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- 2 replies
It would be nice if nukes and paratroopers would ever become available in a next update!
Last reply by Pierrot69stf, -
- 6 replies
I would really love multiplayer! Because I have friends that live in like Chicago, Greece, Turkey, Germany, Britain, and even Argentina! So please please please add multiplayer! Thanks for reading.
Last reply by Hiking1, -
- 1 reply
Special Ability of Netherland... It's flood! ◆Discharge Flood! (costs 5,000 money and 2.0 movement points) Huge amount of enemies are approaching to our own land. However, they don't know we have the last resort. Prepare the Inundation Lines! You can use this action to provinces in states of Holland. If you use this action, the province will be covered with much water. Attacks against flooded province will lead to significant results. (defending bonus +75%) Flooded provinces become normal provinces after some turns.
Last reply by Evidential, -
- 0 replies
The problem i have with this game is building. my suggestion is select the building we want and then select all the provinces we want to build on, if we run out of money ,we can't add another province to build on it this will help to build more buildings EDIT: sorry for poor english hope you understood 🙂
Last reply by Wyxy, -
- 6 replies
We all know there is a religion folder already but there are no religion in game. Before Lukasz add religion, we should suggest him how religion should work and improve religion ( if he currently making ). Mechanism - Religion map mode. - Religion statistics. - Religion work almost the same as population. - It has percentage in province and diplomacy menu. - Province have low stability if your religion is minority or have many other religion. - Convert province work just like assimilation. - Defender of faith. ( only work before 1900 ) Have a window just like HRE - Defender of faith on top and a list of nati…
Last reply by Sonicsweden1, -
- 1 reply
Yeah, the current system allows nations to annex too many territories at once. This is quite a problem for me because in my 1836 scenario I am working on, I saw Prussia annexing like almost 1/3 of Austria or Russia annexing the entire Turkish Balkans. And I think there is a little penalty to it. Some kind of casus belli, giving more limit to territorial annexation, etc are needed.
Last reply by goktug14, -
- 3 replies
So right now colonies are really dumbed down and inaccurate. What Lukasz should add is: Have actual colony countries (like in EU4 where after a while of colonising you get to form one big vassal that can colonise and is less autonomous than a regular vassal). Have said colonial countries declare independence after a while (Have the liberty desire tick slowly up, and as you enter the 1700s and 1800s have the liberty desire tick up more faster). Let that liberty desire rate vary from continent and historical period (like having Africa not really want independence till the 1960s) I think this list is pretty good, you would say?
Last reply by dapio009, -
- 0 replies
So I've been playing the game for some time now and while the experience has been fruitful I still find it lacking. However I do have some suggestions that I think would potentially make the gameplay more exciting and challenging. Diplomatic Integration of Vassals The unnecessary need to force conquer your vassal just to annex the state is a tedious task to handle, as such it would be a great addition to the game to have some sort of focus on the diplomatic side. More specifically the ability to annex your vassal diplomatically through means of improving relations to +100 thus giving the overlord the ability to integrate their vassal/s. Though integration w…
Last reply by Salieri, -
- 2 replies
Imo it's stupid that serbia has colonies in north america, that's just unrealistic and not fun at all. I think that colonization should be allowed only for great powers.
Last reply by arch1, -
- 1 reply
note that there is a small mistake on the border of Alaska and Canada but nothing serious
Last reply by Allosaurus Productions, -
- 0 replies
When you hover over the population of a country in the pop up on the left side of screen, it shows a list of all the nationalities of people and also how many population you get each turn. This works fine in early game but as soon as you start to conquer more people, the top of the list grows off screen. I then can't see how many people i get each turn or most of the top of the list. I suggest having it grow down, so that the top is always visible
Last reply by Texas, -
As an Illustration, one could click on the Île-de-France(Paris) provence on the income map mode. Then, click on a "build all" button to build as many workshops one could build in their country(starting from the top, downwards).
