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The Pony In The High Castle MOD

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logo-32.ico Age of History II: The Pony In The High Castle MOD

Latest Public Version: none

Latest Working Version: 0.2.0L

What is "The Pony In The High Castle" MOD? 什么是"高堡奇驹"模组?

PIHC MOD: "The Pony In The High Castle" MOD is a mod for game AoH2 (Age of History II). The setting of the mod is based on the re-creation of the famous cartoon MLP (My Little Pony) series. PIHC"高堡奇驹"MOD是文明时代2的游戏模组。此模组的剧情设定为著名动画系列《小马宝莉》的同人创作。

In this fictional world, Cozy Glow, Queen Chrysalis and Lord Tirek won the Ultimate Battle (S09E24, S09E25), instead of M6 in the official episodes. 在这样一个架空世界中,和熙光流、虫茧女王和提雷克领主,而不是M6,取得了终末之战的胜利。


This MOD is designed to be a part of a whole series of multimedia projects under the same setting —— PIHC world. 此模组计划为同一世界观设定下("高堡奇驹"世界)的系列多媒体工程之一。

Other parts of the series:

  • Music: bilibilinetease. Continuously updating.
  • Trailer: Comming Soon.
  • Novels: Not in foreseeable future.
  • Fan-fiction paintings: Not in foreseeable future unless with a volunteer.
  • Fan-fiction animation: Not in foreseeable future unless with a volunteer.


  • 音乐: 哔哩哔哩, 网易云音乐。持续更新中。
  • 预告片:即将推出。
  • 小说:暂无计划。
  • 插画:暂无计划,除非有志愿者。
  • 同人动画: 暂无计划,除非有志愿者。


Change Log 更新日志

Note: "T" stands for "tiny", "S" for "small", "M" for "medium", "L" for "large" and "H" for huge, with respect to the number of provinces. 版本号中T,S,M,L,H代表地图大小(省份数目)从小到大。

The current mod is for PC only. 目前的MOD只支持PC端。

2021.02.03 0.2.0L

  • Map prettified. 地图美化。
  • An auto contour drawer that automatically builds provinces into the game mod province data from the contour image of the provinces. Small manual corrections are needed. 一个自动省份生成器,可以通过地图上的省份轮廓自动生成省份数据。
  • 2062 provinces: 1964 land provinces, 98 sea provinces. Made by the auto contour drawer. No links built. 2062个省份:1964个陆地省份,98个海洋省份。由省份生成器制作。尚未建立连接。

2021.01.23 0.1.0T

  • Map of Size 9676×5448 pixels based on an unofficial Equestria map. 9676×5448像素地图,根据同人创作地图改编。
  • 71 provinces: 42 land provinces, 32 sea provinces. Made manually. playable. 71个省份:42个陆地省份,32个海洋省份。手工制作。可玩。
  • Initial 24 civilizations: Ahuizotl's Jurisdiction, Appleloosa Autonomous Region, Changeling Empire, Cozy Glow's Feudal Equestria, Crystal Empire, Derpy's Feudal Cloudsdale, Drangonland, Griffin Empire, Hippogriff Kingdom, Kirin Utopia, Kluge Town, Los Pegasus Syndicate, Manehatton Gang, Rockfarm Autonomous Region, Saddle Arabia, The Mirror Dimension, The Reindeers In The High Castle, Tirek's Realm, Trixie Lulamoon's Feudal Ponyville, Windigos, Yakyakistan, Zebra Tribe. 初始的24个文明:水猴辖区, 苹果鲁萨自治区, 幻形灵帝国, 和熙光流的封建小马国, 水晶帝国, 小呆的云中城封地, 龙族, 狮鹫帝国, 骏鹰/海马王国, 麒麟乌托邦, 克鲁格镇, 洛马基财团, 曼哈顿黑帮, 采石农场自治区, 马鞍阿拉伯, 镜中世界, 驯鹿精灵, 提雷克领地, 崔克西的小马谷封地, 风之魔, 牦牛亚克斯坦, 斑马部落。


