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(FINISHED) Star Wars mod v.1.3

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  On 5/11/2020 at 4:56 AM, Kittenhux said:

AoC2 Star Wars mod (v. 1.1).rar 7.69 MB · 16 downloads

Hello there.

After a long hiatus caused by the more than a month-long awaiting approval for my account and by not checking Gmail, I am finally arrived.

Here is the download file. The previous version had some glitches with borders. They are fixed now.

This file is not complete because I have a limit for uploading size (14.65 MB), and the whole mod weighs 143 MB. There is no additional music and event pictures. They will be added later.

News about the future of this mod:

  • There would be no more province additions or corrections because the file which Map Editor transcribes the province information (map_AoC2) is lost. The problematic provinces which were corrected were done manually by opening province id files in <update> folder and changing their point coordinates. And there were not much of them.
  • There would be no Android version. Unfortunately, but I work only with PC version.
  • There would be no other languages versions but English and Russian. I work with this mod in Addon+ v.1.4. which has only English and Russian as selectable languages. If you want to localise this mod on your native lnguage, then <game/languages/Bundles> and <game/languages/civilizations/Bundles> to your service! 
  • The next version (1.2) is scheduled to be released in May, 25. There will be 3 new scenarios and some minor fixes (such as leaders or development level changes). But I can't rely that May, 25 would be an exact date. At first, I have distance learning, and at second, I've checked Imperial Civil War maps, and it's the mapper's nightmare! Many factions, both big and small, many events, New Republic has very chaotic advancement leading to "pockets" of the Empire/pro-Imperial factions... It would take a lot of time to make this scenario.

Hey! I tried to download this on my android with the latest OS, and when i tried to open the ---, it simply said "File not installed", any help with my issue? Ive been looking forward to this... Thanks 🙂

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Hello there.

"Wonders of the Galaxy" Addon has been released! Download link is at the first page.

It includes 52 pictures of the notable locations of the Star Wars galaxy presented in films, games (mostly Knights of the Old Republic) and also some locations well noticed by the Galaxy Far Far Away historicians, such as listed in the Twenty Wonders of the Galaxy but likely to be never heard or read of by the majority of Star Wars fans.

The main criteria of placing the wonder was the galaxy-scale famousness of the place or its importance for the galactic history. That's why there is a place, for example, for Cathedral of Winds which in-universe is galaxy-wide known for its songs but you likely read about it for the first time, or for Imperial security complex on Scarif which was the top-secret and unknown for the rest of the galaxy but became a place where Rebels stole the Death Star plans thus influenced the galactic history.

This addon has new fonts for the mod! Read the instruction before placing files, especially if you're a Russian!

Anyway, enjoy the game. I'm going back to the province mapping for the upcoming Warhammer 40,000 mod. There is a lot of work.

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  On 5/11/2020 at 3:41 PM, Aryan said:


You can edit the file into the a p k to play the scenario. There are tutorials on YouTube for that.


Hey! I tried to download this on my android with the latest OS, and when i tried to open the ---, it simply said "File not installed", any help with my issue? Ive been looking forward to this... Thanks 🙂

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  On 8/10/2020 at 7:01 AM, Kittenhux said:


L'addon "Wonders of the Galaxy"  è stato rilasciato! Il link per il download si trova nella prima pagina.

Include 52 immagini dei luoghi degni di nota della galassia di Star Wars presentate in film, giochi (principalmente Knights of the Old Republic) e anche alcuni luoghi ben notati dagli storici della Galassia Molto Molto Lontano, come elencati nelle  Venti Meraviglie della Galassia  ma probabilmente non verrà mai sentito o letto dalla maggior parte dei fan di Star Wars.

I criteri principali per collocare la meraviglia erano la fama galattica del luogo o la sua importanza per la storia galattica. Ecco perché c'è un posto, ad esempio, per Cathedral of Winds che nell'universo è noto in tutta la galassia per le sue canzoni, ma probabilmente ne hai letto per la prima volta, o per il  complesso di sicurezza imperiale su Scarif  che era il top-secret e sconosciuto per il resto della galassia, ma divenne un luogo in cui i ribelli rubarono i piani della Morte Nera influenzando così la storia galattica.

Questo addon ha nuovi caratteri per il mod! Leggi le istruzioni prima di inserire i file, soprattutto se sei russo!

Comunque, goditi il gioco. Torno alla mappatura della provincia per l'imminente mod di Warhammer 40,000. C'è molto lavoro.

the star wars map does not start is called no name and then goes out.

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  On 8/10/2020 at 11:27 AM, GoldHawk said:

Hey! I tried to download this on my android with the latest OS, and when i tried to open the ---, it simply said "File not installed", any help with my issue? Ive been looking forward to this... Thanks 🙂


Did you sign the a p k?

Also on the previous page I posted an a p k of this mod. Feel free to make your a p k if you want though because mine isn't perfect either.

