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Age of History 3
Simon Wilford

Hearts of AoH2

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6 hours ago, Stallander said:

I'm really sorry Simon, but the 2015 scenario is terrible. I've made a list of mistakes:

1. Tajikistan and Uzbekistan are reversed

2. The Russian oblast of Kaliningrad is neutral

3. The Russia-Norway border is wrong

4. Mexico has a neutral province

5. The flags of Denmark and Norway are wrong

6. Colombia has a neutral province in the north

7. Since the map is based on who controls the provinces: The Crimea should be Russian and in Eastern Ukraine there should be Donetsk and Lugansk

8. The Germany-Denmark border is wrong

9. The Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla should be part of Spain

10. Azores should be a part of Portugal

11. The Russia-Estonia border is wrong

12. Senegal has a neutral province

13. 'Kingdom of Great Britain' should be called 'United Kingdom of Great Britain'

14. The UK-Ireland border is wrong


15. Corsica is neutral, but it should belong to France

16. Moscow should be more to the North

These are the mistakes I spot. There might be more, but I hope this will help to improve your mod.

Some other things you might consider to change in order to improve your mod:

1. Russia has almost no cities in the Ural, Siberia and the Far East. Please add Murmansk, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Arkhangelsk, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy, Magadan and Yakutsk. (Edit: It's alright, now I see most of these cities in editor mode)

2. The Belarus-Luthuania border looks really strange

3. Monaco has too much land



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Yeah man dont criticize the modder. making mods are hard and he has made 16000+ provinces so it is ok if there are some border mistakes these things tend to happen when a project is big and I am sure things will be great and perfect in the next update and I am waiting with a lot of patience for the mod to release on android 🙏🙏as you cant carry your computer everywhere (i am sure I will sell that peace of junk for a computer this year )but all in all it is a great mod looking forward for your next update 👍👍

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i have to admit something. europe has the worst borders since i was new to modding aoh2 when i was making europe especially west russia and yugoslavia

some areas like yugoslavia, caucasia, mexico and fergana are so crappy that real world borders of uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan and tajikistan cannot align up properly.

therefore, from 2 to 3 days later, i will start on a new remade map, called Hearts of AoH2 Remade with the best province sets to align with eu4, vic2, millenium dawn, etc...

this is because i have did so much bad provinces in yugoslavia and fergana and west russia and baltic and monaco and caucasia and what not

this new mod is related to this old mod in the same way world+ is related to project alpha (the 1st one is inferior, the 2nd one to be better)

this time, i wont rush it, for rushing caused bad provs.

this time it will use no other mod's content except for my own mods

after february, maybe on march the new map would come.

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5 minutes ago, Simon Wilford said:

Tengo que confesar algo. Europa tiene las peores fronteras desde que era nuevo en la modificación de aoh2 cuando estaba haciendo Europa, especialmente Rusia occidental y Yugoslavia.

algunas áreas como Yugoslavia, Cáucaso, México y Fergana son tan malas que las fronteras del mundo real de Uzbekistán, Kirguistán y Tayikistán no pueden alinearse correctamente.

por lo tanto, de 2 a 3 días después, comenzaré con un nuevo mapa rehecho, llamado Hearts of AoH2 Remade con los mejores conjuntos de provincias para alinear con eu4, vic2, millenium dawn, etc.

Esto se debe a que he hecho tantas provincias malas en Yugoslavia, Fergana, Rusia Occidental, Báltico, Mónaco, Caucasia y otras cosas.

este nuevo mod está relacionado con este antiguo mod de la misma manera que world + está relacionado con el proyecto alfa (el primero es inferior, el segundo es mejor)

esta vez, no me apresuraré, porque apresurarme causó malas condiciones.

esta vez no usará el contenido de ningún otro mod excepto mis propios mods

después de febrero, quizás en marzo vendría el nuevo mapa.

Hasta febrero entonces estará el mod en Android:/?

