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- 1 reply
I would like to have easier way to edit cores. Now It is just too slow and boring just clicking on every single Province and choose the nation manually.
Last reply by Strangefancypants, -
- 0 replies
A good use of the demographic percentages in each province, (i.e. one province has 27% civ a, 25% civ b, etc.) would be to allow for a kind of settlement system where you can settle your own population in the province of another country, thereby making your own people the majority in said province. The reason for doing this would be provinces that have a majority your population could eventually revolt to become part of your own country.
Last reply by tntey, -
- 7 replies
I think the game should have more advanced economic systems. We could have primary resources like food, iron,oil,etc... depending on the age. that would be needed for the industry and so the economical developpement : -food that let population grownth, happiness and health stay constant. Lack of food will result in death of population, easier dieases and revolt risks. Availaible in regions that can support agriculture ( not in toundra, jungle, desert or mountains for exemple) -rescources that will come from you're territories ( ex : steel, wood, oil,...) depending on the landscape - manufactured goods : with industrial zones you could make, thanks to primar…
Last reply by Sonicsweden1, -
maybe it is worth depending on the date to change debuffs from alliances? because in the modern world there are major alliances, while in the game it is impossible to do this
Last reply by Potato, -
- 2 replies
I think that the best way to improve the combat would be addition of a retreat mechanic. For example, if you have 2,000 units defending, and are attacked by 1,900 units, then the enemy army will be annihilated, and the defender will be almost annihilated. In real life, the attacker would probably attack, lose dome amount of units, and realize that they are losing, so they would retreat. So the 2,000 units would lose like 400 units, while the attackers would lose 1000. This would leave the attacked less exposed to all out conquest, while still giving the defender initiative to attack. It would also solve the issue of a country being conquered by micro-armies.
Last reply by Hans_Lemurson, -
- 0 replies
To do this, I'd like to know that do I have to add custom civs as regular civs in-game and then give the file to you. What I mean is that do I also have to put the custom civ files into original civ files(such as flag file,etc). If I have to, could you tell me how to do it exactly?
Last reply by Chihong Ahn, -
Currently the HRE is useless,So i would like to propose a change in the Mechanics of the HRE: The countries with more population in the HRE should vote The emperor should be able to call to arms to the rest of the Empire If a member of the HRE is attacked the Emperor should intervene
Last reply by Ramiro007, -
- 0 replies
I like to use the scenario editor. The events are by far the best tool for scenarios. You can make historical outcomes and fun gameplay. Still, the events needs some important options. One is the possibility to add description to events. You can put custom images to your events, yes. But a event needs a backstory or a explanation of what is going on. This can't be simply explained with a title. Other option is to add a "if AI controlled" condition. This is a important condition because if one, for example, wants to make an historical ww2 scenario with events, it would be annoying to be messed by AI-aimed events with nations that have those. This can be fixed with a "Turn …
Last reply by CassalettIV, -
- 0 replies
Sometimes you don't want the map to scroll just because your cursor is at the edge of the screen. I've been working in windowed mode trying to write down province data, and often I switch over to my document, the game will register the cursor's last position as being on the edge of the window, and thus sends the map view into a dizzying spin around the world. In order to transcribe the province income of Wonsan, I have to be very careful about how my cursor leaves the window, or I find myself flying across the world and far from home when I want to see the stats of Hamhung. I know this is very much a "non-standard use" for the game, but it did surprise me that …
Last reply by Hans_Lemurson, -
- 3 replies
1. I don't know if it's already in the game. Ability to change other country's ideology in peace deals 2. Ability to stage ideological civil wars in another country. 3. A chart of ideology support for each country, like hoi4 4. When the most supported ideology isn't the country's ideology, stability will decrease 5. Customizable ideology 6. Ability to support another country in war, not directly intervene 7. Please add navy. It's important.
Last reply by Ramiro007, -
- 0 replies
The trading system —————————————————— 交易系统 —————————————————— About trading: AI can't judge the price of a product well, so usually, the AI in the trading system will fall into two extremes: unconditionally agreeing to the transaction, or unconditionally rejecting it. The AI of Records of the Three Kingdoms is not willing to trade as long as the price is at a loss, and does not consider geographical advantages at all. Obviously, AoC2 is also in this deadlock and it is impossible to solve. —————————————————— 关于交易:AI不能很好地判断商品的价格,所以通常,交易系统中的AI都会陷入两个极端:无条件同意交易,或无条件拒绝。 三国志的AI,只要价格亏本怎么样都不愿意交易,完全不考虑地理优势。显然,AOC2也很陷入了这个僵局,并且不可能解决
Last reply by 焕然的赤方, -
- 1 reply
It would be nice if your custom made scenarios were more organized and you were able to delete them off your games.
