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Age of History 3

Small Earth Project

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I decided to start creating large Earth Scenarios on the small earth.  Using the 1440 map as a guide, I made a small version of the 1440 map.

I plan to recreate small versions of every FULL WORLD start dates.  Maps that don’t have the full world is a lost cause.  They would be way too small.

Sadly, this is android, and if Lukasz doesn’t give an ability to release scenarios from android, then there will be no way for me to release it.



Results from test:161A4458-F3F6-476B-9961-83D46DC32FE7.thumb.jpeg.aae77baf9dd93921f3f007b6fdf6aa78.jpeg


Also, I fixed Native American placements, it just isn’t shown in these pictures.

Edited by LildawgGaming

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-World War 2

-Victorian Era


Up to you guys:

-Civil War

-Three Kingdoms


My Planned Scenarios that will be unique to the project(If Lukasz doesn’t release a scenario for these, they will be unique to the project):

-World War One


-Napoleonic Wars (Full World)

-334 B.C.

-900 AD with Lonno

-Future Scenario


(Expect any full world scenario made by Lukasz to be remade in the small earth project.)

Edited by LildawgGaming

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Current Progress on 5 Start Date:

Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia is finished.

I did finish the Americas, but my tablet went from 15% to 0% before I could save and get it on a charger, making me start the Americas over.

I will get it done today and test it by playing Rome.

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5 Start Date Update:

Current Progress is paused.  I am almost done with North America, meaning later I will finish North America and do South America and the scenario will be done.

After 5 Start Date, I will work on 1200.


Also, I MAY have a way to get the scenarios released, but not gonna confirm it as I need to test it.

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Each scenario is actually much harder to do than it seems.  Especially when the HRE is involved.  You have to decide which country should represent a region, then add it in the correct region according to the map.


How I decide which country gets the region is with two common factors:

How well known is it? Aztecs, Sioux, Oda, Uesugi, Saxony, Castile, Aragon, ect. All get an automatic spot because they are well known.

If any of the countries aren’t that well known in an area, than the most powerful in the region gets a pass.  With India, it is especially true.

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