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1 hour ago, St.Chmnd said:




AD NOVA AURORA is a “Victorian Era” based scenario, which will try to include different polities which existed during said time period. From the renewed map of Post Napoleonic Europe, to the fairly recent Latin American republics, and from the Great Plains of the Midwest North America, to the princely states of India. A world full of possibilities, situated just at the dawn of a new era, with the rise of nationalism, colonization and new political ideologies.

The difference between this version, and the previous one I made in the “scenarios” category (and the Conqueror’s scenario too), is that now (after some decisions here and there), we decided to include more content to the mod (we also won’t be using Addon+ as the base of the mod this time).

The bigger difference to the original would also be the inclusion of a “revamped” version of the map, where, instead of creating a totally new one, this one will be based off the vanilla one, but with a lot of modified provinces (so the borders of the 19th and early 20th century were possible to represent).

Link to our discord: https://discord.gg/CxCcbEhj

Link to our “previous” versions (The 1830 scenario: “Dawn of an Era”):

 The original scenario thread, where you can DOWNLOAD THE BETA, and see the development of the first stage of the mod:


“Conqueror’s” port. The scenario is also present in the mod from version 1.5 onwards. This version also fixed some things of the previous beta above:


What we’ve already added/are working mostly into it:

  •          More provinces for the vanilla map
  •          Over 300+ new nations from all over the world. We plan to up this number even more, with ton of new possible nations for the player to choose from.
  •          New flags for a lot of the civs, giving the change of ideologies a different aesthetic and identity too.
  •          A “perfected” version of the 1830 start date scenario.
  •          New Music, to give a much more atmospheric feeling to the player. 
  •          New ideologies, with custom icons. This ideologies will try to reflect the different currents of political thought that either already existed or appeared during those years.
  •          An original alternate history scenario, based off a premise we can’t reveal (for now!).
  •          New Formable nations, from historical sources, to other more “fictional” ones.

·         Changes to various names of things (example: Change “vassal” to “protectorate”, change “diseases” to “situations”, etc).

What we plan to do in the future:

  •          New scenarios, going from the Congress of Vienna to the early years of the 20th century.
  •          Events for different scenarios.
  •          New UI and sounds.
  •          The option to change AI aggressiveness to 0.
  •          Hopefully, a new Map Background.
  •          New terrain pictures.

Those are our “achievable” goals. We could try to reach other things, but we don’t want to be too ambitious hahaha. We will probably be working by “stages”, trying to complete objectives little by little (this mod will probably take some time to be completed, but we will probably release beta versions, or an initial release with expansions coming after).

I’ll use this thread to post important advancements or “Dev Diaries” (maybe even the “To Fix” section I had in the scenario thread could return here). Also, most answers could be either done by me or @Commieslav, in case someone has a question about the mod. Most “instant info” will probably be given at the discord.

I want to also give a huge thanks to everyone who has given me and the team either help, encouragement, congratulations, corrections, and useful critics to the “predecessor” of this mod! We hope to bring even more enjoyable content to the community with this one too!




Looks so good like your all works 👍 😄 

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if you ok, shall we develop together?
recently im working on this project.

there are , UI, and code, over 20MB events pictures, icons
some game file,all sound track and musics from vic2. soon the background looks very like vic2 and vic2 provinces, vic2 civs and flags will done ^^ 


Project_ Victorian Era.docx

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2 hours ago, Lipark Japanese modder said:

if you ok, shall we develop together?
recently im working on this project.

there are , UI, and code, over 20MB events pictures, icons
some game file,all sound track and musics from vic2. soon the background looks very like vic2 and vic2 provinces, vic2 civs and flags will done ^^ 


Project_ Victorian Era.docx 2.99 MB · 0 downloads

Of course! Developing with such a good modder as you would be an honor! 

At some point I even hesitated to post this mod at first because I wondered if you were going to continue or not with your "Age of Victoria" mod hahaha.

If you want to, you can contact me on discord, so we can discuss it in a more detailed way.

3 hours ago, Kerems2434 said:

Looks so good like your all works 👍 😄 

Thanks as always for the support! 😄

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4 hours ago, St.Chmnd said:

Of course! Developing with such a good modder as you would be an honor! 

At some point I even hesitated to post this mod at first because I wondered if you were going to continue or not with your "Age of Victoria" mod hahaha.

If you want to, you can contact me on discord, so we can discuss it in a more detailed way.

Thanks as always for the support! 😄

thx very much!! my discord id is Lipark ch#4337

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Regarding this:

1 hour ago, Lipark Japanese modder said:

Good News from Lipark ch

I succeeded to add some features like capituration system like hoi4 by researching BE2 code. 



and im waiting your friends invition. or is there server?

