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I love
Last reply by fabian-5e7w, -
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Last reply by TheBlitzTankster, -
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Last reply by ASC modderxyz, -
Last reply by Guref,
- 10 replies
Mod still alive and well and it will propably come out very soon (im just adding the cities and then gonna edit the terrain types)
Last reply by Piggy Map Maker, -
- 30 replies
Hi guys . I was practicing to make maps and decided to make Avatar Map. While making it I realise that the Avatar world is worked out by developers and that based at information from cartoon somebody can make very good mod with good scenarios and map. My map has about 400 provinces but if community will like my idea , I can make some Really good Mod with bigger map.
Last reply by Piggy Map Maker, -
- 462 replies
Link (Android only):
Last reply by Conte Banane, -
- 2 replies
Hi guys im suleyman gul im working on a aoh2 Mod called AOH2 Expanded YEAH YEAH very original the mod are the same but all scenarios have events new leaders new Idelogy and more common enter to help us
Last reply by dead, -
- 5 replies
Step One : make A Union Event Step two : Put The Civ That U Want The Leader From On The Top Bar And The Other On The Lower Bar Step 3 Add form civ Ur done
Last reply by Idkwhattonamemyself, -
- 0 replies
Oyundaki yağma eklentisi yüzünden ülkeler hızlıca fetih yapamayıp o toprağın ekonomisini bitiriyor bu yüzden gereksiz isyan çıkıyor ve ülke gelişemiyor.Oyundaki yağma özelliğinin kaldırılmasını talep ediyorum...
Last reply by Mustafa Ensar, -
- 24 replies
Greetengs, brothers and sisters of AoH2's community! I am making a small mod, which is not going to add new provinces or anyhow change the code, because I am trying to preserve the vanilla feeling. So what going to be added, for now?: - A few new Idealogies. - Nationalism. -Empire -Conservatism . -Liberalism - Socialism -Capitalism - New language supports. - (Just Bulgarian for now) - (Probably) New Formables
Last reply by dead, -
- 2 replies
Hello, I’ve been playing a lot of Age of History recently and I want to try out some mods. I’m looking for something that doesn’t change the base mechanics much- instead adds more content, more ideologies, more scenarios, etc. (I find the fun in roleplaying, puppeting, and creating new, ‘wacky’ countries) Anything that lines up with that?
Last reply by ??? !!!, -
Hello friends. At first, if you were expecting to see a mod to play with, I'm sorry. Secondly, I want to explain my situation so that you understand me. I love the Age of Civilizations game and I love something else which is writing, so I decided why not use my writing knowledge to create scenarios with great stories using the events of the Age of Civilizations. Scenarios are different from the rest of the other scenarios, but something stopped me, which is the lack of the things I want in the game (such as specific flags, some new leaders). So why don't you add them? Because now you will understand my situation, I d…
Last reply by davidtjk, -
- 15 replies
Grosser Kaiser - is a modification designed to acquaint the player with an extremely interesting time period in human history - 1900-1950 years. what's new the modification adds: - About 30 new scenarios, starting in 1900 (the height of the war with Boers in Africa) and ending in 1949 - the beginning of the conflict in the duopolar world of the United States and the Soviet Union. - Several backgrounds to choose from (PC version), the main of which is the dark background of the map, which is a mixture of the original background and the satellite one. ~ 170 new provinces, adding historicity to the borders in the game and changing the experience from the ga…
Last reply by Byzantine7, -
- 1 reply
I've seen the capitulation feature in multiple mods like Bloody Europe II but I'd like to know how to add it to my own mod.
Last reply by TheJigsaw, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
I've heard a billion different answers that didn't even work and I'm getting tired of it. I just wanna be able to set AI aggressiveness to 0%. So how do you do it? I'm done searching through forum posts for the answer. I need to know how you compile and decompile AoC2.exe. That's all. I'll handle the rest. I found out how to do it. Never mind! :P
Last reply by Chairman Baad, -
- 0 replies
Today I was bored, looking for a mod to download, at that time I was looking for a mod on the Adventure Time series, a series that really lends itself to making a mod. When I searched and saw that there was no such mod, the idea of doing it on my own occurred to me, but before I got down to work, I think it would be better to ask what they think of the idea of creating a mod for the series
Last reply by WorldStadiums, -
- 9 replies
National anthem: -This"Mod" add national anthems instead of music, the national anthems are from the following countries: -Sri Lanka -Italy -France -Senegal -Germany -Brazil -Russia -Tajikistan -Colombia -Place it in folder -music- DOWNLOAD LINK:
Last reply by Chairman Baad, -
- 0 replies
This posts is all about CMM developments and branches, which already branched from 1.1, 1.2, 1.2.1 (broke), and some more. CMM is also cws made mod, or some changes I made that I just wanted to share I will try my best to convert aoh2 to the way I like, just like how there is flag on each divisions on hoi4 games. I'm trying my best to look for anything I can change, as some file is encrypted with codes, that I'm not able to change much. CMM 1.1 - CHANGED music from TSGW mod to all HOI4 musics, you can enjoy the game while listening HOI4 music, don't need to open third party apps like spotify to listen music. CMM 1.1 features - added hoi4 musics CMM 1…
Last reply by cws, -
- 3 replies
Validate my Email addressUI
Last reply by Reza Shah, -
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Last reply by Erdalkral, -
- 2 replies
Hi there, this is cws. I'm just a random guy who just signed up for this thingy. I'm not sure if this is count as a mod but I wish to share to you guys my first mod creation. Basically changing all musics to hoi4 musics, also some copyrights to italian P&C for using his TSGW mod. Below is the mod link, anything will update in this drive's folder > < * If can't open it, please contact me via discord > RST II (cws)#3418 Please use it for entertainment purposes, not for malicious or any activities that causes harms, thanks
Last reply by cws, -
- 2 replies
Last reply by Fbtbtbrbrtbth, -
- 1 follower
- 46 replies
<Last update Plus points: change backgrounds, plus 2 governments, Changing the era of changing the government system, add flags editor overlays (etc. premonition my updates...: I'm make this mod to use mobile So if l have a computer. I learn java language. l add a army response supply systems and fix supply systems. But l think. When is This work come true? It's long future. My mod links Ah ah ah l want to play l have 20000types of feedbacks. but he isn't make this Inform ) it's long feedbacks. …
Last reply by Reza Shah, -
- 1 follower
- 17 replies
5000x5000 Size Huge Map. Fully PUBG's Erangel Map. PHOTOS: On average there will be +2000 provinces. Keep watching us.
Last reply by Chairman Baad,