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As you know, when you form a union, it has effects on diplomacy of your nation and other things. Like if you're Germany, you form a union with Austria but you like Italy and Austria hates them. Now you have bad relations with Italy. It would be nice if you could aborb small, friendly nations without these effects like an anschluss.
Last reply by KartoffelMann21, -
- 0 replies
As you know, when you form a union, it has effects on diplomacy of your nation and other things. Like if you're Germany, you form a union with Austria but you like Italy and Austria hates them. Now you have bad relations with Italy. It would be nice if you could aborb small, friendly nations without these effects like an anschluss.
Last reply by KartoffelMann21, -
- 28 replies
I hate it when I make a vassal and after a while they become useless to me and I can't annex them and I have to get in a messy war even If I just want 1-2 provinces from that vassal it's so annoying so my suggestion there should be a button to take a certain amount of provinces from a vassal
Last reply by vlad123, -
- 2 replies
Let us form unions with another countries but give us the option to take over that country or not (to control). In case of war, player and AI will get into war automatically vs enemies.
Last reply by vlad123, -
- 0 replies
When it comes to war it's a Numbers game. This gets annoying because the casualties are close. For every 1 unit you need 1.5 units which is my guess. There should be a option when you are being attacked of Retreat or go to Battle. Option of Retreating will mean victory to the invading force but your army will not suffer a complete lose of units. A invading army of 2000 attacks a province of 1000, if the Retreat option was used then the surviving Army of 1000 would be moved to a chosen adjacent Province. The formula for this Retreat option would go something like, X=(Y+DefenseBonues)-(Z(20%)) X= Surviving Army Y= Province Army Z= I…
Last reply by EmpirePlanner145, -
- 0 replies
My idea for new update is to add diffrent units in the game.For example in World War 2 scenario you could use tanks ,but in 1440 you can't use tanks.I'm not saying there should be a lot but few would change how you play.All of them would give some advantanges and disadvantages.
Last reply by Gino67, -
- 6 replies
We should be able to see which nations we will be able to form with the country we want to play as when we are just selecting them, so we know which ones we can select to go on campaigning.
Last reply by tildedab, -
- 1 reply
What about federations and confederations? You can implement confederations on the basis of HRE, and the federations as autonomies and the consequences of an alliance with another state.
Last reply by tildedab, -
- 0 replies
For the small earth map, I recommend shifting the two German territories so they appear as East and West Germany during the Cold War. Otherwise scenarios based on the Cold War would be difficult to make with that map.
Last reply by SecretAgent632, -
- 6 replies
Age of Civilization 2 is a great strategy game and with that there can be improvements to enhance the playing experience. War Gameplay, Let's start with the War aspect of the game. This is basically a Numbers game when it comes to war, the bigger your army the more likely you would take over the smaller armies. Now I feel there should be some changes to make War more realistic. 1. Mobilising the army, A tool in which you can select certain provinces to build up a army. Say, if you selected 5 provinces with about 30000 population and you need a army of 15000. The tool would evenly or proportionately take units out of these provinces and you …
Last reply by EmpirePlanner145, -
- 8 replies
Will you ever be able to fix territorial changes after wars? Borders are sometimes so weird! And why Al(Computer) can't leave war without taking over all provinces of enemy?
Last reply by Shiite, -
- 0 replies
думаю, будет интересно посмотреть. Смерть правителя, прибытие нового правителя. Просто у меня Гитлер живет 130 лет
Last reply by Simon, -
- 0 replies
This idea cane splitted in Two: Formable nation: If you form a nation you can change your leader (exemple use sicility, form italy, i can use one italian leader and replace the sicilian) Random leader: if the leader arrive at the natural death (istorically) the leader dies, except historicalli suicide, or be murdered and they live more 20 years of normal time line. When the leader dies can be repleced by the "mordernst" leader of their nation, or be random leader with random value and they live for 20-40 years.
Last reply by vlad123, -
- 1 reply
So it there would be options like: protect beaches, protect borders to "Nation", Disband all , Attack all provinces of "Nation" , Attack selected provinces of "Nation" like all your soldier would rush into every selected provinces like In HOI 4. The game would be way faster also like an emergency button like "protect the nation" it would use away all your money to produce soldiers and gain back land.
Last reply by Lonathan, -
- 15 replies
It would be nice if a demilitarization mechanic would be added to the game. A few possible options for demilitarization would be: National Demilitarization: In a specified province, only a certain/specified country is not allowed to put troops on it. (Ex: Demilitarization of the Rhineland) International Demilitarization: In a specified province, no country is allowed to put troops on it (Ex: Antarctic Treaty prohibits any nation from colonizing it, so preventing troops entering would prevent it from being colonized) Partial Demilitarization: In a specified province, a specified number of troops are allowed to be in it at a time (Ex: As a result of the Yo…
Last reply by Strangefancypants, -
- 0 replies
So you could give someones scores to you so you could annex a country or just prevent border gore. Also that option should be like optional.
Last reply by NESS, -
- 1 reply
I have noticed that while making tons of events, there is not copy/duplicate event button. This would be extremely helpful in creating multiple events of the same type.
Last reply by PLe2, -
- 9 replies
It would be a nice thing to prevent plagues/sicknesses in your provinces if you could vaccine the people in the selected province after you reach a selected tech level . Well, just like in real life it could not work if the region has been already infected, or its vaccined against other infection. It could work like assimilation processes, so its not an instant solution, and can kill those people who arent got the choosen vaccine just in time. Thank you for your time reading this, and sorry for the bad english.
Last reply by Emery Thrash, -
- 1 reply
I know that this would be hard but I believe that in the long term of the game this would allow many more people to create new and interesting content as I believe that many people (me included) find the process complicated but I understand if this is not possible for you, as you have no team but even if this took months to create it would help. I do not do any programming so sorry if this is unreasonable, but if someone knows about this I would be very grateful. Thank you (If you think you have seen this before you probably have but I posted the suggestion in help because I am an idiot so sorry for that)
Last reply by Radioactive8820, -
- 0 replies
It would not be bad to see how NN requires vassalization from you or, for example, it requires territory, or maybe even the passage of troops. This can look like if you have bad relations with a large empire (country)
Last reply by Simon, -
- 0 replies
The AI only want's sometimes to trade for making a coalition but it would be nice if a country also want's sometimes to buy a province from you and from other countries and that a big countries can send an ultimatum to you and the other countries. Sorry for my English
Last reply by MS1903, -
- 11 replies
Just cut the middleman and add a button that assimilates all provinces and builds all buildings in all provinces. Perfect solution.
Last reply by MS1903, -
- 0 replies
The Age of civilization is really a very good game not only online feature is OK multiplayer on the computers, such as the room mode with another computer, like the age of Conquest 4 would not be beautiful? Please come to this feature
Last reply by metocanoy, -
- 2 replies
Can we, in a future update, have the opportunity to change his government ( ideologies for example communism or fascism ) in full depending of his choices and decisions or through elections? Thank you Lukasz Jakowski if you add this option.
Last reply by LeSimon, -
- 0 replies
Weather Spilt between Major/Minor Major Weather would depend on the season and minor weather would be mostly in the first 9 months Spring and summer would be sunny and will mostly be a buff on movement and growth. Fall and winter will cause slowing of growth, higher cost of movement for winter. Possible Attrition when invading a country during winter? Just a thought
Last reply by EmpirePlanner145,