Good News Everyone! Lipark's mod "Age of Victoria" and our mod "Ad Nova Aurora" have been unified!!
With this union (and with a modder as good as @Lipark Japanese modder being part of the project), we plan to bring even more content to the game, for everyone to enjoy!

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We were discussing some things within the dev circle, and since we deemed it as an important decision, we agreed that the best way to resolve it would be to reach out to the players for a more democratic resolution.

The decision itself refers to, “What system of ideologies/government types should we use”. This became a topic of disagreement because, on one hand, simplicity could work better in the mod (meaning less ideologies, which could lead to underrepresentation), but on the other hand, some government types could be better as being “specified out” from their umbrella term (meaning more ideologies, which could lead to oversaturation).

You can vote in our discord here, in the #polls section: https://discord.gg/7vsATqv4

So, here are the options (and their correspondent descriptions):

Government Types: As a system, it focuses over representing “general types” of governments (this is more similar to how “Victoria II” governments work).

The Pros to it:

  • Easier to implement (around 9 types in total). This means that research and designing flags could be a much easier task for the team.
  • Has a much more “Victoria II” feel around it.
  • Less possibility of seeing “implausible”/weird ideologies appearing thanks to rebels (like accelerationists in the mid 1800’s).

The Cons:

  • Grouping ideologies into generalities, could be improper for certain civs or ideas (in this case, things like “authoritarian socialism” and “libertarian socialism” or “Federalism”, “Conservatism” and “Liberalism” could be grouped together in the same categories).
  • Less possibilities to add different ideologies for more unique alternate history scenarios (since weird or original ideologies won’t be represented as unique).

The List:

  • Parliamentary Republic
  • Commune
  • Despotic Monarchy
  • Constitutional Monarchy
  • Fascist Dictatorship
  • Proletariat Dictatorship
  • Presidential Dictatorship
  • Anarchy
  • Union

Ideologies: Its focus is to be more specific into adding ideologies, dividing umbrella terms and currents into more unique items.

The Pros:

  • They are more in number (around 20. As an example: Less than Addon+ 1.4, but more than Bloody Europe II).
  • The wider number of ideologies will let the team add more unique flags for some of the specific types of ideologies (meaning we can implement more ideas or get creative with some things).

The Cons:

  • They are more in number…this means much more research, inspiration, creativity and time to design them.
  • When playing or creating a scenario, it may be more difficult to search for some ideologies.
  • Some of them may appear before they should, or at the wrong moment (a city state suddenly changing to the fascist ideology, or a rebel civ appearing with one of the alternate history ideologies in a normal/historical play-through).
  • Some civs could end up with just 10 flags, even if they are 20 ideologies (not really that bad, and something similar could happen with the other option, but this is worth mentioning here since it would be much more noticeable).

The List:

1.      “Historical” (existed at this time, or are more reasonable):

  • Anarchy
  • Authoritarianism
  • City State
  • Communism
  • Conservatism
  • Constitutional Monarchy
  • Fascism
  • Federalism
  • Feudalism
  • Horde
  • Liberalism
  • Libertarian Socialism
  • Monarchy
  • Nationalism
  • Traditional Authority
  • Tribal

2.      Alt-History focused (Really situational. Their use would be mostly confined to alt-history scenarios):

  • “Avant-Gardism”
  • Jacobin Dictatorship
  • Revolutionary Nationalism

As you can see, both proposals have their pros and cons, but in the end, both are good ideas. And even with a decision taken, it’s still probable that we could add or erase one or two from the existing lists (depending of our situation).

Since we didn’t want to create a problem over this topic, we are waiting for your votes. If you also have any comments or recommendations, you can always leave it here in this thread.

Have a nice day, and we hope to see your different opinions.

Please Vote

Edited by St.Chmnd

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Sorry for posting again (like for the third time in a row) hahaha.

Well, I finally figured out how to make polls in the forum threads, so people who don't want to/can't join the discord, can also express their decisions.

To not make this post another useless "notice", I wanted to announce that we will soon try to bring a "teaser" which considers the Remake of the Caucasus Region Provinces. 

I'll probably post a more complete one here in the forum, but I'll try to put some teasers before in the discord. 

Anyways, I thank everyone for reading this, and I hope that we will be able to bring more interesting content to the forum soon.


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How about this System?

