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The IM

Modern Europe: Events

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1 hour ago, The IM said:

i have plans to release the alpha of the entire project from 1 to most likely 30 June. So it will be a whole cross section of the month because every day I will be doing events to a country and when each of the larger countries (probably from 10) will have their own events I will be satisfied and then I will only upgrade to newer versions every week

Cool.  The tech tree looks interesting.  Do you think at one point you will do the whole Earth?

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17 hours ago, General Whiskers said:

Cool.  The tech tree looks interesting.  Do you think at one point you will do the whole Earth?

thanks for the idea but creating the earth would be a bit monotonous. But ... for the future I can try to do the whole world

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On 5/17/2020 at 10:13 PM, The IM said:

I'm sure you dreamed about this scenario! But why  i put scenario in mods category? Read this:

Cześć! Jest to mój pierwszy projekt na tej stronce do modów, akurat do AoCII. Ostatnio miałem taki malutki przebłysk:
"Dużo ludzi pisze że potrzebuje kogoś to pomocy przy robieniu wydarzeń, a ja umiem je robić od samego początku nawet te zaawansowane!" Więc naszła mnie myśl aby stworzyć scenariusz dzisiejszej europy ale każdy kraj będzie miał oryginalne drzewko. Takie podobne do tego jakie są w Hearts of Iron 4 ale oczywiście inaczej wyglądające. Projekt zaczołem dziś czyli 17 maja a skończe go pewnie za pare tygodni (przy dobrej pracy ok. 2). Oczywiście później wyśle wam zdjęcia związane z przebiegem prac i będziecie mogli popatrzeć na moją męke 😄 Informuje już teraz że nie będe odpisywać na komentarze pod projektem przez okres prac ale będe je przeglądać. Jak ktoś będzie chciał zobaczyć jak wyglądają drzewka kraji to wyśle je jako zdjęcia. Dziękuje i życzcie mi miłych prac bo jak nie to dodam wydarzenie do drzewka niemiec "Powrót Rzeszy".


Hey! This is my first project on this page for mods, just for AoCII. Recently I had such a tiny flash:
"A lot of people write that I need someone to help me make events, and I can do them from the very beginning even the advanced!" So the thought came to me to create the script of today's Europe but each country will have an original tree. So similar to what they are in Hearts of Iron 4 but of course looking different. I started the project today, 17 May and I will finish it in a few weeks (with a good job approx. 2). Of course, later I will send you photos related to the course of work and you will be able to look at my torment: I am now informing you that I will not reply to comments on the project for the duration of the work, but I will review them. If someone wants to see what country trees look like and they will send them as photos. Thank you and wish me nice work because if not I will add the event to the German tree "Return of the Reich".
I used google translate so sorry for the mistakes!

Here i will tell you about every news and updates of this mod:

0.1 Alpha - Iceland and Denmark have trees from now!

0.2 Alpha - Norway and Ireland have trees from now!


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On 5/17/2020 at 9:13 PM, The IM said:

I'm sure you dreamed about this scenario! But why  i put scenario in mods category? Read this:

Cześć! Jest to mój pierwszy projekt na tej stronce do modów, akurat do AoCII. Ostatnio miałem taki malutki przebłysk:
"Dużo ludzi pisze że potrzebuje kogoś to pomocy przy robieniu wydarzeń, a ja umiem je robić od samego początku nawet te zaawansowane!" Więc naszła mnie myśl aby stworzyć scenariusz dzisiejszej europy ale każdy kraj będzie miał oryginalne drzewko. Takie podobne do tego jakie są w Hearts of Iron 4 ale oczywiście inaczej wyglądające. Projekt zaczołem dziś czyli 17 maja a skończe go pewnie za pare tygodni (przy dobrej pracy ok. 2). Oczywiście później wyśle wam zdjęcia związane z przebiegem prac i będziecie mogli popatrzeć na moją męke 😄 Informuje już teraz że nie będe odpisywać na komentarze pod projektem przez okres prac ale będe je przeglądać. Jak ktoś będzie chciał zobaczyć jak wyglądają drzewka kraji to wyśle je jako zdjęcia. Dziękuje i życzcie mi miłych prac bo jak nie to dodam wydarzenie do drzewka niemiec "Powrót Rzeszy".


Hey! This is my first project on this page for mods, just for AoCII. Recently I had such a tiny flash:
"A lot of people write that I need someone to help me make events, and I can do them from the very beginning even the advanced!" So the thought came to me to create the script of today's Europe but each country will have an original tree. So similar to what they are in Hearts of Iron 4 but of course looking different. I started the project today, 17 May and I will finish it in a few weeks (with a good job approx. 2). Of course, later I will send you photos related to the course of work and you will be able to look at my torment: I am now informing you that I will not reply to comments on the project for the duration of the work, but I will review them. If someone wants to see what country trees look like and they will send them as photos. Thank you and wish me nice work because if not I will add the event to the German tree "Return of the Reich".
I used google translate so sorry for the mistakes!

Here i will tell you about every news and updates of this mod:

0.1 Alpha - Iceland and Denmark have trees from now!

0.2 Alpha - Norway and Ireland have trees from now!

0.3 Alpha - Spain have problems with Catalonia from now! Poland have deals with Belarus too.


I hope this mod is still alive, it looks very promising and something different, keep it up! I hope that in the future you will give a little of your love to a small country like Moldova, it is a pity to always see it neglected, it has also an interesting and unfair past, maybe I could help you, I would be happy to help you in general, maybe with some ideas. 


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You could try to create some events to try to create something similar to the cases belli with some countries for example, let’s say that I (as Russia) decide to attack Ukraine I would have needed to complete a focus that it could be called “reintegrate Ukraine” and if I attack Ukraine without having completed the focus, an event would pop up that would make the happiness of my country go down as well as the relations with other countries, you could also lose your alliance with other countries as well.

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Don't you think it would be a bit awkward for only European Countries to have trees? I mean, if your still going to be using the world map then that means if you play any other country you don't get a tree. I don't know I just would find it weird.

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@The IM, I'm worried about this mod. I fear it will succumb to this major bug with AoC2 events, especially since it includes "focus trees". Please keep this in mind while developing this.


Edited by Chairman Baad

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On 5/18/2020 at 12:42 PM, The IM said:


Just comment. From now i read every!


You can create Russian events in wich as can choose it's ideology and events such can make Russia bigger and stronger

Edited by Javey

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On 6/11/2020 at 2:39 AM, TheSleppyAurochs said:

I hope this mod is still alive, it looks very promising and something different, keep it up! I hope that in the future you will give a little of your love to a small country like Moldova, it is a pity to always see it neglected, it has also an interesting and unfair past, maybe I could help you, I would be happy to help you in general, maybe with some ideas. 


Eram sigur

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