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5 minutes ago, Simon Wilford said:

i have to admit something. europe has the worst borders since i was new to modding aoh2 when i was making europe especially west russia and yugoslavia

some areas like yugoslavia, caucasia, mexico and fergana are so crappy that real world borders of uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan and tajikistan cannot align up properly.

therefore, from 2 to 3 days later, i will start on a new remade map, called Hearts of AoH2 Remade with the best province sets to align with eu4, vic2, millenium dawn, etc...

this is because i have did so much bad provinces in yugoslavia and fergana and west russia and baltic and monaco and caucasia and what not

this new mod is related to this old mod in the same way world+ is related to project alpha (the 1st one is inferior, the 2nd one to be better)

this time, i wont rush it, for rushing caused bad provs.

this time it will use no other mod's content except for my own mods

after february, maybe on march the new map would come.

In new mod could you make rivers be like in Bloody Europe 2, physical and not just texture ?

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Hermano enserio no te molestes pero veo a varios preguntando lo de Andorid (me incluyó) creo que no has Sido claro con eso:/

Si no tienes planeado sacarlo o si se atraso la comunidad te agradecería si estuvieses siendo sincero.

Sea cual sea el destino de la versión Andorid la gente ha esperado mucho y tú solo estás evadiendo las preguntas

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4 minutes ago, Dylan xde said:

Hasta febrero entonces estará el mod en Android:/?

i dont understand spanish but if youre asking for android release date it is within few days, and few means 1 to 3 days. safa asked for missing file in convert which i will give so that he can continue the convert

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53 minutes ago, Simon Wilford said:

i have to admit something. europe has the worst borders since i was new to modding aoh2 when i was making europe especially west russia and yugoslavia

some areas like yugoslavia, caucasia, mexico and fergana are so crappy that real world borders of uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan and tajikistan cannot align up properly.

therefore, from 2 to 3 days later, i will start on a new remade map, called Hearts of AoH2 Remade with the best province sets to align with eu4, vic2, millenium dawn, etc...

this is because i have did so much bad provinces in yugoslavia and fergana and west russia and baltic and monaco and caucasia and what not

this new mod is related to this old mod in the same way world+ is related to project alpha (the 1st one is inferior, the 2nd one to be better)

this time, i wont rush it, for rushing caused bad provs.

this time it will use no other mod's content except for my own mods

after february, maybe on march the new map would come.

Dont push yourself bro you did a great job and you should be proud of yourself to give time to make this mod even if this mod has flaws it is a good start and sometimes a good start is all that a person needs for motivation 

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12 hours ago, Stallander said:

I'm really sorry Simon, but the 2015 scenario is terrible. I've made a list of mistakes:

1. Tajikistan and Uzbekistan are reversed

2. The Russian oblast of Kaliningrad is neutral

3. The Russia-Norway border is wrong

4. Mexico has a neutral province

5. The flags of Denmark and Norway are wrong

6. Colombia has a neutral province in the north

7. Since the map is based on who controls the provinces: The Crimea should be Russian and in Eastern Ukraine there should be Donetsk and Lugansk

8. The Germany-Denmark border is wrong

9. The Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla should be part of Spain

10. Azores should be a part of Portugal

11. The Russia-Estonia border is wrong

12. Senegal has a neutral province

13. 'Kingdom of Great Britain' should be called 'United Kingdom of Great Britain'

14. The UK-Ireland border is wrong


15. Corsica is neutral, but it should belong to France

16. Moscow should be more to the North

These are the mistakes I spot. There might be more, but I hope this will help to improve your mod.

Some other things you might consider to change in order to improve your mod:

1. Russia has almost no cities in the Ural, Siberia and the Far East. Please add Murmansk, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Arkhangelsk, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy, Magadan and Yakutsk. (Edit: It's alright, now I see most of these cities in editor mode)

2. The Belarus-Luthuania border looks really strange

3. Monaco has too much land


Eh, I want to I don't rude, actually number 13 is wrong. Because at that time, UK's country name was 'Kindom of Great Britain'.

(Sorry for my bad English because my first language isn't English.)

Edited by Syokim

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5 hours ago, Ferhat5534 said:

Right click does not work and there are problems with registration problems. An update is required for these problems with extreme bugs.

