Khaganaté 0 Posted November 16, 2022 On 28.04.2021 at 16:07, Trans-Amur said: Kanlı Avrupa II - devasa bir Avrupa haritasına sahip bir mod. Bu modda: -Dev Avrupa haritası (4434 vilayet) + büyük Avrupa haritası (2637 vilayet) + büyük Alman İmparatorluğu haritası (937 vilayet) -Antik çağlardan alternatif geleceğe kadar çok sayıda senaryo - Yeni yazı tipleri ve müzik -Birçok yeni uygarlık, uygarlıklar ve birlik oluşturur -Oyun kodunda oyunu önemli ölçüde değiştirecek değişiklikleri göreceksiniz Asıl sürüm - 1.1.8/1.1.7 1.1.8 sürümüne eklenenler: Kanlı Avrupa II Güncellemesi - 1.1.8 • Vasal Değişiklikleri: - Vasalların artık diğer ülkelere savaş açma olasılığı daha düşük olacak - Daha fazla bölge ile bir vassal tutmayı zorlaştırıyor - Vasalların özgürlük mekaniği arzusu üzerindeki tutumların azaltılmış etkisi - Daha fazla askeri/ekonomik güce sahip ülkeler artık vasallar üzerinde daha kolay kontrole sahip olacak • Savaş sistemindeki değişiklikler: - Artık arama başına daha fazla asker çağırabilirsiniz. - Artık işgal altındaki bir eyaletten daha fazla işbirlikçi çağırabilirsiniz. - Artık işgal edilmiş bir müttefikin topraklarından daha fazla asker çağırabilirsiniz. - Yağma sırasında azalan ekonomik kayıplar - Yağma sırasındaki nüfus kayıpları arttı - Teknolojik saldırıdaki değişiklikler - Savaşlar sırasındaki nüfus kayıpları arttı • Barış Konferansındaki Değişiklikler: - Barış konferanslarında vasallaştırma artık daha az maliyetli - Tazminatlar uzatıldı • İttifak değişiklikleri: - Bir ittifaka katılmak için "Medeniyetin Gücü" değiştiricisinin etkisi azaltıldı • Ekonomi: - Oyunda/modda vergi sisteminde küresel değişiklik: Vergiler (ülkenin bilançosunda ayrı bir tamirci olarak) artık çok büyük miktarda gelir getiriyor. - Vatandaşlardan elde edilen gelirin azalması - Artık illere yatırım yaparken herhangi bir kısıtlama olmayacak. Geliştirme 1.0'dan sonra bile devam edecek. - Binaların değişen etkileri - Artık özel haritadaki eyaletlerin seviyesi daha doğru bir rakam gösteriyor • Stabilite değişikliği: - Mutluluk artık istikrar üzerinde daha güçlü bir etkiye sahip. - Oyunda maksimum stabilite değeri arttırıldı - Popülasyon artık daha az stabilite buff'ı veriyor - Hastalık artık istikrarın %20'sini alıyor. Daha önce %35 idi. - Eyaletler için kararlılık %25 yerine %20'dir. - Eyaletlerdeki ordular artık %65 yerine %45 veriyor - Artık ordu istikrarı diğer eyaletlere %18 yerine %25 oranında yayıyor - Stabilite artık binalardan etkileniyor, her bina farklı, örneğin çiftlik stabiliteye +%3 veriyor • Kurulabilir uluslar: - 40'tan fazla yeni kurulabilir ülke eklendi - Kurulabilir uluslar yaratmak için bazı koşullarda değişiklikler • Hükümet Biçimleri: - Denge değişiklikleri - Yeni bayraklar ve medeniyetler eklendi • AI(Yapay Zeka) değişiklikleri: - Yapay Zeka, 10 tur boyunca savaş olmazsa artık barış görüşmelerini kabul edecek - AI'ların artık birbirleriyle büyük ittifaklar kurma olasılığı daha yüksek - Artık yapay zeka orduları yönetmekte daha iyi - AI artık ülkelerinin ekonomisini daha iyi yönetebilir • Arayüz değişiklikleri: - Başkentteki ordu artık siyah renkte gösteriliyor - Ana menüdeki mod gruplarına bağlantılar eklendi - Ana menüde sosyal ağlar ve Aos grupları için yenilenen simgeler - Yeni önyükleme menüsü tasarımı - Yeni yükleme rengi değişti - Eski simgeleri değiştirmeden yeni simgeler ekleyerek yeni arayüz öğeleri eklendi • Senaryo: - Çeşitli mekaniği test etmek için bir test senaryosu eklendi - "6. Dünya Savaşı" senaryosu kaldırıldı - "Modern Dünya - Gerçek Nüfus" senaryosunda sabit büyüme oranları ve ekonomiler • Hata düzeltmeleri: - Asimilasyon menüsünde diplomasi noktalarının yanlış görüntülenmesiyle ilgili görsel bir hata kısmen düzeltildi - "Eğitim" teknolojisi işaretinin yanlış görüntülenmesiyle ilgili görsel bir hata düzeltildi - Görsel bir hata düzeltildi, artık ulus oluşumu menüsünde 10000 jeton gösteriliyor • Çeşitli: - Artık oyun başlatma ayarları menüsünde ülkeler arasındaki ilişkiyi +250 olarak ayarlayabilirsiniz (modda maksimum) - Teknoloji saldırı ve savunma bonusları artık %0,55 yerine %0,65 veriyor - Tur başına zaman aralığı artık tüm çağlar için aynı olacak - Yerelleştirme Değişiklikleri - İngilizce yerelleştirmesindeki