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Age of History 3

The United States - Concept

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Just popped up on my head 

Rather than having one single country as the US, I propose that we could actually put Washington DC and other territories as the United States and have its 50 states as its vassals(or we could have a reserved name in the game called "States").

But since vassals can also declare war to its owner, make them less aggressive and close allies.

And since its the United States, just like the HRE, we could make a certain grouping among these states, but keep the "UNITED STATES" lettering like if it was a single country.

This is what would happen if it conquers lands.

Lets say that the US declared war on Mexico(no pun intended), and grabbed some land from it. When signing a peace treaty, ALL of the 50 states have NO war points(the stars). This allows the newly conquered land a US territory, directly part of the US, but not part of the 50 states. After that, you could establish states(vassals)or give land to neighboring states(for example you could let California to take the Californian Peninsula), which is historically accurate, since US territories when expansion were initially just territories, and states were established or other states get land on the territory afterwards.

Let me hear your thoughts below.

Edited by BrakeCoachStudios

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This could be a good idea for the 19th century, especially for simulating civil wars. However, historically 20th U.S. was much more united like the average European state.  In fact, as travel and communication becomes more convenient, states lose their image and culture throughout the states are much more uniform.

I think this idea should be dabbled with in European feudal monarchies and Japanese daimyos.

Edited by PETER

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-ALL of the US states come with the same color as Washington DC.

-If you want to play as the US, you pick Washington DC.

-When zoomed out, the lettering of the US shows "UNITED STATES" but if you zoom in, you could see each state's name.

-Every land owned by Washington DC outside DC is considered as a "Territory".

-Every state of the US could recruit soldiers and it would show under the state flag.

-Every state of the US could not attack another country unless Washington DC(the player) declares war, and the territory earned would initially get ceded to the US. The states do not get any points

-You could give the earned territory to neighboring states, or you could give a certain area of the territory as a state(written below)

-Under the "release vassal" tab, there is a special tab called "give statehood", where you assign provinces for the new state

-> example: You recently acquired French Louisiana. You could assign provinces and name it Louisiana, Missouri, etc.

-giving statehood is more effective than stabilizing and assimilating.

-you could take their statehood away (might not be an option), but would decrease its happiness. The option would be located in the diplomacy tab in the state.

-you could also take some land away from the state(like when Tennessee became a territory. This option would also be located in the diplomacy tab in the state.

-if a state happiness is low, it could break away from the union.

-> Example: the Southern States broke away from the USA and formed the CSA

-Each territory could "Demand Statehood", especially if it is a far away unstabilized territory.

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On 1/24/2019 at 2:58 PM, BrakeCoachStudios said:

Just popped up on my head 

Rather than having one single country as the US, I propose that we could actually put Washington DC and other territories as the United States and have its 50 states as its vassals(or we could have a reserved name in the game called "States").

But since vassals can also declare war to its owner, make them less aggressive and close allies.

And since its the United States, just like the HRE, we could make a certain grouping among these states, but keep the "UNITED STATES" lettering like if it was a single country.

This is what would happen if it conquers lands.

Lets say that the US declared war on Mexico(no pun intended), and grabbed some land from it. When signing a peace treaty, ALL of the 50 states have NO war points(the stars). This allows the newly conquered land a US territory, directly part of the US, but not part of the 50 states. After that, you could establish states(vassals)or give land to neighboring states(for example you could let California to take the Californian Peninsula), which is historically accurate, since US territories when expansion were initially just territories, and states were established or other states get land on the territory afterwards.

Let me hear your thoughts below.

But if USA goes deep into Mexico, it would cause some weird stripe states that look so ugly.

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1 hour ago, BrakeCoachStudios said:

The making of new states are actually in the hands of the player so that wouldnt happen

But AI wouldn't create new vassals I think


Or as simple, a region system can solve it. If USA tooks a bit of a region, it becomes a new state in USA. but don't know how to do flags for all regions

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