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- 0 replies
`Hello there aoh2 community. I am creating a mod about Germany winning ww3. Leaks will be on here. Hopefully weekly and more leaks on a new discord server. DISCORD:
Last reply by Fireboy, -
- 0 replies
- 1.2k views Download do Bloody Europe nova atualização sim eu escrevi em PORTUGUÊS FODA SE👍
Last reply by josepepinooooo, -
- 2 replies
Mod ini berlatar pada waktu yang sama namun berbeda dengan dunia asli atau mod ini hanyalah fiksi belaka Mod ini berkisah tentang terjadinya sebuah perang tanpa akhir yaitu WW2 dan cold war yang berlatar waktu Tahun 1936 dan 1959 Link [android] :
Last reply by Promaxxd12, -
- 0 replies
Please do this
Last reply by Fireboy, -
- 7 replies
This isnt a big project, just something I did on the side while working on this Anyway yeah a guy named gaboemi started a crusader kings 2 map, and then let his mod die in 2019. (Crusader Kings II Map (WIP) Alpha 0.5) Although credit for the map and provinces are to him, I decided to revamp it by adding new scenarios, new nations, a new music, and a couple other things. Hope you enjoy Link to PC: Link to android:
Last reply by TasmanianMapping, -
- 0 replies
Do you have any mods of the napoleonic/victorian eras for mobile? Thanks for answering ^^!
Last reply by AndreyTarv, -
- 12 replies
Hola Comunidad!!: Les comparto este increible mod que he estado haciendo para el juego de Age of History 2, el objetivo de esta modificacion es explotar todo el potencial que este juego tiene, con nuevas funciones, formas de gobierno y otras cosas para hacerlo más interesante: ¿Que contiene este mod? Alpha 1.0: * Nuevo Soundtrack "Dystopia" de Kevin Macleoud * 28 Nuevos líderes para añadir al juego (comparto imagen) * Agregué los mapas de Papers Please y de la primera guerra undial (los mapas son de otros creadores que veran en el video) * 10 nuevos escudos, 8 de ellos en alta resolucion para mejorar el apartado del editor d…
Last reply by ExistenceDaVitaReduxDev, -
- 3 replies
Age of Smeshariki is a small remake of the Smeshariki mod, made based on the Addon+ mod. What is added: -Port of the original mod Smeshariki on android -Renaming of cities (country capitals) -Sights in the form of houses of cartoon characters -Two cities -Changed 5 portraits of the leaders of countries -19 monuments to Barash -14 tracks of background music from the animated series Smeshariki (total now in fashion 20 tracks of background music) Download mod (only on Android): Official Telegram channel of the mod: Official Discord ser…
Last reply by ExistenceDaVitaReduxDev, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
This is a mod based on the Conqueors II mod and focuses on the 1909 scenario. These will be in the mod. 1-Debuffs (possible to remove debuffs like in hoi4) 2-More than 100 events. 3-New ideologies 4-New flags 5-New leaders 6-Events to many countries from 1909 to 1920 (in the future this year may change, maybe there may be events until 1930). 7-New BG and UI Those who can help with UI and English translation can send me friendship via discord. dc: aspext3124_45644 We are trying to finish the mod before the release of aoh3, but since it is very difficult to deal with both Turkish and English events, the release of the mod may take 1-2 mo…
Last reply by masterofaoh2, -
- 0 replies
This mod adds more ~5,000 to 6,000 leader images. Note: Not all places included of them. Several leader images was added to introduce it (such as Bellreguard). which includes: Spanish municipalities COA French communes COA German cities/towns/municipalities COA Philippine cities/municipalities seals Indonesian cities/regencies COA Czech towns COA Polish towns COA Russian towns COA Danish/Norwegian/Swedish municipalities COA Finnish COA All Baltic states COA (includes towns and current municipalities) Ukrainian towns COA Belarusian towns COA Kazakh towns/districts COA Mongolian provinces COA Hu…
Last reply by germanycommunities, -
R.E Revolutioner Engine 1.0 | Religion,NoBorderGore,Extended Option, And MANY MORE!]
