AoC Memes
176 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
I know it isnt perfect, but its close
Last reply by DespotMilan, -
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Last reply by adomas233, -
- 2 replies
Greater Samoyed Empire (done with sandbox) My goal is to form the Russian Empire as the Samoyeds in sandbox while still having a stable country.
Last reply by Bernadyk, -
- 7 replies
I will show you how much insults I get from the ai from 2 different difficulty options today. On 400% ai aggressive btw. 1- beginner difficulty 2- legendary difficulty this proves that legendary difficulty is somehow easier than the beginner difficulty. like wtf? why? because, when there are too much suspended relations, this means more coalitions, and in return, more wars. so why TF is legendary more peaceful than beginner and the ai doesn't focus on me too much on legendary than on beginner difficulty? on a side note: both difficulties have got difference on income: beginner has got much more income than legendary. it might not look like a meme, but It jus…
Last reply by marksameh, -
Excuse me? Once before there was batman, Now There is mercedes! Nice!
Last reply by marksameh, -
- 4 replies
y e s
Last reply by Federation of Arizona, -
- 2 replies
Last reply by eDouz, -
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Last reply by Federation of Arizona, -
- 14 replies
Last reply by LAUELCOMMIE☭, -
- 1 reply
Algerian empire and Canada in Morocco
Last reply by LAUELCOMMIE☭, -
Ha ha very funny, steam workshop ☺️
Last reply by TaDziK, -
- 1 reply
Age of Civilizations 2 — a great game that has a huge potential and a motley, large community. How many people have become her loyal fans, who are still waiting for updates on the game, which was released on November 22, 2018 quite raw and with a lot of bugs. Major updates or even simple bugfixes we have not seen, and the developer continues to ignore the messages of players and does not plan to develop his masterpiece. Łukasz, why did you start making a new game without finishing the old one? You have not yet completed your first, grandiose and large-scale project, updates for which are waiting for all the fans, but at the same time already strive to make a new game? Don…
Last reply by Vasyan AOCer, -
Age of Civilizations 2 — a great game that has a huge potential and a motley, large community. How many people have become her loyal fans, who are still waiting for updates on the game, which was released on November 22, 2018 quite raw and with a lot of bugs. Major updates or even simple bugfixes we have not seen, and the developer continues to ignore the messages of players and does not plan to develop his masterpiece. Łukasz, why did you start making a new game without finishing the old one? You have not yet completed your first, grandiose and large-scale project, updates for which are waiting for all the fans, but at the same time already strive to make a new game? Don…
Last reply by LordL, -
- 0 replies
Age of Civilizations 2 — a great game that has a huge potential and a motley, large community. How many people have become her loyal fans, who are still waiting for updates on the game, which was released on November 22, 2018 quite raw and with a lot of bugs. Major updates or even simple bugfixes we have not seen, and the developer continues to ignore the messages of players and does not plan to develop his masterpiece. Łukasz, why did you start making a new game without finishing the old one? You have not yet completed your first, grandiose and large-scale project, updates for which are waiting for all the fans, but at the same time already strive to make a new game? …
Last reply by Ancori1, -
- 0 replies
Łukasz, why did you start making a new game without finishing the old one? You have not yet completed your first, grandiose and large-scale project, updates for which are waiting for all the fans, but at the same time already strive to make a new game? Don't you realize that this very new project will be perceived by the audience with negative for the simple reason that you corny did not finish AOC 2? What do we players need? We want to see at least one update that will fix bugs, and in the best case-will introduce global innovations in the game, with new chips and mechanics. Łukasz, we, your loyal fans, will remember you as a wonderful developer, and the Creator of a lar…
Last reply by Serg, -
Age of Civilizations 2 — a great game that has a huge potential and a motley, large community. How many people have become her loyal fans, who are still waiting for updates on the game, which was released on November 22, 2018 quite raw and with a lot of bugs. Major updates or even simple bugfixes we have not seen, and the developer continues to ignore the messages of players and does not plan to develop his masterpiece. Łukasz, why did you start making a new game without finishing the old one? You have not yet completed your first, grandiose and large-scale project, updates for which are waiting for all the fans, but at the same time already strive to make a new game…
