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The Great Chaos mod is basically a bunch of alt history ideas fused into one. This mod is still a work in progress and the download link will be provided soon. Link: here are some screenshots: Europe: Africa & The Middle East: The Americas: Asia: To Be Added: Leaders (WIP) Scenario Events Gameplay Mobile Version? If you have any questions, please let me know.
Last reply by Lta, -
- 0 replies
Here the links The mod itself And the mod final update
Last reply by TheAngryProgressive, -
- 0 replies
Last reply by Guerra fria, -
- 1 follower
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Features A map with about 2500 states Mount&Blade Warband Leaders Trade revenue event that comes to each state every 40 days Illustrated events Uwut Engine 2.0 Features Warband cursor Warband kingdoms Grunwalder Rebellion Scenario 2 new alternative scenarios All progress of the mod is shared on our discord server Discord
Last reply by Akif657, -
- 31 replies
Project Civilizations+ Stage of development: 100% done! Welcome to my mod. Project Civilizations+ is a mod supposed to aid players and modders to do their own scenarios in the best way possible. This mod took me at least 4 years to finish, between hours and hours of work and is finally being launched, so, what will this mod have? -4767 Civilizations to you be able to do the best scenarios. -At least 99,9% of the civilizations with flags. -A lot of civilizations with ideological flags, mainly monarchists, republicans, fascists and communists flags. -30+ Ideologies, all being usefull and thought to be usefull to use in at least 2 or plus scenarios. …
Last reply by germanycommunities, -
- 12 replies
Death of the Fatherland Death of the Fatherland is a upcoming mod for AoC2 which imagines a different timeline during WW1, where the Agadir Crisis sparked it and Japan joined the Central Powers. The beta will contain content for the RSSF, Westphalia, and Prussia as well as skeletons for France, the UK, and Italy, and Spain and other smaller nations. Expect most of the content in this update to be focused around Europe. Timeline: 1871: German Unification 1889: Boulangists take control of the Government declaring the 4th French Republic 1899: Philip VIII is crowned King of the French due to demand from the Monarchist faction…
Last reply by bun_dha4, -
- 394 replies
MOD WILL BE ON HIATUS AND WILL BE MADE FOR AOC3 Yeah i'm making my great utopia mod into a new better version (I have no attachment space so in order to see announcements you will need to join the discord, sorry.) Download version 0.2 PC Mobile Version (Join server for access to older versions)
Last reply by BaldingFox77558, -
- 144 replies
Hellow everbody.Do you want to try my NEW MOD? I made a Age of Civilization 2 mod that restores Europa Universalis 4 on the PC side, using a new system (a game system made by players that enhances AI military diplomacy, enriches gameplay and increases the difficulty of the game). This is a detailed description of the mod: about 30 scenarios form the BC3000 to AD2020 Complete restoration of maps and countries of Europa Universalis 4 (slightly optimized) Use a COAT OF ARMS instead of a rectangular flag Smarter AI which will reject unreasonable diplomatic proposals, will take the initiative to form alliances and handle relationships, and wil…
Last reply by Anyone, -
- 1 reply
hi everyone im back
Last reply by thatoneb9y, -
- 1 reply
Πώς να αξιολογήσετε τους κινδύνους όταν επιλέγετε παιχνίδια καζίνο;
Last reply by nathangray, -
- 5 replies
Conqueror's II | Victorian Age: At the Dawn of an Era scenario by @St.Chmnd Maybe someone know the "At the Dawn of an Era" scenario. This detailed scenario made by @St.Chmndand now, he ported it to Conqueror's II. Thanks to him for this nice scenario! You can look at the features of this scenario from this topic: PICTURES: DOWNLAOD LINK: You can take help for install this scenario from this video: AoC2ModdingTR / St.Chmd
Last reply by Butter, -
- 27 replies
Sakartvelo My Beloved[Mod about Georgia] DOWNLOAD LINK:'m gonna create mod about Georgia and its nearby countries. Currently there are some historical borders but not alot, maybe i will add more in future there are some translations of the mod, most of them are buggy so if you have fixed version of translation, you can dm me on Discord also, i want to credit Bloody Europe II Team for Code, Civilizations and IdeologiesDiscord: (I will send mod progress in that server) Special thanks to: @KermelSausage@PHZanoniGamer@The dark@Çağan Ayyıldız Here i…
Last reply by BigCrow, -
- 4 replies
Hello guys i would like to introduce you ''1879'' Scenario (It Doesn't Have Lore) Scenario LInk- Color Pallet-
Last reply by BigCrow, -
- 3 replies
ForkMod 1.0 is here! For some time now, I have been working on a mod called ForkMod. I know its name may sound silly, but it does not have to do with anything about the mod. What is the mod, and why should I play it? Essentially, this mod is a mod that is meant to cover alternate scenarios that could have happened in World War 2. Currently, There are 8 new scenarios, and 4 of them covers alternate scenarios of World War 2. The other scenarios are about real events and/or other alternate timelines about different things that have happened during history. Also, it has its own map background, added leaders, logo and music. Why aren't there mor…
Last reply by TheAngryProgressive, -
- 7 replies