değişiklikler - Agresif genişleme ile komşularla ilişkiler artık daha da kötü - Eyaletler arasındaki bazı bağlantılar düzeltildi - Askeri yorgunluktaki değişiklikler - Haritadaki bölgelerdeki hatalar düzeltildi - Zayıflamış asi takviyeleri - Kuşatılmış eyaletlerde artan ordu yıpranması - AI saldırganlığının başlangıç değeri artık %50 - "Age of Civilizations" modunda AI saldırganlığı artık %125 yerine %325 1.1.7 güncellemesindeki yeniliklerin listesi: AI'daki (Yapay Zeka) Değişiklikler: - AI artık eyaletleri asimile etmede daha iyi. - AI artık parayı bütçe harcamalarına tahsis etmede daha iyi - AI artık istenmeyen bir düşmanla sınıra daha az asker gönderiyor - AI artık festival mekaniğini daha iyi kullanıyor - Artık yapay zeka, ittifaklar ve birlikler sunma konusunda daha iyi - AI artık barış konferanslarında puan harcamada daha iyi - AI artık birbirleriyle daha sık daha büyük ittifaklar kurabilir Arayüz güncellemesi: - Yük göstergesi arayüzü değiştirildi - Tüm arabirim türlerine hacimsel bir bayrak eklendi - Önyükleme menüsü yazısının rengi değiştirildi - Önyükleme rengi başka bir renkle değiştirildi Sandbox modundaki değişiklikler: - Artık modda verilen maksimum jeton sayısı !1! - Artık verilen maksimum eylem puanı sayısı 1000'dir. Vasal Değişiklikleri: - Oyun artık vassallar için "haraç" sekmesine otomatik olarak %18 koyuyor. - Bir vasalın özgürlük arzusunu artırmak için minimum değer artık %20'den başlıyor. Binalardaki Değişiklikler: - Liman şimdi 1 tur inşa edilecek - Bazı binaların değişen maliyeti Konsol komutları: - Rusça'ya yerelleştirilmiş komutlar - "`" [PC] tuşuna basarak konsolu açma özelliği eklendi Bütçe menüsündeki değişiklikler: - Bütçe menüsündeki araştırma rengi artık beyaz - Bütçe menüsündeki harcama renkleri artık daha parlak. - Bütçe menüsü aracılığıyla teknoloji puanı alma verimliliği artırıldı - Artık bir bölgeye yatırım yaparken sınır olmayacak ve gelişme 1.0'a ulaştıktan sonra bile devam edecek Diğer değişiklikler: - Bağımsızlık ilan etme mekaniği düzeltildi - Savaşlar artık yalnızca 10 turdan sonra ilan edilebilir - Savaşlar sırasındaki nüfus kayıpları arttı - Teknoloji düzeltmeleri - Yerelleştirme değiştirildi - Askeri yorgunluktaki değişiklikler - Haritadaki bölgelerdeki hatalar düzeltildi - Eyaletler arasındaki bazı bağlantılar düzeltildi - "Teknolojik" saldırı birliklerindeki değişiklikler - İdeoloji bonuslarında değişiklik yapıldı Umarız beğenirsiniz! Buradan yeni sürümü indirebilirsinizPC:Google - Link - PCAndroid:Google - Link - android Kurulum: PC Mod için kurulum talimatları: klasörü arşivden masaüstüne taşıyın. Oyuna başlamak için klasöre gidin ve Bloody_Europe II.jar dosyasını çalıştırın (jar üzerinde oyun kodunda değişiklikler vardır). Android 1.Dosyayı indirin ve çalıştırın; 2. Normal oyun olarak kurun; 3. (Önerilir) Cihazda başka bir mod veya orijinal oyun varsa oyun önbelleğini silin; 4. Oyunu başlatın (eğer oyun %49 yükte donarsa, oyunu kapatın ve yeniden başlayın). Hello Bro I Am Leader Of BPM Modding. I Only Want To Ask A Question. Can We Add Be2 Features To Our Mods? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Khaganaté 0 Posted November 16, 2022 Hello Bro I Am Leader Of BPM Modding. I Only Want To Ask A Question. Can We Add Be2 Features To Our Mods? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Basileia Ton Rhomaion 341 Posted November 17, 2022 Okay so Trans Amur dropped a prerelease of BE 1.2.3 thought id drop it here for you guys Due to lack of time and due to import problems, it was decided (sponsors decision) to release a public snapshot for version 1.2.3 Of course, you can wait for a full update, or immediately start playing this snapshot. If you want to start testing and open more bugs already, then go for it. Snapshot 1.2.3 Changes: • Main menu: - Completely redesigned main menu interface. - Added art, background change will occur every 30-60 seconds) • New game mechanics: - You can now use the "build all" button This mechanic speeds up construction. With the help of customized filters, you can choose what to build and what not. There is also Destroy everything (Cross next to Build everything) - In a full update, the ability to change the name and color