Last reply by Hiking1, -
- 0 replies
I maked a civlization, put it in a scenario, and played it. after some time i maked a union, and now the flag is f#cked. that really pissed me off. make it optional plz And why we can't rename alliances in gameplay? or at least be able to choose the name of the alliance when it was made?
Last reply by Bernardo_01, -
- 1 reply
We have the development option to adjust for each country and region, but we don't have an economic option for each country and province. I'd like to have this to make more realistic scenarios regarding economic power.
Last reply by Hiking1, -
My suggestion is disasters: Things like earthquakes, tsunamis, etc... They don't necessarily have to be natural either. Maybe you can send air raids to different countries? What do you guys think?
Last reply by rats4final, -
- 1 reply
So as I was playing I saw that some cities have incorrect names for each scenario or even in 2018 scenario, like there is no Stalingrad in ww2 scenario or in 2018 scenario there are some provinces with just 'fokus' as its name (And yeah I know in the options you can increment the amount of cities that appear in the world map, but there's still some incorrect names) So now everyone feel free to post any incorrect name you see from your country or any country so Lukasz can see and correct them
Last reply by Infinitie, -
- 1 reply
The defenders always have the advantage even without forts. This makes sense, and im not complaining about that. However, i feel like you should be able to cut off supplies in an encircling movement while you are on the enemies province. Currently supplies only work if they are on your province and you cut them off, but i feel like the same should happen on defense. This would add strategy to attacks instead of just moving forward with every unit on the border. Thoughts?
Last reply by Strangefancypants, -
- 1 reply
Right now, the armies of every nation is exactly the same except for the numbers. Natives shouldn't have as powerful armies as European nations do. You should get the option to spend your tech points on strengthening army attack and defense points, lets say about 1.5% every point. That way it would be more accurate.
Last reply by ShouldIStayOrShouldIGo, -
- 1 reply
This is something i really liked about HOI. It would be so nice if you could make divisions and rename them and such so that we can recreate the glorious das Reich division, Wiking and GrossDeutschland amongst others. And also give a bonus to experienced divisions. For example +1 attack bonus when such unit succesfully conqueres a province. Then the only thing needed more are generals. Generals like Rommel, walter model, Jodl, von Rundstedt and von manstein all with uniique bonuses.
Last reply by ShouldIStayOrShouldIGo, -
- 0 replies
Here are a few suggestions I have (react with these things if you support it) (like)> Vassals should not be able to peace out with other vassals if both their lords are at war (sad)> The Player should get more control over their vassals (confused)>You should be able to ajust population and economy from the start (like with tech level) instead of having to make an event to ajust it (haha)>There should be an easier way to import flags when making custom civs (thanks)>When vassals are pushing in a war overseas (for example british raj helping the uk in germany) the area the vassal takes should be occupied by the lord :D
Last reply by Checkmate, -
- 5 replies
Poland kurwa more economy than germany when you begin.. how is that possible
Last reply by ITurkishmapping, -
- 0 replies
Hey! Well some months ago me and some members wanted to make a sucession game, like in CK2. Unfortunately we couldn't due to many complications and the save files complexity Could you improve how savefiles work? Or what are the limitations of doing so? Thanks in advance
Last reply by Hiking1, -
- 1 reply
Hey Guys, Can you tell if there is, or will be implemented, a direct save save and things without publisher, without the need for the game's files to do this?
Last reply by Hiking1, -
- 14 replies
I think that adding multiplayer to the game would make the game age better and it would bring more people to it(I've already convinced 3 of my friends to buy the game after mp is added) As for how it works: *Everyone can create a lobby up to 8 or 10 players and at the start everyone has 30 secs to choose their civ and the scenario was decided by the lobby maker so they have to choose their civs like you wouls choose in in singleplayer but if a civ is chosen you have to choose someone else. P. S. You can see the civs of all players and the civs that are unpicked will be A. I. *Make it so that every 10 or 5 seconds a turn passes so that the players get income …
Last reply by DragosRS, -
- 2 replies
A few Ideas that I have are Great Britain/United Kingdom, Frankia, Two Sicilies, and India. Also, I am aware that the HRE exists, but I think that players should be able to unite all states in the HRE and form the Holy Roman Empire as a nation in itself (similar to in medieval times).
Last reply by enexpi,