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- 1 reply
When I play as Goguryeo in 5AD and when I conquer the province of Vladivostok(the one right east of North Korea), since its such a big province it made an unnatural "bulge" in my borders. I also want to make a mod related to it, but they don't fit in the large provinces(since I have to cram two civilizations in one province I need to not include one in the mod). And some provinces in Manchuria are very chunky and kinda distracts me and would create border gore(and it is unnatural). So I redrew some borders of the provinces(for example I split the Vladivostok province in half) in the region to make it more natural when playing. So can you please a…
- 4 replies
There is a serious problem when it comes to technology in the game, and it is ticking like a time bomb. Technology in the game is grossly oversimplified, and in a lot of strategies largely ignored. This post will explore ways to make the game more in depth, realistic, and balanced. It will be split into two subs: Balance and military. BALANCE When it comes to technology, the game is broken. Every time, the bigger nations with the bigger economies are leaps and bounds of the smaller nations, say the HRE. This is a joke, as regions should develop in technology uniformly. Development of technology should be not be dependent on income, but instead possibl…
Last reply by brejas, -
- 1 follower
- 14 replies
(Firstly sorry for my English)If you was watch aoc2 alpha video you can see trade zones which can be edit in map editor This was in alpha but deleted for some reason you can see in 3:34. Why this great idea removed ? I think it is removed because bugs atleast we didnt know about no bonus or something
Last reply by BrakeCoachStudios, -
- 0 replies
One of the reasons some people criticize this game is when a soldier or two just conquers a province. I mean, the villagers would stop them. They don't have enough power to even conquer it . So my proposal is: If soldiers less than 10 attack a province, they would die out. Or all of the provinces without fortifications would have some sort of default defense power to it. It adds more realism to the game if we use this, and don't make two soldiers capture an entire province.
Last reply by BrakeCoachStudios, -
- 2 replies
Currently, the game exhibits former president Michel Temer, but "Jair M. Bolsonaro" is the new Brazilian president, took office on January 1, 2019. On January 10, Bolsonaro published his official photo on his Twitter profile, see the link below.
Last reply by OnilFortal, -
- 7 replies
I cannot fathom out at all how to go about creating a new scenario, I'm quite happy with the standard map but am afraid that any edits I make may overwrite the current scenarios. How can I ensure that this doesnt happen please?
Last reply by PETER, -
- 0 replies
Population Boost Create a new tab which allows immigrants or new population to be added in 1. It would increase population until a percent of your choosing province instability. Basically letting strangers into your province. The Trade off would be the province would be unstable and you would need to assimilate the new population. 2. Allow provinces to migrant their populations to another province of your choosing. Basically shifting the population to a province you want. For example your capital. The con of this is that you can make a province have a population of 50k-70k and it make it highly valuable so if you are at war they would try to go af…
Last reply by EmpirePlanner145, -
When Aoc2 will Be in appstore ?
by Guest Romanian- 0 replies
- 2 replies
Hey Lukas , the vassals now are really boring you can`t do anything with them just ask him for money and that`s all. Here I have some suggestions for them: The ability to assimilate his population. Once the population of the vassals provinces is in minority you can make a referendum and the provinces join to you. The ability to ask from vassals some army.(like 0.5% of his population per round). When we are into a war every province conquered by my vassals to give me points not to him. The ability to change type of his government. Thank you for reading.
