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- 50 replies
Hello everybody,my name is RealJusDen and i wanna show you map of Game of Thrones for Age of Civilization II (Age of History II). I'm from Eastern Europe and I don't know english to well,so maybe, you can find mistake in text. This is my first try to do something with Map Editor 2.0, but I trying to do not make mistakes. And I thing, what everything is going well. On the moment there only 117 provinces of all map, and every day there will be more. For moment, from important parts, I made: Westeros: Iron Islands Some part of Westerlands Some provinces in North The Wall and some provinces…
Last reply by BigCrow, -
- 24 replies
Dead Mod.
Last reply by Aleatório99, -
- 7 replies
Iberia (1.0) - modification for AoC2, adding a map of Iberia and scenarios to it. At the moment, 3 scenarios are ready: 288 BC, 1031, 1444 In future versions, it is planned to add a couple of scenarios of Middle Ages, events to scenarios, etc. Download (PC) -
Last reply by wb4, -
- 3 replies
I am working on a mod for age of history 2, also, just a quick note, this will not become a dead mod, i will actively work on it, also i will post images of it every now and again to show you how it goes, i hope when i release it, that you like it And the mod is going to be called "age of strategy" or smth, it will add more scenarios, nations and ideologies. (And fix pre existing scenarios) and yes, the scenarios will have events.
Last reply by Littlewawas4000, -
- 0 replies
Last reply by Salvador Rodriguez, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Eng: The mod is being developed on Bloody Europe 2. It is mainly based on the year 1936 and which is expected to last until modern times. The mod is still being developed and I think it should be finished in about six months. Initially the mod is being created in Polish, but at a later stage the mod will be exclusively available in English (There will be no shortage of easter eggs). Pl: Mod tworzony jest na Bloody Europe 2. Opiera się głównie na roku 1936 i który ma trwać do czasów współczesnych. Mod jest nadal tworzony i myślę że za około pół roku powinien zostać być zakończony. Początkowo mod jest tworzony w języku polskim, jednak w późniejszym stadium mod będzie wy…
Last reply by Damianik, -
- 616 replies
Age of Civilizations 2: Ultimate Overhaul It's been a while! Welcome, dear people, who are still interested in the Development of UO! I do not know why the discord invite is invalid, i set it to forever, lmao. So, I'm back. (Again), and we are still working on the mod. But due to the current situation of the Virus in europe, this all can just crumble down. I am happy, that I didn' t stop development, because these last time were incredibly harsh. But I'm back. (Fixed the Discord server link.) We need Scenario & event creators! Age of Civilizations is a game that focuses on grand strategy, politics and other government driven elements. Łukasz J…
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
Age of CK3 (WORKING ON) (GREAT PROJECT!!!) "193 Provinces!" (Finding a new DEVELPOR!!!) 1 2
by sonil_or_you- 3 followers
- 26 replies
I started i little project of recreating Ck3 to aoc2, when i started it i thinked that this will be another trash that no one will cares... but as it seems... you people realy care... So i will putt all my power to this great project. I am Very Happy that you like this idea... Also i am finding some helpers bc everyone have life and everyone have family so u know why... SOME JUICY PHOTOS OF THIS JUICY PROJECT I am very happy that you care about this... This project will be probably divided to two parts... The 1. Will be what you see just now... This will be map with less provinces and as s…
Last reply by EdgeLord, -
- 89 replies
AoH2 Red Flood Red Flood is a modification for AoH2 that raises the question "What if no one won the Great War?" The main premise of this mod follows the aftermath of a prolonged and an even more brutal Great War that gave rise to political chaos and extremism throughout the world. Successful Spartakist revolutions seize power in Germany, while France is taken over by futurist-accelerationist Avant-Garde movements. Countries that currently have content: Germany France Fiume Italy Austria Japan Socialist Korea Russian Empire (and Novorossiya) Zheltorossiya Kavkaz Society Southeastern Union Kazan Mil…
Last reply by mauebdhd, -
- 30 replies
Нова Ремейкова Гра: AoC1+ Remix (Сама Гра від @Apple ) 0.1: Код uwut 1.5.7 про Виграш Наполеона переносено в 1836 про Античність видалено🙁 Посилання Для PC: 0.2: Код uwut 1.6 деякі перероблені Сценарії Нові bg І декілька нових Лидерів 0.3: Код uwut 1.6.5 Перероблений Сценарій (з подіями, і навіть Відносини): Normal TNO декілька нових Держав 0.3:
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 1 follower
- 81 replies
Hey Today I Come With A Idea And That Is: Make A Larger World Map On Aoc2 Can U Send Me Maps Well The One I Found For Now Is This Note: The Map Need Have Antartica
Last reply by aoc2 visitor, -
- 3 replies
So the most important is the base game as it allows to make better mods without getting onti the code, so use it as you want to. Now Addin was only converted cuz I play it. 😅 so shout out MEMOSOSISI for making this awesome mod! (Downloads are below the video) Age of History base game 0% agression (android) : Addin+ v7 0% agression (android) :
