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Age of History 3

Creative Ideas For The AoH/AoC 3

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Write your creative and necessary ideas.




My Ideas:


1 - For other types of government where the constitution is used, with the exception of absolute monarchy, pre-edited content-rich constitution making section should be added.

Constitution opens up like an option in the game and it is like a book in which decisions can be added by spending points.

2 - Battle Plans: Battle plans can be opened from the button in one corner of the screen. And a route can be created regarding the province to reach our soldiers in the event of possible war and how they will reach this.

3 - Divisions: Divisions serve to tighten more than one soldier. Each division can have a separate plan in battle.

4 - Pop-up windows that cannot be moved: Pop-ups only work in a particular area of the screen. I don't like windows that move the other way.

5 - 3D Graphics: Geography should show itself on the map.

6 - Commanders: They are country-specific leaders with different characteristics. Examples of Turkey and the Ottoman Empire: Ataturk. Due to Atatürk's organizational feature, daily 10% equipment for his division. Only when he is at war.

7 - Military superiority in war moment: As in Aoh2, whoever has more soldiers does not win that war. Soldiers do not die in every war. It just lacks equipment. And if he cannot resist the struggle, he retreats.

8 - Advanced Editor: All of these things I said should be user configurable. For example, he wanted to add a new option to the Turkish constitution, add it as a variable and add different buffs on it so that we can use it in the game. Or the user can set the starting commanders and soldiers of a country.Most importantly, you can add and edit new scenarios.

9 - Withdrawal line: During the war, if you order the soldiers to withdraw, they will return to that line.

10 - Lines: Soldiers are scattered on the line you draw, and only one state and one province won't fight or leave a gap in the war. Soldiers fight on line without bloody borders.And even if you do not interfere with them, they can fight on their own if there is a commander in charge of the war plan. But while the war is going on, you can make special interventions.

11 - Android: PLS

12 - Political Parties: If you are in the government of the Republic and do not want to be overthrown, you should keep this rate too much. If you do not keep this rate high, you will be expelled from the presidency. But the game is not over because you can still participate in the elections 5 years later or you can take money from powerful countries and make a revolution. This possibility is very low in artificial intelligence. But if you are not elected and want to make a revolution, countries with low relations in your country will agree to give money. Or if the country you are going to revolutionize has an ally, it may be a problem for you.

12 - Reasons for war: To create a reason for war, a country must have sunk your ship or attacked your soldier. (Yes, you can attack illegally, but for a fee).

13 - Bosphorus: If you have a canal or Bosphorus in your territory, If you have a strait in your territory, other countries must make agreements with you or pay per pass to pass it. You can attack a ship passing through Bosphorus illegally for a fee, and if you do, that country may declare war on you because you create a reason for war.

14 - Agreements and Treaties: It includes trade agreements, ceasefire and peace agreements. You can grant capitulation rights to a country with trade agreements. Or you can grant the right to pass through a bosphorus that you have. Or you can purchase underground resources from another country for a period of time. When you win the war or do not want to continue, you can make a ceasefire agreement and restrict some of the rights of the defeated country until you make the peace treaty decisions. And with the peace treaty, you can do whatever you want to the defeated state. But put your interests first. You can appoint a puppet state.

15 - Army training: Armies cannot be bought with money, and if they can, they are not stable. Multiple types of country-specific tanks, warplanes, etc. can be trained. You must have an army training camp in at least one province to produce them. And these soldiers produced at a certain time gain experience by entering wars.

16 - Infrastructure: It includes roads, trains, etc. These accelerate the movement of the army and develop the province. 

17 - 3D railways: The fastest way of transportation where you can draw the route through which states or provinces. When making commercial agreements, you can give a percentage of your shares control - not land - to another state.

Advanced alliance features: You can appoint a commander to an army of your ally. Or you can send an army to your ally and give control to him. 


This was the beginning. I will write more.

Edited by Ecofcu

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I believe that if Lukasz is really going to do another game, be it the citybuilder or supposedly AoH3, my number one tip is get a development team!!! If he wants to make a quality game, more profitable even, he cannot do it by himself. And he needs to redeem his infamy and lost community in order to be popular again, nobody is going to buy his newer games if he keeps his actual ways.

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El 25/11/2020 a las 5:29, Ecofcu dijo:

Escribe tus ideas creativas y necesarias.




Mis ideas:


1 - Para otros tipos de gobierno donde se usa la constitución, con la excepción de la monarquía absoluta, se debe agregar una sección de elaboración de constituciones rica en contenido previamente editada.

Constitución se abre como una opción en el juego y es como un libro en el que se pueden agregar decisiones gastando puntos.

