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- 4 replies
In this topic we can show all the historical mistakes in the scenarios like wrong leaders, wrong flags, wrong territories, etc.
Last reply by RaulGB88, -
- 0 replies
Altough I quite like the current vassal system with the tribute that has to be paid each round, I think it could be a bit deeper.a good refference for the new vassal system would be Hoi4 together for victory, in which the vassals have different levels of autonomy from their master. Example levels for aoc2: -Dominion: able to call vassals into wars, but they can deny the request. and a samll tribute would be paid -puppet/satellite: vassal is forced to join the master's war. the master is able to build farms,workshops etc. in pupptets territory and a larger tribute would be paid. -integrated puppet: vassal is forced to join the master's war. the master i…
Last reply by LoginGamer, -
- 4 replies
I played this game without mods for 30 hours so I think I need mods now. What are your opinions about the best mods in AoC? What are them?
Last reply by Shiite, -
- 0 replies
Collect all Troops to a specific Spot In a configurable Radius >=1 and <=15 Select a province that is set as a "Go To" spot, this is where all troops in a radius of up to 15 Provinces will move to in 1 Button Click This is very useful if you conquered a country with a lot of troops and split every time you get a new land Move all Troops to a specific Spot Worldwide! Select a province as a "Go To" spot. This is useful if you need to support Allys or Vassals that fight somewhere else. I had this issue in a game where i as Germany joined an alliance with Russia and Aus…
Last reply by TheSpicePhantom, -
- 3 replies
Imagine Countrywide Revolutions, in Colonies and Conquered Lands, That End up creating either vassals if you win or a new country if you lose? before you tell me "it's already in the game!" I know, I'm not as dumb as I look, but seriously, rebels are weak and don't create anything stable, the only time I lost to rebels was a tiny revolution in Florence, it created the country of Florence back but, maybe there could be civil wars, and assimilation is also very strong, it can wipe out a whole ethnic majority if you focus on it, Personally I think assimilating a province should be not converting the locals (OK fine i know this was hard on you Lukas.) or just a little bi…
Last reply by Habsburg, -
- 0 replies
maybe add an option to change the countries leader to some other leader that is set the country, for example changing George Washington to lets say Abraham Lincoln, or someone else you have set leading the country, or maybe even get rid of the leader in the specific scenario
Last reply by SavingPrivateRyansPrivates, -
- 4 replies
I have 2 suggestions here that I would really like 1. Change the unit limit for attacking to 100, since most "goose chases" occur with 40-80 units 2. The ai will still try to attack with 5 units knowing it won't go through, please make it so the ai will only attack a province if it has the limit 🙂
Last reply by Checkmate, -
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Technology I think that either there should be a simple bar that's on the side called technology or something similar to do that. And when it gets opened up I think that there should be something to research. Either just having it go from 1-46 for research or something to determine how efficient a troop might be against another country/nation's troops. Since personally I don't like how if someone has more troops than yours then you just automatically lose. Also that there should be different troops that have an icon representing what it is. Like armored would have a tank or wheel icon and then the standard infantry would have a helmet or maybe the icon changes from tech…
Last reply by FrenzyWarriorX, -
- 0 replies
One thing that AoC2 needed the most is just a little bit of depth, juuuust a tiny little bit so it does not mess up with what the game's specialty: simple, basic, and easy. 1)Technology: I think technology is great for AoC2 since it can go REALLY far into future, it will also make the game a bit more realistic... just a bit 2)Navy: I also think AoC2 should have separate mechanics on army and navy... and as always... just make the game a liiiiitle bit more realistic.... 3) (EVERYONE's WET DREAM): And of course its MULTIPLAYER(online)!!! So multiplayer should work this way: …
Last reply by TEHCUDE, -
- 1 reply
A possible mode, which enables players to play as groups/companies/parties, which have a different mechanic (much like current feature of being able to play for rebels). It would be interesting to play as a church, specifically as an intergovernmental organisation, not only limited to some monasteries and territory of direct influence (like Papal States in Medieval Era) or an itsy-bitsy province inside a city (like Vatican in Modern Era). It would be a qualitative change, so it should be implemented only after some overhauls and changes are made with economy and diplomacy, especially the interactions between countries.
Last reply by Chexier, -
- 1 reply
It's kinda dumb and unrealistic when you become a different type of goverment in an instant. Such process should take time (15 turns if you ask me)
Last reply by Chexier, -
Lets say for example my country has 100 provinces, and is democratic. the rebels get 25 provinces (25%) and for example are monarchist, get 25% of my money and the provinces that rebelled are core provinces (they can recruit etc.) and all provinces should be united. they need either to conquer your country or the PLAYER needs to do a peace treaty.