Government type; 政府形態

Parlamentaric Republic 議会共和制 tag;””

Commune 評議会 tag;"n"
Despotic Monarchy 専制君主制 tag;”d”
Enlightened Despotism 啓蒙君主制 tag;"e"
Constitutional Monarchy 立憲君主制 tag;”m”
Fascist Dictatorship ファシスト独裁 tag;”f”
Proletariat Dictatorship プロレタリアート独裁 tag;”c”
Presidential Dictatorship 大統領独裁 tag;”p”
Military Junta 軍事暫定政権 tag;"j"
Anarchy 無政府 tag;”t”
Emirate 首長国 tag;”h”

New Ideologies Chart System; 新型イデオロギーチャートシステム
Traditional Conservatism 伝統的保守主義
Libaral Marketism 自由市場主義
Romantism ロマン主義
Anarchism 無政府主義
Moderative Socialism 穏健社会主義
Reformism 社会改良主義
Communism 共産主義
Nationalism 国粋主義

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Hello everyone, and welcome to the first Dev-Diary of our mod. It tries to settle a bit about the area and explains how we work with some things in the game. It may be a little too long, but I hope you enjoy it.

If you want to see more about the development, you can also visit our discord channel (I fixed the link in the opening topic): https://discord.gg/FNVgp5ZDtR

There's a lot of info in our research channel there, so you can see an even more in-depth look at our sources.



Nations at the start date. For more details about their flags and the provinces, look at the "Map" section below.

The Caucasus region, a land of mountains, fresh air, and various ethnic groups with a lot of different and interesting traditions. In general, it has been a really interesting place from a great part of history, and the 19th century is not the exception, after all, it’s located in the border of three empires (being the Russian, Ottoman and Qajar empires), with their correspondent protectorates/buffer states stuck in the middle. Most importantly, the region had started to see some important border changes from during this period, being the Russian Expansion into the south one of the most important cases.


We have to mention obviously that before our start date (in the 1830’s), the Russians got the higher ground over this mountains.


The Qajar Dynasty, which took power in Persia after the collapse the Zand dynasty (As good of a ruler Karim Khan Zand was, and all his campaigns against the Qajar chiefs, his “archenemies”, his successor simply couldn’t keep the throne against them). At their first years, the Qajars wanted to reestablish Iran’s power over Georgia, and with Russia focused over other problems (like the ongoing consequences of the French Revolution), they partly achieved that goal in 1795 after the battle of Krtsanisi, occupying thus Georgia for a brief period of time…but this victory would carried some political consequences with Russia, which would later ruin the ambitions of the Qajars over Transcaucasia and Dagestan. With the Russian annexation of Kartli-Kakheti in 1801, of the Elisu Sultanate in 1803, and the capture of the key fortress of Ganja (subsequently Elisabethpol) in 1804, served as the catalyst for the “Russo-Persian war” of 1804-1813. In the end, with the treaty of Gulistan, the results were obvious: Russia won; the Qajars had to cede Georgia, and parts of Azerbaijan and Southern Dagestan; and most of the Khanates of the Caucasus (Baku, Shirvan, Shaki, among others), became either protectorates of Russia or outright annexed to the empire.

But this wasn’t the end, and the Shah of Iran knew it. It was just a breeze of armed peace, which would be followed by another war…And that’s what happened in 1826. As Russia just ended settling up the problems it had with the “Decembrist Revolt” (during the interregnum that followed the death of Alexander I), the Qajar forces invaded the Russian protectorates of the Talysh and Karabakh khanates, without declaring war, and “turned” them to their joining their side. The campaign’s goal was to recapture Tiflis and push the Russians to the other side of the Terek River. The offensive seemed to work at first, but after a Russian counter attack, the Qajars and their allied khanates got into horrible setbacks, until the decisive capture of Echmiadzin in the Erevan khanate, followed by the Russian advance to Tabriz, the war was a tremendous loss for Iran.


Siege and Capture of Erivan.

The treaty of Turkmenchay then was settled, confirming a Russian hegemony in the Caucasus, the passing of the khanates of Erivan and Nakhichevan to the Russian Empire, migration of a considerable number of Armenian subjects of Persia into the region (causing some population changes), and the undermining of British interests in Persia (setting up a new stage in the “Great Game”). And now, in the 1830’s, Qajar Iran sits as an empire which is slowly losing strength of its previous glory, perhaps an skilled player could return them into their old glory?

