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- 1 reply
There needs to be a option to allow army movement to be faster either by allowing it to move 2 provinces or some sort of transport. Like you can move your army twice as fast but they cant attack until the next turn or if they get attacked they suffer a higher casualties rate. Though that would be well worth it to be able to use your army that is in the other side of your country.
Last reply by Lonathan, -
- 8 replies
vaccines against diseases would be great. and cancer does not spread so fast even because it is not contagious
Last reply by Lonathan, -
- 4 replies
Train stations could work like sea ports just on the ground, the army could get on a train at that place and with the connected rails in the neighboring provinces they could travel 3-4 provinces depending on the railed provinces surface, so for example if its a mountain province it would slow down the trains, also it could balance the jobless population by spreading them and the minorities could also spread by making the source province less minorited.
Last reply by Balamber Khan, -
- 1 reply
Good morning or good evening. I start by excusing myself from my level of English, it's not my mother tongue. So, my idea. Would be the implementation of a governance system with bills, political partys, etc. The population will have elections (depending on the chosen system), the elected party will influence the adoption of the bill. (such as same-sex marriage, opening / closing borders, increasing / decreasing immigration, natality program, etc.) This bill will have an impact on the relationship your country will have with its ally, but will also strongly influence your management decisions in your country. (Problem country or Neutral country , …
Last reply by Lonathan, -
- 4 replies
Or a button to disband all of your army. I see that everytime you colonize a province in the New World, there's a few soldiers in that province. You would want to use every army you can have if you fight a huge enemy. Or if you play passively and colonize fast, it gets tedious to move or to disband your army everytime on every single province. It would help people who don't have much time.
Last reply by Lativ, -
- 10 replies
The game should have some powerful countries in colonizing, like portugal and spain.
Last reply by Lonathan, -
- 4 replies
my suggestion is: -vassal can't declare war on other nation -vassal can't get alliance with other civilization (only can with senior)
Last reply by Lonathan, -
- 0 replies
Can there be a way if we are having a big hotseat game can we save between players instead of everyone completing their turns just for the game to save.
Last reply by Mathww, -
- 9 replies
There needs to be an update where you can import Scenarios from the internet to android
Last reply by Simon, -
- 2 replies
Hi, in the game exist the problem of plunder because at start you demage too many the province for cheap money, because in much time is better conquer and convert the province, in advanced game the money gained for 100% is very very cheap, for destroyng a province... the question is: is possible improve the plunder (or better can raid the neigthbors for lose relations, using a "plunder war")? Because the IA use only for demage you pocket province (especially if you are big, is only a boring thing).
Last reply by vlad123, -
- 3 replies
it would not be interesting have mineral resources and in the construction wing have the factories?
Last reply by EmpirePlanner145, -
- 0 replies
I will propose reworked borders for Fezzan, Tripolitania and Cyrenaica during the Franco-British occupation from 1946 to 1951. It would also be great if there were the borders of the German Cameroon and the German New Guinea. Thank you Lukasz Jakowski for this great game.
Last reply by LeSimon, -
- 0 replies
I would like to have an easier way to add custom flags.
Last reply by German Empire 1871, -
- 0 replies
I feel "Kamakura Period(鎌倉時代)" in the scenario of 1220 name is wrong. Kamakura Period is name of era. I suggestion transcription the name. Kamakura Period(鎌倉時代) ↓ Kamakura Shogunate(鎌倉幕府) (I am Japanese so my English will wrong. Sorry!)
Last reply by Edamame, -
- 0 replies
No futuro, será mais fácil adicionar / editar uma província? o caminho atual é muito complicado
Last reply by ageofpartan, -
- 0 replies
Just wondering , will it be possible, a bit later, maybe after the workshop realease to modify the game more in depth (like modifing AI descisions, adding diplomacy actions, adding other units, etc...) ? Btw do some of you guys are really good at modding ? (Like 11:59 mod creator or turkish modder)
Last reply by Pierrot69stf, -
- 3 replies
it can be difficult to form joints in the juice. and I would like them to be a little easier, maybe a marriage system could be added with which I can help facilitate the unions and thus be able to form new civilizations.
Last reply by Ramiro007, -
- 0 replies
Countries would have a national bank if they have a big enough economy to have one. This would allow countries to ask for loans and such which would give a boost to your own country in the long run. I feel this would allow small countries to compete with larger countries. Quickly able to obtain wealth and control certain countries without being friendly with them. A country like Switzerland would have more financial influence to it's neighbors. The more nations that are trading with you the faster your nation grows but makes you more valuable to aggressive countries. World trade would start small. Like your immediate neighbors and they grow to over …
Last reply by EmpirePlanner145, -
- 1 reply
Form a nation in this game is just completely pointless, the only thing you get is a new name a new civilization color and a new flag, i think that when you form a civilization you should get a buff depending on that nation so like forming rome +3 attack bonus or forming japan +5% technology growth.
Last reply by Ramiro007, -
The olny alliances I have in my gameplays are between some little states, for ex. Andorra and Luxembourg. Bigger civilizations never make alliances, the closet thing to it is a non aggresion pact and military access at once. I feel pretty dissapointed with this. Łukasz, could you give more love for iterimperial firenship? Thanks :)
Last reply by Strangefancypants, -
- 0 replies
sistemas de eleição na república, democracia e talvez comunismo e sucessão ao trono nas monarquias seria uma boa idéia, certo?
Last reply by ageofpartan, -
The ability to assign generals to lead specific armies. For example you could assign a general to the 1st army to defend your provinces, and assign a general to the 2nd army to capture all of the enemy provinces,etc. Could also have air marshals and assign bombers and fighters to go to a specific area.
Last reply by followstark, -
- 1 reply
Game now has a command addplayer, i would suggest command deleteplayer too. Just like addplayer choose province and do command. I do not know if it is even possible to deleteplayers that have losed (0 provinces left). I've taken 118 players to game now. It is so much that i must use automatic clicker to pass all turns 😄.
Last reply by German Empire 1871, -
- 5 replies
i think it would be interesting a multiplayer, playing with just bots gets a little bland
Last reply by Obradofscu, -
- 6 replies
It would be really nice to change the flag when you want in the middle of a game as you can change the country's name or the colour.
Last reply by UnkinkingList,