ESPAÑOL: - ¡Feliz 28 de Julio! ¡Peru Megamod Ha Renacido!... Les debo una explicacion grande... ¿No?... (No tengo excusa) ¿Que paso con el server de Discord? - Me desmotive horriblemente, los estudios en la Secundaria y en busca de nuevos... Objectivos... hicieron que tome esa decision, de Borrar el server de Discord... ¡Lo lamento mucho por su espera por nada!... por ahora... ¿Que paso con el Mod en general y su Progreso? - Lamentablemente perdi el progreso de las provincias antes de que elimine el otro post, por ahora estoy avanzando en Cusco, cuando lo termine actualizare esto pero, el mod se quedo en un punto estancado, sin apoyo, sin un serve…
Last reply by samu_, -
- 13 replies
So i forgot the password for my other account so from now on greater utopia updates will be posted here discord is what you should join
Last reply by BaldingFox77559, -
- 22 replies
New World is a mod for Age of History 2 with major changes to the game's code, and also contains many scenarios, civilizations, governments, and more... Description of New World Credits: All mod development – Nepokonany; Cool big scenarios are @Ziomek. No stolen scripts or anything, the authorship is indicated everywhere. FEATURES: BUNCH OF CODE CHANGES BUNCH OF GOVERNMENTS MUCH SCENARIOS MUCH MUSIC COOL UI AND MORE LOOK BELOW FOR FULL LIST General Changes: - Updated terrain type bonuses; - Rebel chance increased from 0.5 to 2; - Initial development of the game increased from 0.5 to 2 from 1919 to 2500+; - Negative allian…
Last reply by Niepokonany, -
- 0 replies
Last reply by TheAngryProgressive, -
- 2 replies
Age of Cyprus II - Aktulun Game's This mod offers a comprehensive experience covering the history of Cyprus. The map was developed by PlanetObserver and taken from GyLala's "Cyprus (Provinces 622) WIP" mod. We built upon this map by adding scenarios and completing any missing elements. In creating the mod files, we utilized resources from ArashTheArcher's "The War of Revolutions" mod and materials provided by RealJusDen. Additionally, some features from the BEII Mod were integrated. Music from both North and South Cyprus has also been included. Updates: No further updates yet. Music: North Cyprus: "Köprüden Geçemedim" - Kıbrıs Tür…
Last reply by Akuchuari-Akuchuaru, -
- 1 reply
AGE OF HISTORY 2 BLOODBUN MOD 2.0 NOW RELEASE What's New In 2.0 - Riot Of 98 Indonesia 🇮🇩 - Western World 🌍 - Global Warming 🌍 - Earth Unification 🌍 - Aggressive And Massive 🌍 - Vietnam War - Trias Power 🌍 - Zombie Apocalypse 🌍 - Alien Invasion 🌍 - After Nuclear Explosion - Modern Fantasia 3 New Episode - New Civilization In Strange County - Another Scenario - New Formable Civilization - Heart Of Iron 4 Sound Effect - Uwut Engine For PC DOWNLOAD HERE
Last reply by Frisk Bloodbun, -
- 1 follower
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Have you ever pondered and questioned the possibility of the European Union becoming a little bit more, centralized? I have, and that is one of the main points of my first mod, Elysium. The version you will be given is only to A. Get feedback on the Idea of the mod and some of the changes I made to the UI, and B. to get inspiration for Ideas regarding mainly event paths, that eventually will be included for every country in the Elysium 2036 Scenario, and Ideas for more changes in the UI. That being said: to play the game, unzip it, open the unzipped file in File Explorer, and open Game.…
Last reply by TheWolinHimself., -
- 1 follower
- 37 replies
If you remember my mod, Age of History Ultra, you will know that if you tried to play in a scale bigger than x3 the game would crash. Sadly i couldnt fix that problem BUT i have a solution. I found an old mod here in the forum called Modify+ (I think it was like an addon+ submod or something) and using it as a base i can remake my whole mod in a size that is actually comfortable to play. Here is the 4th version for pc: Provinces Added: Seven provinces in Colombia Two provinces in Brazil One Province in Argentina Three Provinces in Italy Six Pro…
Last reply by Phillip8989, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Age of History 2 (6671/6671) FEATURES : - 59 Formable Civilizations - 41 Scenarios (No Event) - 7 Backgrounds - New Diplomacy Color - New Font - About 150 New Civilizations PİCTURES : Download Link (PC) : Download Link (MOBIL) : Discord : fearles1991 Youtube Channel : Updates Will Come...
Last reply by BigCrow, -
- 4 replies
Equestria at war 1.4 Moonlight Preface: Some people may have a question about where is version 1.3? My answer is that I didn't translate it. I wasn't satisfied with the 1.2 localization, so I put off translating 1.3. Well, I was also lazy and I quit the AoC2 community for a while for personal reasons. ---------------------- Innovations: +Sea Provinces. +English localization is completely finished +Added new flags +Global and news events for PC version +New, normal events for changelings +Temporary removal of Russian Latin script +Some new countries to be formed +Two new scenarios +About 200 new countries +Mobile version now has a ba…
Last reply by ImAtlas, -
- 1 reply
Hola a todos espero que estén bien, En esta ocasión es la segunda vez que subo algo al foro así que tengo expectativas de que no mucha gente lo vea Este mod trata sobre de mejorar aoh2 solo que sin mejoras que cambien mucho el juego como bg o ui del juego apenas esta es la beta que voy a lanzar pero tengo la sincera esperanza de que se vuelva un gran mod Que trae el mod? -Banderas para la mayoría de países latinos (Colombia tiene otras las banderas de ideologias de momento) Se elimino la ideología de ciudad estádo porque es la mas inútil del juego Cambie algunas traducciones del juego para que se vea mejor …
Last reply by ImAtlas,