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All 551 provinces, including 80 sea/lake provinces are now complete. Tomorrow, I'll do the province connections, place cities and set biomes and growth rates. After that I'll finish making the civilizations (some already made behind the scene) and unveil the first scenario of the map. The demo is still expected to release well on time at the current rate.

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FIRST DEMO PROGRESS PART 4: CONNECTING THE DOTS20210618165520_1.thumb.jpg.36d8a720862fa51f5073a23fe2016ee6.jpg

I've made great progress today, all 551 provinces are now connected with no major continuity problems, and regions and biomes are now complete. Only the growth rate remains to be set, and then a demonstration of the map's functionality will be made later today.

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Updates: Growth rates are now finalized, and above I've made a demonstration run using the random game mode (the civilizations intended for the scenarios are not finished yet). No problems to speak of, the first demo of WotEC will definitely be released within the next week, probably by the 23rd of June.

Edited by Valixor

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Small update: Most of the effort is now on making flags for around 150 civilizations in the demo map area, which is why I haven't released any more progress screenshots. The current plan is to have at least four basic scenarios (375 B.F.R. and 2021 already decided upon), and possibly more.

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I finally decided to give a rough estimate as to how many new flags will be made just for the first demo of the mod, and the count is somewhere around 170 flags used to some extent... That's a lot of flags just for the very first demo, all the game civ flags combined in the old T.O.R. mod, even those never used in any scenario, added up to only 238 flags. So far, 93 have been completed over the past few days, though progress has been slow recently because of ongoing high heat sapping all my will to develop this mod.

The path towards the full version won't be any easier, just the 375 B.F.R. scenario will have at least 700, mostly pre-civilized states, and some will have even more than that. In addition, all modern civilizations will have six flags for each of the major ideologies. Overall, the rough number of flags by the time of full release is probably going to be around 2,500, more than exist in the vanilla game (~2,100 by my count). When I say this mod is a massive effort that will take up a lot of my time over the coming months, I. MeanIT.

Also, here's some of those flags:wotecflags1.thumb.png.37b5c282f3b3911657a04696f253386b.png

Edited by Valixor

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Another small update: Most of the flags are already done, I'll finish the remainder today and create the remaining cities and first scenarios for demonstration. First demo will most likely be released in the evening of the 24th of June (UTC time) at current rate of development.

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Small update 3: Flags made, now making civilizations. Won't take a thousand years anymore now that I've implemented randomization tools (the .jar will be included in the demo).

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The first demo of War of the Eight Continents is almost complete. The first two scenarios of four have been made, Eve of the Augustian Conquests (375 B.F.R.) and Modern World (2021). Only two more scenarios to go, and then after some testing to make sure it works on a vanilla version of AoH II, it's ready!

BEFORE THE AUGUSTIAN INVASIONS (375 B.F.R.) 20210624010755_1.thumb.jpg.0f2fac4c598cd7af12943ebdb705ed51.jpg

The first scenario, Before the Augustian Invasions, shows the area of the demo as it was in 375 B.F.R., before the Augustian Republic and later Empire conquered nearly all of the territory playable in the first demo in the late 4th century B.F.R. There are 124 civilizations in this scenario.


For the last two thousand years since the Maedarian Migrations, the area was mostly ruled by a set of Rekovan, Thanari and Kansari tribes that constantly fought each other for the material wealth of the region. By 375 B.F.R, these tribes have since become civilized, and are slowly unifying into more cohesive states, but a new threat may unravel their success - the growing Augustian Republic.


Twenty years ago, Augustia overran the thriving Thanari Kingdom before it could fully unify, using innovative tactics learned from the Insular War of 403 B.F.R, only stopping after a massive Tarcinine raid destroyed the city of Augustia. Since then, Augustia has regained all of its strength, and uncertainty once again looms over the remaining Thanari states as they prepare for another invasion. Even outside Thanar, states from all across Rekov and Aymora are getting more concerned as the Augustian war machine rolls on, and forming loose federations to defend themselves.


(In 375 B.F.R., Rekov and Aymora were essentially the same for all purposes.)

Around 3000 B.F.R., the Maedarian Migrations, induced by prolonged drought in the Golden Peninsula resulted in massive numbers of Eastern people moving into De Narie, and ~2500 B.F.R. into Thanar, Rekov and Kansar, where the militaristic Maedarians completely exterminated the native population living there and formed tribes of their own. In the centuries after, the Rekovan tribes transformed from semi-nomadic tribals into a full-blown civilization, joining into larger tribes that claimed a common ancestry.

A second unification stage is now beginning, with federations consisting of several tribes forming in the area, a sort of proto-state before the stage really begins. Soon, this may lead to the full unification of the Rekovan tribes, creating an empire to rival that of the Augustians.