But not all conflicts were in-between Persia and Russia. The Ottomans also had interests in the region…which they also lost. Although in the Russo-Turkish War of 1806-1812 they didn’t lost a lot in the Caucasus, as the “Danubian Theater” was much more important during the war, and that was where they lost the region of Bessarabia. Later, the Russo Turkish War of 1828-1829, sometimes considered as part of the Greek War of Independence, saw some more significant action in the area. The Russians sieged and captured Kars and later Erzurum. Ultimately, the Ottomans also lost this war and had to sign the “Treaty of Adrianopole”, and with it they lost quite some stuff: While the Russians ended up with most ports of the eastern side of the Black Sea now under their control and their previous conquests of previous Persian territory, the Ottomans also had to ratify the autonomy of the Principality of Serbia, to finally recognize the independence of the Greeks, and, pay some economic indemnities, and to give more autonomy to the Danubian Principalities, while at the same time, giving Russia permission to occupy them until the indemnity was paid (this is the reason why in the original scenario and the Conqueror’s one, Russia starts with military access to Wallachia and Moldavia…I may go much more in-depth over the topics about the Principalities and the Greek War of Independence in a later entry). This war ended just before the start date, so the Ottomans may start with an event explaining the situation, or at least, with a negative treasury and lower happiness.


And with the previous, you see why Russia starts at the top in the region, with new territories and vassals, which will probably rebel at some point, since even if they have control of the area, will the Russians be able to hold the different peoples of Transcaucasia under their yoke?

To understand that, we have to go more in depth over the different “minor nations” (both existent at the start date or recently annexed) of the Southern Caucasus Area.


In the case of Georgia, although the Kingdom of Kartli-Kakheti was annexed in 1801 and turned into the “Georgian Governorate”, some of the more little principalities survived for some a little more time as protectorates, much more akin to “rump states”. Their autonomy varied, and some regions were practically free thanks to their isolation (like “Free Svaneti”). At the start date, the Kingdom of Imereti was already annexed to Russia in 1810, an the same happened to the Principality of Guria in 1829, leaving then only the Principalities of Mengrelia and Svaneti remain as “independent”…well, and an area of Svaneti called “Free Svaneti”, “feudal” holdouts which refused both the suzerainty the Russian Empire and the Principality of Svaneti (under the House of Dadeshkeliani). Abkhazia also persisted as an autonomous principality until 1864 (they also had a revolt in 1866…but it failed and because of it, a good amount of the population was obligated to flee the country, resulting in a great decrease of population for the area).


For the Armenians, things were going particularly “better”, since around 30,000 Armenians came back to “their lands”, migrating from the Qajar Empire. This caused an important religious and demographic shift in the region of modern day Armenia, considering that during the Erivan Khanate’s reign, the Muslim population was the majority, with the Armenian Christian being a minority. The Muslim population (Iranians, Turkics, Kurds, etc.) then preferred to migrate to other “Muslim lands” (like the Ottoman Empire or Persia), making the shift much more notorious. An important Armenian related, but mostly overlooked part to talk about here would be the Melikdoms of Karabakh, five principalities ruled by “Meliks” (Designated Armenian noble title in various Eastern Armenian lands), which appeared after the dissolution of the “Principality of Kachen” in the 15th century, and survived until 1822, when the Russian Empire abolished ethnic feudal formations. The Melikdoms were almost always semi-independent and even often fully independent. In the 17th and 18th centuries, Nagorno-Karabakh became an epicenter of the idea of re-creating an independent Armenian state; this state would be allied with Georgia and protected by Russia and European powers, but the plan didn’t seem to ever get on track…we could perhaps some event for it, where the Meliks, which became then Russian nobles, could convince either Russia to cede to their requests, or rebel by themselves.


On the other side, we have the remaining khanates of Azerbaijan. Humiliated, after the wars Russo-Persian wars some years ago, almost all of them are gone. The Fortified Ganja Khante annexed, the Karabakh Khanate abolished, the proud Erevan Khanate was ceded to the Russian Authorities, and the same fate was bestowed to Shirvan, Nakchivan, Shaki, Baku, Talysh and Shirvan. The only persisting one, in the southern Caucasus, at the start date would be the Tsakhur controlled “Elisu Sultanate”, which would soon see its demise in 1844 too. This doesn’t mean that the Russians were in total control, since the different khans and peoples in general would still resist the Russian forces, and with the Caucasus Imamate in the other side of the mountains, perhaps they could get inspired to also rebel, either united under one banner, divided by their cultural allegiance, or perhaps with the help of Persia…This all depends on what the player decides (with a little help of the events that we will leave in the scenario of course).

As a sort of additional note, most of the nations mentioned above, will probably start as cores inside the area, making it more unstable.


With all those things in mind, this would leave us with the map looking somewhat similar to this:


All the Provinces of the new version

Nations at the 1830 start date, with their respective flags (at the time).

Since I haven’t finished all provinces of the world map (or at least all of the ones for the first release), I just colored this ones with the starting nations…but you get the idea.

