1,773 topics in this forum
- 28 replies
My New Mod: The New Order Last Days Of The Memes important events gay pact unification of Marwania and everybody goes to brazil and the death of the country grossgermanisches ivr17 [ADDON] and you see pictures with spoilers
Last reply by Chairman Baad, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
VICTORIA 2 MAP ON AGE OF CIVILIZATIONS 2 A province map recreation from the game Victoria II to AoC2, 2 available maps and new reworked provinces. Link to download (374MB):
Last reply by Çağan Ayyıldız, -
Alright I have questions because I found this game on Friday and ive played every waking hour. Theres still people playing this right? Its fantastic. I have seen mods and I just want to be careful its safe or wont ruin the game, i do have some glitches like idk if its fixable about relations just staying at 0 besides if youre at war. Can anyone point me towards some great mods or any patches i playing on my android ha idk man but ive been playing fifa for way too long and this is revolutionary. Thanks i really hope people are playing this shit.
Last reply by Emperornorton, -
- 1 reply
hi, I am asking you if there are any mods that have a United nations or something like that
Last reply by bundha3, -
- 0 replies
Hi guys. Please someone create an enable/disable command that hands control of the army to Al without being spec mode.
Last reply by Cobelub, -
- 0 replies
The 1669422890550pvvislft.rar is a scenerio 1669422731374zhfuiony.rar is a civilization that belongs to this scenerio you need to download it too 1669428229425lvxlqgkw.rar is a civilization that belongs to this scenerio you need to download it too 1669422564246tojaqoyg.rar is a civilization that belongs to this scenerio you need to download it too 1669422890550pvvislft.rar 1669428229425lvxlqgkw.rar 1669422731374zhfuiony.rar 1669422564246tojaqoyg.rar
Last reply by Brykiet, -
- 3 replies
What if no body won World War 2 but In my way Project is start now but this mod is no yet finished This mod was inspired by The Thousands Weeks Reich and The New Order Features of this mod -German puppet state for TNO -U.S.S.R still have Moscow -Most countries border are inspired from TNO -And more This mod is only 2 % finished So please wait for the release I think may be in sometime in next year so thank for reading this.
Last reply by The Soviet_Russian guy, -
- 0 replies
Hello , Please to me play
Last reply by Countryball vn, -
- 2 replies
This mod will be another mod. one that is its own map This Mod named Imperial World or I.W Mod for short is about my imaginary world that I created 3-5 days ago but this mod won't start until I have a computer because I need it. It needs to be because I'm completely rebuilding the map and since I'm just a 12-year-old, so it might take a very long time. Also, since I'm not from an English speaking country so sorry if my English is really bad. Map (prototype) Map Nation Map It's just a map that I drew in a drawing program so it seems a bit weird to me that I still have a number of…
Last reply by bundha3, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Full credit to HC∅, I own absolutely Nothing.
Last reply by ItsCatboy, -
- 5 replies
Badlion Client 2022.11.22 - Link: Link Works PC Compatible ------------------------------------------------ Scenarios: Modern Day Fall of USSR 1941 Barbarossa 1939 1914 First Balkan War 1789 ------------------------------------------------------- Expandment of Scenarios: But the amount of Scenarios will expand over time. We plan to get at least 40 Scenarios out by after beta, or full release, including types of scenarios like: Medieval, Renaissance, BC, Times of HRE, Coalitions, and conflicts in…
Last reply by strategymappin, -
- 4 replies
Aren't you bored folks?