To Do List 计划

  •  0.1.0T
  •  0.2.0L
  •  (0.2.1L) Optimize Yakyakistan, Appleloosa Autonomous Region and Changeling Empire. 优化牦牛亚克斯坦,苹果鲁萨自治区,幻形灵帝国。
  •  (0.2.1L) Improve the auto contour drawer. 优化省份生成器。
  •  (0.2.1L) Link the provinces in large map. Will probably make an auto linker. 在大图中建立连接。可能会写一个自动脚本。
  •  Pubilcize 0.2.1L, the first public version. 公布第一个公开版本0.2.1L。
  •  (0.2.2L) Create leaders for each civilization. 创建领袖。
  •  (0.2.2L) Create cities. 创建城市。
  •  (0.3.0L) Create simple scenarios with events. 创建简单的事件剧本。
  •  (0.4.0L) Leader portraits and flags for each civilization. 领袖肖像和旗帜。
  •  (0.9.0H)
  • ...


Contributing 贡献

This project is powered by nothing but my own passion and completely free. However, it is impossible to finish all the works by my own. 这项工程完全由我个人用爱发电。然而,仅凭我个人不可能完成这巨大量的工作。

If you would like to offer any kind of help, please contact through any one of github, bilibili (Talirian, UID 409790680), netease (Talirian), email (magolor@---), or AoH2 forum (Magolor). I would really appreaciate it if you could join us. 如果您有意愿提供任何可能的帮助,请通过Github、b站(Talirian, UID 409790680)、网易云(Talirian)、邮箱(magolor@---)或文明时代2论坛(Magolor)中的任何一种联系方式联系我。非常感谢您的帮助!

Especially, painters (for leader portraits, flags, fan-fiction paintings, advertisement, etc.), and balancers (to determine the properties for different civilizations and different regions to design a balanced game experience for civilizations) are in urgent need. Also, I decided to give away AoH2 game on steam as a small present for the volunteers. 特别地,我们亟需画师(画领袖肖像、国旗、同人插画、宣传,等)和平衡师(设计区域和文明数据,平衡各个文明的游戏体验)。将会在steam上赠送文明时代2游戏本体,作为小小的回赠礼物。

Also, feel free to contact me if you have any question, or something that I could possibly help you. 另外,如果您有任何疑问或是需要我的帮助,也欢迎联系我。

Finally, thank you all for your support, watch or star. 最后,感谢大家的支持、关注和点赞。

Edited by Magolor
small fix

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On 2/2/2021 at 8:40 PM, Magolor said:

logo-32.ico Age of History II: The Pony In The High Castle MOD

Latest Public Version: none

Latest Working Version: 0.2.0L

What is "The Pony In The High Castle" MOD? 什么是"高堡奇驹"模组?

PIHC MOD: "The Pony In The High Castle" MOD is a mod for game AoH2 (Age of History II). The setting of the mod is based on the re-creation of the famous cartoon MLP (My Little Pony) series. PIHC"高堡奇驹"MOD是文明时代2的游戏模组。此模组的剧情设定为著名动画系列《小马宝莉》的同人创作。

In this fictional world, Cozy Glow, Queen Chrysalis and Lord Tirek won the Ultimate Battle (S09E24, S09E25), instead of M6 in the official episodes. 在这样一个架空世界中,和熙光流、虫茧女王和提雷克领主,而不是M6,取得了终末之战的胜利。


This MOD is designed to be a part of a whole series of multimedia projects under the same setting —— PIHC world. 此模组计划为同一世界观设定下("高堡奇驹"世界)的系列多媒体工程之一。

Other parts of the series:

  • Music: bilibilinetease. Continuously updating.
  • Trailer: Comming Soon.
  • Novels: Not in foreseeable future.
  • Fan-fiction paintings: Not in foreseeable future unless with a volunteer.
  • Fan-fiction animation: Not in foreseeable future unless with a volunteer.


  • 音乐: 哔哩哔哩, 网易云音乐。持续更新中。
  • 预告片:即将推出。
  • 小说:暂无计划。
  • 插画:暂无计划,除非有志愿者。
  • 同人动画: 暂无计划,除非有志愿者。


Change Log 更新日志

Note: "T" stands for "tiny", "S" for "small", "M" for "medium", "L" for "large" and "H" for huge, with respect to the number of provinces. 版本号中T,S,M,L,H代表地图大小(省份数目)从小到大。

