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On 1/13/2021 at 3:35 AM, Kingpvz said:

Helo thare! I started to make a map in AoH2 called alavida. Don't forget to follow and share your thoughts in the comments!

I'll be also adding a lot of scenarios, that's a thing! Don't forget to follow to never miss an update!

Support me on patreon please (click here)

Background: Background




SCENARIOS: Test Scenario; 2021; 2013; Venostanian Civil War; Mauritovanian Civil War; 1518; Stanovia; First Alavidian War 1946; Poprattian Civil War


Update 6/18/21 (DoH 20)
Happy 20th day of history! To celebrate this, I've made the first alavidian war scenario which you can check below! It's a bigger scenario that took me a lot of time and considering it's only the first part it is making me redecision everything lol; also the poprattian war scenario is broken somehow, when you open it it crashes the game not sure why1762991007_bandicam2021-06-1815-10-15-542.thumb.png.f48035f3b06112ae73dc5e8d98bd61f7.png

Update 6/11/21 (DoH 19)
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh what a great day to be alive! lol; I updated the test scenario (Testing purposes) and made new nations - stanovian countries and started with the scenario. I did not have much time so I did not finish it, I hope next week will be better lol

Update 6/4/21 (DoH 18)
UwU scenarios are here! 2021 scenario is the one with nations i posted a lot time ago, 2013 is before mass independence and 1518 is some history one. Yes, I know there is french empire that got to exist 200 years later, ignore that pls lol
Civil war scenarios are less interesting but whatever
I plan to add 2 alavidian wars (1946-1947, 1979-1988) but don't have the nations yet lol
Well enjoy this info, i may release this "mod" after summer holiday ^^


Loved, Very creative idea of yours.

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On 1/13/2021 at 12:35 PM, Kingpvz said:

Some useless population stats (8/29/21)
Stanovian Federation: 180.8M
- General Stanovian State: 59.3M
- Slavic Stanovian State: 61.4M
- Venes: 1.2M
- Lapytovian Stanovia: 1.1M
- Fourthy Union: 27.3M
- Protipalia: 1.7M
- North Stanovia: 780k
- Nalian Zelav Stanovia: 697k
- East Spikc: 1.3M
- West Spikc: 9.4M
- North Keban: 3.2M
- South Keban: 4.7M
- Kespral-Towiiu: 2.3M
- Central Towiiu: 1.9M
- Tkebekh: 751K
- Eastern Zi: 594k
- Islandia: 3.2M

Martinovia: 322.6k
- Tromp Province: 101k
- Southern Province: 23.7k
- Guinea: 21.9k
- Province of Kadiaen: 176k

Venostan: 12.3M
- Tzie Kakükm': 6.7M
- Tzie Be'trkom: 1.2M
- Piskowsze Region: 2.9M
- Letran Bë'ge: 671k
- Nakaii Bë'ge: 906k

Other Countries
- Jurovia (without Avar): 24.5M
- Avar: 19.5M
- Zuzanovia: 81.4M
- Venistan: 3.7M
- Venestan: 983k
- Suchovia: 307k
- Slovakoria: 672k
- Slovakioria: 511k
- Johanca: 21M
- Ukrevol Kingdom: 1.1M
- Retwonia (with Stanovian Retwonia): 2.8M
- Zelavian Empire (without Colonies): 1.7M
- Zelavian Empire (only Colonies): 670k
- Scann': 2.7M
- Mauritovania: 9.3M
- Martinovian Kingdomen: 731k
- Venostan Kingdom: 1.3M

Edited by Kingpvz

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On 1/13/2021 at 12:35 PM, Kingpvz said:

New in 1.1:
- 2 New Scenarios (Venostanian Civil War II - Phase 1; Venostanic Civil War II - Phase 2)
- Updated 2021 Scenario (to 2022)
- 3 New Nations

Patch notes

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Added 12 new scenarios! (listed below)
Added a loooooot of new nations xD
Download: https://bit.ly/ageofalavida_1_2

New scenarios:

  • Venostanic Civil War II - Phase 3 and Venostanic Civil War II - Phase 4
    - These two mark the continuation of Phase 2; Phase 4 is the finale.
  • 864; 984; 1021; 1274
    - These are just more marks in the history. Enjoy!
  • Johan-Lapytovian War
    - The war that decides whether Jurovia exists or not.
  • War of North Zuzanovian Empire
    - The war that could have decided on the future of Zuzanovian Empire.
  • Divided Stanovia
    - Scenario to showcase all counties and regions within Stanovia.
  • Terrorist Attack in Martinovia
    - Can you beat them? Or will you join them? The most important choice in the history.
  • 2021 but Everything is Independent
    - Scenario showcasing all dependent regions and federations' states as independent entities.
  • ALT 2021 (If Venovenistan won AW2)
    - First alternative scenario in this mod woooooooooooo

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