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I would like that when creating scenarios you can put an ñ to the name.
Last reply by Armolitskiy, -
- 2 replies
Let's face it, the diplomacy in the game is broken. Nations all around you break into all out pointless war, forcing me to play the game at AI aggressive 50% so Ming doesn't conquer all of India before 1550. It doesn't necessarily even need to be complex. A simple timer between wars you can declare is good enough. Say, you cannot declare another war for the next 50 turns with ANYONE, not just your original opponent.
Last reply by PETER, -
- 3 replies
Soo I know that there is already a tributary system where you can an % amount of income from vassals but I was thinking about a bit more complex system, so let`s begin. First of all, tributary states aren`t necessary vassals of any civ. , so it would be nice if Lukasz or any modder out there could implement a system wich lets you send demands to civs. of your choice to become a tributary state, wich in exchange it won`t increase the amount of money gained per turn but the tributary state must pay a certain % amount of money every year and the maximum % that you can demand is 45%, the higher the percentage is the higher the tributary civ. wants to stop paying tribute and d…
Last reply by sergidorian, -
- 16 replies
Why AI can't make big alliance more then 2 civilizations?????
Last reply by goktug14, -
- 0 replies
We have already talked a lot about the chance of setting our own events. Now, the majority of players know how to do it, but what about decisions in the game? I'm talking about general/global decitions (mainly related with economic, demographic or technologic prosperity, spending "X" amount of money), and some others single decisions depending on the country and the era you're playing with. At the moment, the onliy possible decisions of this kind are "formable nations", but there's an example: General/global decisions: Great investment in technology, economy, population growth --- Devaluate coin (increases the treasury, but dicreases global economy efficiency) ---- F…
Last reply by sergidorian, -
- 2 replies
1. Slaves 2. Population booms (like diseases but gives population) 3.Capitulation (take the capital, country is weakened greatly) 4.A minimum amount of units to take a province. (i am frustrated when the AI takes my provinces with 13 soldiers. Make IT REALISTIC! AT LEAST 500-1000 UNITS WHAT THE FU) 5.Brush tools for construction or automatic builder/upgrader when you give it a budget with a slider. This is NECESSARY AND NEEDS IMMINENT ACTION PLEASE. MAKES THE GAME BORING WHEN YOU CLICK 10000 TIMES. 6. More cheats please. Make sliders with cheats.
Last reply by Adamicki12, -
New units types
by Guest kubson- 6 replies
Hay, are you thinking about add some new types of units like: infantry, tanks or motorized units ? For example these types are good for ww2 scenario. Pls, think about this.
Last reply by brejas, -
- 1 reply
In the editor there are triggers "AND", "OR", "NOT", but why not "ALL". Triger would help with a lot of global events 😛
Last reply by goktug14, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
If I wanted to create a scenario in Mid WW2, let's say 1942, I would want to make it that instead of Germany owning all of its occupation in the USSR or Japan in China.
Last reply by setapdede, -
- 35 replies
Would be fun to have online multiplayer. Many people already really want it, and would up the replayability of the game.
Local Or Normal Multiplayer + extra
by Guest A Normal Fan- 1 reply
TODO LIST 1. Make an option that says "Multiplayer" 2. You can choose "Local" Or "Global" 3. Make private matches just for you and your friends 4. You are able to make it as many people as you want 5. Fix sum bugs 6. Be able to send messages to countries in multiplayer 7. Party host can mess around with the options 8. It will say which country they selected and vise versa 9. Please add more diplomacy options 10. (Optional) Add banks to make loans and stuff and store money 11. add more features 12. You are a god if you added all of these 13. Leave a 1+ or a -1 to know if you agree
Peace treaties
by Guest zr_g- 1 reply
am i the only one seeing shit peace treaties take place when npcs fight npcs? its just a bunch of enclaves and exclaves everywhere
- 1 reply
I would like an option in which you send a country if you want it to be annexed to you, an example can be in the Victorian era in which Texas is a USA. It will be like forming a union, but instead of being United States-Texas (with a united flag), just say the United States.