And considering that we are looking at the map, you’ll be able to see how the provinces follow different lines: From rivers (like the Aras) in Azerbaijan, to the historical regions in Georgia, or the addition of Lake – in Armenia. I tried to also blend the old administrative divisions, with the current ones (for example, you could sort of replicate the new borders of Nagorno-Karabakh ones with the existing provinces). I also have at least one city for each province (some with their old names, and some with newer ones).

Some maps I used as examples:

Map of The Historical provinces of Georgia: Historical_provinces_of_Georgia.png

River map (mostly Azerbaijan):


Evolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh provinces (after the war of 2020):


Armenia’s Relief map:


Map of the Karabakh Khanate "administrative divisions":


Cores and Formables:

Well, there’s a lot of nations that could be considered put in here. For instance, all the Khanates that were in the Beta before will be available as releasable/“core nations” (and they will get more flags too). There’s also the possibility of either adding the Armenian Melikdoms as either a union, the "Khamsa Union”, or as individual nations…This will depend of whether I’m able to find symbols for all of them or not (I’m still digging up some things from the internet for this). Other than those, I’ll probably add the Extinct Georgian principalities too (Adjaria, Guria, Imereti, Kartli and Kakheti), and some other smaller nations representing specific groups or regions that have a different/interesting culture and/or history behind them (Kevshureti, Javakheti, Salipartiano, Samurzakano, Tianeti, etc)…but that last may also depend of some later development details. I may also add the different Russian Governorates as separate nations (For example, The Tiflis governorate)



Flags and Coat of arms of the "Melik Union".

For Formable Nations the most obvious ones would be Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. There's also the possibility to add Transcaucasia too. Considering both historical and ahistorical paths, we will see what we can do.

Events and some Ideas?

Well, there’s a lot of potential ideas for events and details to this region. For more “vanilla”/“historical” things, we will probably add the annexation of the Elisu sultanate, the 1832 Georgian plot (A plan to restore the Georgian statehood), the surge of Georgian nationalism, the “Armenian national awakening”, The Quba revolt (in the lands of the former khanate, from 1837-1839), The Lykhnensky revolt, etc.

But we also have some more, quite “out-of the rails”, ideas:

From things like a new theater for the “Great Game” between Russia and Britain (if the Qajars end up as a protectorate of the UK), the creation of a greater Armenia (the Armenian question gone wrong, ending up with a sort of “Willsonian” Armenia), the Unification of Transcaucasia, or even the creation of a Crusader state in the middle of it (considering the population of a little part of Georgia claimed to be descendent of lost crusaders, and kept using chainmail and participating in duels until the soviets started “repressing” their culture).


Wow, it has been a lot of time since I wrote a dev-diary hahaha, and as always, I went again off the rails with historical details and all (maybe even more than that long post about the different Mayan groups of Central America?). Well, since I have this free space now, I might as well write something about this project:

A simple scenario, which then went into more and more details ended up as a now developing mod which tries to include a lot of historical things…we may be getting way too ambitious, but on the other hand, why not shoot for the stars if you have the opportunity to do so? So here we are hahaha.

Ad Nova Aurora walks this thin line where it tries to be similar to Victoria II (well, who doesn’t love that game’s atmosphere), but at the same time, it tries to have its own identity, with that in mind, the team has decided to add different things that other mods may not include, so that’s why we hastily research topics to take inspiration and content for the mod (we’ve seen a lot of really obscure sources, maybe not at the level of TNO, but for amateurs as us…its quite something). The only problem with that, is that our development may be too slow, but I’m sure it will all be worth it (so we hope that you’ll bear with us for the time being). For example, and technically by personal experience, the provinces of the mod were made with a lot of research and not with a single map in hand (at least for this area), same with some flags (I had to look above and beyond for some things, using languages I don’t fully understand hahaha).

In the end, we are sure at least that we’ll be able to deliver a quality product for the community. And with those words I close these first “dev-diary”, which covered a “mountain” of interesting topics…and although I may have broken my promise of making them shorter, I hope that you found it interesting enough.

I hope to be able to write the next one soon, although online classes may be an obstacle, but I’ll do what I can.

Thanks for reading!


Edited by St.Chmnd

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8 minutes ago, St.Chmnd said:

Hello everyone, and welcome to the first Dev-Diary of our mod. It tries to settle a bit about the area and explains how we work with some things in the game. It may be a little too long, but I hope you enjoy it.

If you want to see more about the development, you can also visit our discord channel (I fixed the link in the opening topic): https://discord.gg/FNVgp5ZDtR

There's a lot of info in our research channel there, so you can see an even more in-depth look at our sources.