Unlike in Belhar and Rekov, the Maedarians found it much harder to overcome native resistance in Azurian lands, the tribes there being much stronger and hardier than those further east, with an established militaristic culture like those of the Maedarians. The last Azurian tribes were not destroyed until 600 B.F.R., and many tribals continue fighting Azurian settlers even now, while further Maedarian migration into Kansar has been completely halted by constant raids from organized natives.

In 375 B.F.R., Kansaria is split into two sections - the east controlled by seven Kansari states, and the west controlled by the Uwikrunu natives. Due to centuries of internal fighting between the Kansaris and persistent native raids, the Kansari states have been so far unable to properly unify, but the Treaty of Kheylina, signed in 377 B.F.R., may finally bring an end to internal hostilities long enough for the Kansari states to unite and eventually conquer the island. However, the natives have also been working to unite their tribes into their own kingdom and drive out the Maedarians from Kansaria. If there was a place where most blood would be shed to unify it, Kansaria would be that place.


De Narie and Belhar were the first places to be settled by the Maedarian migrants, in around 3000 B.F.R., and started the civilizing process first as well. The De Narie states (off-map) united into six kingdoms 52 years ago, leading immediately to the Red Years, when the Eastern Warriors killed nearly half of Belhar's population. In 375 B.F.R., Belhar still has not fully recovered from this event, yet the nation of Belhar never forgets what was done to them, and are soon about to fight to unite their states into one kingdom, so this disaster may never repeat again.

The Maedarians, as thorough they were in their destruction of natives on the mainland, could not fully kill them off on the islands. On Hatrita and Mivonay, the Kothlik and Tredalez tribes respectively have turned their residence into a fortress, where the only blood flowing is that of those who dare conquer them.


This scenario is now complete for the demo, it will be overhauled for later demos and the final version.

MODERN WORLD (2021)20210624014443_1.thumb.jpg.7e5320e1259a53f0a841d6a3b029fe8d.jpg 

The second, and temporally latest scenario is the same demo area in the year 2021 A.F.R., showing the states after millennia of constant change. There are 8, much larger civilizations in this map, with higher populations to reflect the modern setting.


Not much to say here really, it's basically just the prototype present-day world aligned alongside super-region borders. I'll write more here once the history for the 20th century and beyond is more complete.


The legacy of the Augustian Empire's domination over Southern Dacanium left a massive impression on the land. In a few centuries since the Fall of Augustia, the Dahannian languages (Kansari and Belemic) all went extinct, under pressure from the prestige Augustian language spoken by Imperial elites, its highly divergent dialects spoken by migrating commoners, and a population decimated by centuries of war. Rekov, Thanar and Belhar also saw massive Callistian population movements, but their larger population meant they were absorbed into the nations, instead of being replaced by the Callistians.


This map is just a basic display of some of the formable civilizations, disguised as a modern-day scenario. The true [release year] scenario will be way more detailed than this, in almost every way.

Edited by Valixor

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The First Demo of War of the Eight Continents is now complete! Set in the lands of Southern Dacanium, the first demo has a map with 551 provinces, four detailed scenarios, over 150 new civilizations of various cultures, and 21 formable civilizations. The demo also has a custom .jar file, with several QoL changes, especially to civilization creation. A small update will be released soon to add a couple of new scenarios and civilizations to go with them.

Download link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1N7MGP961tQ1R2g2f4CtmtsZ4_2yTRe7A/view?usp=sharing


  • Before the Augustian Invasions (375 B.F.R.) - a balanced, semi-shattered earth scenario, showing the game area and the numerous tribes there shortly before the Augustian Republic conquered most of the shown area.
  • The Rekoviad (1476 A.F.R.) - After being on top of the world a century before, the Rekovan kingdom collapsed as hard as it rose. By 1476, Rekov is at rock bottom, with nowhere to fall further - the only thing it can do from there is rise again... if those that broke free of its rule don't join to ensure it doesn't do so. A scenario with several larger kingdoms and a number of small states capable of easily unifying.
  • Rekovan Civil War (1914) - Extinguished in the mid-19th century, the flame of liberty and democracy would not stay out forever. The costly Dacanian War, ended just five years ago, led to such a heavy toll on the nation that faith in the kingdom was destroyed. Everyone, from communists to liberals to fascists, rose up across Southern Dacanium, while many from outside it would try achieving their own ambitions there. A scenario with Rekov in civil war, a few other large states, many of whom are fighting each other, and several communes and small states taking advantage of the difficult situation in the area.
  • Modern World (2021) - Over decades, centuries, millennia, the world, like a sentient organism, changed in every way. Sometimes, there were only a handful of civilizations, othertimes there were thousands, but in 2021, in the game area, there are eight of them, the product of 6,000 years of war and peace, the end of a great story... so it was believed.

