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Lukasz, make a form on Google Forms, or anywhere for staff, so moderators / administrators can delete, and help the game community (If there is an error, it is the translator's fault) This may be good for you and you can set aside more time for your creations / games.
Last reply by KaMiKaZe, -
- 1 reply
Post your ideas here
Last reply by TANTAN, -
- 9 replies
Attempting to make a modern world comes out a little weird, I would certainly appreciate some kind of UN system that causes member states to react negatively to warmongering. I guess the system would work similarly to the Holy Roman Empire, but the HRE states don't respond negatively to infighting usually, they just kind of accept it.
Last reply by Ninetiethbeef08, -
- 2 replies
I really enjoy creating scenarios but it becomes a problem when it comes to the Event creator. It's confusing and a bit difficult to learn. Lukasz, you should either add a tutorial or create a better OSD for it.
Last reply by Republikafilippinas.ball, -
- 1 reply
Add occupied teritories in scenario maker. Make it easier to download maps, addons and other stuff (folders that includes game stuff ( like "aoc_maps" so you can copy paste or move files to there.)) AI making bigger alliances (with a adjustable sive and amount)
Last reply by Republikafilippinas.ball, -
- 0 replies
First of all I really appreciate your work AoC2. Great game having fun while playing it. I know it is really annoying to code something Java bugs etc lol. And I don't know if it is really hard to code my suggestion. Anyway my suggestion is that can you add game give loan and take loan but with interest not from Game itself instead from other countries like in EU4 if im not mistaking. My point is instead of creating big empire or developing industry you gain money from Banking.
Last reply by Emil, -
- 0 replies
If one probably sees me through this spam, I wanted to propose add some crossing debuff mechanic, like buff defender/attacker if someone attacks from one certain province to another defined one. I believe it's not THAT hard and would add a bit more depth in the game.
Last reply by MonAx, -
- 2 replies
I was thinking, a culture map mode would be really cool, like the one on Victoria 2... It would be interesting to see this, and more improvisations on culture system on newer updates, like, making culture be assimilated in more time, so, the game would be more realistic and could last more ages... What do you guys think about this?
Last reply by MonAx, -
- 0 replies
Play in the same country with a friend is the most creative and funny thing that this game could have ... Mr.Lukas have this in consideration!
Last reply by sirgatodasrage, -
- 0 replies
Hi! I was thinking about: If it is possible to classify every leader (and add your own new ones) depending on the era in which he/she was born, is it possible to assign a leader to each ideology? For example, if weplay with the UK as a monarchy, we'll be playing with W. Churchill, but if we change into fascists, we may change the leader to someone else, even if it was born in the same era. Could it be possible to do somehow?
Last reply by sergidorian, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
They spam post bots
Last reply by setapdede, -
- 0 replies
Greetings, Would it be possible in the next update to add a line such as : setmoney XXX similar to setarmy XXX Of course we have money but it gives only 500 and sometimes you need much more... Thank you 😉
Last reply by Zeebeedee, -
- 0 replies
Natural catastrophe deaths and even new scenarios such as the First World War, the Cold War, the arrival of the Slavs to Europe, the Mongol invasion of Europe, ancient Egypt, and various other scenarios can also come into play.
Last reply by Luko123, -
If i am doing a 20 player hotseat how can i save between players turns, Like players 1 takes its turn and can i save at players 12?
Last reply by Mathww, -
Hi I have such an idea to use religion in AOC Game > Editor > Create religion > Religion symbol creator Game > Scenario editor > Random scenario > Continents > Wasteland> Civilizations > Provincies > Religions(they work much like cores) In the game Another religion in its own province promotes instabilit Sorry for my English I use google translator G
Last reply by ArcherCZ, -
- 0 replies
Reply here what scenarios you would recommend so that hopefully, Lukasz could see the wonderful scenario. But please, no offensive comments to Lukasz or else either I will block or report you. Other than that, suggest away!
Last reply by revengeoftheamerica2256, -
- 0 replies
Make a button that makes the army go and conquer on it's own. Something simple like HOI4 where you draw a line and the units move and conquer everything. Honestly it's getting frustrating when you make war with russia in modern day scenario. You can't conquer that much territory. It's simply too much! Makes the game boring and super tedious.
Last reply by followstark, -
- 4 replies
so i have this pretty good suggestion in my opinion, which is to add ressources, 3 probably, food (produced from farms and tier 1 farm produce 10000 and tier 2 200000 and so on and so on untill level 10) making it like that would make farms actually usefull, so that if you have 20 000 food in a 16 000 pop province you would have a surplus of 4 000 to bring to other provinces, and you can trade food with other nations and that could also be to iron and oil (oil should only be unlocked in the 20th century) let's say you're in tunis and you're going to trade with djerid, they have the only iron mine near you but they don't make food, you could either trade food with them in …
Last reply by aijec, -
- 4 replies
Dear, Łukasz Jakowski Me and many content creators lack the ability to change leaders using events. Please add this feature. This will greatly expand the possibilities of your game.
Last reply by Ninetiethbeef08, -
- 8 replies
Unlike many Paradox games and other Grand strategy games, AOC2 has the curse of a ranking system. This perhaps seriously downgrades progression to world superpower, as it doesn't feel natural. This also takes away all the fun of studying your neighbors, and deciding which ones are safe for conquest. In my Tuscany campaign Mantua and Venice are obviously far apart, but Genoa and Milan is a little blurred. Ranking ruins the surprise. On top of that, the ranking isn't even that good. There are so many factors that should be at play, such as army size, but again Lucas entirely prioritizes on economy. Thankfully, this isn't adding, only taking away. If …
Last reply by SUDAMXX, -
- 5 replies
Hi guys! I love the game, especially that it's rather simple in its mechanics and quick to play. However, on my way to conquering the world it becomes harder and harder to play each turn well, because of the large number of provinces that need my attention. It would be useful to be able to choose auto-management, to keep up the development / investment. Also, setting up some sort of auto-troop training would be useful. For example, set a number of troops you want to train each turn for a province and have them automatically moved to designated important provinces, where they are used to build up a larger army. This way, my big empire with many small population center…
Last reply by Ninetiethbeef08, -
- 0 replies
Army doesn't have enough depth to it. Could we have different units or divisions kinda like Hoi4 but not that complex Also maybe Volunteers divisions to help out and expeditionary also military equipment to supply your troop and occupation policies anything is better than watching numbers and arrows
Last reply by Ninetiethbeef08, -
- 5 replies
1. Civil war has been beafore goverment (not always), it will depend on happines. 2. Leaders dead it will depend on random date or death in the battle or old years. Sorry for my English 🙂
Last reply by Ninetiethbeef08, -
- 2 replies
soldiers should retreat when they lose the fight and , if x > y , x soldiers should never won the war always exp for retreating : soviets = 30000 germans = 10000 output = 4500 deaths from germany 1000 deaths from soviets 5500 soldiers left from germany retreated to other provinces equally and if soldiers surrounded they will die and attackers wont be have too much deaths please let lukazk to see this
Last reply by slaykon84, -
- 3 replies
The game is very good, but if you add some other things you could improve it even more. I would love to see in the game a system of religions with which civilizations improve or worsen their relationships depending on the religion they have, in addition, that Christians from time to time can go to a crusade, especially when Muslims have some territory important as Jerusalem, and that in turn the Muslims have Jihad. On the other hand, I would like to see a voting system within the countries with democracy, something very similar to the voting system that has the Holy Empire, I do not ask for something very complex, but, something basic, such as voting for a fasci…
Last reply by krauser3ful,