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    • 3 replies

    I have a problem, I can't play the addon+ mod, when i select it and click play, the launcher just dissapears and the game doesn't open. I tried to download it another time, but that won't work either. 

    Hi everybody n.n , this is my new scenario , it is about the Third World War of Imperial Mapping (a youtube channel) so if you are fan of him you will love this scenario , it is about the war between The Empire of Great Francia and The Republic of Greater Slavia a war to clean the world from the french spider and his web of Intrigue ¡¡¡ Will you be by the side of the Frankish threat , conquer the whole world and set up a global and uncontested dominance over the whole world ? , or do you prefer to fight for freedom and justice? Decision is yours...

    Fight as Frankia , Slavia , USA , Austria , Hungary , Venice , Turkey , Serbia , Bulgaria , you can choose amongst all the nations of the whole world involved or not in this war 

    This scenario is made as accurate as i could watching the whole series and the final episodes again and again to have a very accurate scenario of the whole world

    This scenario includes many events from the war of the series n.n have fun¡

    Events for :



    United States





    Socialist India 

    Kingdom of ArabIa

    Republic of China

    And more ¡

    Replace each folder with their respective name into the respective folders and play 😄

    Scenario folder - map/Earth/scenarios/"folder with the scenario"


    Countries folder - game/civilizations , you should also replace in the civilizations_editor folder


    Flags of countries - game/flags and flagsH  (they are in desktop.rar)


    Beware wich nation you choose .... some events are for balancing to make some nations to not be stronger than they should be...


    Have fun with this scenario , i hope you will like it n.n , if there is something to correct please write it in the comments n.n



    • 8 replies

    1. The ability to make custom buildings for mods and stuff.

    2. Aircraft. Aircraft would be like the ground army but can only be trained in provinces with an airbase. To attack with aircraft you could go into into a special 'Aircraft' map view. Aircraft can move 2 or 3 provinces at a time and can move through your territory, nations which you have military access to's territory and enemy territory. When over enemy territory there will be two buttons which will be kind of like the 'plunder' button for ground troops. One will commence a bombing raid which destroys population and economy and the other, close air support, kills troops. A random percentage of aircraft get 'shot down' after each turn the bombing or close air support happens.

    3. Capitulation. When a country loses a percentage of its provinces, every turn after that there should be a random chance of the country capitulating and surrendering.

    4. More types of resources.

    5. Better AI.

    6. Religions doing something (In the game files there are religion icons and a json file so I think this might come soon)

    7. Leaders dying.

    8. Elections for new leaders (maybe)

    that is all my idea so far


    edit: and also the icon for democracy should be changed. I don't think a crown would be suitable for it
    • 10 replies

    Hi! After some days of work,I finished my first map of the entire world!

    It's a world map of 1570 with 125 civilizations.In some places,like India,I had to create some new civilizations that weren't in the game.

    There is one special case:Japan.I put some rival clans in it,but you know,Japan is always in civil wars,so some zones are neutral.

    The map doesn't has wasteland (I don't like wasteland in the entire world)

    And finally,there are some places,like North America,Australia and Siberia,with tribal civilizations,so their territory can be a bit differeny of reality.

    I am from android,so I can't give you a download link of the map (I 'll wait for until Lukasz create the workshop,if he does that some day...xD)

    But I can give you some pictures of the map.If you see one error,please tell me in comments and I will try to fix it.


    Release:Waiting for Workshop...

    Thank you for reading!
    • 44 replies

    Today I will present one of my scenarios. It is almost 100% original, and here I demonstrate what a third world war would be like in 2080. In this scenario, the United Kingdom and Germany collapsed, and the monarchy was implemented in some countries, such as Brazil, Indonesia and Mexico. There are three alliances:

    -European Union: Austria, Hungary, Scotland, Bavaria, Czech Republic, Ireland, Ulster, Brandenburg, Pomerania, Bremen, Electorate of Saxony, Poland, Catalonia, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Greece.

    -Socialist Pact: China, India, Iran, Turkey, Vietnam, Thailand, Rife Republic, Venezuela and Croatia.