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6 hours ago, cersi12 said:

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Taking a little break from developing this mod for now, the small update mentioned will come sometime early next month. After that, development of the second demo, with all its promised features will begin.

Edited by Valixor

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I've resumed development of WotEC today, and my post for today will start with the progress on the background. The background of the first demo's game area is now completely filled and improved (with more rivers and better mountains). The improved map (without the extra islands) will be included in the next update to the first demo, coming in early July. Outside the area, I've also filled most of the Planum, the rest of De Narie, and the Xapaloto regions. I also made progress on the islands of Ravenfield, and the Far North. So far, the background is around 5% complete, outside the regions I mentioned, there really isn't much to look at.


BTW, time for my first poll: should the background be made darker, or should it stay as it is?


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So... Here's the last update for June 2021, on the progress I've made for the background. BTW, thanks for all of FOUR users who voted on the poll on my completely ignored thread!

Made a lot of progress yesterday, and earlier today, on the background. The completion just jumped from 5% to around 50% in less than a day.

Dacanium is now pretty much complete, so is the Golden Peninsula, and the western part of the Far North. Westrinia (only parts shown) is also mostly complete, and only small additions remain for the Southern Lands. Currently, the rest of the Eastern Lands, Draconia and Terra Australis remain to be completed.

Also, the background's more realistically dark now, and the landscape's no longer evenly green.

The seafloor is nowhere near complete, I'll start making more progress on it after the completion of land areas, and adding remaining islands.


Edited by Valixor

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And after around four days of work, here is the (kinda) finished background of the new world. The picture below is full size, so all the details can be seen. It's also darker and less saturated than the demo map.

(note: this image is hosted through Imgur because AoH's forum system shrinks it to 1200px for some reason)


I changed a lot of the land and added a bunch of new islands, so now the next task (after releasing the 1.1 update for the first demo) is going to be aligning the super-regions along the new coastlines. Just the new islands ended up creating a few super-regions themselves, so the province count may end up being more than 7,500 at this point.

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Time for another update on War of the Eight Continents. And that is, the REAL province-drawing task has begun. Now that I've finished the background with no more major changes planned to it, I can now begin drawing all of the provinces... all 7,500+ of them.


That's just part of one continent, and already I've drawn over 1,000 land provinces and around 150 sea provinces. And drawing provinces to use as a guide when making the map in the AoH II editor is the easy part there.

At 300 provinces per day, it's going to take over 3 weeks to draw all 7,500 provinces. I told you this would be a huge project...

Also, lore wiki coming soon. There you'll discover everything you need (or don't need) to know about this universe, and all the crazy stuff in it.

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Not much to report today, still drawing province guides, creating a few scenarios for the demo update and making a working base for the WotEC lore wiki...

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The first demo for War of the Eight Continents receives an update today, with three new scenarios, several new civilizations and an improved map.

The scenarios are:

  • Region Wars (2001) - a non-canon map of first-level formable countries, made to showcase some of WotEC First Demo's formable civilizations
  • 1740 (1740, duh) - an intermediate, early-modern map of the game area in 1740, shortly before the Second Unification Wars.
  • Highest Sun (1340) - an event-based, story scenario, showing the Kingdom of the Western Sun at its peak, and its sudden collapse.

Here's a glimpse of the changes made to the map, and country labels.


Download it here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zz5P2czwSS4417eFswHt7WLTz0GG9nDr/view?usp=sharing, overwrite everything if asked.

P.S.: Here's a download link for the font used in my version of the game (original also included): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1P4nYbQZk_eFW6jTRfJbpRRBUkyMNI7Ij/view?usp=sharing, place the fonts folder into your [AoH directory]/game folder.

Edited by Valixor

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12 hours ago, Valixor said:


The first demo for War of the Eight Continents receives an update today, with three new scenarios, several new civilizations and an improved map.

The scenarios are:

  • Region Wars (2001) - a non-canon map of first-level formable countries, made to showcase some of WotEC First Demo's formable civilizations
  • 1740 (1740, duh) - an intermediate, early-modern map of the game area in 1740, shortly before the Second Unification Wars.
  • Highest Sun (1340) - an event-based, story scenario, showing the Kingdom of the Western Sun at its peak, and its sudden collapse.

Here's a glimpse of the changes made to the map, and country labels.


Download it here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CjoaFKaprYmkO4rlp9uOsKEN3jCVEVWV/view?usp=sharing, overwrite everything if asked.

P.S.: Here's a download link for the font used in my version of the game (original also included): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1P4nYbQZk_eFW6jTRfJbpRRBUkyMNI7Ij/view?usp=sharing, place the fonts folder into your [AoH directory]/game folder.

looks really nice

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Province guide drawing is once again going at a rapid pace. Of the ~7,500 province guides, so far I've completed around 4,000 of them. Guides will probably be complete in about a week... and then I'll have to draw all those provinces...


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