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Age of History 3
The Best

The Great War Mod

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On 3/17/2021 at 7:37 AM, The Best said:

Welcome to WW1.... The aoc2 game dosent even have a scenario for one of the most interesting time periods in the history of the world. I have fixed that. It will have historical and non-historical event trees.

Join discord to get more info_ https://discord.gg/eba2D8dynE

Updates in Beta 1.0

1. Complete events till 1916- 80% Major Events done

2. Background- Done

3.Cores- Done

4.Add realistic population, economy Done

5.Remove rebellions- Done



Updates for Beta 1.1

1. Decision Menu is here. Want more detailed gameplay? Look no more! Decision menu will have a hoi4 style menu where you can control your colonies, change your national policies etc...

2. Bettter UI

3. Bug fixes

And many more small features.....



Download link for Beta 1.0


Mega - https://mega.nz/file/VLx22Lob#j2mkzjE53FVSgkBfQbUMtpNN6vEHVv5gq9eIOwxvwxg

Google drive https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-JfRq5tESjD3s1RDwdu8thD_i7tiH6wS/view?usp=drivesdk



Google drive https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hh-iXN3KlF6gewUBhHr0Uv9k5mLUOJj2/view?usp=sharing


Install instructions

Android- Just use one of the links and download and install the ---





javaw 2021-03-17 11-05-49-769.jpg




javaw 2021-03-17 11-07-08-822.jpg

javaw 2021-03-17 11-07-01-658.jpg

The link doesn't work for me,its says that it can't  be find


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On 1/7/2023 at 9:42 PM, ODİN 0449 said:


It's been dead for a while. I want to make it, but I tend to lose motivation quite easily, with how many bugs this game has.

Edited by The Best

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