Last reply by davidtjk, -
- 0 replies
this mod adds more formable civilisations and fixes some already existing ones that may have broken borders of are lacking countries that can form them more formable
Last reply by Tymeggs, -
- 67 replies
I'm sure you dreamed about this scenario! But why i put scenario in mods category? Read this: Cześć! Jest to mój pierwszy projekt na tej stronce do modów, akurat do AoCII. Ostatnio miałem taki malutki przebłysk: "Dużo ludzi pisze że potrzebuje kogoś to pomocy przy robieniu wydarzeń, a ja umiem je robić od samego początku nawet te zaawansowane!" Więc naszła mnie myśl aby stworzyć scenariusz dzisiejszej europy ale każdy kraj będzie miał oryginalne drzewko. Takie podobne do tego jakie są w Hearts of Iron 4 ale oczywiście inaczej wyglądające. Projekt zaczołem dziś czyli 17 maja a skończe go pewnie za pare tygodni (przy dobrej pracy ok. 2). Oczywiście później wyśle wam…
Last reply by sticky liquid, -
- 19 replies
Last reply by YouKnowIt, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
So, TTA is a HUGE Russian mod very few people knows about because it hasn't been posted here and it's only on VK, and it's not famous at all. I am not the creator nor a contributor, but seeing no one uploaded it i have to. This enormous mod has: -6000 provinces -new music -a lot of scenarios -new portraits -new formable nations and much more.... Disclaimer:this mod is a rar file, meaning that you will most likely need WINrar to unzip it. Here's a link to download it: WARNING: THIS MOD IS PLAYABLE ONLY IN RUSSIAN, BUT IF SOMEONE WANTS TO TRANSLATE IT, WRITE HERE IN THE COMMEN…
Last reply by Barkley Churchill, -
- 1 reply
hey saddly i have to post the mod on the nezt day because i nees to change the map and trying to fix the scenario issue if not even then the thing dones't work then i'll post uit on 16 september and trying to add more music etc i hope you can understand Have a nice day oh yeah and renamed it because it has no sense to say the new ages since it starts in 1440 and 1200 so yeah
Last reply by YouKnowIt, -
- 1 reply
Tno 1.0.73 - 한국어 번역 < beta > PC 안드로이드 < 번역 현황 > 국명 - 100% 지도자 - 100% 도시 - 100% 이벤트 - 0%
Last reply by YouKnowIt, -
- 14 replies
Hello! I would like to present a new submod for Addon+: A Different World! Progress so far: Scenario: ~60% done -Fully reworked map -Detailed cores based on ethnic and linguistic maps, history, modern borders, etc. Governments: -4 new government types added Formable civilisations: -3 new formable civilisations added Flags: 22 new flags added Translations: Many translations fixed, Ukrainian language added (only for the "A Different World" scenario for now), Spanish WIP (soon to be finished), French and Swedish planned Other: Updated the font (extra characters that are needed for other languages add…
Last reply by YouKnowIt, -
- 3 replies
What is Grand Europa Grand Europa is a mod based of Europe. its made by one person which is me strategymappin It has to do with What ifs, Future, Past, Random & Just history with different countries, since this is a big project please don't rush me please this mod is just supposed to be a mega mod by one person BUT don't worry cause I am going to be updating this every week - month which every update will come with at least a few more scenarios, if you have any suggestions leave them in the comments and one more thing, this mod will be using different maps, downloaded from the forums or maybe even custom created by me! -----------------------------…
Last reply by YouKnowIt, -
Hey! Welcome to Project Finale! In this mod there will be a new background, new ideologies, new scenarios, new provinces and the Antarctica! This mod is in development and from time to time i will release betas until the project is finished! When a beta is released you can give me feedback to see if there is something wrong or incorrect! A release date isn't planned, there will be a lot of months of development but eventually it will be released! Thank you and see you next time! ✌️ Things finalized: Background - 01-26-2021
Last reply by YouKnowIt, -
- 5 replies
-This mod is a "junction" of other mods, such as age of imperialism and sieg edition (English translation) -I added new flags for the kingdoms of the Italian peninsula and for Spain, I also modified some mechanics, mainly in the mechanics of rebels, which I intend to improve -I want to make it clear that I'm not stealing mods from anyone!, I just made a junction of 2 mods that I like (Age of imperialism and Sieg Edition), and I leave here my credits to the creators of these mods -This project of mine is still in beta, I intend to add more maps and fix the maps I already have (the maps of my mod are the same maps of the sieg edition) …
Last reply by YouKnowIt, -
- 11 replies
New ideologies: Liberalism Minarchism Social Liberalism Liberal Conservatism Conservatism Absolute Monarchy Constitutional Monarchy Military Dictatorship Socialist Dictatorship Democratic Socialism Social Democracy Download simple ideologies mod.rar instructions inside the rar Please tell me if my mod have errors sorry for my bad english
Last reply by YouKnowIt, -
- 1 reply
Last reply by Chairman Baad, -
- 4 replies
Hello everyone! I have been working on a mod recently, called Ideological Conflict, the basic premise is a world that has been at war with one another since world war one, and has just recently entered a period of peace, however, i can not accomplish this mod, due to the fact that the final version will need an ability to display super events, as it is somewhat based on TNO, while not having any sharing story to TNO, but i know very little of Java development, so that is why i will be needing help with its development, events also take a while to make, so if anyone is willing to help with making lore events for nations (which will be started once i have completed writing …
Last reply by GerRax,