Nations at the start date. For more details about their flags and the provinces, look at the "Map" section below.

The Caucasus region, a land of mountains, fresh air, and various ethnic groups with a lot of different and interesting traditions. In general, it has been a really interesting place from a great part of history, and the 19th century is not the exception, after all, it’s located in the border of three empires (being the Russian, Ottoman and Qajar empires), with their correspondent protectorates/buffer states stuck in the middle. Most importantly, the region had started to see some important border changes from during this period, being the Russian Expansion into the south one of the most important cases.


We have to mention obviously that before our start date (in the 1830’s), the Russians got the higher ground over this mountains.


The Qajar Dynasty, which took power in Persia after the collapse the Zand dynasty (As good of a ruler Karim Khan Zand was, and all his campaigns against the Qajar chiefs, his “archenemies”, his successor simply couldn’t keep the throne against them). At their first years, the Qajars wanted to reestablish Iran’s power over Georgia, and with Russia focused over other problems (like the ongoing consequences of the French Revolution), they partly achieved that goal in 1795 after the battle of Krtsanisi, occupying thus Georgia for a brief period of time…but this victory would carried some political consequences with Russia, which would later ruin the ambitions of the Qajars over Transcaucasia and Dagestan. With the Russian annexation of Kartli-Kakheti in 1801, of the Elisu Sultanate in 1803, and the capture of the key fortress of Ganja (subsequently Elisabethpol) in 1804, served as the catalyst for the “Russo-Persian war” of 1804-1813. In the end, with the treaty of Gulistan, the results were obvious: Russia won; the Qajars had to cede Georgia, and parts of Azerbaijan and Southern Dagestan; and most of the Khanates of the Caucasus (Baku, Shirvan, Shaki, among others), became either protectorates of Russia or outright annexed to the empire.

But this wasn’t the end, and the Shah of Iran knew it. It was just a breeze of armed peace, which would be followed by another war…And that’s what happened in 1826. As Russia just ended settling up the problems it had with the “Decembrist Revolt” (during the interregnum that followed the death of Alexander I), the Qajar forces invaded the Russian protectorates of the Talysh and Karabakh khanates, without declaring war, and “turned” them to their joining their side. The campaign’s goal was to recapture Tiflis and push the Russians to the other side of the Terek River. The offensive seemed to work at first, but after a Russian counter attack, the Qajars and their allied khanates got into horrible setbacks, until the decisive capture of Echmiadzin in the Erevan khanate, followed by the Russian advance to Tabriz, the war was a tremendous loss for Iran.


Siege and Capture of Erivan.

The treaty of Turkmenchay then was settled, confirming a Russian hegemony in the Caucasus, the passing of the khanates of Erivan and Nakhichevan to the Russian Empire, migration of a considerable number of Armenian subjects of Persia into the region (causing some population changes), and the undermining of British interests in Persia (setting up a new stage in the “Great Game”). And now, in the 1830’s, Qajar Iran sits as an empire which is slowly losing strength of its previous glory, perhaps an skilled player could return them into their old glory?

But not all conflicts were in-between Persia and Russia. The Ottomans also had interests in the region…which they also lost. Although in the Russo-Turkish War of 1806-1812 they didn’t lost a lot in the Caucasus, as the “Danubian Theater” was much more important during the war, and that was where they lost the region of Bessarabia. Later, the Russo Turkish War of 1828-1829, sometimes considered as part of the Greek War of Independence, saw some more significant action in the area. The Russians sieged and captured Kars and later Erzurum. Ultimately, the Ottomans also lost this war and had to sign the “Treaty of Adrianopole”, and with it they lost quite some stuff: While the Russians ended up with most ports of the eastern side of the Black Sea now under their control and their previous conquests of previous Persian territory, the Ottomans also had to ratify the autonomy of the Principality of Serbia, to finally recognize the independence of the Greeks, and, pay some economic indemnities, and to give more autonomy to the Danubian Principalities, while at the same time, giving Russia permission to occupy them until the indemnity was paid (this is the reason why in the original scenario and the Conqueror’s one, Russia starts with military access to Wallachia and Moldavia…I may go much more in-depth over the topics about the Principalities and the Greek War of Independence in a later entry). This war ended just before the start date, so the Ottomans may start with an event explaining the situation, or at least, with a negative treasury and lower happiness.


And with the previous, you see why Russia starts at the top in the region, with new territories and vassals, which will probably rebel at some point, since even if they have control of the area, will the Russians be able to hold the different peoples of Transcaucasia under their yoke?