Last reply by Heidelmann, -
- 1 reply
Last reply by JustAnUser, -
Labour/concentration camps
by Guest Stef- 4 replies
I got an idea and would like to hear some of your reactions The idea is to have an option to be able to build labour/concentration camps and deport people of other ethnicities to them(2 seperate ideas). The cost of these should be reasonably high. The deportation option could be an option in the more tab when you click on a province(with every move taking a turn), then you can choose an ethnicity to deport, how many people to deport and where to deport them. Rebellions can start while deporting. Once deported to a province with a camp there can happen 2 things, depending on the type of camp: Labour camp: significantly boosts economy/production, death rates a…
Last reply by BrakeCoachStudios, -
- 1 reply
1. To make revolutions in other countries. That is, to create revolutionary, insurgent movements in the country, spending money. 2. Allocate several provinces and issue actions for them (for example, the call of troops in several provinces at once, rather than allocating each province and setting it action) or building farms, factories, libraries for several provinces at once. 3. To set the path for the troops, for example, from one province, the troops must go to the capital to the enemy, but I want to be able to set the path for the troops. 4. AND MULTIPLAYER
Last reply by goktug14, -
rebel provinces
by Guest ñamcu21- 0 replies
Put some rebellious provinces that are revealed to the first year as Wallmapu, Somaliland, Kurdistan, Farc, Isis, Tibet, etc.
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Treaties pls?
Last reply by Ilovethisgame2, -
- 0 replies
Different options to choose in peace deals relating to the current age, for example treaty ports in the Victorian era.
Last reply by MissoldPPI YT, -
- 14 replies
Some ideas for the game New Buildings Hospitals They could prevent diseases,or reduce deaths.It could costs 7000 per building? Airports Fast Travel troop's through provinces(only your pronvinces).10.000 per building? Bank You can Store money for the future,or make bigger loans.5.000 per building ? Land Mines Kill 15-30% of the enemy army in the built province.3.000 per mine(have a chance of 30% to kill your troops too in the province) New Troops Paratroopers(Planes) he could pass through 3 provinces,and deploy 50 troops per plane.dont know the price per troop Bombs.... Destroy 65-85% of t…
Last reply by goktug14, -
- 4 replies
In AOC1 when you took the capital and held it for 3 turns the rest of the nation would be part of ur country. I feel this mechanic needs to be added to AOC2 with tweaks of course like maybe instead of holding it for 3 turns you need to hold it for 10 turns and instead of the whole country becoming yours you can make peace and receive provinces that you don’t occupy. This would encourage protecting your capital. I know that you can just move your capital but that costs money and could make your income worst so is it really worth it to move your capital or defend it?
Last reply by Kev_vyn, -
- 7 replies
Just popped up on my head Rather than having one single country as the US, I propose that we could actually put Washington DC and other territories as the United States and have its 50 states as its vassals(or we could have a reserved name in the game called "States"). But since vassals can also declare war to its owner, make them less aggressive and close allies. And since its the United States, just like the HRE, we could make a certain grouping among these states, but keep the "UNITED STATES" lettering like if it was a single country. This is what would happen if it conquers lands. Lets say that the US declared war on Mexico(no pun intended), …
Last reply by BrakeCoachStudios, -
auto save
by Guest Kal- 0 replies
Got some way to disable auto-save in the game I do not like it
- 3 replies
Would seen on the same tab with economy and population Would be used for mobilising a army without using gold ,just upkeep. Also effecting the income of the province taking too much manpower from the economy will make it suffer. Cost Manpower to build buildings (they would be taken away just until the building is complete)
Last reply by EmpirePlanner145, -
Load problem
by Guest xDD- 0 replies
I have a recent problem with age of civilizations 2 on the steam because when I click I load the game but I have some records, the game turns off and I uninstalled and installed this game and nothing if someone has a way?