2 - Planes de batalla: los planes de batalla se pueden abrir desde el botón en una esquina de la pantalla. Y se puede crear una ruta con respecto a la provincia para llegar a nuestros soldados en caso de una posible guerra y cómo llegarán a ella.

3 - Divisiones: Las divisiones sirven para apretar más de un soldado. Cada división puede tener un plan de batalla independiente.

4 - Ventanas emergentes que no se pueden mover: las ventanas emergentes solo funcionan en un área particular de la pantalla. No me gustan las ventanas que se mueven al revés.

5 - Gráficos 3D: la geografía debería mostrarse en el mapa.

6 - Comandantes: Son líderes específicos de cada país con diferentes características. Ejemplos de Turquía y el Imperio Otomano: Ataturk. Debido a la característica organizativa de Atatürk, equipo diario al 10% para su división. Solo cuando está en guerra.

7 - Superioridad militar en el momento de la guerra: Como en Aoh2, quien tenga más soldados no gana esa guerra. Los soldados no mueren en todas las guerras. Simplemente carece de equipo. Y si no puede resistir la lucha, se retira.

8 - Editor avanzado: todas estas cosas que dije deberían ser configurables por el usuario. Por ejemplo, quería agregar una nueva opción a la constitución turca, agregarla como una variable y agregarle diferentes beneficios para que podamos usarla en el juego. O el usuario puede configurar los comandantes y soldados iniciales de un país. Lo más importante es que puede agregar y editar nuevos escenarios.

9 - Línea de retirada: Durante la guerra, si ordena a los soldados que se retiren, volverán a esa línea.

10 - Líneas: los soldados están dispersos en la línea que traza, y solo un estado y una provincia no lucharán ni dejarán un espacio en la guerra. Los soldados luchan en línea sin fronteras ensangrentadas e incluso si no interfieres con ellos, pueden luchar por su cuenta si hay un comandante a cargo del plan de guerra. Pero mientras la guerra continúa, puedes hacer intervenciones especiales.

11 - Android: PLS

12 - Partidos Políticos: Si estás en el gobierno de la República y no quieres ser derrocado, debes mantener demasiado esta tasa. Si no mantiene esta tasa alta, será expulsado de la presidencia. Pero el juego no se acaba porque todavía puedes participar en las elecciones 5 años después o puedes sacar dinero de países poderosos y hacer una revolución. Esta posibilidad es muy baja en inteligencia artificial. Pero si no eres elegido y quieres hacer una revolución, los países con bajas relaciones en tu país aceptarán dar dinero. O si el país que vas a revolucionar tiene un aliado, puede ser un problema para ti.

12 - Razones para la guerra: Para crear una razón para la guerra, un país debe haber hundido su barco o atacado a su soldado. (Sí, puede atacar ilegalmente, pero por una tarifa).

13 - Bósforo: Si tienes un canal o Bósforo en tu territorio, si tienes un estrecho en tu territorio, otros países deben hacer acuerdos contigo o pagar por pase para pasarlo. Puedes atacar un barco que atraviesa el Bósforo ilegalmente por una tarifa y, si lo haces, ese país puede declararte la guerra porque creas una razón para la guerra.

14 - Acuerdos y Tratados: próximamente ...


Este fue el comienzo . Escribiré más.

Si tienes buenas relaciones con un país o es tu vasallo poder construir en su territorio,


 el juego se basa en un ejercito rapido solo reclutas y tienes ejercito al siguiente turno lo mejor seria poder hacer tanques o barcos dependiendo de la epoca el barco sera mas o menos avanzado, al igual que las armas 


tambien eventos historicos por IA y poder desactivarlos 

y todos queremos el modo online se podria hacer por medio de un codigo como auciv  

Edited by CrisG

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This would basically just turn the game into hoi4. I definitely agree to some of the ideas but this game differentiates from other grand strategy games because it's simple so let's not overcomplicate it.


The main features I would want are as follows:

-a way to change leaders without having to do an "election" event which is hardly an election as you annex a country with another tag which has the leader you want.

-starting buffs and debuffs which can be removed by decisions in events. This is a great way to achieve historical accuracy for example Napoleon's France could get a starting buff to soldier attack and defence so they can realistically take on a few countries in Europe easier.

-More in depth revolts. Revolts are basically useless in this game.


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an ingame government editor (and ingame editor for other stuff too.). also the whole design of the game is ok but it would be nice to have different themes

in Province Selectors, please add a "Select all provinces". it is so annoying, i sleect the entire world, and then it goes cuz i tirn off brush.