Last reply by steffan, -
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Hello, because of the unique versatility of the game - that can include any time span from the history - it would be maybe a good start to develop in sort of “packs”. Packs that would include mechanics for specific ages like, let’s say, for the age of the Roman Empire. How things got handled in the Roman times is incomparable to how things were done in last century. Of course, there are many similarities, like using soldiers and common people as fuel to keep the places warm and the fire burning (Kek). If for example tanks, nuclear bombs and nationalism where THE things in the past century, as well as having many soldiers, the setup and application were dif…
Last reply by Age of Civilizations, -
- 5 replies
I think their should be in game news reports in the form of a newspaper where articles range from province country and world events ranging from things like a fire in your capital to important things like politics , to research breakthroughs and failures or even events involving famous people or things or places vanilla or custom doing things in your nation, like getting shot , getting married, becoming that worlds pope, various happenings in media, various things in the government things like that
Last reply by Sonicsweden1, -
- 1 reply
Hey! This should be nice if in this great game could be a option to force goverment to our vassal/just another country ( like republic > communism )
Last reply by Chexier, -
- 0 replies
As of now, to create a completely new scenario you have to spend a long time creating civilisations in a specific editor, then adding them into the game etc etc. I do not criticise the way it is executed, but it would be much easier if we could create civilisations directly when designing a scenario. Among the new features should be: a rework of civilisation creation feature, especially the flag creator and name creator; options for unitary, federal and confederal structure (in continuation of my latter suggestion); ability to create dual countries and unify two (or more) already existing civilisations into one (without destroying the initial civilisati…
Last reply by Zachyllo, -
- 5 replies
Monarchy and City-state After the starting moment of a scenario, the leader ages and then has children, which can be historical, or not. If historical, it could be taken from the wikipedia, if not — from a bank of specific nation's names, which fit in. Apart from that, throne could be inherited based on the primogeniture (or else) law. So that the monarch has a pool of kids, from which, using an algorithm, a future leader is chosen. Player can also host a coup, establishing a tyrant or someone else as the monarch, and... it may possibly be a leader of another country, although, in that way, a formed dual monarchy still needs to be united either through diplomac…
Last reply by ElectricSquid7, -
- 5 replies
Everyone over talkin' about II, what about AoCI forum gang lol.
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 1 reply
I tend to hop into scenarios like Modern World as the UK and off the bat get insulted by all of the nations who in reality should be my friends. What I'm trying to say is that the reason to why nations change their diplomatic relation to you seems to just be pure RNG. One minute I'm an ally who fought with them in countless battles the next we have cut diplomatic contact.
Last reply by Shehab666, -
- 0 replies
How cool would it be if we had a scenario on 5000 B.C. all the way to 2018 C.E.? just a suggestion, but it would give the game a totally different turn, more like Sid Mejer's Civilization but as a grand strategy game, and also Paradox wouldn't be able to copyright you and, the thing is, right now the game is more similar to EU4, which is better and more complex and better looking alternative, if we had the game like this then the game would be a new concept that I've always wanted. Obviously this'd be a challenge but considering how much you updated the game from the old Mobile one, I believe this could be in the base game as a Campaign system, scenarios ar…
Last reply by Shehab666, -
We need to have more control over our vassals, like: When they can go to war What types of buildings they will make (or encourage him to do so) All his vassals he had will go over our control, or add that option in the Peace Deal We can give them cores if we are controlling them Right now vassals are just walls against our neighbors lol
Last reply by Adx97, -
- 2 replies
I me ask if you can add a system of focus tree like in HOI4 for that the game use more triggers and effects. It can be interesting.
Last reply by Gevifitan_05, -
- 7 replies
Hi Łukasz, I love the game so far, but there are some things I think should be added to make it even better :) Also, happy New Year Here are my propositons: 1. A new type of building: Hospital. Many people (including me) want to have an option to cure diseases. I propose a solution as the new building: hospital. It would have 3 levels lev 1- 30% of people in a province aren't touched by disease lev 2- 50% of people in a province aren't touched by disease lev 3- 85% of people in a province aren't touched by disease 2. A new diplomacy option: mediation You send a peace offer to countries at war (not your allies or enemies). It's …
Last reply by WeirdNerd, -
- 2 replies
id also like to see an observer mode in the thinking in the same place you select your main civ you can select an observer option
Last reply by Sonicsweden1, -
- 6 replies
The suggestions with this simbol (---> * <----) are optional or fantasy xd 1. Brush tool for building farms, workshops, ports etc. Brush tool for assimilation and festivals etc. 2. A way to select multiple armies and move them togheter. 3. Religion. Catholics, orthodox, sunni, muslim, hellenic etc. 4. Trade mechanics for merchant playstyles. 5. This is a big one: Some type of DnD combat style. A 1000 vs 1001 and the 1001 wins its not kinda fun xd. Risk is high but you can improve it if you can. 6. Crusades, holy wars etc. 7. Navies. Block ports etc. 8. Option/sliders to edit nations/countries individually: how much income pe…
Last reply by followstark,