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- 0 replies
The current game isn't bad and it is the best choice for mobile. But it runs slow in most of the phones, at least what I've seen. So the next update shouldn't be making new scenarios or new nations but making the current game even better. Anyways this is just my opinion. The game is still great and I love what Lukasz did.
Last reply by antoniokf5, -
- 1 reply
I think leader death dates would be a good part of the game mostly because it is odd seeing leaders who have died being in charge of a nation. This might just be a problem for me since I have been adding many leaders and it is weird when either leaders like Theodore Roosevelt being president of the United States in 1919 and replacing another leader I added Woodrow Wilson.
Last reply by ElectricSquid7, -
Public Discord
by Guest Fitmo- 0 replies
a public discord where people can chat post maps etc
- 12 replies
Before adding new content to the game, fix it first lol, there are so many bugs. Some bugs that happened in my games: (on PC) Relations get stuck at 0 after a large number of turns Game rendering freaks out after a large number of turns Armies can vanish randomly After you save a scenario, it redirects you to another one If you change the army position of a province, your game get's cursed forever and you need to re-install it to add new provinces to the game, since it crashes when you edit config.json Error("suggestion" Not found) Kurwa on these bugs, please.
Last reply by Beter Griffin, -
- 13 replies
Lukasz, you need to hire more employees if you want to make your game successful. Because, if you don't, this game might just die. There are tons of suggestions in the forums. You already have the ideas. But you don't have the capacity to implement all of those ideas to the game with just 1 person. Being an one man army is cool, but sometimes you just need to increase your capacity. And that is by hiring more people to work on AoC2. You could atleast make some moderator application in the forums, literally anything. This community won't work forever with just 1 person moderating and doing everything lol. I hope you take my suggestion into acc…
Last reply by Simon, -
>If you take all of a country in the peace deal you should be able to take ALL of it and annex >When a country is pushing with their vassal and the vassal does not have a border (ex: germany invading france with slovakia vassal) the land occupied by the vassal should be occupied by the ruler unless it is the vassal who has the border (ex: soviet union and romania invading yugoslavia} :P
Last reply by Chexier, -
by Guest kebab- 0 replies
będzie multiplayer?
Water is black
by Guest Winter Unicorn- 3 replies
Water provincies (and any water) on the default map are black like neutral provincies. Is it possible to fix? Sample screenshot:
- 2 replies
I got a suggestion for the game, it would be nice for my Soviet Union run for when you vassalize a country, you should have the option to make the vassalized country adopt the ideology of the country you're playing as. Like when I played as the Soviet Union and vassalize Estonia, they were still a democracy though I was expecting a Communist Estonia. If the developer is reading this, I think my suggestion would really help AoC2 compete against the Paradox Games.
Last reply by Strangefancypants, -
- 2 replies
As of now, I have been encountering a bunch of useless wars with nations much weaker than me, and even half the world away. I suggest that the algorithm for countries declaring war on each other be changed by... The AI being much stricter in who it attacks. Right now I have had countries as much as 50x weaker than me try to attack me, which ends up being annoying. Countries will rarely, if at all, attack overseas nations before Age of Imperialism. Then, when Age of Imperialism happens, Great Powers are more inclined to colonize and attack overseas nations. Landlocked countries will never attack nations that do not border them. Another issue I have fo…
Last reply by Strangefancypants, -
Bad mechanics
by Guest Jarek- 5 replies
When you suggest a declaration of war for a few thousand gold, in 99% of cases it agrees, which facilitates the game
Last reply by Simon, -
- 1 reply
Recently i did a challenge : spread communism across earth as soviet union. Now my problem was that in order to change the ideology of a country tou must firstly annex it and then create a vassal. But what if you could support the ideology of yours in the country then they will laungh a revolution and if they succeed then they will create a vassal in your name. I know this may sound really specific but it will add some more diversity and strategy in the game.
Last reply by Ramiro007, -
- 0 replies
Normally i would introduce myself but cant really find the section of introducing myself but thats what im not doing here right now. So i went to play this game for fun and also like to play with mods. But it would be nice if it was possible to add a workshop for the game so its easier to get custom maps, flags, countrys, etc... I know i can get mods from here but i would actually prefer it to subscribe to mods directly from steam and not here. Not that it really is important to do it but i would prefer it that way E: Nevermind i just found out that theres a calendar displaying when the workshop will come.
