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Age of History 3

1521 Scenario

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So Here Is My Scenario "1521 - Rise of Ottomans".

I'm Still Working On It But So Far Its Almost Completed.

I Also Added New Leaders For Safevids, Muscovy, Austria, Hungary (Bohemia Has Same Leader Because Of Personal Union), France, Milan And Savoy.

What Do You Guys Think ?

(Also I Have An Issue About Speed Of Turns. I Did Some Test Runs Yet I Still Don't Know And Can't Fix It. If Someone Knows How To Fix It Please Help Me.)

Anyway, Here Are A Few Screenshots I Took:Screenshot_20190124-011502.thumb.png.3ff373a2917c7ebf201ffc4b0c34c9b7.pngScreenshot_20190124-011442.thumb.png.7789641ffa69f9ddfc0b9b53ad30bae3.pngScreenshot_20190124-011521.thumb.png.d89ba4a7f5e3e4755200e70cd960ea08.png

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As For Diplomacy:

Ottomans Has Vassals Which Are Algiers, Crimea, Moldova And Wallachia.

Poland Has Vassals Which Are Prussia And Lithuania (Because Of Personal Union Under Sigismund the Old)

Hungary Has A Vassal Which Is Bohemia (Which Has Lusatia As A Vassal, Also They Are In Personal Union Under Louis II)

France Has A Vassal Which Is Brittany

Spain Is Allied With Austria Under (House of Habsburg; I Thought It Would Be Such A Little Bit OP For Vassalizing Any Of These Two)

Ming Has Vassals Which Are Jianzhou And Haixi

Papal State Has A Vassal Which Is Urbino

Safavids Has A Vassal Which Is Shirvan

Edited by MehmetCeran

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As For Events:

"Victory At Mohacz !" For Ottomans:

Triggered By Occupation Of South And Middle Hungary By Ottomans.

Otomans Annexes Half Of Hungary,  Transylvania Is Created As A Vassal Of Ottomans, And This Event Triggers Another Event.


"Louis II of Hungary Has Been Killed !" For Austria:

Triggered By " Victory At Mohacz !" Event.

Austria Annexes Slovakia And Western Border Provinces Of Hungary, Austria Annexes Bohemia (Because Of Personal Union), Lusatia Becomes A Vassal State Of Austria.


"Act of Union of Lublin" For Poland:

Triggered By Time (1 July 1569) And By Existence Of Poland And Lithuania.

Poland And Lithuania Annexed By Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Duchy of Prussia Becomes A Vassal State Of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

Edited by MehmetCeran

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The i words are not visible in the map maybe its because you wrote capital İ's instead of I's if you can change it it would be perfect 👌

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