The current mod is for PC only. 目前的MOD只支持PC端。

2021.02.03 0.2.0L

  • Map prettified. 地图美化。
  • An auto contour drawer that automatically builds provinces into the game mod province data from the contour image of the provinces. Small manual corrections are needed. 一个自动省份生成器,可以通过地图上的省份轮廓自动生成省份数据。
  • 2062 provinces: 1964 land provinces, 98 sea provinces. Made by the auto contour drawer. No links built. 2062个省份:1964个陆地省份,98个海洋省份。由省份生成器制作。尚未建立连接。

2021.01.23 0.1.0T

  • Map of Size 9676×5448 pixels based on an unofficial Equestria map. 9676×5448像素地图,根据同人创作地图改编。
  • 71 provinces: 42 land provinces, 32 sea provinces. Made manually. playable. 71个省份:42个陆地省份,32个海洋省份。手工制作。可玩。
  • Initial 24 civilizations: Ahuizotl's Jurisdiction, Appleloosa Autonomous Region, Changeling Empire, Cozy Glow's Feudal Equestria, Crystal Empire, Derpy's Feudal Cloudsdale, Drangonland, Griffin Empire, Hippogriff Kingdom, Kirin Utopia, Kluge Town, Los Pegasus Syndicate, Manehatton Gang, Rockfarm Autonomous Region, Saddle Arabia, The Mirror Dimension, The Reindeers In The High Castle, Tirek's Realm, Trixie Lulamoon's Feudal Ponyville, Windigos, Yakyakistan, Zebra Tribe. 初始的24个文明:水猴辖区, 苹果鲁萨自治区, 幻形灵帝国, 和熙光流的封建小马国, 水晶帝国, 小呆的云中城封地, 龙族, 狮鹫帝国, 骏鹰/海马王国, 麒麟乌托邦, 克鲁格镇, 洛马基财团, 曼哈顿黑帮, 采石农场自治区, 马鞍阿拉伯, 镜中世界, 驯鹿精灵, 提雷克领地, 崔克西的小马谷封地, 风之魔, 牦牛亚克斯坦, 斑马部落。


To Do List 计划

  •  0.1.0T
  •  0.2.0L
  •  (0.2.1L) Optimize Yakyakistan, Appleloosa Autonomous Region and Changeling Empire. 优化牦牛亚克斯坦,苹果鲁萨自治区,幻形灵帝国。
  •  (0.2.1L) Improve the auto contour drawer. 优化省份生成器。
  •  (0.2.1L) Link the provinces in large map. Will probably make an auto linker. 在大图中建立连接。可能会写一个自动脚本。
  •  Pubilcize 0.2.1L, the first public version. 公布第一个公开版本0.2.1L。
  •  (0.2.2L) Create leaders for each civilization. 创建领袖。
  •  (0.2.2L) Create cities. 创建城市。
  •  (0.3.0L) Create simple scenarios with events. 创建简单的事件剧本。
  •  (0.4.0L) Leader portraits and flags for each civilization. 领袖肖像和旗帜。
  •  (0.9.0H)
  • ...


Contributing 贡献

This project is powered by nothing but my own passion and completely free. However, it is impossible to finish all the works by my own. 这项工程完全由我个人用爱发电。然而,仅凭我个人不可能完成这巨大量的工作。

If you would like to offer any kind of help, please contact through any one of github, bilibili (Talirian, UID 409790680), netease (Talirian), email (magolor@---), or AoH2 forum (Magolor). I would really appreaciate it if you could join us. 如果您有意愿提供任何可能的帮助,请通过Github、b站(Talirian, UID 409790680)、网易云(Talirian)、邮箱(magolor@---)或文明时代2论坛(Magolor)中的任何一种联系方式联系我。非常感谢您的帮助!

Especially, painters (for leader portraits, flags, fan-fiction paintings, advertisement, etc.), and balancers (to determine the properties for different civilizations and different regions to design a balanced game experience for civilizations) are in urgent need. Also, I decided to give away AoH2 game on steam as a small present for the volunteers. 特别地,我们亟需画师(画领袖肖像、国旗、同人插画、宣传,等)和平衡师(设计区域和文明数据,平衡各个文明的游戏体验)。将会在steam上赠送文明时代2游戏本体,作为小小的回赠礼物。

Also, feel free to contact me if you have any question, or something that I could possibly help you. 另外,如果您有任何疑问或是需要我的帮助,也欢迎联系我。

Finally, thank you all for your support, watch or star. 最后,感谢大家的支持、关注和点赞。

Interesting idea lmao

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