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Age of History 3
Pirsicola Tortellini

Starting work one of the best and most painful to make maps I've ever seen

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Sorry for a lack of updates, I've mostly been focusing on school but I am making a province map for the mod to used in the map editor


I've mainly been having problems with the image size maps have to be in AoC2, everytime I shrink the map it just gets distorted so it would be very helpful if any of you could maybe find a way to make the map size in AoC2 larger

Edited by Pirsicola Tortellini

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On 1/28/2019 at 3:11 PM, Pirsicola Tortellini said:

So for now this will be just discussing this monster of a map and what I should include when I make it in AoC 2, sadly I will have to shrink it a bit since it is a little too big.

here is a link to the original post by Ilovethisgame2 



What's up with Romania

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Looks like first and second order area boundaries and Robinson projection. I should be able to recreate this in QGIS and set the dpi to at least 300. It will be a huge file.

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Checked this morning. I had a bit of time before for I have I to take the daughter to school. So I have country boundaries and first order area (foa) boundaries (province/state/governorate etc.) but I don't have a second order area (soa) boundaries shapefile which the topic map is clearly of. I just downloaded a second order area shapefile but it turned out to be a point file. I have some second order area shapefiles for some countries, but I'll have to retrieve others. I think I'll concentrate the big countries since the little ones already have tiny foa boundaries. Below is a quick-low res screenshot to show you where I am at currently.


Edited by Norlion
added pic

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I found SOA boundaries and even some third order on GADM. I don't have the time to do them all at once. I did some of the big countries, saved my project and exported it See attached. This is 300 dpi and looks like it is 2+ megs. Let me know how it looks when you zoom it. I can ramp up the resolution. Looks like 14.5 MB is my attachment limit on this forum.


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I shifted the outline from .26 to .05 and upped the dpi to 1000 in addition to adding some more countries. Zooming it looks a lot better. Might decrease the outline further, and of course will keep adding countries currently displaying SOA. I tried uploading 1100 and 1200 dpi but despite being under the upload limit it won't take. Anyway this is much improved, but I'll keep working.


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