of the Alliances will be added - You can now trade resources - Now you can buy resources (in the form of loans) - Now you can send resource support to other countries • Loans: - Now you can borrow 10 loans, but only 5 loans to get extra gold, and if you borrow to get resources, you can do all 10 economic transactions. - Processing of loans. • Bugs: - Fixed a bug with the right of passage of 9999 moves and removed large investments in the province. - Added more bugs to have something to fix. • Other: - Translation of strings - Trade is open again with countries! - balanced mechanics "not included in the scope of the war" - change for the modifier that affects diplomatic actions at a distance "not diplomatic" - Change in the rebels (decrease in strength) - Reduced cost of dropping nuclear weapons - Improved situation with resources - added new sound The mod is available for both PC and Android. You can download the update, as always, here - Have a nice game! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
ragnar0514 1 Posted November 19, 2022 On 11/17/2022 at 1:29 AM, Basileia Ton Rhomaion said: Okay so Trans Amur dropped a prerelease of BE 1.2.3 thought id drop it here for you guys Due to lack of time and due to import problems, it was decided (sponsors decision) to release a public snapshot for version 1.2.3 Of course, you can wait for a full update, or immediately start playing this snapshot. If you want to start testing and open more bugs already, then go for it. Snapshot 1.2.3 Changes: • Main menu: - Completely redesigned main menu interface. - Added art, background change will occur every 30-60 seconds) • New game mechanics: - You can now use the "build all" button This mechanic speeds up construction. With the help of customized filters, you can choose what to build and what not. There is also Destroy everything (Cross next to Build everything) - In a full update, the ability to change the name and color of the Alliances will be added - You can now trade resources - Now you can buy resources (in the form of loans) - Now you can send resource support to other countries • Loans: - Now you can borrow 10 loans, but only 5 loans to get extra gold, and if you borrow to get resources, you can do all 10 economic transactions. - Processing of loans. • Bugs: - Fixed a bug with the right of passage of 9999 moves and removed large investments in the province. - Added more bugs to have something to fix. • Other: - Translation of strings - Trade is open again with countries! - balanced mechanics "not included in the scope of the war" - change for the modifier that affects diplomatic actions at a distance "not diplomatic" - Change in the rebels (decrease in strength) - Reduced cost of dropping nuclear weapons - Improved situation with resources - added new sound The mod is available for both PC and Android. You can download the update, as always, here - Have a nice game! i can't save game Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Basileia Ton Rhomaion 341 Posted November 19, 2022 8 hours ago, ragnar0514 said: i can't save game Well it was specified that this was a prerelease so it's gonna have some bugs I recall saving my game just fine ragnar0514 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
ragnar0514 1 Posted November 20, 2022 On 11/19/2022 at 9:41 AM, Basileia Ton Rhomaion said: Well it was specified that this was a prerelease so it's gonna have some bugs I recall saving my game just fine ok Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Berrieboy 0 Posted November 21, 2022 On 4/28/2021 at 8:07 AM, Trans-Amur said: Bloody Europe II - it's a mod with a huge map of Europe. In these mod is:-Giant map of Europe (4434 provinces) + big map of Europe (2637 provinces) + large map of German Empire (937 provinces) -Large count of scenarios from ancient times to alternative future -New fonts and music -Plenty of new civilizations, form civs and union -You will see changes in the game code that will change the game significantly Actual version - 1.1.8/1.1.7What's added in version 1.1.8: Update for Bloody Europe II - 1.1.8 • Vassals Changes: - Vassals will now be less likely to declare war on other countries - Making