Edited by Aryan

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  On 8/11/2020 at 1:48 PM, Aryan said:

Did you sign the a p k?

Also on the previous page I posted an a p k of this mod. Feel free to make your a p k if you want though because mine isn't perfect either.


I watched the video and my phone is basically a galaxy s10 so mine is different, what app were you using? If you have discord or instagram or something we can talk easier

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  On 8/18/2020 at 4:47 PM, GoldHawk said:

I watched the video and my phone is basically a galaxy s10 so mine is different, what app were you using? If you have discord or instagram or something we can talk easier


I was using MT Manager to make the a p k. I think you should directly message me instead of using this forum.

Edited by Aryan

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After installing the gift game I managed to open it quietly, I played it for a few hours. Then I close the game, then I reopen it and it gets stuck at the loading screen at 99%. Without completing the upload. What can I do ?

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in the scenario called "waymancy storm to Hyperspace war" ,the scenario crashes at 7003 BC , the screen flutters and the time stops, Everything completely freezes.

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Why does it crash when I sit down to play for the empire on turn 5? And it is also very inconvenient to manage the army, the provinces are connected to the dump. It is impossible to create your own script and play normally, it always crashes, please fix it.

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  On 11/25/2020 at 8:55 PM, MarcoRossi said:

After installing the gift game I managed to open it quietly, I played it for a few hours. Then I close the game, then I reopen it and it gets stuck at the loading screen at 99%. Without completing the upload. What can I do ?


Did you managed to re-launch the game again? If the game crashed in more than 4 tries, you are in trouble.

  On 11/25/2020 at 11:54 PM, Taschip said:

Why can't I create a scenario? Also most of the scenarios seem like prequel trilogy. 


1) Why you should? Do you write a fanfic?

2) What did you want when the most of Star Wars timeline is written long before the prequels?

  On 11/27/2020 at 6:02 AM, manavsep said:

in the scenario called "waymancy storm to Hyperspace war" ,the scenario crashes at 7003 BC , the screen flutters and the time stops, Everything completely freezes.


It happens when something unscripted appears such as non-existent faction or ideology. You've probably forgot to replace the Ideologies text file. I did nothing removed from the civilizations_editor folder.

  On 12/11/2020 at 9:04 AM, Darth Caedus said:

Why does it crash when I sit down to play for the empire on turn 5? And it is also very inconvenient to manage the army, the provinces are connected to the dump. It is impossible to create your own script and play normally, it always crashes, please fix it.


1) Which scenario?

2) "very inconvenient to manage the army, the provinces are connected to the dump" - the connections between the provinces are based on a  hyperlane maps and/or each planet proximity. Of course, in Star Wars, it is possible to travel bypassing the hyperlanes, but it is unsafe, and also (in game) would ruin the expansion system and make the map border-gorish. By the way, in the developing Warhammer 40,000 mod, things with army management are even worse. If you would play as the Imperium of Man, he-he. 

So, if there are another troubles, I will proceed to fix them, but not earlier then I will publish the Warhammer 40,000 mod.

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  On 1/6/2021 at 11:40 AM, Nahmanlol said:

Can you show me a tutorial on how to install the pc version because I keep getting confused


Ehh, installing mods is also confusing for me sometimes, especially a big ones like this. I'll just give you a tip: be careful and unpack everything at order. At first, unpack everything that in game folder upside down, then everything in map folder, and then in UI.

For better insurance I recommend to copy the content of modded "Bundle" files in game/languages folder into vanilla files if you don't possess Addon+.

Replace "Ages" and "Governments" text files with modded ones.

If there is something missing, you can find tutorials how to install mods in this forum.

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I hate the mod when I download it it's just the original version of the age of civilizations 2 just with the world map and the original countries there's no fictional Star Wars country or the map I hate your mod and I don't have a PC idiot 🖕

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  On 1/31/2021 at 6:44 AM, billy said:

I hate the mod when I download it it's just the original version of the age of civilizations 2 just with the world map and the original countries there's no fictional Star Wars country or the map I hate your mod and I don't have a PC idiot 🖕


Please kill yourself, do your part in cleansing genome of mankind from idiots 

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  On 3/14/2020 at 3:50 PM, Kittenhux said:

Hello there.





Download Link (PC)

Download Link (Android)

Warning: if there are any issues with Android version, ask Aryan, not me, I work only with PC version.

AoC2 Star Wars mod (v 1.3.1 - Wonders of the Galaxy Addon).zip 245.19 kB · 155 downloads   (PC)

I present the mod you'd never seen like this before - the mod which will deliver you in the Galaxy Far Far Away and make you as a ruler of interstellar civilization of the Star Wars Universe!

This mod was developed for 3 months: one week for the (most of) Galaxy map and the rest of all time for events. I wanted to create a mod as comperhensive as it possible for its fictional universe. I wanted to create a mod which would please not only casual AoC2 players but also potential Star Wars fans who may play this game. I studied Wookiepedia for hours to create a single events. I searched details to make it as accurate as it possible to the Star Wars canon, both Legendary and Disney Canon. It was a great work which would be sinful to not be shared.