To understand that, we have to go more in depth over the different “minor nations” (both existent at the start date or recently annexed) of the Southern Caucasus Area.


In the case of Georgia, although the Kingdom of Kartli-Kakheti was annexed in 1801 and turned into the “Georgian Governorate”, some of the more little principalities survived for some a little more time as protectorates, much more akin to “rump states”. Their autonomy varied, and some regions were practically free thanks to their isolation (like “Free Svaneti”). At the start date, the Kingdom of Imereti was already annexed to Russia in 1810, an the same happened to the Principality of Guria in 1829, leaving then only the Principalities of Mengrelia and Svaneti remain as “independent”…well, and an area of Svaneti called “Free Svaneti”, “feudal” holdouts which refused both the suzerainty the Russian Empire and the Principality of Svaneti (under the House of Dadeshkeliani). Abkhazia also persisted as an autonomous principality until 1864 (they also had a revolt in 1866…but it failed and because of it, a good amount of the population was obligated to flee the country, resulting in a great decrease of population for the area).


For the Armenians, things were going particularly “better”, since around 30,000 Armenians came back to “their lands”, migrating from the Qajar Empire. This caused an important religious and demographic shift in the region of modern day Armenia, considering that during the Erivan Khanate’s reign, the Muslim population was the majority, with the Armenian Christian being a minority. The Muslim population (Iranians, Turkics, Kurds, etc.) then preferred to migrate to other “Muslim lands” (like the Ottoman Empire or Persia), making the shift much more notorious. An important Armenian related, but mostly overlooked part to talk about here would be the Melikdoms of Karabakh, five principalities ruled by “Meliks” (Designated Armenian noble title in various Eastern Armenian lands), which appeared after the dissolution of the “Principality of Kachen” in the 15th century, and survived until 1822, when the Russian Empire abolished ethnic feudal formations. The Melikdoms were almost always semi-independent and even often fully independent. In the 17th and 18th centuries, Nagorno-Karabakh became an epicenter of the idea of re-creating an independent Armenian state; this state would be allied with Georgia and protected by Russia and European powers, but the plan didn’t seem to ever get on track…we could perhaps some event for it, where the Meliks, which became then Russian nobles, could convince either Russia to cede to their requests, or rebel by themselves.


On the other side, we have the remaining khanates of Azerbaijan. Humiliated, after the wars Russo-Persian wars some years ago, almost all of them are gone. The Fortified Ganja Khante annexed, the Karabakh Khanate abolished, the proud Erevan Khanate was ceded to the Russian Authorities, and the same fate was bestowed to Shirvan, Nakchivan, Shaki, Baku, Talysh and Shirvan. The only persisting one, in the southern Caucasus, at the start date would be the Tsakhur controlled “Elisu Sultanate”, which would soon see its demise in 1844 too. This doesn’t mean that the Russians were in total control, since the different khans and peoples in general would still resist the Russian forces, and with the Caucasus Imamate in the other side of the mountains, perhaps they could get inspired to also rebel, either united under one banner, divided by their cultural allegiance, or perhaps with the help of Persia…This all depends on what the player decides (with a little help of the events that we will leave in the scenario of course).

As a sort of additional note, most of the nations mentioned above, will probably start as cores inside the area, making it more unstable.


With all those things in mind, this would leave us with the map looking somewhat similar to this:


All the Provinces of the new version

Nations at the 1830 start date, with their respective flags (at the time).

Since I haven’t finished all provinces of the world map (or at least all of the ones for the first release), I just colored this ones with the starting nations…but you get the idea.

And considering that we are looking at the map, you’ll be able to see how the provinces follow different lines: From rivers (like the Aras) in Azerbaijan, to the historical regions in Georgia, or the addition of Lake – in Armenia. I tried to also blend the old administrative divisions, with the current ones (for example, you could sort of replicate the new borders of Nagorno-Karabakh ones with the existing provinces). I also have at least one city for each province (some with their old names, and some with newer ones).

Some maps I used as examples:

Map of The Historical provinces of Georgia: Historical_provinces_of_Georgia.png

River map (mostly Azerbaijan):


Evolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh provinces (after the war of 2020):


Armenia’s Relief map:


Map of the Karabakh Khanate "administrative divisions":


Cores and Formables:

Well, there’s a lot of nations that could be considered put in here. For instance, all the Khanates that were in the Beta before will be available as releasable/“core nations” (and they will get more flags too). There’s also the possibility of either adding the Armenian Melikdoms as either a union, the "Khamsa Union”, or as individual nations…This will depend of whether I’m able to find symbols for all of them or not (I’m still digging up some things from the internet for this). Other than those, I’ll probably add the Extinct Georgian principalities too (Adjaria, Guria, Imereti, Kartli and Kakheti), and some other smaller nations representing specific groups or regions that have a different/interesting culture and/or history behind them (Kevshureti, Javakheti, Salipartiano, Samurzakano, Tianeti, etc)…but that last may also depend of some later development details. I may also add the different Russian Governorates as separate nations (For example, The Tiflis governorate)



Flags and Coat of arms of the "Melik Union".

