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Age of History 3 - October 23rd, 2024 - Official release date
Łukasz Jakowski posted a topic in Informations,
Steam: October 23rd, 2024
Android: When it's ready
iOS: When it's ready
Epic: When it's ready
- 0 replies

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Łukasz Jakowski,
Campaign: Small Scenarios
Łukasz Jakowski posted a topic in Ideas,
These scenarios focus on a small part of the map, with the rest designated as wasteland.
For example, a scenario of the Reconquista in 1054, where gameplay takes place only on the Iberian Peninsula.
What are your ideas for small historical scenarios?
- 106 replies

Picked By
Łukasz Jakowski,
Events - Common events for every civilization in the game
Łukasz Jakowski posted a topic in Ideas,
in this topic, I am interested in your ideas for events that can happen for every Civilization in the game.
I'm also interested in Missions for every Civilization.
Here is some example, have more than 10k army, have more than 5000 gold, build 10 buildings, recruit an Advisor, increase tax efficiency 20 times, be largest producer of some resource in the world, unlock 5 Civilization legacies etc.
- 196 replies

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Łukasz Jakowski,
First preview of the Alpha version of Age of History 3
Łukasz Jakowski posted a topic in Informations,
Release date: When it's ready 😛 Subscribe for more!
- 203 replies

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Łukasz Jakowski,
Land units - Ideas AoH3
Łukasz Jakowski posted a topic in Ideas,
In this topic we will write ideas for new land units.
So the AoH 3 will have new battle system.
Representation of the battlefield in the game.
Land units will be grouped into 3 types. Each unit will have a different recruitment cost, attack, defense, movement speed and upkeep.
Groups determine the placement of units on the battlefield.
Each unit can be unlocked by researching technology and then upgraded.
Here is the current list of units with upgrades:
First line:
Warrior -> Light Footmen -> Heavy Infantry -> Infantry -> Line Infantry -> Modern Infantry
Hoplites -> Spearmen -> Pikeman -> Elite Pikeman -> Musketeer -> Riflemen -> Mechanized Infantry -> Modern Mechanized Infantry
First line side:
Horseman -> Elite Horseman -> Cavalry -> Tank -> Modern Tank
Second line:
Archer -> Bowmen -> Crossbowman -> Elite Crossbowman
Canon -> Field Cannon -> Artillery -> Modern Artillery
Early Airplane -> Airplane -> Modern Airplane
This is a very early version, so maybe something should be changed?
Or maybe an idea for a new type of unit with upgrades? I'm waiting for your suggestions.
- 227 replies

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Łukasz Jakowski,
Ideas for new buildings in the Age of History 3
Łukasz Jakowski posted a topic in Ideas,
The buildings will be grouped into four categories:
1. Administration
2. Military
3. Economy
4. Unique capital buildings - These powerful buildings provide bonuses for the local province or for all provinces of your Civilization
All of the buildings can be upgraded, here is example:
Library -> University -> Academy
Each building costs differently and gives different bonuses.
This is what your building idea post should look like, example
Building Group: Administration
Name: Tax Office
Cost: 60 Gold
Construction Time: 90 Days
Maintenance Cost: 0.2 gold per month
The name of the technology that unlocks this building (Optional)
And write here what bonuses this building provides. Example:
Local Tax Efficiency: +10%
Manpower per month: +25
The same goes for building upgrades.
The most important thing with new building ideas is to not stick to the old game, get creative and offer new bonuses not available in Age of History 2, and maybe new things and mechanics will be added to the game
Template for the post:
Building Group:
Construction Time:
Maintenance Cost:
The name of the technology that unlocks this building:
- 288 replies

Picked By
Łukasz Jakowski,
Fate of Kingdoms - the local mod about history of British Isles.
Capodastr posted a topic in Mods,
· A great new map of Britain and Ireland, consisting of more than 3k provinces based on historical borders;
· More than 20 main historical, elaborated scenarios, including time frames from the VI to the XVII centuries;
· A huge number of new civilizations
· Rebalance of ages;
· Redesigned forms of government;
· Atmospheric soundtrack;
· Small changes in the interface;
Et cetera...
- 42 replies

Picked By
Łukasz Jakowski,
The War of Revolutions 1756
- 243 replies

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Łukasz Jakowski,
(1Mn Views) Conquerors v1.5.1 "Conquerors of the New Age" / DOWNLOAD NOW!
Kerem Yılmaz posted a topic in Mods,
- 1,350 replies

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Łukasz Jakowski,
Map Editor 2.0
Capodastr posted a topic in Download,
- 93 replies

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Łukasz Jakowski,
Age of Civilizations 2 | Addon 2.0 | ALIVE
Capodastr posted a topic in Mods,
- 862 replies
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Age of Elder Scrolls
Suzema posted a topic in Mods,
- A big map of Nirn;
- Large count of elaborated scenarios;
- New ideologies;
- New diseases;
- Music from TES games;
- Remaded ages;
- Various wonders;
This mod will be developed for a long time, during the development something new will be added.
We are in VK - https://vk.com/ageofelderscrolls
- 442 replies
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Bloody Europe II | OLD TOPIC
Suzema posted a topic in Mods,
In these mod is:
-Big map of Europe (maybe 1k-2k provinces)
-Large count of scenarios from antic times to modern
-New music, sounds, icons and fonts
-Some new civilizations, form civs and unions
Mod has been released! Actual version - 0.1B
If you want download link, go to the page 3 of this topic
Mine group in VK- firstovinc
My first mod project - Age of Elder Scrolls
- 745 replies