it harder to keep a vassal with more provinces - Diminished effect of attitudes on vassals' desire for freedom mechanics - Countries with more military/economic power will now have easier control over vassals • Changes in the battle system: - You can now summon more troops per call. - You can now call up more collaborators from an occupied province. - You can now summon more troops from an occupied ally's territory. - Decreased economic losses during looting - Population losses during looting increased - Changes in technological attack - Population losses during battles increased • Changes in Peace Conference: - Vassalization in peace conferences now costs less - Reparations lengthened • Alliance changes: - Reduced the effect of the "Strength of Civilization" modifier for joining an alliance • Economy: - Global change to the tax system in the game/mod: Taxes ( as a separate mechanic in the country's balance sheet ) now bring in a very large amount of revenue. - Reduced income from citizens - Now there will be no restrictions when investing in provinces. Development will continue even after 1.0. - Changed effects of buildings - Now the level of provinces on the special map shows a more accurate figure • Change of stability: - Happiness now has a stronger effect on stability. - Increased the maximum value of stability in the game - Population now gives less of a stability buff - Sickness now takes 20% of stability. Previously it was 35%. - Stability for provinces is 20% instead of 25%. - Armies in provinces now give 45% instead of 65% - Now army spreads stability to other provinces by 25% instead of 18% - Stability is now affected by buildings, each building is different, e.g. farm gives +3% to stability • Formable nations: - Added over 40 new formable nations - Changes in some of the conditions for creating formable nations • Forms of Government: - Balance changes - Added new flags and civilizations • AI(Artificial Intelligence) changes: - AI will now agree to peace talks if there is no fighting for 10 turns - AIs are now more likely to form large alliances with each other - Now the AI is better at leading armies - AI can now better manage their country's economy • Interface changes: - The army in the capital is now displayed in black - Added links to mod groups in the main menu - Renewed icons for social networks and Aos groups in the main menu - New boot menu design - New loading color changed - Added new interface elements, by adding new icons without replacing the old ones • Scenario: - Added a test scenario to test various mechanics - Removed the "World War 6" scenario - Fixed growth rates and economies in the "Modern World - Real Population" scenario • Bug fixes: - Partially fixed a visual bug with incorrect display of diplomacy points in the assimilation menu - Fixed a visual bug with incorrect display of the sign for "Education" technology - Fixed a visual bug, now 10000 coins are shown in the nation formation menu • Miscellaneous: - Now in the game start settings menu, you can set the relationship between countries to +250 (maximum in mod) - Technology attack and defense bonuses now give 0.65% instead of 0.55% - Time interval per turn will now be the same for all eras - Localization Changes - Changes in English localization - Relationships with neighbors are now even worse with aggressive expansion - Fixed some connections between provinces - Changes in military fatigue - Fixed errors in regions on the map - Weakened rebel reinforcements - Increased army attrition in encircled provinces - Start value of AI aggressiveness is now 50% - AI aggression in the "Age of Civilizations" mode is now 325% instead of 125% List of innovations in update 1.1.7: Changes in AI (Artificial Intelligence): - The AI is now better at assimilating provinces. - The AI is now better at allocating money to budget spending - The AI now sends fewer troops to the border with an unintended enemy - The AI now makes better use of festival mechanics - Now the AI is better at offering alliances and unions - The AI is now better at spending points in peace conferences - AI can now build larger alliances with each other more often Interface update: - Changed