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Hex map ( work in progress )
Co_sie_to_opchodzi posted a topic in Maps,
Hexes are nice
Hexes + Aoc2?
hmmm ....
Current number of provinces
land: 98
sea: 61
- 9 replies
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alex335463,Press F for Memes
Ninetiethbeef08 posted a topic in AoC Memes,
- 18 replies
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Ninetiethbeef08,1337 Years, 1368 Years
PLe2 posted a topic in Scenarios,
- 11 replies
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sevici,The Fall of Communism in Europe (1989)
Glisterr posted a topic in Scenarios,
This is my Scenario, Europe in 1989.
I have made events all the way up to 1993 currently, my plans are to have at least a Europe starting in 1989 with events that lead up to a decently accurate modern day scenario, so you can practically watch it in spectator mode like one of those History of Europe - every year videos with little to no interference.
How I do this is make an event to create a large non - aggression pact, so the AI doesn't go crazy and make horrifying border gore.
Future Updates:
More Yugoslav Wars (Yugoslav Wars are actually not finished yet)
Expansion of EU alliance events
Russian annexation of Crimea events
Collapse of the Soviet Union event chain
Making it a bit easier to survive and not collapse as the USSR
Syrian civil war
My main goal here is to make the most historically accurate events possible. So if you find any errors, or have any suggestions, PLEASE tell me!
In some ways, this can be considered a little less player friendly as not all but a few events may be forced upon you.
Want to download it now? http://www.mediafire.com/file/cv14vn98pcixwb4/scenario.rar/file
- 32 replies
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NathanWallace641990,Year 1683
Ilovethisgame2 posted a topic in Scenarios,
(All borders may not be true)
Download the Scenario
Update 1:
Added mayan empire
Fixed some borders
Made Joseon indepent
Balanced countries
Added custom civs folder
- 38 replies
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Tahsincan,Post in 1942 scenario
Shiite posted a post in a topic,
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BlueArmyGeneral,Why my troops does not move to an uncolonized province?
Mysteryan posted a topic in Tutorials,
- 5 replies
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Mysteryan,Post in Age of Fixing bugs
elemenop posted a post in a topic,
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elemenop,Request additional languages
vannet posted a question in Help,
- 0 replies
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vannet,All Governors of Brazil
the lonely pianist posted a topic in Leaders,
To install you have to drop "leaders" and "leadersIMG" inside the files of the game:
Age of Civilizations II\game\leaders
Age of Civilizations II\game\leadersIMG
´Please give me a feedback.
Ps: sorry for bad english
Eai galera esse é o meu primeiro mod tem todos os governadores do Brasil
Para instalar você tem que colocar "leaders" e "leadersIMG dentro dos arquivos do jogo:
Age of Civilizations II\game\leaders
Age of Civilizations II\game\leadersIMG
Se der alguma problema me avisem
- 7 replies
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the lonely pianist,Lukash, make a brush! [please]
Armolitskiy posted a topic in Suggestions,
- 10 replies
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Armolitskiy,Antartica (522 Provinces)
GyLala posted a topic in Maps,
Download 2 : Antartica.7z
- 18 replies
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São PauloBall,Event set-up help
TheTyler123 posted a question in Help,
- 0 replies
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TheTyler123,Custom leaders not appearing in the in-game editor after creating them
Guest JinxWeaverHD posted a topic in Bugs,
- 1 reply
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JinxWeaverHD,Civilizations Extra Plus Version 0.2
Germoney The Attacker posted a topic in Formable Civilizations,
Full List Of Civs:
Frankish Kingdom
North America
British-Swedish Empire
South Countries
Rupert's Land
Norther Canada
Souther Canada
And Russian America
- 24 replies
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Germoney The Attacker,Fortnite Map (Provinces 281)
GyLala posted a topic in Maps,
Download 2 : Fortnite Map.7z
Enjoy Have fun
Fortnite Map.7z
- 19 replies
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AnAOCPlayer,Post in Liechtenstein PROVINCE!
Łukasz Jakowski posted a post in a topic,
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Germoney The Attacker,How do I increase my chances of uniting with an AI-controlled civilization?
Mlvluu posted a question in Help,
- 1 reply
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Mlvluu,Post in To The Greater Serbia! (Modern Day Story) (Finished)
goktug14 posted a post in a topic,
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goktug14,Romance of The Three Kingdoms(Beta)
Spartan Assassin posted a topic in Scenarios,
ROTK civ.rar
- 21 replies
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Spartan Assassin,How to create map (Step by step)
Wersjon posted a topic in Tutorials,
1. Download Map editor.
2. Clear all data.
3. Create province.
4. Copy/Create bg.png (background for your map)
5. Copy first province into new folder (Province is called PROV, and move it into folder that will be containing all provinces)
6. Rename your first province to 0 (second to 1 etcetera)
7. In game map folder (steamapps\common\Age of Civilizations II\map) copy template (and rename it), and clear "cities" folder.
8. Copy your provinces into update, updatePB, \data\provinces (I'm not sure if you need to copy it into provinces folder, but It works too :P)
9. Edit config.json(in copied template folder) and change values:
Map: [
MapName: "%Mapname%",
Author: "%Yournickname%",
BackgroundName: "%bgname%",
ContinentsPackage: "Earth6"
RegionsPackage: "Earth_AoC2",
NumberOfProvinces: %numberofprovinces%,
MapScale: 3,
WorldMap: true,
Scenario: "testScenario",
Wiki: "Wikipedia:Unusual_articles"
Age_of_Civilizations: Map
10. Rembmer to create background files with name %bgname%_L and %bgname%_R
11. go back to map folders and add line to make game read that map:
Map: [
Folder: "Earth"
Folder: "Ashan"
Folder: "Earth_AoC1"
Folder: "Kepler"
Folder: "template"
Folder: "%mapname%"
Age_of_Civilizations: Maps
12. Run game and go to Editor>MapEditor>EditConnections and Provinces>Update every province you added.
13. Congratulation you have created your first map 😛
Short video, if you still need help. (OS is in polish, rest is in english 😛 )
- 287 replies
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Łukasz Jakowski,Post in Chexier's Present Day Mod - Modern World, but improved
Chexier posted a post in a topic,
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Starkiller2002,Post in Luxembourg Challenge ???
Baked Beans posted a post in a topic,
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Nayxio,1600 [Work in progress]
Lonathan posted a topic in Scenarios,
P. S:this is an edited version of the 1440 scenario so the German states are wrong
- 20 replies
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Simon,Small Earth Project
LildawgGaming posted a topic in Scenarios,
I plan to recreate small versions of every FULL WORLD start dates. Maps that don’t have the full world is a lost cause. They would be way too small.
Sadly, this is android, and if Lukasz doesn’t give an ability to release scenarios from android, then there will be no way for me to release it.
Results from test:
Also, I fixed Native American placements, it just isn’t shown in these pictures.
- 41 replies