What's New:

  • The Galaxy Far Far Away map containing 1039 provinces. Not everywhere, but I tried to make their borders organic to each other to make them less border-gorish. The borders were made in account with the history and astrographical division of the galaxy.
  • Star Wars galaxy map has its own Continents and Regions packs. Continents are Galactic Rims, and Regions are... Regions and some notable sectors.
  • New biomes for the alien worlds. One province = one planet. Most of them have very valueable bonuses and/or fines since most of them are extraterrestrial and hostile for the organic life (Molten Worlds, Toxic Worlds) or over-developed (Ecumenopolises and Forge Worlds). Just check my map on the Landscape mode... The worlds I couldn't find an information for their landscape have the Hill or Space Station biome.
  • 300+ new, Editor-made Star Wars civilizations, from the all-known Republic and Empire to the minor species and factions probably only complete Star Wars nerds ever heard or read of. Some of these civilizations have different flags and names for different governments.
  • 21 new ages scoping the period since 38000 BBY (Pre-Republican Era) till 500 ABY (end of Post-Imperial Age). "BBY" and "ABY" stands for "before/after the Battle of Yavin", if someone doesn't knows.
  • 17 scenarios scoping (almost) complete history of the Star Wars galaxy since the foundation of the Republic 25,000 years before the film events till the Second Imperial Civil War 130 years after. Most of these scenarios have events with 225 pictures included. Most of them were borrowed from Wookiepedia and some from Stellaris. Some of scenarios have even "alternate history" events!
  • 6 new government types (if you possess Addon+): Corporate, Stratocracy, Criminal Organization, Magocracy, Hive Mind, Machine Intelligence. Each of them has their own crown.
  • 120+ new leaders and their portraits. Some of them have poritraits in Hearts of Iron IV-style. The most well-known leaders (such as Palpatine, Dooku or Darth Revan) have their linkages to Wikipedia.
  • 28 new tracks to better immersion in the Star Wars atmosphere. New main theme.
  • (1.3.1) "Wonders of the Galaxy" for notable locations featured in films, games (primarily Knights of the Old Republic) and in some universe lore.
  • (1.3.1) New fonts.

Hello, I wanted to play your mod on pc. I downloaded the archive and did everything as per the instructions in the "readme" file, and when I started the game, no mod was installed, just a regular game without a mod, what should I do?

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  On 2/8/2021 at 5:37 PM, Tewvvern said:

Hello, I wanted to play your mod on pc. I downloaded the archive and did everything as per the instructions in the "readme" file, and when I started the game, no mod was installed, just a regular game without a mod, what should I do?


I have some versions for your issue.

1) Maybe you forgot to check "Age_of_Civilizations" text file in "maps" folder. Add "StarWars" map here if you did not do that.

2) Did you added new music in "music" folder? If yes, then at least you shall have a new main theme (update "Age_of_Civilizations" file to add new music. Or copy and paste the content of modded one into vanilla one if you want to hear vanilla music).

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  On 2/9/2021 at 3:02 AM, Kittenhux said:

I have some versions for your issue.

1) Maybe you forgot to check "Age_of_Civilizations" text file in "maps" folder. Add "StarWars" map here if you did not do that.

2) Did you added new music in "music" folder? If yes, then at least you shall have a new main theme (update "Age_of_Civilizations" file to add new music. Or copy and paste the content of modded one into vanilla one if you want to hear vanilla music).


Thanks, I really forgot to add the Star Wars map. I also have a question, are you planning to localize this mod in other languages in the future? Or is there already a localization of the mod? The fact is that I do not know English very well and even this commentary I am writing by Google Translate, because I am Russian by nationality and would very much like to play in this mod in Russian, for example. Maybe I'm asking a lot, but still.

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  On 2/9/2021 at 5:05 PM, Tewvvern said:

Thanks, I really forgot to add the Star Wars map. I also have a question, are you planning to localize this mod in other languages in the future? Or is there already a localization of the mod? The fact is that I do not know English very well and even this commentary I am writing by Google Translate, because I am Russian by nationality and would very much like to play in this mod in Russian, for example. Maybe I'm asking a lot, but still.


Civilizations and ideologies names are already localized in Russian because you can do so editing files in "languages" folder. But I don't know how to localize events or city names. I tried to do this once using a file where events scripted, and all events in a scenario just vanished! So I am restricted with localizing civilizations and ideologies...

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  On 2/10/2021 at 1:53 PM, Kittenhux said:

Civilizations and ideologies names are already localized in Russian because you can do so editing files in "languages" folder. But I don't know how to localize events or city names. I tried to do this once using a file where events scripted, and all events in a scenario just vanished! So I am restricted with localizing civilizations and ideologies...


Ok,  I understood, in this case, thanks for the help and for the mod, if there are any problems, I will write here.

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