    -United Powers: Empire of Brazil, England, Roman Empire, Mexican Empire, Argentina, Uruguay, Japan, Joseon, Indonesia, Hejaz, Tsardom of Russia (rebels), Bulgaria, Albania, Serbia, Moldavia and Ukraine.

    -Triple Alliance: Mombasa, Rwanda and Uganda (against DRC).

    There are some images, I had a lot of work, because I had to be creative and think about things that are happening, that will happen and can happen. Hope all you like, soon i'm gonna put the download link (sorry my bad english).


    • 31 replies

    This scenario starts on 19th April 1775 date of start of the American Revolution. The Thirteen Colonies are currently at war aganist the British Empire. If you choose to play with the Thirteen Colonies you will have the support of France and Netherlands (and Spain but they are not at war with UK because it will be too easy to win the scenario with a world superpower support).Meanwhile if you choose to play with UK you will play with the support only of a small German country, Hesse.

    Alliances: USA and Allies (France and the Netherlands)                   

                      UK and Allies (Hesse)


    1775 scenario.zip
    • 2 replies

    Do you want me to share the a_p_k for the ported mod? Or help me not get ban check out my tutorial how to download Major Aoc2 mods
    • 4 replies

  • 1: Marie Adelaide -  Luxembourg

    2: Ahmed Shah Qajar - Persian Empiref

    3: Albert I - Belgium

    4: Albert I - Monaco

    5: Alexander I - Greece

    6: Alexander II - Russian Empire

    7: Alexander III - Russian Empire

    8: Alfonso 8th - Spain

    9: Venceslau Bras - Brazil

    10: Charles I - Austria, Austrian Empire, Austria-Hungary

    11: Constantine I - Greece

    12: Edward 8th - UK

    13: Ferdinand I - Romania

    14: Ferdinand I - Bulgaria

    15: Franz I - Liechtenstein

    16: Franz Joseph II - Liechtenstein

    17: Franz Joseph - Austria-Hungary, Austrian Empire

    18: George V - UK

    19: George VI - UK

    20: Hans-Adam II - Liechtenstein

    21: Lord Hardinge - British RAJ ( non working currently )

    22: Hindenburg - Weimar Republic

    23: Hussein Bin Ali - Kingdom of Hejaz

    24: Johann II - Liechtenstein

    25: Alexander Kerensky - Russia ( non working currently )

    26: Vladimir Lenin - Soviet Union

    27: Leopold III - Belgium

    28: Bernardino Machado - Portugal

    29: Mahmud I - Ottoman Empire

    30: Mehmed V - Ottoman Empire

    31: Oswald Mosley - UK

    32: Gabriel Narutowicz - Poland

    33: Nicolas I - Kingdom of Montenegro

    34: Nickolas II - Russian Empire

    35: Otto Von Habsberg - Austria(2), Austrian Empire

    36: Peter I - Serbia

    37: Rama VI - Siam

    38: Raymond Poincare - France

    39: Robert Borden - Dominion of Canada ( non working currently )

