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- 3 replies
I present my new ideology, it is Yorchism, it benefits them in everything, I hope you like it. Insert the file here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Age of Civilizations II\game Governments.json Fascism is replaced by Yorchism.
Last reply by Kento Kei Hyama, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Last reply by Kento Kei Hyama, -
- 1 reply
I have a few suggestions A)Change of leader through event (I know a lot of people have said this) B)It would be very good if we could change the names of the provinces for every scenario.Like for example,in a WW2 scenario we could change the name of Kaliningrad to Konigsberg and this change happens in all scenarios too.What I'm saying is an section in scenario editor just like the cores and population editor. C)Leaders being assigned only to their ideology and not to the country
Last reply by Kento Kei Hyama, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
I think there should be something called race like religion in the game.. wait I just found out we can use gifs
Last reply by Kento Kei Hyama, -
- 2 replies
I have been searching for files with the stats of buildings in the game but I couldn`t find any, does anyone know where I can find them ?
Last reply by Comrade JP, -
- 0 replies
I really want age of civili 2 to be free but no lite on iOS and Android
Last reply by Please free, -
[PL] dlaczego jak klikam Games i load game to mi gra sie wyłącza ?? proszę o pomoc :<
Last reply by Greenled, -
Hello everyone, I got an issue with the game. I really enjoy creating my own scenarios. My two greatest works are my 1914 CE and 200 BCE scenarios. Of course I want to play them. But there's a problem: No matter which civilisation I take, if I press "next turn", it takes the game ages to load. Every single turn. Anyone knows how this can be fixed? Thanks in advance for your help. - Colex
Last reply by Colex, -
- 2 replies
Lucas are we ever gonna find out what you are doing? We all want workshop!
Last reply by Salo_14, -
El 2019, pero con las regiones de cada país que se quieran independizar. Ejemplos: Cataluña y País Vasco en España en Italia Padania, en Canadá Quebec en Alemania Babiera o en E.E.U.U California y Texas, pero hay muchas más regiones que se quieren independizar,ojala alguien lo haga.Gracias por leerlo PD:Si alguien lo va a crear que me avise
Last reply by Ànex i Rux, -
- 0 replies
Lucas are we ever gonna find out what you are doing? We all want workshop!
Last reply by Irish empire, -
- 0 replies
So from what i’ve seen the AI only surrenders if 100% of their territory has been occupied, I think if their Capital is taken or if they occupy a certain amount of land then they go and do a peace deal. Because if nations colonise this could be problematic as small HRE nations can’t get to them. Also I have seen many times that large nations hasn’t capitulated just because an island or something hasn’t been taken and so the war just continues. I would like to see a setting for a more randomised AI peacedeal because I think that sometimes they are overkill, in History a peace deal weakened the nation for a few year then were able to rechallenge them but in AoC …
Last reply by ZB 24, -
- 1 reply
28 days and (weeks) later is the best horror movie i watched! music is nice too for game
Last reply by rafal14103, -
- 0 replies
The game hides way to much from the player in my opinion. You can spend all stars with just one click in the peace treaty and the game doesn't even tell you that. Also you can give provinces to your allies in peace treatys what I discovered accidentally. Also diplomatic actions like proclaim independence and defensive pact should be mentioned. Maybe even make a tutorial for each aspect of the game.
Last reply by Jaagup, -
- 0 replies
Please add this in it will be easier to make large scale events and it would be too hard to put the same event for every 100 civs
Last reply by Infinitie, -
- 0 replies
wHHATSAPP / call DR Grace(+27833173182) Our women’s Abortion Clinics offer same day services that are safe and pain free, we use approved pills and we clean the womb so that our patients get no side effects . Our main goal is that of preventing unintended pregnancies and unwanted births every day to enable more women to have children by choice,not by chance. We offer Abortion services including “Abortions to 24 weeks, Abortions 1 to 24 weeks, Abortions by Pill and The Morning Pill.” We also offer pregnancy testing, and a full range of other services. We also sell and deliver abortion pills to clients who are distant from our clinics or to those who wish to undertake the t…
Last reply by janes, -
- 4 replies
Lukasz seriously need a few mod and Dev for forum and the game or the community will slowly die. The game has a lot of bug and IOS is not even release yet. He's probably working on it or taking a long rest because of 3 years work or he might abandon the game because of pirated game. All the suggestion and bug reports in forum is probably ignored. He's probably overwhelmed by the suggestion and bug reports that's he need to work on it alone. This game has a lot of potential to become a great game.
