation rn ( with support for uwut engine if anyone wants?? ) There are around 1930 Lines and I have finished 600 so far, does anyone want a download after its finished?
Last reply by Comrade_Parrot, -
- 0 replies
There are a lot of errors with strange characters in the italian translation ot AOHII we need help.. Example The word Città (City) is Cittŕ and similars like Velocità. Resolve the bug soon 🙂
Last reply by VALERIO10_10_, -
- 3 replies
Unfortunately, I found a problem with the letters of the civilizations that are on the map. When a lengthy search on the Internet and game files, I found a loophole in the structure of the game and by specifying languages that depend on linking their letters in one line that cannot be linked in the names of the civilizations on the map, for example the Arabic language: To solve this problems I hope @Łukasz Jakowski First: Solve the problem of U+E60xx letters not sticking and flipping Note: I use U + FExx type letters Second: It is working on the names of civilizations printed on the map and improving their writing to suit all languages I don't want to dig dee…
Last reply by rara, -
- 0 replies
😶BIU /213466-arabic-language/#comment-309827 12
Last reply by Hdhdhejd, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
since AOC(H)3 is releasing soon, imma upload Georgian translation made by me (there may be some typos and mistranslation, let me know so I can change it) (theres bug with keyboard so dm me on discord if you know fix) (civilizations translation isn't fully finished) (supports some nations from BE 1.1.8) Georgian
Last reply by Comrade_Parrot, -
- 0 replies
Så översättningen till svenska språket kommer inte ut vid jul pga lite oförutsedd mer oroa dig inte imorgon eller i övermorgon släpper jag en Beta av översättningen ok.
Last reply by Diego games br rs, -
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Hej gemenskapen i age of history 2 OKEJ? Så idag kom jag för att presentera dig speciellt för det svenska samhället eller svensktalande för att presentera bra nyheter för dig idag Jag kommer för att presentera ett projekt för översättning av age of history 2 Till svenska språket! Bra nyheter för dig så det var bara att jag skulle säga och jag berättar för er att vid jul ungefär det året (2022) att översättningen är klar så med tiden kommer jag att uppdatera dig om projektet ok? Så tills en annan dag eller tid jag inte vet och hejdå.
Last reply by Diego games br rs, -
- 2 replies
Hi I have great news for the Arab community, and I am among them. I am honored to announce that finally I was able to add the Arabic language in the game. I fixed the lack of letters and their reflection and a lot. It took about three and a half months to work on it. I hope I helped my Arab community for this wonderful strategic game. I only have the translation of messages It will become available and I will also put the Arabic language files if anyone wants to add it to their mod. Thank you all update What you thinkو ش ايكم Update تحديث The Arabic language has been added to all the lists in the game, the remaining civiliza…
Last reply by rayd55505, -
- 1 reply
Add Arabic Please do not ask you to translate it. I just want you to add all the required files so that the language appears inside the game and be from the right to the left and leave the rest for me from a translation of the game \ I found a file for the Arabic language in an old version of the game and there was an Arabic option In the "Change languages" section, what is your response? We want an answer because there are a lot of Arabic speakers using your game @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by rara, -
- 1 reply
So basically there's a bug in AoC II about the months(August and September were in the wrong order),so I've fixed
Last reply by Ba6taTi, -
- 0 replies
Hi guys This is the Language Pack that i created for the Loading Texts of AOC2 The Loading Language Pack for AOC2 have 4 languages, the 4 languages are: Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Spanish and French. I hope you will like The Loading Language Pack for AOC2 folder is here below for download ⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇ Loading Language Pack for AOC2.rar
Last reply by Earthball, -
- 0 replies
Hi guys This is a Brazillian Portuguese Language for Addon+ that i maked i hope you will like The tutorial on how to add Portuguese is inside the file The file to install the Brazillian Portuguese Language for Addon+ is here below Brazilian Portuguese for Addon+.rar
Last reply by Earthball, -
- 7 replies
Dear, all My name : Yalro, I would like to share khmer language of AoC II. i has translate comple file locale: Game > language > to Khmer 100% and continue to Game > Civilliation... For Khmer language of AoC II :
Last reply by YalRo, -
- 0 replies
ENGLISH: Turkish Translation for AoC2 is weird and sometimes poor. For example democratic Prussia is still Kingdom of Prussia in Turkish AoC2 or Sardinia is always Kingdom of Sardinia even if it is communist and I want to change that. I started working on a translation overhaul. I will extend the ideologic names and remake the current names TÜRKÇE: AoC2de Türkçe çeviri bazen garip ve yetersiz. Mesela Prusya oynuyorsun ve Demokrasisin ama adın hala Prusya Krallığı ya da Sardinya Komunist olsa bile hala Sardinya Krallığı ve ben bu durumu düzeltmek istiyorum. Genel bir yenileme üzerinde çalışmaya başladım. İdeolojilere göre yeni isimler ve yenilenmiş var olan is…
Last reply by Pashacik, -
- 1 reply
我是一个来自中国的Mod制作人,在我的主持下,我和我的几位朋友完善了中文的国家、城市名称、等待框文字的翻译和完善。我对简体中文的国家翻译进行了全面的汉化,包括修改了原有的错误翻译以及翻译了未翻译的内容。如果作者需要,我可以把这个翻译无偿送给你们 I am a modder from China. Under my chairmanship, my friends and I have improved the translation and perfection of Chinese country, city name and waiting box text. I have made a comprehensive Chinese translation of simplified Chinese, including revising the original wrong translation and translating the untranslated content. If the author needs, I can give you this translation for free In addition, I hope the author pays attention to Chinese players
Last reply by Need我呦, -
- 2 replies
i need help for making a welsh language in aoc2!
Last reply by BlakeTehGreat, -
- 3 replies
Witam. Hello. Polskie tłumaczenie, parę nowych państw. Flagi dla greckich państw. Polecam. Polish translate. New country. Flags for grecce antients. Recomender. tłuamczenie.rar
Last reply by redfire, -
- 1 reply
Can you tell me about it ? Why it missing letter when I add my language { Khmer } . It don't support ! And how I can do ?
Last reply by YalRo, -
- 3 replies
Hello everyone! I'm new member of AoC Forum. Today I will make an Indonesian translations for AoC 2. For download link is coming soon.
Last reply by Indonesian Emirati, -
- 2 replies
Everytime when I write a Name like "Preußen" (Prussia) with the "ß" it make the word on the map without the last letter and you can't see the "ß". For exampel I write/create "Preußen but in the map you can see it is written "Preusse" without "ß" and "n". On other countrys it is too.
Last reply by BlakeTehGreat, -
- 1 reply
In polish netherland is in english Łukasz przetłumacz na Holandia
Last reply by ITurkishmapping, -
Problems with letters and accents
by Guest Nathanrico04- 0 replies
How can I put the accents?, example, í, õ, or "Ç"
- 2 replies
New version of Russian Translation! v2.0 How to Download: Rename file "59343" to "" Copy files from archive to game folder /Age of Civilizations 2/ Download: 59343
Last reply by MonAx,