the load indicator interface - Added a volumetric flag to all interface types - Changed the color of boot menu lettering - Changed boot color to another Changes in Sandbox mode: - Now the maximum number of coins given out in the mode is !1! - Now the maximum number of action points given out is 1000 Vassal Changes: - The game now automatically puts 18% in the "tribute" tab for vassals. - The minimum value to increase a vassal's desire for freedom now starts at 20%. Changes to Buildings: - Port will now be built 1 turn - Changed cost of some buildings Console commands: - Localized commands into Russian - Added ability to open console by pressing "`" [PC] key Changes in the budget menu: - The research color in the budget menu is now white - Expenditure colors in the budget menu are now brighter. - Increased the efficiency of getting technology points through the budget menu - There will now be no limit when investing in a province, and development will continue even after reaching 1.0 Other changes: - Fixed mechanics of declaring independence - Wars can now only be declared after 10 turns - Population losses during battles increased - Technology fixes - Changed localization - Changes in military fatigue - Fixed errors in regions on the map - Fixed some connections between provinces - Changes in "technological" attack troops - Changed in ideology bonuses We hope you enjoy it! Here you can download the new versionPC:Google - Link - PCAndroid:Google - Link - android Installation:PC Installation instructions for the mod:move the folder from the archive to the desktop. To start the game, go to the folder and run Bloody_Europe II.jar (there are changes to the game code on the jar).Android1.Download and run the file;2. Install as normal game;3. (Recommended) Delete the game cache if another mod or original game is present on the device;4. Start the game (if the game freezes at 49% load, then turn off the game and start again). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
ricky900 7 Posted November 25, 2022 On 11/17/2022 at 2:29 AM, Basileia Ton Rhomaion said: Okay so Trans Amur dropped a prerelease of BE 1.2.3 thought id drop it here for you guys Due to lack of time and due to import problems, it was decided (sponsors decision) to release a public snapshot for version 1.2.3 Of course, you can wait for a full update, or immediately start playing this snapshot. If you want to start testing and open more bugs already, then go for it. Snapshot 1.2.3 Changes: • Main menu: - Completely redesigned main menu interface. - Added art, background change will occur every 30-60 seconds) • New game mechanics: - You can now use the "build all" button This mechanic speeds up construction. With the help of customized filters, you can choose what to build and what not. There is also Destroy everything (Cross next to Build everything) - In a full update, the ability to change the name and color of the Alliances will be added - You can now trade resources - Now you can buy resources (in the form of loans) - Now you can send resource support to other countries • Loans: - Now you can borrow 10 loans, but only 5 loans to get extra gold, and if you borrow to get resources, you can do all 10 economic transactions. - Processing of loans. • Bugs: - Fixed a bug with the right of passage of 9999 moves and removed large investments in the province. - Added more bugs to have something to fix. • Other: - Translation of strings - Trade is open again with countries! - balanced mechanics "not included in the scope of the war" - change for the modifier that affects diplomatic actions at a distance "not diplomatic" - Change in the rebels (decrease in strength) - Reduced cost of dropping nuclear weapons - Improved situation with resources - added new sound The mod is available for both PC and Android. You can download the update, as always, here - Have a nice game! where is the english versions sorry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