What is right click i dont understand so please elaborate

7 hours ago, Perun Productions said:

How do i apply the .rar file to the AOC2 Game? Like how do i apply the mod?

just extract the 7z archive to an empty folder and run game. if you are using russian or azeri then to make the text visible download your language's font and replace every font in the game/fonts folder with it

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17 hours ago, Stallander said:

I'm really sorry Simon, but the 2015 scenario is terrible. I've made a list of mistakes:

1. Tajikistan and Uzbekistan are reversed

2. The Russian oblast of Kaliningrad is neutral

3. The Russia-Norway border is wrong

4. Mexico has a neutral province

5. The flags of Denmark and Norway are wrong

6. Colombia has a neutral province in the north

7. Since the map is based on who controls the provinces: The Crimea should be Russian and in Eastern Ukraine there should be Donetsk and Lugansk

8. The Germany-Denmark border is wrong

9. The Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla should be part of Spain

10. Azores should be a part of Portugal

11. The Russia-Estonia border is wrong

12. Senegal has a neutral province

13. 'Kingdom of Great Britain' should be called 'United Kingdom of Great Britain'

14. The UK-Ireland border is wrong


15. Corsica is neutral, but it should belong to France

16. Moscow should be more to the North

These are the mistakes I spot. There might be more, but I hope this will help to improve your mod.

Some other things you might consider to change in order to improve your mod:

1. Russia has almost no cities in the Ural, Siberia and the Far East. Please add Murmansk, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Arkhangelsk, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy, Magadan and Yakutsk. (Edit: It's alright, now I see most of these cities in editor mode)

2. The Belarus-Luthuania border looks really strange

3. Monaco has too much land


all of these are now fixed except number 16, number 13, second number 3, second number 2

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18 hours ago, Stallander said:

I'm really sorry Simon, but the 2015 scenario is terrible. I've made a list of mistakes:

1. Tajikistan and Uzbekistan are reversed

2. The Russian oblast of Kaliningrad is neutral

3. The Russia-Norway border is wrong

4. Mexico has a neutral province

5. The flags of Denmark and Norway are wrong

6. Colombia has a neutral province in the north

7. Since the map is based on who controls the provinces: The Crimea should be Russian and in Eastern Ukraine there should be Donetsk and Lugansk

8. The Germany-Denmark border is wrong

9. The Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla should be part of Spain

10. Azores should be a part of Portugal

11. The Russia-Estonia border is wrong

12. Senegal has a neutral province

13. 'Kingdom of Great Britain' should be called 'United Kingdom of Great Britain'

14. The UK-Ireland border is wrong


15. Corsica is neutral, but it should belong to France

16. Moscow should be more to the North

These are the mistakes I spot. There might be more, but I hope this will help to improve your mod.

Some other things you might consider to change in order to improve your mod:

1. Russia has almost no cities in the Ural, Siberia and the Far East. Please add Murmansk, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Arkhangelsk, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy, Magadan and Yakutsk. (Edit: It's alright, now I see most of these cities in editor mode)

2. The Belarus-Luthuania border looks really strange

3. Monaco has too much land


Nr. 7 Crimea is a part of Ukraine.

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11 minutes ago, CognomenValentulus said:

Nr. 7 Crimea is a part of Ukraine.

tell me when russia annexed crimea (this is a 1st jan 2015 scenario) so that i place correct owner of crimea

Edited by Simon Wilford

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39 minutes ago, Simon Wilford said:

tell me when russia annexed crimea (this is a 1st jan 2015 scenario) so that i place correct owner of crimea

26th March 2014

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существует проблема значки из hoi4 мешают управлять войсками в небольших провинциях

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3 hours ago, strategsr said:

существует проблема значки из hoi4 мешают управлять войсками в небольших провинциях


7 hours ago, Dev said:

Any progress on the android version 



5 hours ago, PatrolOwO said:

Also, where are Guernsey and Jersey? 

1. i might fix

2.progress restarted, i will now do it instead of safa

3.not in the map

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