Last reply by Racer911-1, -
- 0 replies
I've got two ideas for colonization: Named colonies. Instead of making an area called the country's name on it, make it relate to the region it colonizes. (Ex: Spain colonizes Sicily, 'Spanish Sicily') Make the AI vassalize their colonies. Most games I have that include colonization are not so interesting because it's just the countries that start off. It would be nicer if the AI vassalized their colonies, so there would be more nations. It could also make the game more interesting by having the colonies declare themselves independent, which would start a war of independence. Any other suggestions for colonization will be added here if requested. Also your…
Last reply by Awesomer2715, -
- 3 replies
playing as the Teutonic Order, currently have been at war with the ottomans for over 30 years due to my allies (Denmark and Lithuania, who started the war) not accepting a peace deal when Lithuania has only taken 3 provinces and Denmark has taken none(Denmark is the one rejecting the peace deals). I think there needs to be an option to pull out of these types of wars or make an individual peace deal after a certain amount of time, just my thoughts though.
Last reply by Strangefancypants, -
by Guest kebab- 0 replies
Co myślicie o tym żeby łukasz stworzył tryb multiplayer. PS: Łukaszu jeżeli to czytasz wypowiedz się czy byłoby to możliwe
- 0 replies
The game archive is suspected to be damaged, the game cannot be continued, only the game archive can be loaded, and the next turn cannot be used!
Last reply by Scant, -
- 0 replies
Zoom in/out too slow by scrolling the mouse. Can you fix it?
Last reply by seoko1752, -
- 2 replies
Please add 0 aggressiveness
Last reply by Wersjon, -
- 0 replies
The thing that i really, really hate about the game is that other than numbers of the army (and structures) there is no real army managment like army level. For example if my army is level 1 then it will cost 1 dollar to recruit and lower military upkeep at a cost of -50% attack and defence. I suggest adding something like that.
Last reply by ii123321a, -
- 0 replies
I was playing as Margraviate of Brandnburg and I had Holstein as my puppet. I've made a union with them and I can still call Holstein to war or increase taxes for them. Also I lose some diplomatic points because the game thinks I still have Holstein as my vassal.
Last reply by Unbroken, -
by GBGB- 1 reply
So I have been playing AoC 2 for a while, and I think Madagascar should be a formable nation. It would really be an awesome addition. What do you guys think?
Last reply by Basileia Ton Rhomaion, -
- 1 reply
Sometimes when you manage to conquer a big country (like Nazi Germany vs Soviet Union) you can't annex all the provinces, because you don't have enough points in the peace treaty, even if you control 100% of the countries provinces. Now I had the idea for a "force conquest" button where you get all provinces even if you don't have enough points. The button only appears when you control 100% of the country. The negative side would be that in the forcefully taken provinces, the stabillity would be very low, the risk of a rebellion would be much higher and the cost for the provinces also. I mean there is no enemy government who could do something against it an…
Last reply by vlad123, -
- 5 replies
Witam, chciałbym się podzielić moim pomysłem: Moim pomysłem jest to, że Łukasz, albo jakiś moder mógłby wprowadzić infrastrukturę transportową i tą zwykłą, trochę zmienić ekonomię, żeby była trudniejsza, żeby gracz oprócz prowadzenia wojen mógł poczuć to, że zarządza krajem tak kompletnie. Głównie mam tu na myśli budowanie dróg, różnych obwodnic, autostrad, oczywiście drogi, obwodnice oraz autostrady dawały by jakieś bonusy, między innymi: zwykła droga - 2% szybszego poruszania się wojska, po danym terenie na którym jest wybudowana droga. Obwodnica - 5%. Autostrada - 10%. Lotnisko - Jak wiadomo, często potrafi polepszyć przemysł oraz rozpędzić gospodarkę, więc m…
Last reply by EmpirePlanner145, -
- 0 replies
I did not know where to create this post, so I made it here! The idea: to create different countries and call them species of ants / insects. Maybe someone will take to do this? I can, but I do not think that I will manage or do it well.
Last reply by Armolitskiy,