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Age of History 3
Kerem Yılmaz

Project: Alpha (13.316 Provinces) | v0.1.5 Update | DOWNLOAD NOW!

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15 minutes ago, Kerems2434 said:

Welcome to AoC2 Vladimir Lenin! lol.
(Wilhelm II, Abdulhamid II, Mehmed V, Vladimir Lenin, Tsar Nicholas II and George V added!)

PICTURE: javaw_2020-05-18_13-09-48-83.png

Nicolae Ceaușescu from Socialist Republic of Romania too..

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28 minutes ago, Kerems2434 said:

Welcome to AoC2 Vladimir Lenin! lol.
(Wilhelm II, Abdulhamid II, Mehmed V, Vladimir Lenin, Tsar Nicholas II and George V added!)

PICTURE: javaw_2020-05-18_13-09-48-83.png

The Soviet Union was created in 1922, before that there was the RSFSR

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1 hour ago, REALMAN said:

The Soviet Union was created in 1922, before that there was the RSFSR

In this scenario, Russia is split in two. At the beginning of the scenario, the Russian Empire headed by Tsar Nikolai II, the Soviet Union is headed by Vladimir Lenin.

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On 5/17/2020 at 5:55 PM, Kerems2434 said:

Guys, I will add new leaders for v0.1.5 Update. Please write your ideas about new leaders. 

Add Bulgarian tsar Simeon II, he was prime minister of Bulgaria 2001-2007 and tsar of Bulgaria 1943 – 1946. He is a son of Bulgarian tsar Boris III ruling Bulgaria 1918 - 1943



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On 5/17/2020 at 10:55 AM, Kerems2434 said:

Guys, I will add new leaders for v0.1.5 Update. Please write your ideas about new leaders. 

Leaders: Mahatma Gandhi, Winston Churchill, Nelson Mandela, Napoleon Bonaparte, William the conqueror, George Washington, Maria Theresa, Joseph Stalin, Elizabeth ll, Gamal Abedel Nasser, Hailey Selassie, Napoleon lll, Xi Jumping, Mao Zedong, Fidel Castro, Adolf Hitler, Charles de Gaulle, George lll of U.K, Chiang Kai-Shek, Robert E. Lee, Muammar Gaddafi, Kim jong-un, Donald Trump, Julius Ceaser (Roman Empire)


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7 hours ago, kapifili said:

Mod seems interesting. Don't you mind if I record video about your mod on my YT channel?

ulubiony youtuber z age of civilizations 2 😃 (jeśli to naprawdę ty)

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1 hour ago, Kerems2434 said:

Van and Tuz Lakes added to Turkey

PICTURE: javaw_2020-05-19_14-59-39-62.png

To solve the problems of Reggio Calabria, Western Alaska and the Gulf of Alaska and to erase some provinces that overlap one. I hope you solve these problems in the next updates,Kerems2434,as I said in the previous posts and you can see that I have found other provinces in the 3 areas mentioned above.

Edited by Synyos2032

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On 5/17/2020 at 7:33 PM, Synyos2032 said:

I found several double provinces on about the same province examples are the southern regions of Calabria and the Alaska area. The provinces are 13306,  12793 , 13001,12991,12994,12995,12996,12997,12998.


And this produces at least three bugs.:

1. AI will never  colonize the province by sea

2. Will only be conquered from a speciphic sorrounding province. it wont be conquered from any other

3. Can't play age of civilizations game mode

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I would like to express a political contradition of the modern day scenario:

Northern Cyprus is a political entity that controls the northern part of the Cyprus island wich is not recognized as a country for any other country but one. This entity appears in the scenario. There are at least six other Entities in the same situation: South Ossetia, Abkhazia, Nagorno Karabakh, Transdnistria,  Somaliland and Western Sahara. Only the last one appears on the scenario.

You should be objective and choose one of thoose options: add all entities without dependance on any state to the scenario or use the UN as source and remove them all.

If you choose the second option you should also add crimea to Ukraine since, even if Russia is the country that controls the peninsula, it is recognized as part of Ukraine by the UN.

There are also zones of the world that do not claim to be independent but the central government is unable to exercise any control over the territory. Thoose zones work, for that reason, as an independent country even if they do not claim to be independent. The zones are: The Gaza strip (Palestine), Zapatista municipalities (Mexico), Galmudug (Somalia), Puntland (Somalia), South Kurdistan (Iraq), Rojava (Syria) and Wa (Myanmar). You can choose to add them or not, no one will get angry if you don't but it would bee cool for a challenge idk.

You can take this comment as a suggestion if you want but I think you should think about it. (In my opinion you should add them all because they are all independent countries BUT it may hurt some people)

Edited by Ànex i Rux

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