Last reply by Ninetiethbeef08, -
- 0 replies
Wszystkie zapisy znikneły i cały postęp został przeze mnie utracony . Liczę na naprawe błędu.
Last reply by OwcaMarian, -
- 1 reply
Normal Sugestion: I want to say can you please add all pictures of presidents on countries Crazy mod sugestion: so i wana say why you don't like add nukes or like bombing and stealing from other countries or adding something you can get vassal why i can't change to: Communist,Democracy,Public. AND why you don't add socalism and i want to say why like i see switzerland becames: king or something but i can't change on king country? Im rip im saying really bad english language
Last reply by ieunal61, -
- 0 replies
only missing the online multiplayer mode
Last reply by Elysiun, -
- 0 replies
Siema!!! Szanowny Łukaszu, mam problem grając w AOC2 Milanem (utworzyłem już Rzym) na scenariuszu 1440. Kiedy kolonizuje prowincję (nie zawsze jednak tak się dzieję) ja jedynię ją okupuję a jakiś inny kraj po 3-4 turach ją zajmuje tak poprostu bez wojny. Także ale niewiem czy to jest błąd gry czy celowe rozwiązanie, bo Dania okupuje 2 prowincje, nie mając żadnej swojej a walczy z krajami których jakby nie można za łatwo znaleść bo miały tylko te okupowane prowincje które nie były zasymilowane więc nie mogłem żadnej prowincji zabrać. Mam także sugestie dotyczącą gry: dodanie wyszukiwania prowincji i krajów (tak jak w EU4). kontakt: xsb97…
Last reply by bananowskyyyt (on steam), -
- 3 replies
Hello! Here is my suggestion. (As I am not good at English,so there may be some mistakes. ) I want a commercial trading facility. For example, countries in East Africa (such as Mogadiscio ) and small countries along the Silk Road in Central Asia are economically rich countries but not necessarily high technology countries. And these countries are often at the same level as small countries in Europe which have high technology . To solve these problems, add “Commercial Trade” and make a distinction between the former countries (the countries in East Africa and Central Asia) and the latter countries (the small countries in Europe). I think this game will be…
Last reply by tww, -
- 0 replies
HELLO! I think that the national strength (such as the economy) of the countries in the countryside (western Africa, Central Asia, northern India, etc.) from the 1st century AD to around 1800 BC is a bit too high. So the power of small European countries may be equal to the power of countries in central Africa. I think this may be strange indeed. What do you think? (I'm not familiar with history so I'm sorry if my suggestions are wrong.) As I am not good at English, there may be many mistakes. Sorry Would you mind responding to me? I want to know your idea.
Last reply by TANTAN, -
- 1 reply
I can't use my own input method so that I can't input non-Latin words. Like Chinese, the beginning of each word in the Chinese version represents a letter, and there is no way to choose a country at all. I'm not sure if you can understand me because my English is so bad that I use Baidu translation. For example : I want to add Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth in Krakow. The Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth in chinese called “波兰立陶宛联邦”. So I must Find “波” this letter. But I can't using search cause the input method even can't input chinese. So I must find this letter one by one. But so much Chinese letter. So I can only sit here and …
Last reply by CandyDada, -
- 10 replies
1. The ability to make custom buildings for mods and stuff. 2. Aircraft. Aircraft would be like the ground army but can only be trained in provinces with an airbase. To attack with aircraft you could go into into a special 'Aircraft' map view. Aircraft can move 2 or 3 provinces at a time and can move through your territory, nations which you have military access to's territory and enemy territory. When over enemy territory there will be two buttons which will be kind of like the 'plunder' button for ground troops. One will commence a bombing raid which destroys population and economy and the other, close air support, kills troops. A random percentage of aircraft get …
Last reply by nrgmira,