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Age of History 3

remove the name "fokus" from provinces that have no name and give them a name

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As i think that there was a update from 1 month ago, there is still hope that Lukasz will still update the game, so I have got a suggestion that would improve the game, now as you see, some provinces have got no name, so it appears as fokus and on any map mode as "    ",  and provinces that have got this can't be clicked if they are the largest city of the country/civilization, e.x. Look at Cameroon, now look at the province that is in the north, you will see that it has fokus name and "    ", now when Cameroon's captial city has low pop like 10k-20k, this city could be its largest, if it is name is blank i won't know what province it is referring to because most of the provinces have got fokus, this suggestion might not be necessary, but it would help if i am searching for provinces.

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fokus is actually a random libyan city in the desert, probably it was the last city made in AOC2 so every province has that name, in other mods a unnamed city will be called the owners name, example: if its in russia, it will be called "Russian Federation" or "Russia"

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I think so too. Every province in AOC2 has the name fokus, which is actually a random city in the desert of Libya. In other mods, an unidentified city will be called by the owner's name; for instance, if it's in Russia, it will be called "Russia" or "Russian Federation."

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