Last reply by followstark, -
- 3 replies
Spain Map upgrade of provinces and Cities: I make a concept I:Valladolid not being part of Salamanca,Valladolid was capital of Spain before and after Madrid in 1600.I really want to make a real Spain history. II:Palencia(can be a part of Valladolid) III:Ávila,the last City in Spain with a wall around the city IV: Ourense V: Pontevedra or Vigo VI:A Coruña and Santiago as part of the same province VII:Tarazona is not important in Spain,make Zaragoza province more big VIII:Same as Tarazona,Trujillo is not important,Trujillo should be a part of Cáceres and Mérida. IX:Huelva not being part of Sevilla X:Ubeda is not important,they are Granada province X…
Last reply by Hiking1, -
- 0 replies
You know that U.S.A has military camps/bases around the world? We could use a system like that. Example: U.S.A has a military base in Iraq/ Afghanistan. If a war breaks out, we can try to defend the targeted country or idk, just an ideea.
Last reply by followstark, -
- 2 replies
put brush mode for buildings,would make it much easier :)
Last reply by ageofpartan, -
- 2 replies
Hey, Łukasz and you, AoC2 fanatics. I want to tell you about something which makes me nervous. As everyone knows, the "Diplomacy" button is the most important one during the game: thanks to it we can declare war on our enemies, make alliances and unions, declare non-aggression pacts, improve or even worsen relations etc. I really can't stand it when it overlays with the pause button, which ends the turn in inappropriate moment ex. I didn't do every move I had to do and it ends the turn, which makes my enemy takes advantage of my lack of the time. Can you, please, move the "Diplomacy" button below to the pause button? Thank you in advance. SVID_20181228_210248_1.mp4
Last reply by Milljhon, -
- 2 replies
Country Names get bugged when the country are so big..
Last reply by Sonicsweden1, -
- 0 replies
We should be able to request with our allies to do much more things than preparing a war. As well as trade. For example, insult / improve relation with another country, change ideologies(this one should be added to ultimatum too), scientific research etc. Also, we should be able to help our allies in development, economy, building, and science. About vassals, they should listen to whatever their master says. Master should be able to declare war on the vassal if they reject. We should have some non-historical formable nations too, such as Benelux, European Union, East African Union as well as African Union, Arabian Union etc. But we also need to be able…
Last reply by SnowHalation1, -
- 0 replies
Just like game speed, add turn speed. Example: 1 turn = 2 weeks = 1 month = 2 months = 3 months And so on, max 1 year. Remove turn gap base on age.
Last reply by Adx97, -
- 0 replies
As of now, rebels don't really pose a significant threat to its host nation since they usually spawn with a few dozen units in a few provinces with no ability to recruit and expand its army. I think it'd be great to have rebels actually being challenging to wipe out instead of it merely taking 2 turns. Maybe by allowing the rebel government type to recruit from occupied provinces, and a potential for neighbouring provinces or even your own army to side with the rebels, if the stability is low for instance. Also being able to start a new game as rebels would also be interesting, to say the least.
Last reply by SLiCK_Mx, -
- 1 reply
My idea is that keep the original event editor and add a new one called "Programmable Event Editor" Basically, you can code your event in the Programmable Event Editor. (I think the best choice is a javascript based language since it's easy to understand.)
Last reply by Strangefancypants, -
- 0 replies
In the civ selection screen I noticed that the number of civs in the database I guess we'll call it where you can add civs, I notice goes up but I don't know what civs they are im thinking that a recently added option ranging from hourly to yearly will help us know what civs have been added to the add civ section so we wont have to spend all day trying to find them
Last reply by rainbowdashfanboi1984, -
- 1 reply
As long as a state is your vassal, I think it is only logical that the vassal complies with all your demands. Vassals must remain vassals. This is quite irritating as well since my vassals keep rejecting my peace offers when I'm at war; to the point where I just stopped calling my vassals to war altogether.
Last reply by Gioseppe, -
Some ideas
by ATKNK- 2 replies
I have three ideas to show. A scenario, an union and a civilization. I would love to see a Paraguayan War (Empire of Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay vs Paraguay) scenario. Where Paraguay demanded some provinces of Brazil and if Brazil didn't accept, Paraguay declares war and demanded Argentina to join against Brazil. Now the union, since the game has Australia-Hungary (James Cook) AoC 2 could have Austria-Hungary-Croatia. For the civilization. I saw the leaders list and found Pepe so i think AoC 2 should have Kekistan
Last reply by ddplf, -
- 1 reply
Editing population number for province in Scenario Editor should be cool. I want to make metropolice and rural area. I know growth rate, but what I want is real population.
Last reply by followstark,