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- 2 replies
In our real world the history is built on one single thing - genetics of the nations, and more preсisely on the phisiological intelligence of the people. The europeans colonised the whole world exactly because of their phisological ability to resolve the complex tasks. How can small Japan or Britain or even Netherlands, Belgium, Portugal colonise much bigger nations? Why do this countries have now the best economic, science, military, etc... So if the game developers will not use this factor (phisiological intelligence of different nations) the strategy-games will always be unrealistic. I'm not talking about adding to the game the intelligent rate like techology or scienc…
Last reply by PETER, -
- 7 replies
Hey Łukas! It would be cool If there could be more commands in the game! Like to: Start a revolution in a country Increase the Diplo. points instead of just 0.4 And more! xD Best regrets ~AreenLord.
Last reply by DrSixty, -
- 7 replies
Like in other grand strategy games, could there be civil wars based on ideology? Also, could there be different ideologies for democracies? Will religions ever make it to the game? Has the dev said anything about religion?
Last reply by TimDee58, -
- 1 reply
De plus, il devrait y avoir plus de sous-forums pour d'autres langues qui n'y sont pas
Last reply by LE Roi de France, -
- 0 replies
A good use of the demographic percentages in each province, (i.e. one province has 27% civ a, 25% civ b, etc.) would be to allow for a kind of settlement system where you can settle your own population in the province of another country, thereby making your own people the majority in said province. The reason for doing this would be provinces that have a majority your population could eventually revolt to become part of your own country.
Last reply by kaka, -
- 5 replies
Look, I get it, Lukasz is only one guy working on such a massive project, and, I mean, that's cool, he's already achieved a lot, he made an amazing game, full of scenarios and possibilities, wanna play as fascist Turkey in the modern world? Go for it! Maybe communist France during WW2, and ally to the Soviet Union? Heck yeah! Sure, there are a few bugs here and there, but the game is still pretty solid, I only have one problem with it.... The A.I., when you're playing a strategy game, the AI needs to be good (unless it's a multiplayer strategy game, but AOC II is singleplayer), otherwise you won't be challenged, it can be either a smart A.I., that you will need to th…
Last reply by slaykon84, -
forum Dark Theme
by aijec- 2 replies
Petition to add a god damn dark theme into the forum site. My eyes hurt so bad.
Last reply by aijec, -
- 3 replies
Hello there, I think there should be a console command "removeplayer" opposing the addplayer command. This would be very handy in situations where you want to change the side completely . For example playing the WWII scenario as Germany first, building a strong Axis - then addplayer Soviet Russia, removeplayer Germany and viola you are now playing as Soviets trying to defeat the beast you have built before. It can make the game more enjoyable in prolonged games.
Last reply by Emery Thrash, -
- 1 reply
Guys, I think that's a good game, but we need multiplayer!
Last reply by Louis, -
- 3 replies
When? for construction/upgrading etc
Last reply by gekke bob, -
- 2 replies
if I'm right then can someone add religions to the appropriate list please? in other words... 'Christian County / Duchy / Earldom / Kingdom / Empire / City State' 'Muslim Emirate / Caliphate / Sultanate / City State' (I may have missed some steps?) and later on Catholic Protestant Orthodox Heretical and so on...... Is this do-able?
Last reply by c45cd, -
- 4 replies
-should add spies where they go to enemy land and they see their enemy army size and report back to you -should add where you can create disinformation so you can get 2 countries to go to war -assassination of leaders -religion,Provinces will be unstable if you support a different religion -laws -more different type of resources like rice,tobacco,wheat,tea,etc... -can be able to trade resources -mercenary soldiers you can loan
Last reply by Armolitskiy, -
- 0 replies
If you win a war with a country, you should be able to force them to change their government type. Also, you should be able to change vassal governments at any time. That's it.
Last reply by Shrimpy5678, -
- 9 replies
These are my probably horrible ideas on how to improve the game. Players end: Needs less menu's and the ability to select multiple things in certain cases. Way too much clicking of buttons with no thinking behind them. Put everything at the top of the screen. Add in provincial unemployment. Make the tutorial less rubbish and have it explain things better, like unemployment being a thing. Game: Add in provincial unemployment. Add religions. Make it so stabilizing a province and changing ethnicities or cultures or religion s are separate things and that it will cause some instability and production penalties to the…
Last reply by PETER, -
- 4 replies
I love playing the WW2 scenario, but it really annoys me when the game goes completely off the rails historically and the British Raj takes over all of Europe. I'm not necessarily saying that there needs to be a script for certain foreign powers, but maybe some more powerful nations should be enticed to stick to the general region that they started in. I understand why the most powerful AI decide to go attack the wealthiest provinces, but it seems like a little too much some times. That's all.
Last reply by PETER, -
- 2 replies
Please don't update the game. I like it like that. Buggy and without nice features. I like wasting my time on this good game. A total perfect game.
Last reply by Eastert, -
- 0 replies
This is what I have so far. Im not finished yet, but probably won't finish it. So I figured I'd post it here in the mean time. My Suggestions for AoC2.pdf
Last reply by Emery Thrash, -
- 2 replies
When you release a civilization as a vassal, you can choose civilizations from the list and when you choose it, it will always be democratic, could you make that it would be possible to change ideology of a vassal?
Last reply by CubX, -
- 2 replies
Hey Lukasz, can you please fix trading? For example, I could just give any civilization 100 gold to declare war on any other civ. They will always do it 100% without fail. Also when I try to trade for provinces they never accept. I once tried to trade 20 million gold for a siberian province and it was refused. No matter my offer it is always denied.
Last reply by OrionsGamer, -
- 10 replies
Make it possible to use the brush to create buildings, call the army, assimilate, invest in several regions! It is difficult, playing for the USSR to invest in the economy and create workshops throughout the country, a lot of provinces and no brush! PLEASE
Last reply by Armolitskiy, -
- 6 replies
We already have ground units so why not airplanes? Make them unlocked after reaching a certain age and with a high level of technology, you can build them but they're very expensive and can break easily in battle, you need an Airport building to construct and store your planes, you can then select them and choose a province to either defend it (gives a defense bonus to your ground units) or attack it (gives an attack bonus to your ground units), they would mainly be used for support, and the more planes you have the higher the bonus is, but there's a limit of how many planes can be in a certain province, and if there are enemy planes in the province your planes are, …
Last reply by Armolitskiy, -
- 1 reply
Korea's Geomundo is a historically important place. It was occupied by the British in 1885, so if you add it, you will be able to portray the 19th century Britain more realistically. I would like to add to Dokdo and Ulung-do. Additional Resources:
Last reply by PETER, -
- 9 replies
This should be update 1.....something but colonies need more of a feel to them, I once said in one of my previous points that this deserves a post of it's own and here I am. Colonies should have names specified to their location, like "Ming Colombia" or "British Mexico" or that kind of stuff, away from that point, colonization is very difficult in the base game and you need to use around 74000 on your first province and after that it's like 64000 and I know it lowers with your tech level but still...anyways I think that founding your first province should be used with money, but like 40000 or 30,000 enough to get even the little countries interested in colonizing, n…
Last reply by SUDAMXX, -
- 1 reply
Add Dokdo and Ulleungdo to Province
Last reply by SUDAMXX, -
- 12 replies
bordergore is bad
Last reply by Eastert,