Last reply by forerest, -
- 0 replies
Age of Civilizations 2 — a great game that has a huge potential and a motley, large community. How many people have become her loyal fans, who are still waiting for updates on the game, which was released on November 22, 2018 quite raw and with a lot of bugs. Major updates or even simple bugfixes we have not seen, and the developer continues to ignore the messages of players and does not plan to develop his masterpiece.Łukasz, why did you start making a new game without finishing the old one? You have not yet completed your first, grandiose and large-scale project, updates for which are waiting for all the fans, but at the same time already strive to make a new game? Don'…
Last reply by Der hoi Y, -
- 0 replies
Age of Civilizations 2 - отличная игра, имеющая огромный потенциал и разношерстное, большое сообщество. Сколько людей стали ее преданными поклонниками, которые все еще ждут обновлений игры, которая была выпущена 22 ноября 2018 года довольно сырой и с множеством ошибок. Крупных обновлений или даже простых исправлений мы не видели, и разработчик продолжает игнорировать сообщения игроков и не планирует разрабатывать свой шедевр. Лукаш, почему ты начал делать новую игру, не заканчивая старую? Вы еще не завершили свой первый, грандиозный и масштабный проект, обновления которого ждут всех фанатов, но в то же время уже стремитесь сделать новую игру? Разве вы не понимаете, что эт…
Last reply by German 1980, -
Age of Civilizations 2 — a great game that has a huge potential and a motley, large community. How many people have become her loyal fans, who are still waiting for updates on the game, which was released on November 22, 2018 quite raw and with a lot of bugs. Major updates or even simple bugfixes we have not seen, and the developer continues to ignore the messages of players and does not plan to develop his masterpiece. Łukasz, why did you start making a new game without finishing the old one? You have not yet completed your first, grandiose and large-scale project, updates for which are waiting for all the fans, but at the same time already strive to make a new game? Don…
Last reply by Kerem Yılmaz, -
Age of Civilizations 2 — a great game that has a huge potential and a motley, large community. How many people have become her loyal fans, who are still waiting for updates on the game, which was released on November 22, 2018 quite raw and with a lot of bugs. Major updates or even simple bugfixes we have not seen, and the developer continues to ignore the messages of players and does not plan to develop his masterpiece. Łukasz, why did you start making a new game without finishing the old one? You have not yet completed your first, grandiose and large-scale project, updates for which are waiting for all the fans, but at the same time already strive to make a new game? Don…
Last reply by Capodastr, -
Age of Civilizations 2 — a great game that has a huge potential and a motley, large community. How many people have become her loyal fans, who are still waiting for updates on the game, which was released on November 22, 2018 quite raw and with a lot of bugs. Major updates or even simple bugfixes we have not seen, and the developer continues to ignore the messages of players and does not plan to develop his masterpiece. Łukasz, why did you start making a new game without finishing the old one? You have not yet completed your first, grandiose and large-scale project, updates for which are waiting for all the fans, but at the same time already strive to make a new game? Don…
Last reply by Capodastr, -
Age of Civilizations 2 — a great game that has a huge potential and a motley, large community. How many people have become her loyal fans, who are still waiting for updates on the game, which was released on November 22, 2018 quite raw and with a lot of bugs. Major updates or even simple bugfixes we have not seen, and the developer continues to ignore the messages of players and does not plan to develop his masterpiece. Łukasz, why did you start making a new game without finishing the old one? You have not yet completed your first, grandiose and large-scale project, updates for which are waiting for all the fans, but at the same time already strive to make a new game? Don…
Last reply by Capodastr, -
- 1 reply
Last reply by WorkPlease, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Did someone say...... Kebabic Empire of Erdogan???!!! (Inspired From GGG502's video "Turkey in a nutshell", also sorry for polish language in game) (yes i used Sandbox mode)
Last reply by MatrixeQ HD Mapping, -
Last reply by PANTIC,