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RIas. Exe,
11:59: A Cold War Mod
11:59 Development Team posted a topic in Mods,
Furthermore, the soundtrack has been completely redone, with 53 new songs. The interface has also been completely redone, so has the states (regions in the base game). Nothing has been spared. (Download by viewing our ModDB profile).
11:59 also features a realistic world map:
Colourized Event Images:
A Completely Redone Interface:
Detailed Demographic Maps:
Detailed Administrative Divisions, complete with ~120 new provinces, and 1.309 new states:
New Terrain Pictures are also planned:
More features are evidently planned for the next release, 0.9b: The Sun Finally Set, with new decolonisation mechanics:
The Future:
- 160 replies

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Łukasz Jakowski,Post in Bloody Europe II | OLD TOPIC
Frank posted a post in a topic,
So I'm asking, it's possible to change names of cities, edit places or create cities? I'm saying this because when I try to create a new city in a nameless province, it doesn't work and only I can change names when I change one of a already existing province when I'm playing. Thank you in advance for your patience.
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Frank,Alternative WW2 with Central Power's Victory
Fear2636 posted a topic in Scenarios,
- 3 replies

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Fear2636,Post in WW2 Gathering storm with events! (WIP)
m4ri4no posted a post in a topic,
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Zaur Ehmedov,How to change the display name?
Davi Gamer 2017 posted a topic in Your ideas how AoC2 forum should looks like!,
- 4 replies

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Davi Gamer 2017,Age of Civilizations XXI Century Edition (In progress)
SuperGion915 posted a topic in Mods,
What this includes?
- 8 types of goverment and 14 ideologies "the list can be expanded in the release"
- The modern day scenario includes the forgotten countries in the original game and the list of powers was modified to be most accurate to one of the real world "GDP Nominal"
- It includes current day leaders "Example: Bolsonaro" and alternative leaders "Example: Gus Hall for communist USA"
- The leaders are the ones whose offices constitutionally administer the executive or legislature of their respective state/government.
- It changes names to Oficial Names "with exception of some historic nations for not be confused with current ones just like Gran Colombia or First French Republic"
- Birth Dates are replaced with Assumed Office dates
- Create a modern world scenario with more provinces for make more accurate maps
- Create 2013, 2000, 1980, 1970, 1945, 1936, 1911 scenarios
Alpha 0.01: It includes...
- 33 new ideologies
- 2019 scenario
- 295 new leaders
- 188 new songs
- New sound for move army
- 5 provinces were changed of place for some civilizations (San Marino, Vatican City, Liechenstein, Saint Vincent and the Granadines, Saint Kitts and Nevis)
Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JdZy4_QQMtCD83i6C4_YqQf7mRho_Hfd/view?usp=sharing
- 91 replies
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radeq3k,How to add a photo to event?
NESS posted a question in Help,
- 4 replies
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Adam C,Post in (FINISHED) Star Wars mod v.1.3
Kittenhux posted a post in a topic,
Download new event pictures
Age of Civilizations II Star Wars Mod v. 1.2. has been finally released!
What's New:
3 new scenarios (Imperial Civil War, Yuuzhan Vong War, First Order-Resistance War); Galactic Civil War scenario completed
42 new event pictures
Growth rate of Ilum and Exegol lifted to 99% to make First and Final Order more powerful
11 new civilizations
30+ new leaders, most of them with portraits
Picked By
DespotMilan posted a topic in Scenarios - Offtopic,
My channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrDBcBkUpCOLx-eze3lY93Q
My last project (ww3):
In which one are you more interesanted?:
Alternate WW3 caused by USSR
Alternative Corona Virus Scenario??
Alternate WW2 Scenario 2
Alternate WW1 Scenario 2
- 27 replies

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DespotMilan,Modern Europe: Events
The IM posted a topic in Mods,
Cześć! Jest to mój pierwszy projekt na tej stronce do modów, akurat do AoCII. Ostatnio miałem taki malutki przebłysk:
"Dużo ludzi pisze że potrzebuje kogoś to pomocy przy robieniu wydarzeń, a ja umiem je robić od samego początku nawet te zaawansowane!" Więc naszła mnie myśl aby stworzyć scenariusz dzisiejszej europy ale każdy kraj będzie miał oryginalne drzewko. Takie podobne do tego jakie są w Hearts of Iron 4 ale oczywiście inaczej wyglądające. Projekt zaczołem dziś czyli 17 maja a skończe go pewnie za pare tygodni (przy dobrej pracy ok. 2). Oczywiście później wyśle wam zdjęcia związane z przebiegem prac i będziecie mogli popatrzeć na moją męke 😄 Informuje już teraz że nie będe odpisywać na komentarze pod projektem przez okres prac ale będe je przeglądać. Jak ktoś będzie chciał zobaczyć jak wyglądają drzewka kraji to wyśle je jako zdjęcia. Dziękuje i życzcie mi miłych prac bo jak nie to dodam wydarzenie do drzewka niemiec "Powrót Rzeszy".
Hey! This is my first project on this page for mods, just for AoCII. Recently I had such a tiny flash:
"A lot of people write that I need someone to help me make events, and I can do them from the very beginning even the advanced!" So the thought came to me to create the script of today's Europe but each country will have an original tree. So similar to what they are in Hearts of Iron 4 but of course looking different. I started the project today, 17 May and I will finish it in a few weeks (with a good job approx. 2). Of course, later I will send you photos related to the course of work and you will be able to look at my torment: I am now informing you that I will not reply to comments on the project for the duration of the work, but I will review them. If someone wants to see what country trees look like and they will send them as photos. Thank you and wish me nice work because if not I will add the event to the German tree "Return of the Reich".
I used google translate so sorry for the mistakes!
- 67 replies

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Philippine Empire II,What is the most border-gore you've seen?
Random Guy111 posted a topic in Offtopic AoC2,
- 9 replies