Please add in events, "Random country" and "All country" and make it not crash the game. recepient: random country, Update army, "update happiness: Random Country", "Update Money: -12000, All Countries" i wanna make all countries demilitarized in modern world (temporarily)




Edited by soulplexis

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i got a creative idea, foreign tolerance. it controls how much conquered peoples are tolerated (replaced)

low tolerance will mean that your population will replace conquered people at the cost of having a higher chance of random rebellions and low stability in the province. maybe higher cost to assimilate as well. this is until they are genocided.. which would take like a billion turns.. yes this adds esentially genocide. is that bad to have in a game?

high tolerance will mean that conquered provinces will have more stability  and low chance of random rebellions at the cost of making less or no money off of the conquered civilian population. maybe the conquered people will also give you less war support (if thats a thing) , maybe they will not be able to be recruited into your military, maybe higher autonomy in those regions (if that gets added), maybe they will not be as supportive of the government (ideology). 

Edited by soulplexis

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On 18.03.2021 at 17:21, Mayolis said:

Bu temelde oyunu hoi4'e çevirirdi. Bazı fikirlere kesinlikle katılıyorum ama bu oyun diğer büyük strateji oyunlarından farklı çünkü basit, bu yüzden fazla karmaşık hale getirmeyelim.


İstediğim ana özellikler şu şekildedir:

- İstediğiniz lideri taşıyan başka bir etiketle bir ülkeyi ilhak ederken, neredeyse seçim olmayan bir "seçim" etkinliği yapmak zorunda kalmadan liderleri değiştirmenin bir yolu.

-Etkinliklerdeki kararlarla kaldırılabilen başlatıcı güçlendirmeler ve zayıflatıcılar. Bu, tarihsel doğruluğu elde etmenin harika bir yoludur, örneğin Napolyon'un Fransa'sı, askerlerin saldırısına ve savunmasına bir başlangıç tutkunu sağlayabilir, böylece gerçekçi bir şekilde Avrupa'daki birkaç ülkeyle daha kolay başa çıkabilir.

-Daha derin isyanlar. İsyanlar bu oyunda temelde işe yaramaz.


I wrote these ideas because I wanted realism in the game. I think I can get ideas from realistic games. Of course its my opinion. My opinion is that the game should be developed, but I also respect your opinion. I want brand new game mechanics. You want the current mechanics to improve. Of course I do not go against your opinion. 

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On 25.03.2021 at 00:31, soulplexis said:

oyun içi bir hükümet editörü (ve diğer şeyler için oyun içi editörü de.). ayrıca oyunun tüm tasarımı tamam ama farklı temalara sahip olmak güzel olurdu

İl Seçiciler'de lütfen bir "Tüm illeri seçin" ekleyin. o kadar sinir bozucu ki, tüm dünyayı gördüm ve sonra çalılarımdan uzaklaştığım için gidiyor.

Lütfen "Rastgele ülke" ve "Tüm ülke" etkinliklerini ekleyin ve oyunun çökmemesini sağlayın. alıcı: rastgele ülke, Ordu güncelle, "mutluluğu güncelle: Rastgele Ülke", "Parayı Güncelle: -12000, Tüm Ülkeler" modern dünyada tüm ülkeleri askerden arındırmak istiyorum (geçici olarak)




So good idea to me. To me every settings/editors should in game.

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here some of my ideas.

space station lvl 1: gives you the full view of the map, built for a large cost. each level cost a ton more.

space station lvl 2: gives you view of the ownership of the provinces

space station lvl 3: gives you view of the soldiers not in a fort/castle

 space station lvl 4: gives you access to instantly space-to-ground air drop soldiers in the middle of any of your terrain for a slightly higher cost

space station lvl 5: lets you see whos preparing for war with you. and lets you airdrop your soldiers into any enemy terrain for a ton of cost.

spy lvl 1, 2, 3, 4, 5: send into any country, the stronger the target country is compared to you, the more likely it will be caught. higher levels will decrease the risk. it will try to influence elections, political parties, destabillize the country, prevent OR start a war with you, ( so you dont suffer penalty ), or encourage immigrants. and if it's caught the country will gain a reason to go to war with you.

coups: you can fund coups in a country. based on the political party popularity it will fail or succeed. and after they overthrow (change the ideology) they will have good relations with you. 

surrender modes. i said this before but its ok..

mode: dominate = the current way it works in aoh2

mode: capital = you take the capital then you auto-occupy all the country. (and win the war) 

mode: percentage = you must take a percentage of their province and then you auto-occupy them.


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Here's an idea for AoH III:

That we can send military aid to a friendly country like tanks or something

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