ricky900 7 Posted November 25, 2022 @Trans-Amur can you make a english version for 1.2.2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Amogus sussy imposter 31 Posted November 26, 2022 7 hours ago, ricky900 said: @Trans-Amur ¿Puedes hacer una versión en inglés para 1.2.2? The mod is already in English Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Basileia Ton Rhomaion 341 Posted November 26, 2022 (edited) 13 hours ago, ricky900 said: where is the english versions sorry alright i should clarify I'm not a developer for this mod i just only posted the latest version here and also you can change the language of the game to English by navigating the menus if you've been playing AOH for a long time you should know where the settings menu is at and once you find Русский click it and you'll see a selection of flags select the flag that's half UK half America and you'll get to play in English. Edited November 26, 2022 by Basileia Ton Rhomaion Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Albert speer 41 Posted November 27, 2022 one of the main issues i have with the new update is a major bug on the mobile version. What it does it basically kills the phone for a solid 10 minutes,the Frame rate is so bad that it not only crashes the game every time but also the entire phone freezing the screen for atleast a good 10 minutes before the phone puts itself into restart mode. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lukasz_Informant 34 Posted November 28, 2022 11 hours ago, Albert speer said: one of the main issues i have with the new update is a major bug on the mobile version. What it does it basically kills the phone for a solid 10 minutes,the Frame rate is so bad that it not only crashes the game every time but also the entire phone freezing the screen for atleast a good 10 minutes before the phone puts itself into restart mode. this version is trash, man Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Amogus sussy imposter 31 Posted November 30, 2022 On 28/11/2022 at 4:38, Lukasz_Informant said: esta versión es basura, hombre wonder when they will understand that it is not a complete version and that the developer himself warned us that it would have many bugs, He himself said: You can play this "version" of the mod and to find the bugs or you can wait for the full version Lim10 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
JovanM 0 Posted December 4, 2022 I have a problem. After i download and extract the game i get in the file and i cant find the launcher. Everything is in the file, except the app thats supposed to run the game.I cant find any help on youtube nor google please help. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
hoàng văn muoi 0 Posted December 15, 2022 Hello Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
hoàng văn muoi 0 Posted December 15, 2022 Hello Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wooodex 200 Posted January 2, 2023 Cant wait to play the new version Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lukasz_Informant 34 Posted January 3, 2023 Did they fix the broken casualty ratio? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hhhhhgggmmm 0 Posted January 3, 2023 😀 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
rybaktoziom 0 Posted January 3, 2023 i cant launch this. when i installed this, i have just .rar folder and i cant launch it, I unpacked it and i dont have .exe file so i cant launch the game Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
rybaktoziom 0 Posted January 3, 2023 i cant launch this, when i downloaded this i had only .jar file and some folders, when i unpacked jar file still i dont have .exe file to launch this game. pls help me Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Adasmk516 0 Posted January 3, 2023 Please give me mood Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pewien_gracz 0 Posted January 3, 2023 xA co jak mam, że ten plik nie można przeskanować w poszukiwaniu wirusów czy mam pobierać? Jeszcze chciałbym napisać, czy będzie to działać z wersją gry lite za darmo na blueStacks? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pewien_gracz 0 Posted January 3, 2023 A co jak mam, że ten plik nie można przeskanować w poszukiwaniu wirusów czy mam pobierać? Jeszcze chciałbym napisać, czy będzie to działać z wersją gry lite za darmo na blueStacks? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...