by FelixNoChill- 2 replies
Got tricked
Last reply by Naval, -
- 2 replies
I asked Hawker SP to remake the mod and he said you can so i'll remake it. Discord: Walol#8498 (For your requests)
Last reply by ALR8, -
- 1 follower
- 36 replies
Tired of Bloody Europe and 4 year old Addon+? Bored of the same mods, that add nothing other than making the game even more of a mess, while giving false promises and then just fading away? Tired of wars looking like a child's painting? Wishing Addon+ kept getting updates? LOOK NO FURTHER! The mod is still in development, glitches can happen! Make sure to report them here CHANGES: -AI no longer acts like barbarians (plundering is much more expensive) -Only Great Powers or nations with a high military score can travel across the sea -Fixed the combat to adapt it to the game's turn-based system (no more chasing and random chaos on the map) -Eternal Wa…
Last reply by Syncradar, -
- 56 replies
THIS PROJECT IS DEPRECATED UNTIL FURTHER ADVICE TL:DR Dead mod. Disclaimer: This mod doesn't aim for a realistic prediction of the future, neither tries to offend a specific group or promote any ideological agenda. It's just a work of my retarded imagination, and it will always be. bun_dha3 introduces: Rise of the Phoenix is a dead mod. And that's it. Mod's Characteristics The World in 2037 (BETA 0.3) Mod Summary (WARNING: GRAMMAR IS AWFUL + ZOCROTISM INCONSISTENT + DEFINITELY 30 CLICHES) Mod Features Event Features Another Features Mod Plans Event Progress (pretty much 4-6%) Kn…
Last reply by RostislavMerte, -
- 21 replies
Age of Civilizations II - Crowns Of Iron IV Mod Modified by bpm Crowns Of Iron IV is a Hearts Of Iron IV patch for Age of Civilizations II. This mod adds new features to the game. Updates or magazines every month in bimonthly mode. So what are the features of the mod? FEATURES: -+170 model -Party system is added -Ideological system Adding - HOI4 - Map of Europe (+4500 States) -+1500 City Name for HOI4 Map - Newly improved HRE (Holy Roman Empire) System - New Formattable Systems Some Countries - Over 431 New Leaders -43 Formable Civilizations -HOI4 Civilizations Colors for all scenarios -HOI4 Extended Timeline Scenarios -Improved Graphics -Faster Rotation Transit…
Last reply by Batın Burhan, -
- 6 replies
Um, here's the scenario, which I think can only be handled by Megamod Contents It's not an event until 1936 Germany is defeated in 1919 But ends up with less German land than in historical fact And the American people judge that and the US government that caused the Great Depression to be disappointing, but won the election because there was no good political party Also, Japan gained more territory in China because Germany had more territory in China before the war than in historical fact. Many Eastern European countries become independent, but independent countries such as Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan remain as socialist countries and form the Soviet Union …
Last reply by AjayKumar, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
simply drag and drop this to \game\flags_editor\
Last reply by zdislav, -
- 1 follower
- 79 replies
KMOD Engine -New Turn Pass System Added (Alpha). RTS!!!!! -Hoi4 Based ManPower Added. No Bugs 🙂 -AI Can Now Choose Its Own Religion (Beta :D). - Next to ManPower, it now says which religion we are. -EU4 Battle System. -A New Menu. From AoH3. KMOD Engine 1.3.2: -Religions Added.(Not form of government! "Real") -The castle can go up to 10 levels. -Realistic Capitulation System -Factory Added. -Library can now level up by 5 levels. -Farm can now level up by 10 levels. -Removed the "required tech level nonsense" when building a library. -And Much More! The only problem is that it i…
Last reply by yusufi, -
- 8 replies
I will just comment here or dm me on discord my discord is CursedOklahoman and if you wanna support me join my server
Last reply by Guje, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
How can I stop the rebels? Delete them from the game?
Last reply by Nyt connections, -
- 5 replies
Anno Domini Discord Server for the mod: Anno Domini is a mod based in the AD time period. Anno Domini consists of scenarios from 2024 - 1890, more scenarios are going to be added which will expand into the past. Even though Anno Domini is after 1BC I may add some small or big scenarios if you want to play in ancient times. UPDATE 1.2.2: Finished the Third Coalition Finished the Fourth Coalition Finished the Fifth Coalition Added some more colour palletes This Mod uses Uwut Engine Join the Discord Server for more updates Scenarios: 2024: Modern World 2009: Australian Black Saturday 1992: Post-Cold War 1975:…
Last reply by zestmaps, -
- 1 reply
Hello. We are here with our team's new mode, Sound of War. . Features A new map with approximately 3600 states. There will also be a Calradia map with 2497 provinces. Advanced Event System. We plan to hold a total of 200 events in this way. Trade, Mine, Canal revenues Turkish, English, French and Arabic language support Straits and canals More than 50 scenarios We are waiting for you on our discord server for new features. Innovations will also be shared on our Youtube channel. DİSCORD: YOUTUBE:
Last reply by ALR8, -
I need help
by Mano- 1 reply
I really like the "medieval scenarios" mod but it's impossible to install on my cell phone, does anyone have an uncorrupted version for me to play?
Last reply by THE FUHRER, -
- 4 replies
Target of this mod is to alter your in-game cursor. Changelog: version 0.1 -Added normal and black cursors version 0.2 (1st May 2019) -Added 9 more cursors -Renamed mod to "World of Cursors" Instructions: 1.Go to assets/UI/icons, Delete original "cursors.png" Replace it with mine "cursors.png". (if you want cursors(number here).png as ingame cursor, you need to rename it into cursors.png) cursors-0.2.rar
Last reply by THE FUHRER, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
WERSJA 1.0 Imperator to mod skupiający się na starożytności, inspirowany Imperator'em Rome UWAGA DATY SĄ LICZONE OD ZAŁOŻENIA RZYMU odpalajcie gre za pomocą AoC2_old Mod zawiera 9 scenariuszy, 10 nowych form rządów + 6 nowych form plemiennych, mechanikę senatu rzymskiego, IV Wojnę diadochów, nowe państwa do stworzenia, jaśniejszy interface, poprawa działania ai, system wyrównywania sił w regionie, Świat Helleński (jako HRE), więcej państw i miast, zmiana prawie wszystkich ikon w grze SYSTEM WOJEN w grze została mocno zwiększona ważność terenu w bitwach, np. W Alpach masz +65 do obrony, a w Rzymie +30, sprawia to że musisz zastanawiać się nad …
Last reply by Snajper,