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Simon Wilford

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45 minutes ago, Simon Wilford said:

.progress restarted, i will now do it instead of safa

Sorry What do you mean by progress restarted will it come to android by tomorrow or will it take some more day 

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3 minutes ago, Dev said:

Sorry What do you mean by progress restarted will it come to android by tomorrow or will it take some more day 

within 3rd january. ok? thats 3 days from pc release,

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Em 10/10/2020 às 13h18, Simon Wilford disse:

se eu fizer muito rápido levará 20 dias e se eu fizer em ritmo de caracol levará 9 meses, sobram cerca de 9.800 províncias e estou fazendo ~ 500 províncias por dia

Em 10/10/2020 às 13h18, Simon Wilford disse:

se eu fizer muito rápido levará 20 dias e se eu fizer em ritmo de caracol levará 9 meses, sobram cerca de 9.800 províncias e estou fazendo ~ 500 províncias por dia

Will you bring the download to android on January 3rd ?? 

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20 hours ago, Syokim said:

Eh, I want to I don't rude, actually number 13 is wrong. Because at that time, UK's country name was 'Kindom of Great Britain'.

(Sorry for my bad English because my first language isn't English.)

The UK was called Kingdom of Great Britain in the 18th century: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_Great_Britain?wprov=sfla1

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Good map, but the way Venice is placed completely destroys the province of Veneto in northern Italy. Verona and Venice shouldn't be that close.

Also, placement of cities is wrong. Major issue for me is how Louisville is placed in southern Indiana instead of Kentucky, as well as the placement of many various other cities around the world. 

I agree with a future redo of this map. 

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3 hours ago, Vexodym said:

Good map, but the way Venice is placed completely destroys the province of Veneto in northern Italy. Verona and Venice shouldn't be that close.

Also, placement of cities is wrong. Major issue for me is how Louisville is placed in southern Indiana instead of Kentucky, as well as the placement of many various other cities around the world. 

I agree with a future redo of this map. 


11 hours ago, Stallander said:

The UK was called Kingdom of Great Britain in the 18th century: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_Great_Britain?wprov=sfla1


12 hours ago, Tinu2048 said:

Some cities are put in wrong provinces, like Targoviste and Odessa.

Even the capital of some countries

looking back at the thousands of mistakes in this rushed map, the new redo is the only way out. fixing would take 4x the time.

By the way, the new map has 171 provinces done yesterday, and today i will start convert to android.

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8 hours ago, Simon Wilford said:



looking back at the thousands of mistakes in this rushed map, the new redo is the only way out. fixing would take 4x the time.

By the way, the new map has 171 provinces done yesterday, and today i will start convert to android.

Will you finish it fast?Please I really want to play this mod on android!

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10 hours ago, Simon Wilford said:



looking back at the thousands of mistakes in this rushed map, the new redo is the only way out. fixing would take 4x the time.

By the way, the new map has 171 provinces done yesterday, and today i will start convert to android.

Take your time, dont rush new map.

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Bruuuh This is awesome. waiting for u to end it 😄

I have a quistion:

How to install Scenario ??

Edited by Rico

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3 hours ago, Dev said:

He said that the mod will be released adroid in 12 hours from now

This is the edited ---. https://archive.org/download/simonesquemodareatestver1/Age of Civilizations II_1.01415_ELA b2218 - Copy.---

It is not a functional --- after putting the files. I have asked Kerem on how to convert it and am waiting for answer, or maybe it wont convert to android due to huge number of provinces.

Anyone can try converting to --- since now if no one does android version will not be released.

I put the mod files in it, but it wont install on testing.

Use the pc link for conversion, or use android link and fix the ---

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9 minutes ago, Simon Wilford said:

i don't know what to do with this mod anymore. i'm going to kill this mod in february after 1 update.

also, 555 provinces done for the reloaded map.

Aww don't kill it! At least some people get to enjoy it, that's better than nothing.

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1 hour ago, Simon Wilford said:

Ово је уређено ---. хттпс://арцхиве.орг/довнлоад/симонескуемодареатествер1/ Старост цивилизација ИИ_1.01415_ЕЛА б2218 - Копирај .---

Није функционалан --- након стављања датотека. Питао сам Керема како да га претвори и чекам одговор, или га можда неће претворити у андроид због огромног броја провинција .

Свако може покушати да претвори у --- од сада, ако нико то не учини, верзија Андроида неће бити објављена.

Ставио сам мод датотеке у њега, али се неће тестирати.

Користите пц везу за конверзију или користите андроид везу и поправите ---

Not problem huge of provinces because Addin+ mod hav 13000+ provinces and all work correct.Please someone convert this mod to android.

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36 minutes ago, Vuki said:

Not problem huge of provinces because Addin+ mod hav 13000+ provinces and all work correct.Please someone convert this mod to android.

yes someone please convert to android me and safa failed to convert it said no signature when i tried to open edited ---

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2 hours ago, Vuki said:

Not problem huge of provinces because Addin+ mod hav 13000+ provinces and all work correct.Please someone convert this mod to android.

Sadly it is the provinces.

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