Last reply by Pablo escobas, -
- 0 replies
I was wondering if there was a way to alter the starting money or movement points in the game. Any help is appreciated
Last reply by Bappo239, -
- 253 replies
The Discord: MOD ISNT DEAD Mod isn't dead just moved to this new page here, thanks 😁 However you can still play the beta for the old Magna Historia Project: Hello Everyone I wanted to release a Indev version of the old Aoh2 version of Magna Historia, this is just so people can get an idea of the mod and what it offers. please remember that this is an old version any issues you may have can be taken up with me and i will try and resolve it. this old version is also no longer being worked on anyway as the aoh3 version is the main version now. Here you go enjoy! (…
Last reply by PeteFromPat, -
- 10 replies
I know that nobody remember GaV... BUT... HERE IS IT REMAKE! Glory and Victoria was first mod that I released (only 2 demo versions). This time I started everything from start. This time I know how everything work... and that making mod only in polish and than trying to translate it into english is not good idea... what we have this time? NEW FOCUS TREES! I get inspirated by HoI4 focus trees. We have some long events too! NEW UI AND MAIN MENU! Background and HOI4 UI got from @Snajper same with NEW PROVINCES! NEW IDEOLOGIES! They are 14 of them right now... maybe will be more in future. Icons from them are from TNO! Some cities renamed…
Last reply by Wielki_Czlek, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Upcoming mod using Enhanced Sandbox Spectator Modification Rise of Worlds: Rebranded by: Pumped
Last reply by ExistenceDaVitaReduxDev, -
- 15 replies
Originally i wnated to make a cold war mod, but this project is cancelled because there is already another cold war mod in development. Now i will make a mod with events starting in 1871 until hopefully 1925. You can write your suggestion here or in the discord. Im also searching for new members of my team, just private chat me on discord. In the future i will also create a topic in the age of civilizations community. EDIT: to clarify this, only the cold war mod is dead. Currently im working on the 1871 project. Discord: new mod:
Last reply by Wielki_Czlek, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Şimdi 😑
Last reply by TRT, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Age of Conflict is a mod based in the World Wars, TNO and Red World. New Things: +Ideology +Scenarios +Leaders +Civilizations +Provinces Downloads: PC: Android:
Last reply by BigCrow, -
- 1 follower
- 15 replies
a new thread for the Thousand Week Reich mod so I can get notifications for messages and post status updates for the continued development. Some teasers: for you France and Italy fans
Last reply by Wielki_Czlek, -
- 13 replies
Ironstate: 1914 is an early version (we have alot of plans!) of the Age of History II mod that brings 1914 and 1910 into the game! New UI, National Focus Trees (coming soon), nations, ideologies and more! Lead your empire to victory! UI - 100% Scenarios - 100% Events - 38% Got an idea for an event? Comment! Download Here DOWNLOAD
Last reply by BigCrow, -
- 5 replies
Simple mod, I started working on the caucassus region and produced this. I will be working on this more. But I will be mainly focusing on another project called {Epochs of Antiquity} Based on prehistoric and classical timelines. As for this project, It's aimed to create as much provinces as possible. Without ma king it unplayable of course,
Last reply by IIduce, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Age of Caos Remastered+ (nome completo do mod) é um mod focado na era moderna e antiguidade, tendo várias ideologias, cenários e outros. Esse mod é feito por mim, o mod tem suporte por enquanto apenas para Português e Inglês. a primeira versão é focada durante a primeira guerra mundial, também antes dela, tendo cenários de : 1900 até 1918. Tendo vários eventos e Etc —IDEOLOGIAS— O mod contém várias ideologias, principalmente monarquias, sendo elas: Monarquia: • Absoluta • Parlamentar • Constitucional • Dual • Eletiva • Colonial …
Last reply by BigCrow, -
- 2 replies
I've had an idea in my head for a long time.... What if European Unity was Achieved earlier in a greater scale? Here we have a mod that answers that question! For now it's like 40% done and I'm still working on the lore but feel free to Dm on discord for any questions! Username: samuytumama Also I'm doing a video in which we redo the scramble for Africa, there are a los of nations remaining so please join! There are 9 nations remaining for the scramble for Africa so be quick to get the one that you want!
Last reply by BigCrow, -
- 51 replies
The Crusaders mod is the best way to experience the middle ages in AoH2. Without many code changes, it let's the player get a completely new vibe from the game. The mod is heavily inspired by the PDX game Crusader Kings II Here is the Mod's trailer to get an idea of what you will come across: FEATURES: - Completely New UI🛠️ - New map (over 1500 provinces)🌍 - A second New map dedicated to Western Europe in the Migration Era - 4 scenarios ( 1 in the second one ) - 1204 MAIN SCENARIO with tons of events and 430+ Countries‼️ - Mission Trees for 18 countries in the 1204 scenario🧭 - a reworked formables system …
Last reply by clemenee,