    40: Sam Houston - Texas

    41: Roman von Ungurn Sternberg - Mongol Empire

    42: Taisho - Japan

    43: Theodore Roosevelt - USA

    44: Leon Trotsky - Soviet Union

    45: Victor Emmanuel III - Kingdom of Italy

    46: Wilhelm I - Prussia, German Empire

    47: Wilhelm II - German Empire

    48: Wilhelm II (1940) - German Empire

    49: Wilhelm III - German Empire

    50: Woodrow Wilson - USA

     More coming soon
    • 13 replies

    Coming 1. May 2019.
    • 107 replies

    Time of Civilizations- Mesopotamian Edition
    • 29 replies

    The Title Speaks For Itself.
    • 2 replies

    Co gdyby żelazna kurtyna była nad wisłą
    To jest historia alternatywna gdzie polacy wygrywają powstanie Warszawskie za pomocą odziałów partyzanckich z całego kraju a alianci ruszyli na berlin i niemcy musieli odesłać jedną ze swoich armi z warszawy. Po zdobyciu warszawy polacy ogłosili swój rząd warszawie po kilku dniach polacy zdobyli okecie po tygodniu amerykańskie transportowce z amerykańskimi  zołnierzami. Miesiąc później ruszyła ofensywa na gdańsk i przybył rząd polski w londynie. W tym czasie chinczycy zjednoczyli się żeby pokonać  japonie. Zamach na Mao Zedong który umiera a tereny CHRL zostają przyłąnczone do Chin. Berlin zostaje zdobyty przez wojska amerykańsko angielskie i polskie. Stalin krytykuje rząd polski w Warszawie tym czasie tworzy się polska wschodnia rządzona przez gomułke w stoliy w lublinie. Po pokonaniu Japonii odbył się zjazdy w warszawie gdzie uzgodniono że polska będzie podzielone na wschodnią i zachodną.

    PS: Przepraszam za błędy ortograficzne

    • 11 replies

    Карта игры GTA San Andreas. У нас будет множество сценариев о бандитских войнах
    • 40 replies

    Today I will present one of my scenarios. It is almost 100% original, and here I demonstrate what a third world war would be like in 2080. In this scenario, the United Kingdom and Germany collapsed, and the monarchy was implemented in some countries, such as Brazil, Indonesia and Mexico. There are three alliances:

    -European Union: Austria, Hungary, Scotland, Bavaria, Czech Republic, Ireland, Ulster, Brandenburg, Pomerania, Bremen, Electorate of Saxony, Poland, Catalonia, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Greece.

    -Socialist Pact: China, India, Iran, Turkey, Vietnam, Thailand, Rife Republic, Venezuela and Croatia.

    -United Powers: Empire of Brazil, England, Roman Empire, Mexican Empire, Argentina, Uruguay, Japan, Joseon, Indonesia, Hejaz, Tsardom of Russia (rebels), Bulgaria, Albania, Serbia, Moldavia and Ukraine.

    -Triple Alliance: Mombasa, Rwanda and Uganda (against DRC).

    There are some images, I had a lot of work, because I had to be creative and think about things that are happening, that will happen and can happen. Hope all you like, soon i'm gonna put the download link (sorry my bad english).


    • 31 replies

    If you want to keep the land, then change your government and back, the name & flag will change back to Ukraine, if not, do the same process but with releasing belarus as a vassal, optionally, you liberate them aswell.

    Hope that helped.

    I already looked at all the tutorials and all the topics Lukas made to help with explaining the Map Editor, and watched all the videos I could find, but nothing works.

    What I want is someone to make a video or doc file explaining in full and as much detail as possible to how the Map Editor works, and how to edit the exiting vanilla map, as well as to how to create, from scratch, an entirely new map.

    A tutorial that will leave the least amount of questions as possible.

    I already have the Map Editor. Where do I go from here?
    • 0 replies

  • On smartphone,when I add a new leader on the game I don't find this in the leader's list.How can I do ?
    • 1 reply

    Hi i am Nizar Producciones , this is my kaiserreich , in this scenario germany won WW1 , italy remained as central power , Persia helped central powers against russia and gained some land,  also germany creates the Central European Union with all its allies in WW1 , their new vassals and new formed countries , USA fought against germany but in the end didnt lose much power , the russian empire was replaced by a new russian republic that is receiving support by the central powers in its war against soviet rebels , germany is at war against soviets , China is at civil war against Tibet and Mongolia and the tensions between China and the Japaneese Empire are not helping very much , USA have very good relations with china and hates japan , but germany have very good relations with japan , china and japan hate each other , Brasil and Argentina have tensions between them ,  bulgaria gained a lot of land and formed the Third Bulgarian Empire , the four principal countries of the central powers gained colonial territories also ottoman gained a bit of balkan land from greece ;  UK , the most of the rest of the defeated countries and some new anti german allies are very angry and they see the new german dominance as a danger for the world so they decided to create the Anti German Coalition , after this , tensions start rising up between CEU and the Anti German Coalition

    Will peace last forever?

