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Generator of maps by image.

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I present to your attention the map generator based on the picture (made by russian community).

The picture should have provinces drawn each with its own color, except white, without holes and not interrupted, an example is attached. 
Instruction: open img2ame, write the file name of the image lying in the folder with the program, then pull the resulting ame file to totext, the province files appear in the provs folder. Then proceed with them according to the standard instructions, as if they were created by usual editor.



Image example:


Maps made using the generator in the game:




Our VK group

Good Luck :р

Edited by Reich

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On 2/13/2020 at 9:40 PM, Reich said:


I present to your attention the map generator based on the picture (made by russian community).

The picture should have provinces drawn each with its own color, except white, without holes and not interrupted, an example is attached. 
Instruction: open img2ame, write the file name of the image lying in the folder with the program, then pull the resulting ame file to totext, the province files appear in the provs folder. Then proceed with them according to the standard instructions, as if they were created by usual editor.



Image example:


Maps made using the generator in the game:




Our VK group

Good Luck :р

Error 404 Not found. ._. where is the file?

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Ok never mind try these links


Inside the rar there should be two far files extract those and use the instructions provided in this tread


Edited by aunitydevteam

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On 2/12/2021 at 6:30 PM, aunitydevteam said:

It tells you how in the post

im sorry but i didn't understand, i paste the background map on archive folder and put his name on img2ame? and what next? wait the provices load and create a .ame archive but im stuck here


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On 2/13/2020 at 11:40 PM, Reich said:


I present to your attention the map generator based on the picture (made by russian community).

The picture should have provinces drawn each with its own color, except white, without holes and not interrupted, an example is attached. 
Instruction: open img2ame, write the file name of the image lying in the folder with the program, then pull the resulting ame file to totext, the province files appear in the provs folder. Then proceed with them according to the standard instructions, as if they were created by usual editor.



Image example:


On 2/13/2020 at 11:40 PM, Reich said:


I present to your attention the map generator based on the picture (made by russian community).

The picture should have provinces drawn each with its own color, except white, without holes and not interrupted, an example is attached. 
Instruction: open img2ame, write the file name of the image lying in the folder with the program, then pull the resulting ame file to totext, the province files appear in the provs folder. Then proceed with them according to the standard instructions, as if they were created by usual editor.



Image example:


Maps made using the generator in the game:




Our VK group

Good Luck :р


Maps made using the generator in the game:




Our VK group

Guys help! i cant do the ame part!

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i tried using this, the image to ame thing works just fine but when i try to use the totext.exe it stays open for a while then just closes without showing process like the img2ame, and it shows this before closing:
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std:bad_alloc'
 what(): std::bad_alloc

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On 13/2/2020 at 17:40, Reich said:


Presento a su atención el generador de mapas basado en la imagen (realizado por la comunidad rusa).

El cuadro debe tener las provincias dibujadas cada una con su color, excepto el blanco, sin agujeros y sin interrupciones, se adjunta un ejemplo. 
Instrucciones: abra img2ame, escriba el nombre de archivo de la imagen que se encuentra en la carpeta con el programa, luego extraiga el archivo ame resultante a texto, los archivos de provincia aparecen en la carpeta provs. Luego proceda con ellos de acuerdo con las instrucciones estándar, como si fueran creados por un editor habitual.



Imagen de ejemplo:


Mapas hechos usando el generador en el juego:




Nuestro grupo VK

Buena suerte 😛

how to convert the archive ame to text? I no have idea

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