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If you use the editor, you will get these achievements easily. However, I think you don't use this way. I believe ◆Dream of Napoleon As France, annex all provinces in europe in Napoleonic War scenario. ◆Hail to Emperor As Grand Duchy of Austria, annex all princes of HRE in 1440 or 1200 scenario. ◆Northern Crusade As Teutonic Order, annex all provinces of Terra Mariana in 1200 scenario. ◆Brexitish empire As United Kingdom, annex all provinces of United States, India, and Ireland in Modern World scenario. ◆Netherlands we stand As Netherlands, annex all provinces of Dutch East Indies in World War 2 scenario. ◆Nightm…
Last reply by MaguroCannon, -
- 4 replies
Civilizations should be able to ask for vassalization. It would make the game easier for smaller countries (you would have a protector instead of enemy wanting your provinces).
Last reply by theCesar09, -
- 0 replies
It would be cool to add the in-game search system to increase defense and attack in the provinces, especially maritima so as not to lose many troops in the naval battle.
Last reply by UnkinkingList, -
- 3 replies
Imho it would be cool if it was possible to make civil war in editor, so you - - would have to spend less to assimilate (or not assimilate at all, depends) - have to take all enemy's land in peace deal - can trigger it by unhappiness/anything else and such. In current versions it's impossible to make both sides to fight till the end and make them take all land, isn't it?
Last reply by Pierrot69stf, -
- 8 replies
I think that the country rebels become should be at least slightly accurate because it's annoying when there's rebels in the baltics or somewhere in 1914 then some random medieval country pops out 😛
Last reply by Pierrot69stf, -
- 1 reply
When you have above 90-95% warscore you could sign a "ceasefire" with the nation/s target, halting all wars up until you cancel it or agree on terms with the defender/attacker. And something like what Trump wants to do now. A world power(a big mediator Ex: France) should tell small nations(Ex: Belgium vs austria) to stop fighting and the mediator( France) could use "peace plans". Idk, sounds like an ideea for modern day scenario. Example: France demands that both countries ceasefire. And france demands a peace process. After both countries agree, France can choose which country gets X amount of territories or smth. Sounds like an idea. Tell me what you …
Last reply by Pierrot69stf, -
How about new types of puppets, such as colonies and dominions. It could also be done that each puppet can achieve some kind of "independence" through diplomacy.
Last reply by EnderKing, -
- 0 replies
Ability to change the provinces of the nation between them (as in the game) to really differentiate themselves with pacts of non-aggression
Last reply by empreur supreme jonathan, -
- 0 replies
Here are some of my ideas for new commands: Vassalize [civid] vassalizes a civ Own [provid] changes the owner of a province Control [provid] changes the controller of a province Removeplayer removes a player from the selected civ (I know most of them are from EU4)
Last reply by German Empire 1871, -
- 4 replies
I don't know if it's a bug or a suggestion, but France in the modern day scenario, always , ALWAYS attacks Germany and wins the war... Can't France attack someone else somehow
Last reply by EriFR, -
- 1 reply
Łukasz, I have a small suggestion for the game. Controlling troops, especially if you had a large army, is difficult. What about adding a drag-select in a box (Paradox like) to control/select all your troops or some of your troops. And add battle plans controls (frontline, offensive line, and retreat line).
Last reply by InfusOH, -
- 1 reply
Hello there! A Hardcore AOC Fan here for years :). Anyways, here is my list of suggestions for the game [Some of which may be already suggested, but this is just making it more organized :P] 1) Brush mode for Investing, Assimilation, Festivals and Building construction. These are pretty much self explanatory. Micromanagement gets annoying late game, where I have to manually select hundreds of provinces and improve them one by one. 2) Additional options for long term Investments. Give us the option to select how long we should invest for, investment currently is also annoying when developing newly colonized civilizations. 3) Disband army changes …
Last reply by Cai, -
- 5 replies
Welcome, I'd want this thread to be widespread because it containts a potential milestone in the history of the post-release AoC2 development. Łukasz, please do leave a note so I can know you are reading this. Economy in this game is fun but probably unattended by most players part of the game. And it is most likely to stay this way due to the fact, that it is also an extremely tiring process, which requires you to move your mouse like a mad man and click like some furious asian in dota. Let me tell you what you have to do in order to increase Economy, Development, Stability or Happiness in a single province. Here's what I do: Look at the bottom-left panel o…
Last reply by Cai, -
- 2 replies
only missing by Liechtenstein ;)
Last reply by Beter Griffin, -
- 0 replies
It gets pretty repetitive when every alliance name revolves around "Grand Sphere International" and what not. The ability to modify alliance name isn't one of the most needed additions to the game but it'd be nice to do just that :^)
Last reply by SLiCK_Mx, -
- 1 reply
We should add a forum game section to the forum.
Last reply by MonAx, -
- 1 reply
I want the game to have a tab for custom game scenarios so people that make costume scenarios can make them public so people can download them? I would also like it to have an up vote feature so the good scenarios are at the top that way people know if its worth downloading? I feel like it would be a nice addition to the game.
Last reply by pedrowo, -
- 5 replies
One suggestion I have at this point is the ability to make Unions at the start of the game. This way I could for example use Modern World borders but have the colonial empires still in existince
Last reply by snarls200, -
- 9 replies
Sometimes even with 100% warscore, if the enemy once occupied your provinces, you can't do nothing about it Why: I can't even form spain, please fix it!
Last reply by snarls200, -
- 4 replies
I really like Aoc2 but I wish they had more units, Like tanks, cannons, infantry, ships, and more. You wouldn't have to do much either. Just maybe change the picture into the unit. This would make more since of the terrain too!
Last reply by Swiss mapper, -
- 0 replies
When pressing the button Provinces it should show in a different blu-ish color in your vassals, after all you control them
Last reply by Hiking1, -
- 2 replies
Hi! I've come into an idea, which probably can be revolutionary! 😃 Łukasz didn't thought about controller steering, because "Who's playing computer games with joystick?". I play many games on my computer on the gamepad (FIFA, Euro Truck, FS etc.). I've chosen optimal settings for controllers, so you can play AoC 2 without a keyboard-mouse combination. If my idea met with Łukasz's approval, will it be possible that AoC 2 will be released on consoles (X360, XONE, PS3, PS4, NS)? 🤔
Last reply by Cristi20404, -
- 2 replies
The Idea There should be a AI surrender system. What I mean by that is that, its a massive pain taking all the provinces. I think the AI should be more protective of their capital. What I mean by that is that, once you take their capital their civilization will loose half of its income. If the income in 1000 or below then they will capitulate and you can take all their provinces. If their economy is higher than 1000, the AI will pick the 2nd largest city in their country. Then they will have inflation so they could not produce any troops. Once the 2nd one is gone then they will surrender.
Last reply by ($Jake$), -
- 18 replies
Please add multiplayer to the next update.
Last reply by Cristi20404, -
- 1 reply
◆Colony - ex. British Malaya, Viceroyalty of New Spain, Great Korean Empire ・The suzerain absorbs 50% of income of its colony.・The suzerain can recruit units in provinces of its colony. ・The suzerain can build something in provinces of its colony. ・The colony can't declare war. This kind of vassal is created by annexation of tribal civilizations. The colony has some liberty desire when created. the suzerain becomes to be able to annex its colony after 30 turns. ◆Subject - ex. vassals of Seljuk empire, Soviet Socialist Republic in USSR ・same as colony. The suzerain can ask its subject to abandon its autonomy. If it accept, the suzerain o…
Last reply by Pierrot69stf,