    Central European Union :

    Germany , Austria-Hungary , Italy , Ottoman Empire ,Third Bulgarian Empire , Netherlands , Belgium , Albania , Serbia , Crimea , Sweden , Poland , Finland , Letonia , Lower stonia , Upper stonia ,  Ukraine , Georgia , Armenia  , Azerbaiyan , Belarus , Ireland , Shammar and Nechd 

    Anti German Coalition :

    Britain , France , Portugal , Norway , Canada , Australia , United States of America , British Raj , French Guayana , New Zealand , Brazil , Greece , Denmark and Chile

    Neutral Countries worthy of mention : 

    Spain (friend of Germany but is not in CEU) , switzerland (always neutral xd) , andorra ( it had to be mentioned , also neutral) , romania (it was too scared of CEU and Third Bulgarian Empire in the balkans so finally remained neutral not as greece that he is too angry with ottoman and CEU  to stay neutral) 








    NEW UPDATE ¡ (1.01) :

    - Colonies as vassals

    -Added a few events


    1545086103102nistehrh (2).rar
    • 19 replies

    The events take place back in 1918, when the Russian Empire collapsed and almost all of its areas became independent.  

    Countries for which it is interesting to play: RSFSR, Ukrainian People's Republic, Russian State, Poland, Alash Autonomy, Free Territory

    Rename file from "63906" to "63906.zip"

    • 9 replies

    Hello this is my first topic and first made scenario for you on this forum so lets begin

    1.Austria joins in Germany and they want revenge because of WW2

    2.Hungary joins in the fourth Reich and fourth Reich promise old lands from WW2 (and Transylvania)

    3.Holland joins on side fourth Reich and they promise defeating France

    4.Germany attacks Poland to back Gdansk from WW2

    5.Kazakhstan joins Russia and then Russia becomes republic country

    6.Russia attacks Ukraine and Belarus

    7.Sweden joins Revenge Axis and Reich promise Norway

    8.Schottland and Ireland gets independent and they attack England fourth Reich Helps

    9.Fourth Reich attacks Denmark for more sea permission

    10.Spain becomes fascist and attacks Portugal Marokko and Gibraltar (ON REICH SIDE)

    11.Yugoslav wars starts again Serbia wants to back Yugoslavia

    12.Greece vs Turkey war starts because of Cipar 

    13.North korea joins China

    14.Bulgaria helps Greece defeating Turkey

    15.Turkey backs Ottoman Empire +(Lands)

    16.Italy helps fourth Reich 

    17.China attacks Taiwan

    18.China makes alliance named PRC and allies with Mongolia,Vietnam and Yugoslavia

    20. PRC and Allies Attack Tayland,Kamboda,Philipines and Mynamar

    WW3 start for more help look alliances all attaccked countries made alliance





    • 15 replies

    Hi! After some days of work,I finished my first map of the entire world!

    It's a world map of 1570 with 125 civilizations.In some places,like India,I had to create some new civilizations that weren't in the game.

    There is one special case:Japan.I put some rival clans in it,but you know,Japan is always in civil wars,so some zones are neutral.

    The map doesn't has wasteland (I don't like wasteland in the entire world)

    And finally,there are some places,like North America,Australia and Siberia,with tribal civilizations,so their territory can be a bit differeny of reality.

    I am from android,so I can't give you a download link of the map (I 'll wait for until Lukasz create the workshop,if he does that some day...xD)

    But I can give you some pictures of the map.If you see one error,please tell me in comments and I will try to fix it.


    Release:Waiting for Workshop...

    Thank you for reading!
    • 44 replies

    Fatherland 1964
    • 28 replies

    This scenario starts on 19th April 1775 date of start of the American Revolution. The Thirteen Colonies are currently at war aganist the British Empire. If you choose to play with the Thirteen Colonies you will have the support of France and Netherlands (and Spain but they are not at war with UK because it will be too easy to win the scenario with a world superpower support).Meanwhile if you choose to play with UK you will play with the support only of a small German country, Hesse.

    Alliances: USA and Allies (France and the Netherlands)                   

                      UK and Allies (Hesse)


    1775 scenario.zip
    • 2 replies

    I can't play in AoC II. Instead of loading, the game goes back to steam. I've tried to uninstall the game. Did'n help!
    • 10 replies

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