Last reply by PETER, -
- 8 replies
Instead of building a army using money, scrap that and have it being that it require that province's population to build a army. This will make so that your gold can not quickly build a army in one turn. Example, you select provinces that will build a army for you based off of the population the province has. Population of 25000, would be able to recruit a army of 1500 but it would take 3 turns. Each turn makes 500 units There needs to be a new building so that you can train a army. The higher the level the building is the faster and more units you can build. The cost would increase the military upkeep. This would allow a nation prepare…
Last reply by EmpirePlanner145, -
- 3 replies
[NOTE: This is not at all a rant thread. If it comes off as so for whatever reason, it wasn't Implied. I genuinely love this game, but these are simply ways that it (specifically, the scenario editor) could be made significantly better. Also, I really hope this hasn't been done before. If it was, tell me] I have no idea if this already has been suggested, but this is a personal list which, if implemented, would allow us to make scenarios that are way more fun and interesting. With every suggestion, I'll also show an example on how it'd help. Anyways, let's begin. "Any Civilization" option for events and triggers. This would allow us to make random events wa…
- 3 replies
Scenario variables: Integer values that events can get and set - manually or to a specific value like how much money a civilization has. They would be great help for scenarios where I want an event to check something from the past as well, like whether a certain decision was made in a previous event. I don't know the maximum amount of money a civilization can have, but if it was M then I believe a range of [-M, M] for variables would allow the player to store any value they could want in them. "Events" without a recipient: Events that are not necessarily a decision made by a country to shift the environment, but a random or specific shift in the environment enacted b…
Last reply by Kemalakkus, -
- 2 replies
I know that this would be hard but I believe that in the long term of the game this would allow many more people to create new and interesting content as I believe that many people (me included) find the process complicated but I understand if this is not possible for you, as you have no team but even if this took months to create it would help. I do not do any programming so sorry if this is unreasonable, but if someone knows about this I would be very grateful. Thank you
Last reply by Ramiro007, -
- 2 replies
Could be good to have spies, maybe in the form of units (between 1 and 50) invisible to the enemy unless you're discovered. Spies efficienty would be based on tech level, the higher your dev is, the most undetectable they are. Could be presented as below: -building : spying center where you could hire spies. -spying treaties between civs : they both let spies pass in their territory and both recover the informations. Note: this is a secret alliance. Spying actions : -sabotage : destroy a building -informations : removes the fog in some provinces around them. And, if in the capital, infos about the budget and all troops. (High tech level to enter …
Last reply by Pierrot69stf, -
- 1 reply
The most import time saver would be a click and drag for units.
Last reply by OnilFortal, -
- 1 reply
Armies can be lead by Selected Generals which give them a buff on certain skills or terrains. Armies must be over 2.5k or 5k to be consider to be lead by a General.
Last reply by Ramiro007, -
- 1 reply
I found it kinda of annoying that the UK isn't a formable nation in the base game, and that I had to change the settings of it. Another thing is the german states, not being able to form Germany, at least some can form Prussia who can form Germany. I will also suggest Portugal to form Iberia, has it is a nation in it. Granada should be given the same privilege (I don't know if they have it already sorry if I'm wrong). Anyways thank you for reading and good luck on making the game as always. Edit: Just noticed you can form the UK through union with Scotland/England, still a formable nation would be nice to those who prefer a warmonger route.
Last reply by BrakeCoachStudios, -
Missing nation. French south Antarctic lands (Kerguelen Islands)
by Guest Meowsticly- 1 reply
There is a missing nation in AOC2 its the french southern antarctic lands i suggest you add them
Last reply by MehmetCeran, -
- 0 replies
Pretty simple make supply lines more prominent and better because at the moment supply lines honestly have zero affect on the game sometimes they do damage but you have to mess up really hard for that to happen so here's my suggestion -If an army gets surrounded that army has a certain number of turns to get out or it dies, the number of turns can vary on easy: 3-4 Turns Hard:1-2 turns, Etc -You have to have a port to make a sea landing, That way enemies don't land in the middle of nowhere and Surprise you
Last reply by Lonathan, -
- 1 reply
I would like a level of colonization, as well as aggression, but this will make if it has a low level the NPc will not colonize much, but if it is high it will colonize a lot.
Last reply by Ramiro007, -
- 0 replies
There should be other ways to build up a army. The Draft You would get units from provinces each turn but it would be in proportion with the provinces population. Figure if the province population is 25000, each turn you would get 50-100 units each turn. The downside, the provinces you selected for the draft will suffer unhappiness and revolt if it's been drafting Army for long. Mercenary Option for the ability to buy army Units or sell their services to other nations. It would be higher military upkeep but will not effect the population of the province. Cost would be cheaper then building your own army but there is a limit to how long y…
Last reply by EmpirePlanner145, -
- 1 reply
Just like the title implies. Will we be able to see small population booms that act like a disease spread but with pop growth? Kind of a discount way to simulate migration/population boom/over abundance. I tried it myself, but all I did was create new diseases 😄
Last reply by Strangefancypants, -
by Guest CrusadersKing- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Add Wales kk thanks
Last reply by setapdede, -
- 0 replies
If possible I think Lukasz should make steam cloud saving so our files don't get lost on other computers. If anyone can suggest substitutes please do....
Last reply by antoniokf5, -
- 8 replies
Aoc2 multi add-on?
Last reply by antoniokf5,