169 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
Hey there, today I'm gonna show you how to change main menu logo. To do that, you need to go to UI. After that, you need to change game logo in H, XH, XXH, XXXH, XXXXH folders. Inside these folders, just change game_logo to your preferred logo.With image editor, change to your preferred logo. Remember, do this process in each folder. That's it:)
Last reply by UnknownB, -
Kerassentials will be a major player. I have some detailed reports available. Here is quite a few refreshing news. We should look at this preference from the ground up. That question can have a big impact on a factor. That's not going to be a picnic. The garage was sealed air tight yet in my next column I'm going to analyze that design to you. You need a pair of brass balls for this. https://www.outlookindia.com/outlook-spotlight/kerassentials-toenail-fungus-oil-review-scam-alert-2022-price-49-per-bottle-news-223859 https://workdrive.zohoexternal.com/file/eled51b072e7cf75c472297222f0e65f9c780 https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/view/67460666/kerassent…
Last reply by goriaikc, -
- 10 replies
I wanna share with you guys how to play Victoria 1 in android What you need: - The game file you can get it from numerous site here's one of them: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://igg-games.com/victoria-complete-free-download.html&ved=2ahUKEwjm3OfEgvPzAhVe83MBHaFdAjkQFnoECC8QAQ&usg=AOvVaw0ai1q3zSW75jSIxDwhDIHP - Zarchiver -exagear 3.0.2 Continue in the comments section👇
Last reply by TheFuhrer, -
- 1 reply
I have a smaller province than Hungary, i mean i have 14 province and Hungary have 45 province...But I have a good relationship with them, absolutely 100% and especially they only have 0.34 technology and I'm 1.83... The problem is how to keep them ? They seemed to want to rebel and I smothered them 4 times...If this is reality, I bet the humans from the age of history universe are the dumbest thing I've ever seen... Ok, so um... how?
Last reply by Romain CH, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
I've tested out if i could add another symbol for the civilization creator flags and... i was shocked! It worked!!! So... you need to get an custom image. Then make it so its 44 pixels wide and 44 pixel high [ Can be highier or lower but change the scale of it in overlays.json file so its not too big or too small ] and save it as png and call it the next number from overlays so its lile - "overXXX" X are numbers The amount of overlays in AOH II is 116, so 117 will work but if you wanna add more than 117 then you need to call them a number bigger than 117. When you are done creating overXXX / over117 then go to the local files of AOC II and …
Last reply by Latusay, -
- 1 follower
- 40 replies
I tried to add some new music tracks a while ago, I put some .ogg files in the folder, and I put their names in the Age_of_Civilizations file, but they didn't play and it broke all of the music for the game, I actually like this as it is pretty relaxing, but I want to add more music for SPQR, what did I do wrong and how can I fix it?
Last reply by HUAYQUITO, -
- 1 reply
I am working on my mod and want to edit event text outside the game. How to do this?
Last reply by Nexon, -
- 1 reply
I want a custom GUI like this but I cannot figure out how to change it.. can you please help? I only have the default atm..
Last reply by Noobs Dudes, -
- 0 replies
Pls help I really wanna use the mod Mod link:
Last reply by justcallmekrabs, -
- 0 replies
I have found zip file with classes in chinese community but i don't know how to add this to my mod. If you know, tell me pls how to do this. Thank you.
Last reply by GerRax, -
- 3 replies
hey hey, do you know how to write a city in different alphabet or ? for exemple, a russian city name written in latin and cyrillic alphabet ? same for arab cities etc etc
Last reply by bundha3, -
- 2 replies
It would probably be very difficult but any info would be appreciated 🙂
Last reply by Just a Nerd21, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hey, i need a tutorial how to change game logo, because i tried to find any files in the game to change logo and i can't find it to change icon for my mod
Last reply by Iwo2014, -
- 2 replies
HOW DO I CHANGE THE IN-GAME ICON What do I mean exactly? What I mean is how whenever your loading up a game, you'll see the word Age of History 2, then when fully in, you see it again. How do I change that to my own personal icon? I'm trying to make a mod and would like to know how to do this.
Last reply by Mewster, -
- 0 replies
Beliv There's a common mistake about BeLiv. It is everything you need to know in connection with that interest. That's why you may want to be a little more sneaky concerning stuff. In spite of everything, it may possible to find a new Blood Sugar Support Formula in your community. Here's the news. This progress has been a driving force in recent weeks. Here are the reasons. You probably would have to see my official credentials. I want the world to see what I've done with that. Just sit back and relax and enjoy this info apropos to that problem. Incredibly, we'll see. This is true, no experience is needed. That is a very easy way. That inclination is a tool to give a…
Last reply by belivgetnow, -
- 0 replies
When I start a war, there is no effect on armies in terrain, for example, I fight with the enemy’s army in the mountains, and it actually looks like I am fighting over plains or flat land. If it is a strategy game, the terrain should have a role in wars. If there is a mod dedicated to it, I want to try
Last reply by rara, -
- 0 replies
Dirígete a la carpeta del juego Ve a mapas Elige el mapa del cual quieres eliminar el/los escenario/s Ve a escenarios Verifica cual escenario es el no deseado Y abre el preview.png Una vez tengas en cuenta cual es el escenario que quieres borrar elimina la carpeta.
Last reply by Juanseto04, -
- 5 replies
Jak stworzyć scenariusz. Kroki: 1 kliknięcie w edytorze. 2 dostosuj kontynenty. 3 dostosuj pustkowia. 4 dostosuj cywilizacje. 5 dostosuj prowincje. 6 ustalasz dodatki.
Last reply by burbigo3, -
- 0 replies
Last reply by themadkiller10, -
- 12 replies
How do you make a scripted peace deal always fire? How do you annex provinces regardless of the province's owner? How do you make generic events for countries that continue to add flavour long after the event chains end? How do you script dynamic alternate history paths for an AI to take? Well, here's how. The order that the effects should go in will be listed top to bottom. How to make an event annex a province regardless of the owner: - Update the provinces that you wish to be annexed to Country A to wasteland. (Update Wasteland command) - Update the provinces that you just turned into wasteland into normal provinces. (Update Wasteland command) - Ann…
Last reply by jibriel05, -
- 1 reply
I have absolutely no idea how to code, but i just want to see if there is some easy tweak to make it so i can plunder my own provinces too instead of only being able to plunder enemy provinces.
Last reply by thatdumbghast, -
- 2 replies
I want to create ww2 scenario with atleast 200 events but to do that i have to know how to set AI aggressivnes to 0%. If you know please tell me.
Last reply by Cereal, -
- 0 replies
worldbox is a very cool and most popular game today. Here you can create your own unique planet, form and place continents at will, choose flora and fauna. In addition to the animal ecosystem, you can create intelligent life with the option to choose the path of civilization development. Do you want to try yourself to be an almighty god, download worldbox mod --- 2022
Last reply by KristineSullivan, -
- 9 replies
As the title say's , Is there a way to disable the possibility of vassals breaking away? And can you disable manual declreation of war?
Last reply by Lorenz_yeet, -
- 1 reply
Last reply by Noobs Dudes,