For Formable Nations the most obvious ones would be Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. There's also the possibility to add Transcaucasia too. Considering both historical and ahistorical paths, we will see what we can do.

Events and some Ideas?

Well, there’s a lot of potential ideas for events and details to this region. For more “vanilla”/“historical” things, we will probably add the annexation of the Elisu sultanate, the 1832 Georgian plot (A plan to restore the Georgian statehood), the surge of Georgian nationalism, the “Armenian national awakening”, The Quba revolt (in the lands of the former khanate, from 1837-1839), The Lykhnensky revolt, etc.

But we also have some more, quite “out-of the rails”, ideas:

From things like a new theater for the “Great Game” between Russia and Britain (if the Qajars end up as a protectorate of the UK), the creation of a greater Armenia (the Armenian question gone wrong, ending up with a sort of “Willsonian” Armenia), the Unification of Transcaucasia, or even the creation of a Crusader state in the middle of it (considering the population of a little part of Georgia claimed to be descendent of lost crusaders, and kept using chainmail and participating in duels until the soviets started “repressing” their culture).


Wow, it has been a lot of time since I wrote a dev-diary hahaha, and as always, I went again off the rails with historical details and all (maybe even more than that long post about the different Mayan groups of Central America?). Well, since I have this free space now, I might as well write something about this project:

A simple scenario, which then went into more and more details ended up as a now developing mod which tries to include a lot of historical things…we may be getting way too ambitious, but on the other hand, why not shoot for the stars if you have the opportunity to do so? So here we are hahaha.

Ad Nova Aurora walks this thin line where it tries to be similar to Victoria II (well, who doesn’t love that game’s atmosphere), but at the same time, it tries to have its own identity, with that in mind, the team has decided to add different things that other mods may not include, so that’s why we hastily research topics to take inspiration and content for the mod (we’ve seen a lot of really obscure sources, maybe not at the level of TNO, but for amateurs as us…its quite something). The only problem with that, is that our development may be too slow, but I’m sure it will all be worth it (so we hope that you’ll bear with us for the time being). For example, and technically by personal experience, the provinces of the mod were made with a lot of research and not with a single map in hand (at least for this area), same with some flags (I had to look above and beyond for some things, using languages I don’t fully understand hahaha).

In the end, we are sure at least that we’ll be able to deliver a quality product for the community. And with those words I close these first “dev-diary”, which covered a “mountain” of interesting topics…and although I may have broken my promise of making them shorter, I hope that you found it interesting enough.

I hope to be able to write the next one soon, although online classes may be an obstacle, but I’ll do what I can.

Thanks for reading!


Dude, you're putting a lot of effort even into just preparing this presentation. Congratulations.

Edited by Kerems2434

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Japan path                                         (?)                                                          Decisions
                            Tenpo Reforms
A closed country(Introductions)              ・Official Renewal
      -ok                              -1% H, +0.01 T
Tenpo Famine!                     ・Military Reform
      -terrible hazard (-5% E,-10% P, -20% H)                                           +0.02 T, -50,000$ 
Oshio Hehachiro's Rebellution in Osaka                                            ・loose the closed trade
      -stop them! (-100% H)                 +5% E, +20,000$, +10% relation
      -ok, accept thier demand(-200,000$,+10% H)                             ・Return People to Rural
Fires in Edo! (5%, last until )
      -what a terrible! (-1% E)                ・Dissolute Marchant Guild
Tenpo Uprest!
      -Suppres them! (-20% H, -5% P)             ・Recsting
      -Compromiss with them! (+5% H, -10% E)
1837 Valdivia earthquake                 ・Opelate interests
      -What a terrible! (-5% E, -5% P)
Morrison Incident!                    ・Dept Cancellatiom
      -Drive away them! (-10% Relation)
      -Meet them carefully(below)              ・Forheit land from Daimyo
Recuest for open Trade
      -never (-5% relation)                    ・Monopoly of salt
Qing lost Opium War
      -I can't believe Qing lost the war.
The fail of Reforms!
      -biggest fail.
The success of Reforms!
      -shogunate will last forever.
Balck Ship comes!
Qing lost Arrow war
      -Next Traget will be us!


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